
337 lines
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# The URL that users will use to access the Coder deployment.
# (default: <unset>, type: url)
# Specifies the wildcard hostname to use for workspace applications in the form
# "*".
# (default: <unset>, type: url)
# Specifies whether to redirect requests that do not match the access URL host.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
redirectToAccessURL: false
# HTTP bind address of the server. Unset to disable the HTTP endpoint.
# (default:, type: string)
# The maximum lifetime duration users can specify when creating an API token.
# (default: 876600h0m0s, type: duration)
maxTokenLifetime: 876600h0m0s
# The token expiry duration for browser sessions. Sessions may last longer if they
# are actively making requests, but this functionality can be disabled via
# --disable-session-expiry-refresh.
# (default: 24h0m0s, type: duration)
sessionDuration: 24h0m0s
# Disable automatic session expiry bumping due to activity. This forces all
# sessions to become invalid after the session expiry duration has been reached.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
disableSessionExpiryRefresh: false
# Disable password authentication. This is recommended for security purposes in
# production deployments that rely on an identity provider. Any user with the
# owner role will be able to sign in with their password regardless of this
# setting to avoid potential lock out. If you are locked out of your account, you
# can use the `coder server create-admin` command to create a new admin user
# directly in the database.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
disablePasswordAuth: false
# Configure TLS / HTTPS for your Coder deployment. If you're running
# Coder behind a TLS-terminating reverse proxy or are accessing Coder over a
# secure link, you can safely ignore these settings.
# HTTPS bind address of the server.
# (default:, type: host:port)
# Whether TLS will be enabled.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
enable: false
# Whether HTTP requests will be redirected to the access URL (if it's a https URL
# and TLS is enabled). Requests to local IP addresses are never redirected
# regardless of this setting.
# (default: true, type: bool)
redirectHTTP: true
# Path to each certificate for TLS. It requires a PEM-encoded file. To configure
# the listener to use a CA certificate, concatenate the primary certificate and
# the CA certificate together. The primary certificate should appear first in the
# combined file.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
certFiles: []
# PEM-encoded Certificate Authority file used for checking the authenticity of
# client.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
clientCAFile: ""
# Policy the server will follow for TLS Client Authentication. Accepted values are
# "none", "request", "require-any", "verify-if-given", or "require-and-verify".
# (default: none, type: string)
clientAuth: none
# Paths to the private keys for each of the certificates. It requires a
# PEM-encoded file.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
keyFiles: []
# Minimum supported version of TLS. Accepted values are "tls10", "tls11", "tls12"
# or "tls13".
# (default: tls12, type: string)
minVersion: tls12
# Path to certificate for client TLS authentication. It requires a PEM-encoded
# file.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
clientCertFile: ""
# Path to key for client TLS authentication. It requires a PEM-encoded file.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
clientKeyFile: ""
# Controls if the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header is set on all static file
# responses. This header should only be set if the server is accessed via HTTPS.
# This value is the MaxAge in seconds of the header.
# (default: 0, type: int)
strictTransportSecurity: 0
# Two optional fields can be set in the Strict-Transport-Security header;
# 'includeSubDomains' and 'preload'. The 'strict-transport-security' flag must be
# set to a non-zero value for these options to be used.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
strictTransportSecurityOptions: []
# Most Coder deployments never have to think about DERP because all connections
# between workspaces and users are peer-to-peer. However, when Coder cannot
# establish
# a peer to peer connection, Coder uses a distributed relay network backed by
# Tailscale and WireGuard.
# Whether to enable or disable the embedded DERP relay server.
# (default: true, type: bool)
enable: true
# Region ID to use for the embedded DERP server.
# (default: 999, type: int)
regionID: 999
# Region code to use for the embedded DERP server.
# (default: coder, type: string)
regionCode: coder
# Region name that for the embedded DERP server.
# (default: Coder Embedded Relay, type: string)
regionName: Coder Embedded Relay
# Addresses for STUN servers to establish P2P connections. Set empty to disable
# P2P connections.
# (default:, type: string-array)
# An HTTP URL that is accessible by other replicas to relay DERP traffic. Required
# for high availability.
# (default: <unset>, type: url)
# URL to fetch a DERP mapping on startup. See:
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
url: ""
# Path to read a DERP mapping from. See:
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
configPath: ""
# Headers to trust for forwarding IP addresses. e.g. Cf-Connecting-Ip,
# True-Client-Ip, X-Forwarded-For.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
proxyTrustedHeaders: []
# Origin addresses to respect "proxy-trusted-headers". e.g.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
proxyTrustedOrigins: []
# Controls if the 'Secure' property is set on browser session cookies.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
secureAuthCookie: false
# Whether Coder only allows connections to workspaces via the browser.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
browserOnly: false
# Interval to poll for scheduled workspace builds.
# (default: 1m0s, type: duration)
autobuildPollInterval: 1m0s
# Serve prometheus metrics on the address defined by prometheus address.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
enable: false
# The bind address to serve prometheus metrics.
# (default:, type: host:port)
# Serve pprof metrics on the address defined by pprof address.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
enable: false
# The bind address to serve pprof.
# (default:, type: host:port)
# Whether application tracing data is collected. It exports to a backend
# configured by environment variables. See:
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
enable: false
# Enables capturing of logs as events in traces. This is useful for debugging, but
# may result in a very large amount of events being sent to the tracing backend
# which may incur significant costs. If the verbose flag was supplied, debug-level
# logs will be included.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
captureLogs: false
# Output debug-level logs.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
verbose: false
# Output human-readable logs to a given file.
# (default: /dev/stderr, type: string)
humanPath: /dev/stderr
# Output JSON logs to a given file.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
jsonPath: ""
# Output Stackdriver compatible logs to a given file.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
stackdriverPath: ""
# Client ID for Login with GitHub.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
clientID: ""
# Organizations the user must be a member of to Login with GitHub.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
allowedOrgs: []
# Teams inside organizations the user must be a member of to Login with GitHub.
# Structured as: <organization-name>/<team-slug>.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
allowedTeams: []
# Whether new users can sign up with GitHub.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
allowSignups: false
# Allow all logins, setting this option means allowed orgs and teams must be
# empty.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
allowEveryone: false
# Base URL of a GitHub Enterprise deployment to use for Login with GitHub.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
enterpriseBaseURL: ""
# Whether new users can sign up with OIDC.
# (default: true, type: bool)
allowSignups: true
# Client ID to use for Login with OIDC.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
clientID: ""
# Email domains that clients logging in with OIDC must match.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
emailDomain: []
# Issuer URL to use for Login with OIDC.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
issuerURL: ""
# Scopes to grant when authenticating with OIDC.
# (default: openid,profile,email, type: string-array)
- openid
- profile
- email
# Ignore the email_verified claim from the upstream provider.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
ignoreEmailVerified: false
# OIDC claim field to use as the username.
# (default: preferred_username, type: string)
usernameField: preferred_username
# OIDC claim field to use as the email.
# (default: email, type: string)
emailField: email
# OIDC auth URL parameters to pass to the upstream provider.
# (default: {"access_type": "offline"}, type: struct[map[string]string])
access_type: offline
# Ignore the userinfo endpoint and only use the ID token for user information.
# (default: false, type: bool)
ignoreUserInfo: false
# Change the OIDC default 'groups' claim field. By default, will be 'groups' if
# present in the oidc scopes argument.
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
groupField: ""
# A map of OIDC group IDs and the group in Coder it should map to. This is useful
# for when OIDC providers only return group IDs.
# (default: {}, type: struct[map[string]string])
groupMapping: {}
# The text to show on the OpenID Connect sign in button.
# (default: OpenID Connect, type: string)
signInText: OpenID Connect
# URL pointing to the icon to use on the OepnID Connect login button.
# (default: <unset>, type: url)
# Telemetry is critical to our ability to improve Coder. We strip all personal
# information before sending data to our servers. Please only disable telemetry
# when required by your organization's security policy.
# Whether telemetry is enabled or not. Coder collects anonymized usage data to
# help improve our product.
# (default: false, type: bool)
enable: false
# Whether Opentelemetry traces are sent to Coder. Coder collects anonymized
# application tracing to help improve our product. Disabling telemetry also
# disables this option.
# (default: false, type: bool)
trace: false
# URL to send telemetry.
# (default:, type: url)
# Tune the behavior of the provisioner, which is responsible for creating,
# updating, and deleting workspace resources.
# Number of provisioner daemons to create on start. If builds are stuck in queued
# state for a long time, consider increasing this.
# (default: 3, type: int)
daemons: 3
# Time to wait before polling for a new job.
# (default: 1s, type: duration)
daemonPollInterval: 1s
# Random jitter added to the poll interval.
# (default: 100ms, type: duration)
daemonPollJitter: 100ms
# Time to force cancel provisioning tasks that are stuck.
# (default: 10m0s, type: duration)
forceCancelInterval: 10m0s
# Enable one or more experiments. These are not ready for production. Separate
# multiple experiments with commas, or enter '*' to opt-in to all available
# experiments.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
experiments: []
# Periodically check for new releases of Coder and inform the owner. The check is
# performed once per day.
# (default: false, type: bool)
updateCheck: false
# Expose the swagger endpoint via /swagger.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
enableSwagger: false
# The directory to cache temporary files. If unspecified and $CACHE_DIRECTORY is
# set, it will be used for compatibility with systemd.
# (default: [cache dir], type: string)
cacheDir: [cache dir]
# Controls whether data will be stored in an in-memory database.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
inMemoryDatabase: false
# The algorithm to use for generating ssh keys. Accepted values are "ed25519",
# "ecdsa", or "rsa4096".
# (default: ed25519, type: string)
sshKeygenAlgorithm: ed25519
# URL to use for agent troubleshooting when not set in the template.
# (default:
# type: url)
# Disable workspace apps that are not served from subdomains. Path-based apps can
# make requests to the Coder API and pose a security risk when the workspace
# serves malicious JavaScript. This is recommended for security purposes if a
# --wildcard-access-url is configured.
# (default: <unset>, type: bool)
disablePathApps: false
# These options change the behavior of how clients interact with the Coder.
# Clients include the coder cli, vs code extension, and the web UI.
# The SSH deployment prefix is used in the Host of the ssh config.
# (default: coder., type: string)
sshHostnamePrefix: coder.
# These SSH config options will override the default SSH config options. Provide
# options in "key=value" or "key value" format separated by commas.Using this
# incorrectly can break SSH to your deployment, use cautiously.
# (default: <unset>, type: string-array)
sshConfigOptions: []
# Support links to display in the top right drop down menu.
# (default: <unset>, type: struct[[]codersdk.LinkConfig])
supportLinks: []
# Hostname of HTTPS server that runs By
# default, this will pick the best available wgtunnel server hosted by Coder. e.g.
# "".
# (default: <unset>, type: string)
wgtunnelHost: ""