
235 lines
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package workspacesdk
import (
// tailnetConn is the subset of the tailnet.Conn methods that tailnetAPIConnector uses. It is
// included so that we can fake it in testing.
// @typescript-ignore tailnetConn
type tailnetConn interface {
SetDERPMap(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap)
// tailnetAPIConnector dials the tailnet API (v2+) and then uses the API with a tailnet.Conn to
// 1) run the Coordinate API and pass node information back and forth
// 2) stream DERPMap updates and program the Conn
// These functions share the same websocket, and so are combined here so that if we hit a problem
// we tear the whole thing down and start over with a new websocket.
// @typescript-ignore tailnetAPIConnector
type tailnetAPIConnector struct {
// We keep track of two contexts: the main context from the caller, and a "graceful" context
// that we keep open slightly longer than the main context to give a chance to send the
// Disconnect message to the coordinator. That tells the coordinator that we really meant to
// disconnect instead of just losing network connectivity.
ctx context.Context
gracefulCtx context.Context
cancelGracefulCtx context.CancelFunc
logger slog.Logger
agentID uuid.UUID
coordinateURL string
dialOptions *websocket.DialOptions
conn tailnetConn
connected chan error
isFirst bool
closed chan struct{}
// runTailnetAPIConnector creates and runs a tailnetAPIConnector
func runTailnetAPIConnector(
ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger,
agentID uuid.UUID, coordinateURL string, dialOptions *websocket.DialOptions,
conn tailnetConn,
) *tailnetAPIConnector {
tac := &tailnetAPIConnector{
ctx: ctx,
logger: logger,
agentID: agentID,
coordinateURL: coordinateURL,
dialOptions: dialOptions,
conn: conn,
connected: make(chan error, 1),
closed: make(chan struct{}),
tac.gracefulCtx, tac.cancelGracefulCtx = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go tac.manageGracefulTimeout()
return tac
// manageGracefulTimeout allows the gracefulContext to last 1 second longer than the main context
// to allow a graceful disconnect.
func (tac *tailnetAPIConnector) manageGracefulTimeout() {
defer tac.cancelGracefulCtx()
select {
case <-tac.closed:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
func (tac *tailnetAPIConnector) run() {
tac.isFirst = true
defer close(tac.closed)
for retrier := retry.New(50*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second); retrier.Wait(tac.ctx); {
tailnetClient, err := tac.dial()
if err != nil {
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "obtained tailnet API v2+ client")
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "tailnet API v2+ connection lost")
func (tac *tailnetAPIConnector) dial() (proto.DRPCTailnetClient, error) {
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "dialing Coder tailnet v2+ API")
// nolint:bodyclose
ws, res, err := websocket.Dial(tac.ctx, tac.coordinateURL, tac.dialOptions)
if tac.isFirst {
if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusConflict {
err = codersdk.ReadBodyAsError(res)
tac.connected <- err
return nil, err
tac.isFirst = false
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
tac.logger.Error(tac.ctx, "failed to dial tailnet v2+ API", slog.Error(err))
return nil, err
client, err := tailnet.NewDRPCClient(
websocket.NetConn(tac.gracefulCtx, ws, websocket.MessageBinary),
if err != nil {
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "failed to create DRPCClient", slog.Error(err))
_ = ws.Close(websocket.StatusInternalError, "")
return nil, err
return client, err
// coordinateAndDERPMap uses the provided client to coordinate and stream DERP Maps. It is combined
// into one function so that a problem with one tears down the other and triggers a retry (if
// appropriate). We multiplex both RPCs over the same websocket, so we want them to share the same
// fate.
func (tac *tailnetAPIConnector) coordinateAndDERPMap(client proto.DRPCTailnetClient) {
defer func() {
conn := client.DRPCConn()
closeErr := conn.Close()
if closeErr != nil &&
!xerrors.Is(closeErr, io.EOF) &&
!xerrors.Is(closeErr, context.Canceled) &&
!xerrors.Is(closeErr, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
tac.logger.Error(tac.ctx, "error closing DRPC connection", slog.Error(closeErr))
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
dErr := tac.derpMap(client)
if dErr != nil && tac.ctx.Err() == nil {
// The main context is still active, meaning that we want the tailnet data plane to stay
// up, even though we hit some error getting DERP maps on the control plane. That means
// we do NOT want to gracefully disconnect on the coordinate() routine. So, we'll just
// close the underlying connection. This will trigger a retry of the control plane in
// run().
// Note that derpMap() logs it own errors, we don't bother here.
func (tac *tailnetAPIConnector) coordinate(client proto.DRPCTailnetClient) {
// we use the gracefulCtx here so that we'll have time to send the graceful disconnect
coord, err := client.Coordinate(tac.gracefulCtx)
if err != nil {
tac.logger.Error(tac.ctx, "failed to connect to Coordinate RPC", slog.Error(err))
defer func() {
cErr := coord.Close()
if cErr != nil {
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "error closing Coordinate RPC", slog.Error(cErr))
coordination := tailnet.NewRemoteCoordination(tac.logger, coord, tac.conn, tac.agentID)
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "serving coordinator")
select {
case <-tac.ctx.Done():
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "main context canceled; do graceful disconnect")
crdErr := coordination.Close()
if crdErr != nil {
tac.logger.Warn(tac.ctx, "failed to close remote coordination", slog.Error(err))
case err = <-coordination.Error():
if err != nil &&
!xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) &&
!xerrors.Is(err, context.Canceled) &&
!xerrors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
tac.logger.Error(tac.ctx, "remote coordination error", slog.Error(err))
func (tac *tailnetAPIConnector) derpMap(client proto.DRPCTailnetClient) error {
s, err := client.StreamDERPMaps(tac.ctx, &proto.StreamDERPMapsRequest{})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to connect to StreamDERPMaps RPC: %w", err)
defer func() {
cErr := s.Close()
if cErr != nil {
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "error closing StreamDERPMaps RPC", slog.Error(cErr))
for {
dmp, err := s.Recv()
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || xerrors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
return nil
tac.logger.Error(tac.ctx, "error receiving DERP Map", slog.Error(err))
return err
tac.logger.Debug(tac.ctx, "got new DERP Map", slog.F("derp_map", dmp))
dm := tailnet.DERPMapFromProto(dmp)