
1137 lines
34 KiB

package runner
import (
semconv ""
sdkproto ""
const (
MissingParameterErrorCode = "MISSING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER"
missingParameterErrorText = "missing parameter"
RequiredTemplateVariablesErrorCode = "REQUIRED_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES"
requiredTemplateVariablesErrorText = "required template variables"
var errorCodes = map[string]string{
MissingParameterErrorCode: missingParameterErrorText,
RequiredTemplateVariablesErrorCode: requiredTemplateVariablesErrorText,
var errUpdateSkipped = xerrors.New("update skipped; job complete or failed")
type Runner struct {
tracer trace.Tracer
metrics Metrics
job *proto.AcquiredJob
sender JobUpdater
quotaCommitter QuotaCommitter
logger slog.Logger
provisioner sdkproto.DRPCProvisionerClient
lastUpdate atomic.Pointer[time.Time]
updateInterval time.Duration
forceCancelInterval time.Duration
logBufferInterval time.Duration
// session is the provisioning session with the (possibly remote) provisioner
session sdkproto.DRPCProvisioner_SessionClient
// closed when the Runner is finished sending any updates/failed/complete.
done chan struct{}
// active as long as we are not canceled
notCanceled context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// active as long as we haven't been force stopped
notStopped context.Context
stop context.CancelFunc
// mutex controls access to all the following variables.
mutex *sync.Mutex
// used to wait for the failedJob or completedJob to be populated
cond *sync.Cond
flushLogsTimer *time.Timer
queuedLogs []*proto.Log
failedJob *proto.FailedJob
completedJob *proto.CompletedJob
// setting this false signals that no more messages about this job should be sent. Usually this
// means that a terminal message like FailedJob or CompletedJob has been sent, even in the case
// of a Cancel(). However, when someone calls Fail() or ForceStop(), we might not send the
// terminal message, but okToSend is set to false regardless.
okToSend bool
type Metrics struct {
ConcurrentJobs *prometheus.GaugeVec
NumDaemons prometheus.Gauge
// JobTimings also counts the total amount of jobs.
JobTimings *prometheus.HistogramVec
// WorkspaceBuilds counts workspace build successes and failures.
WorkspaceBuilds *prometheus.CounterVec
type JobUpdater interface {
UpdateJob(ctx context.Context, in *proto.UpdateJobRequest) (*proto.UpdateJobResponse, error)
FailJob(ctx context.Context, in *proto.FailedJob) error
CompleteJob(ctx context.Context, in *proto.CompletedJob) error
type QuotaCommitter interface {
CommitQuota(ctx context.Context, in *proto.CommitQuotaRequest) (*proto.CommitQuotaResponse, error)
type Options struct {
Updater JobUpdater
QuotaCommitter QuotaCommitter
Logger slog.Logger
Provisioner sdkproto.DRPCProvisionerClient
UpdateInterval time.Duration
ForceCancelInterval time.Duration
LogDebounceInterval time.Duration
Tracer trace.Tracer
Metrics Metrics
func New(
ctx context.Context,
job *proto.AcquiredJob,
opts Options,
) *Runner {
m := new(sync.Mutex)
// we need to create our contexts here in case a call to Cancel() comes immediately.
forceStopContext, forceStopFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
gracefulContext, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(forceStopContext)
logger := opts.Logger.With(slog.F("job_id", job.JobId))
if build := job.GetWorkspaceBuild(); build != nil {
logger = logger.With(
slog.F("template_name", build.Metadata.TemplateName),
slog.F("template_version", build.Metadata.TemplateVersion),
slog.F("workspace_build_id", build.WorkspaceBuildId),
slog.F("workspace_id", build.Metadata.WorkspaceId),
slog.F("workspace_name", build.Metadata.WorkspaceName),
slog.F("workspace_owner", build.Metadata.WorkspaceOwner),
slog.F("workspace_transition", strings.ToLower(build.Metadata.WorkspaceTransition.String())),
return &Runner{
tracer: opts.Tracer,
metrics: opts.Metrics,
job: job,
sender: opts.Updater,
quotaCommitter: opts.QuotaCommitter,
logger: logger,
provisioner: opts.Provisioner,
updateInterval: opts.UpdateInterval,
forceCancelInterval: opts.ForceCancelInterval,
logBufferInterval: opts.LogDebounceInterval,
queuedLogs: make([]*proto.Log, 0),
mutex: m,
cond: sync.NewCond(m),
done: make(chan struct{}),
okToSend: true,
notStopped: forceStopContext,
stop: forceStopFunc,
notCanceled: gracefulContext,
cancel: cancelFunc,
// Run executes the job.
// the idea here is to run two goroutines to work on the job: doCleanFinish and heartbeat, then use
// the `r.cond` to wait until the job is either complete or failed. This function then sends the
// complete or failed message --- the exception to this is if something calls Fail() on the Runner;
// either something external, like the server getting closed, or the heartbeat goroutine timing out
// after attempting to gracefully cancel. If something calls Fail(), then the failure is sent on
// that goroutine on the context passed into Fail(), and it marks okToSend false to signal us here
// that this function should not also send a terminal message.
func (r *Runner) Run() {
start := time.Now()
ctx, span := r.startTrace(r.notStopped, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
concurrentGauge := r.metrics.ConcurrentJobs.WithLabelValues(r.job.Provisioner)
defer func() {
status := "success"
if r.failedJob != nil {
status = "failed"
if build := r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild(); build != nil {
r.metrics.JobTimings.WithLabelValues(r.job.Provisioner, status).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
defer r.stop()
go r.doCleanFinish(ctx)
go r.heartbeatRoutine(ctx)
for r.failedJob == nil && r.completedJob == nil {
if !r.okToSend {
// nothing else to do.
if r.failedJob != nil {
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, r.failedJob.Error)
r.logger.Debug(ctx, "sending FailedJob")
err := r.sender.FailJob(ctx, r.failedJob)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(ctx, "sending FailJob failed", slog.Error(err))
} else {
r.logger.Debug(ctx, "sent FailedJob")
} else {
r.logger.Debug(ctx, "sending CompletedJob")
err := r.sender.CompleteJob(ctx, r.completedJob)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(ctx, "sending CompletedJob failed", slog.Error(err))
err = r.sender.FailJob(ctx, r.failedJobf("internal provisionerserver error"))
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(ctx, "sending FailJob failed (while CompletedJob)", slog.Error(err))
} else {
r.logger.Debug(ctx, "sent CompletedJob")
r.okToSend = false
// Cancel initiates a Cancel on the job, but allows it to keep running to do so gracefully. Read from Done() to
// be notified when the job completes.
func (r *Runner) Cancel() {
func (r *Runner) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return r.done
// Fail immediately halts updates and, if the job is not complete sends FailJob to the coder server. Running goroutines
// are canceled but complete asynchronously (although they are prevented from further updating the job to the coder
// server). The provided context sets how long to keep trying to send the FailJob.
func (r *Runner) Fail(ctx context.Context, f *proto.FailedJob) error {
f.JobId = r.job.JobId
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if !r.okToSend {
return nil // already done
if r.failedJob == nil {
r.failedJob = f
// here we keep the original failed reason if there already was one, but we hadn't yet sent it. It is likely more
// informative of the job failing due to some problem running it, whereas this function is used to externally
// force a Fail.
err := r.sender.FailJob(ctx, r.failedJob)
r.okToSend = false
return err
// setComplete is an internal function to set the job to completed. This does not send the completedJob.
func (r *Runner) setComplete(c *proto.CompletedJob) {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if r.completedJob == nil {
r.completedJob = c
// setFail is an internal function to set the job to failed. This does not send the failedJob.
func (r *Runner) setFail(f *proto.FailedJob) {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if r.failedJob == nil {
f.JobId = r.job.JobId
r.failedJob = f
// ForceStop signals all goroutines to stop and prevents any further API calls back to coder server for this job
func (r *Runner) ForceStop() {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if !r.okToSend {
r.okToSend = false
// doesn't matter what we put here, since it won't get sent! Just need something to satisfy the condition in
// Start()
r.failedJob = &proto.FailedJob{}
func (r *Runner) sendHeartbeat(ctx context.Context) (*proto.UpdateJobResponse, error) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, "updateHeartbeat")
defer span.End()
if !r.okToSend {
return nil, errUpdateSkipped
// Skip sending a heartbeat if we've sent an update recently.
if lastUpdate := r.lastUpdate.Load(); lastUpdate != nil {
if time.Since(*lastUpdate) < r.updateInterval {
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("heartbeat_skipped", true))
return &proto.UpdateJobResponse{}, nil
return r.update(ctx, &proto.UpdateJobRequest{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
func (r *Runner) update(ctx context.Context, u *proto.UpdateJobRequest) (*proto.UpdateJobResponse, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
defer func() {
attribute.Int64("logs_len", int64(len(u.Logs))),
attribute.Int64("template_variables_len", int64(len(u.TemplateVariables))),
attribute.Int64("user_variable_values_len", int64(len(u.UserVariableValues))),
attribute.Int64("readme_len", int64(len(u.Readme))),
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if !r.okToSend {
return nil, errUpdateSkipped
return r.sender.UpdateJob(ctx, u)
// doCleanFinish wraps a call to do() with cleaning up the job and setting the terminal messages
func (r *Runner) doCleanFinish(ctx context.Context) {
var (
failedJob *proto.FailedJob
completedJob *proto.CompletedJob
// push the fail/succeed write onto the defer stack before the cleanup, so
// that cleanup happens before this.
defer func() {
_, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
if failedJob != nil {
var err error
r.session, err = r.provisioner.Session(ctx)
if err != nil {
failedJob = r.failedJobf("open session: %s", err)
defer r.session.Close()
defer func() {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER_DAEMON,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
Stage: "Cleaning Up",
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
completedJob, failedJob =
// do actually does the work of running the job
func (r *Runner) do(ctx context.Context) (*proto.CompletedJob, *proto.FailedJob) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER_DAEMON,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
Stage: "Setting up",
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
switch jobType := r.job.Type.(type) {
case *proto.AcquiredJob_TemplateImport_:
r.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "acquired job is template import",
slog.F("user_variable_values", redactVariableValues(jobType.TemplateImport.UserVariableValues)),
return r.runTemplateImport(ctx)
case *proto.AcquiredJob_TemplateDryRun_:
r.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "acquired job is template dry-run",
slog.F("workspace_name", jobType.TemplateDryRun.Metadata.WorkspaceName),
slog.F("rich_parameter_values", jobType.TemplateDryRun.RichParameterValues),
slog.F("variable_values", redactVariableValues(jobType.TemplateDryRun.VariableValues)),
return r.runTemplateDryRun(ctx)
case *proto.AcquiredJob_WorkspaceBuild_:
r.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "acquired job is workspace provision",
slog.F("workspace_name", jobType.WorkspaceBuild.WorkspaceName),
slog.F("state_length", len(jobType.WorkspaceBuild.State)),
slog.F("rich_parameter_values", jobType.WorkspaceBuild.RichParameterValues),
slog.F("variable_values", redactVariableValues(jobType.WorkspaceBuild.VariableValues)),
return r.runWorkspaceBuild(ctx)
return nil, r.failedJobf("unknown job type %q; ensure your provisioner daemon is up-to-date",
func (r *Runner) configure(config *sdkproto.Config) *proto.FailedJob {
err := r.session.Send(&sdkproto.Request{Type: &sdkproto.Request_Config{Config: config}})
if err != nil {
return r.failedJobf("send config: %s", err)
return nil
// heartbeatRoutine periodically sends updates on the job, which keeps coder server
// from assuming the job is stalled, and allows the runner to learn if the job
// has been canceled by the user.
func (r *Runner) heartbeatRoutine(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
ticker := time.NewTicker(r.updateInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-r.notCanceled.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
resp, err := r.sendHeartbeat(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Calling Fail starts cancellation so the process will exit.
err = r.Fail(ctx, r.failedJobf("send periodic update: %s", err))
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error(ctx, "failed to call FailJob", slog.Error(err))
if !resp.Canceled {
r.logger.Info(ctx, "attempting graceful cancellation")
// Mark the job as failed after a minute of pending cancellation.
timer := time.NewTimer(r.forceCancelInterval)
select {
case <-timer.C:
r.logger.Debug(ctx, "cancel timed out")
err := r.Fail(ctx, r.failedJobf("Cancel timed out"))
if err != nil {
r.logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to call FailJob", slog.Error(err))
case <-r.Done():
case <-r.notStopped.Done():
func (r *Runner) runTemplateImport(ctx context.Context) (*proto.CompletedJob, *proto.FailedJob) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
failedJob := r.configure(&sdkproto.Config{
TemplateSourceArchive: r.job.GetTemplateSourceArchive(),
if failedJob != nil {
return nil, failedJob
// Parse parameters and update the job with the parameter specs
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER_DAEMON,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
Stage: "Parsing template parameters",
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
templateVariables, readme, err := r.runTemplateImportParse(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("run parse: %s", err)
// Once Terraform template variables are parsed, the runner can pass variables
// to store in database and filter valid ones.
updateResponse, err := r.update(ctx, &proto.UpdateJobRequest{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
TemplateVariables: templateVariables,
UserVariableValues: r.job.GetTemplateImport().GetUserVariableValues(),
Readme: readme,
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("update job: %s", err)
// Determine persistent resources
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER_DAEMON,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
Stage: "Detecting persistent resources",
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
startProvision, err := r.runTemplateImportProvision(ctx, updateResponse.VariableValues, &sdkproto.Metadata{
CoderUrl: r.job.GetTemplateImport().Metadata.CoderUrl,
WorkspaceTransition: sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_START,
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("template import provision for start: %s", err)
// Determine ephemeral resources.
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER_DAEMON,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
Stage: "Detecting ephemeral resources",
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
stopProvision, err := r.runTemplateImportProvision(ctx, updateResponse.VariableValues, &sdkproto.Metadata{
CoderUrl: r.job.GetTemplateImport().Metadata.CoderUrl,
WorkspaceTransition: sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_STOP,
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("template import provision for stop: %s", err)
// For backwards compatibility with older versions of coderd
externalAuthProviderNames := make([]string, 0, len(startProvision.ExternalAuthProviders))
for _, it := range startProvision.ExternalAuthProviders {
externalAuthProviderNames = append(externalAuthProviderNames, it.Id)
return &proto.CompletedJob{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Type: &proto.CompletedJob_TemplateImport_{
TemplateImport: &proto.CompletedJob_TemplateImport{
StartResources: startProvision.Resources,
StopResources: stopProvision.Resources,
RichParameters: startProvision.Parameters,
ExternalAuthProvidersNames: externalAuthProviderNames,
ExternalAuthProviders: startProvision.ExternalAuthProviders,
}, nil
// Parses template variables and README from source.
func (r *Runner) runTemplateImportParse(ctx context.Context) (
vars []*sdkproto.TemplateVariable, readme []byte, err error,
) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
err = r.session.Send(&sdkproto.Request{Type: &sdkproto.Request_Parse{Parse: &sdkproto.ParseRequest{}}})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse source: %w", err)
for {
msg, err := r.session.Recv()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("recv parse source: %w", err)
switch msgType := msg.Type.(type) {
case *sdkproto.Response_Log:
r.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "parse job logged",
slog.F("level", msgType.Log.Level),
slog.F("output", msgType.Log.Output),
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER,
Level: msgType.Log.Level,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
Output: msgType.Log.Output,
Stage: "Parse parameters",
case *sdkproto.Response_Parse:
pc := msgType.Parse
r.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "parse complete",
slog.F("template_variables", pc.TemplateVariables),
slog.F("readme_len", len(pc.Readme)),
slog.F("error", pc.Error),
if pc.Error != "" {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse error: %s", pc.Error)
return msgType.Parse.TemplateVariables, msgType.Parse.Readme, nil
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid message type %q received from provisioner",
type templateImportProvision struct {
Resources []*sdkproto.Resource
Parameters []*sdkproto.RichParameter
ExternalAuthProviders []*sdkproto.ExternalAuthProviderResource
// Performs a dry-run provision when importing a template.
// This is used to detect resources that would be provisioned for a workspace in various states.
// It doesn't define values for rich parameters as they're unknown during template import.
func (r *Runner) runTemplateImportProvision(ctx context.Context, variableValues []*sdkproto.VariableValue, metadata *sdkproto.Metadata) (*templateImportProvision, error) {
return r.runTemplateImportProvisionWithRichParameters(ctx, variableValues, nil, metadata)
// Performs a dry-run provision with provided rich parameters.
// This is used to detect resources that would be provisioned for a workspace in various states.
func (r *Runner) runTemplateImportProvisionWithRichParameters(
ctx context.Context,
variableValues []*sdkproto.VariableValue,
richParameterValues []*sdkproto.RichParameterValue,
metadata *sdkproto.Metadata,
) (*templateImportProvision, error) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
var stage string
switch metadata.WorkspaceTransition {
case sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_START:
stage = "Detecting persistent resources"
case sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_STOP:
stage = "Detecting ephemeral resources"
// use the notStopped so that if we attempt to gracefully cancel, the stream will still be available for us
// to send the cancel to the provisioner
err := r.session.Send(&sdkproto.Request{Type: &sdkproto.Request_Plan{Plan: &sdkproto.PlanRequest{
Metadata: metadata,
RichParameterValues: richParameterValues,
VariableValues: variableValues,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("start provision: %w", err)
nevermind := make(chan struct{})
defer close(nevermind)
go func() {
select {
case <-nevermind:
case <-r.notStopped.Done():
case <-r.notCanceled.Done():
_ = r.session.Send(&sdkproto.Request{
Type: &sdkproto.Request_Cancel{
Cancel: &sdkproto.CancelRequest{},
for {
msg, err := r.session.Recv()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("recv import provision: %w", err)
switch msgType := msg.Type.(type) {
case *sdkproto.Response_Log:
r.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "template import provision job logged",
slog.F("level", msgType.Log.Level),
slog.F("output", msgType.Log.Output),
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER,
Level: msgType.Log.Level,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
Output: msgType.Log.Output,
Stage: stage,
case *sdkproto.Response_Plan:
c := msgType.Plan
if c.Error != "" {
r.logger.Info(context.Background(), "dry-run provision failure",
slog.F("error", c.Error),
return nil, xerrors.New(c.Error)
r.logger.Info(context.Background(), "parse dry-run provision successful",
slog.F("resource_count", len(c.Resources)),
slog.F("resources", c.Resources),
return &templateImportProvision{
Resources: c.Resources,
Parameters: c.Parameters,
ExternalAuthProviders: c.ExternalAuthProviders,
}, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid message type %q received from provisioner",
func (r *Runner) runTemplateDryRun(ctx context.Context) (*proto.CompletedJob, *proto.FailedJob) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
// Ensure all metadata fields are set as they are all optional for dry-run.
metadata := r.job.GetTemplateDryRun().GetMetadata()
metadata.WorkspaceTransition = sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_START
if metadata.CoderUrl == "" {
metadata.CoderUrl = "http://localhost:3000"
if metadata.WorkspaceName == "" {
metadata.WorkspaceName = "dryrun"
metadata.WorkspaceOwner = r.job.UserName
if metadata.WorkspaceOwner == "" {
metadata.WorkspaceOwner = "dryrunner"
if metadata.WorkspaceId == "" {
id, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("generate random ID: %s", err)
metadata.WorkspaceId = id.String()
if metadata.WorkspaceOwnerId == "" {
id, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("generate random ID: %s", err)
metadata.WorkspaceOwnerId = id.String()
failedJob := r.configure(&sdkproto.Config{
TemplateSourceArchive: r.job.GetTemplateSourceArchive(),
if failedJob != nil {
return nil, failedJob
// Run the template import provision task since it's already a dry run.
provision, err := r.runTemplateImportProvisionWithRichParameters(ctx,
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedJobf("run dry-run provision job: %s", err)
return &proto.CompletedJob{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Type: &proto.CompletedJob_TemplateDryRun_{
TemplateDryRun: &proto.CompletedJob_TemplateDryRun{
Resources: provision.Resources,
}, nil
func (r *Runner) buildWorkspace(ctx context.Context, stage string, req *sdkproto.Request) (
*sdkproto.Response, *proto.FailedJob,
) {
// use the notStopped so that if we attempt to gracefully cancel, the stream
// will still be available for us to send the cancel to the provisioner
err := r.session.Send(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedWorkspaceBuildf("start provision: %s", err)
nevermind := make(chan struct{})
defer close(nevermind)
go func() {
select {
case <-nevermind:
case <-r.notStopped.Done():
case <-r.notCanceled.Done():
_ = r.session.Send(&sdkproto.Request{
Type: &sdkproto.Request_Cancel{
Cancel: &sdkproto.CancelRequest{},
for {
msg, err := r.session.Recv()
if err != nil {
return nil, r.failedWorkspaceBuildf("recv workspace provision: %s", err)
switch msgType := msg.Type.(type) {
case *sdkproto.Response_Log:
r.logProvisionerJobLog(context.Background(), msgType.Log.Level, "workspace provisioner job logged",
slog.F("level", msgType.Log.Level),
slog.F("output", msgType.Log.Output),
slog.F("workspace_build_id", r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().WorkspaceBuildId),
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER,
Level: msgType.Log.Level,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
Output: msgType.Log.Output,
Stage: stage,
// Stop looping!
return msg, nil
func (r *Runner) commitQuota(ctx context.Context, resources []*sdkproto.Resource) *proto.FailedJob {
cost := sumDailyCost(resources)
r.logger.Debug(ctx, "committing quota",
slog.F("resources", resources),
slog.F("cost", cost),
if cost == 0 {
return nil
const stage = "Commit quota"
resp, err := r.quotaCommitter.CommitQuota(ctx, &proto.CommitQuotaRequest{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
DailyCost: int32(cost),
if err != nil {
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_ERROR,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
Output: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to commit quota: %+v", err),
Stage: stage,
return r.failedJobf("commit quota: %+v", err)
for _, line := range []string{
fmt.Sprintf("Build cost — %v", cost),
fmt.Sprintf("Budget — %v", resp.Budget),
fmt.Sprintf("Credits consumed — %v", resp.CreditsConsumed),
} {
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
Output: line,
Stage: stage,
if !resp.Ok {
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_WARN,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
Output: "This build would exceed your quota. Failing.",
Stage: stage,
return r.failedWorkspaceBuildf("insufficient quota")
return nil
func (r *Runner) runWorkspaceBuild(ctx context.Context) (*proto.CompletedJob, *proto.FailedJob) {
ctx, span := r.startTrace(ctx, tracing.FuncName())
defer span.End()
var (
applyStage string
commitQuota bool
switch r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().Metadata.WorkspaceTransition {
case sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_START:
applyStage = "Starting workspace"
commitQuota = true
case sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_STOP:
applyStage = "Stopping workspace"
commitQuota = true
case sdkproto.WorkspaceTransition_DESTROY:
applyStage = "Destroying workspace"
failedJob := r.configure(&sdkproto.Config{
TemplateSourceArchive: r.job.GetTemplateSourceArchive(),
State: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().State,
ProvisionerLogLevel: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().LogLevel,
if failedJob != nil {
return nil, failedJob
resp, failed := r.buildWorkspace(ctx, "Planning infrastructure", &sdkproto.Request{
Type: &sdkproto.Request_Plan{
Plan: &sdkproto.PlanRequest{
Metadata: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().Metadata,
RichParameterValues: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().RichParameterValues,
VariableValues: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().VariableValues,
ExternalAuthProviders: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().ExternalAuthProviders,
if failed != nil {
return nil, failed
planComplete := resp.GetPlan()
if planComplete == nil {
return nil, r.failedWorkspaceBuildf("invalid message type %T received from provisioner", resp.Type)
if planComplete.Error != "" {
r.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "plan request failed",
slog.F("error", planComplete.Error),
return nil, &proto.FailedJob{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Error: planComplete.Error,
Type: &proto.FailedJob_WorkspaceBuild_{
WorkspaceBuild: &proto.FailedJob_WorkspaceBuild{},
r.logger.Info(context.Background(), "plan request successful",
slog.F("resource_count", len(planComplete.Resources)),
slog.F("resources", planComplete.Resources),
if commitQuota {
failed = r.commitQuota(ctx, planComplete.Resources)
if failed != nil {
return nil, failed
r.queueLog(ctx, &proto.Log{
Source: proto.LogSource_PROVISIONER_DAEMON,
Level: sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO,
Stage: applyStage,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
resp, failed = r.buildWorkspace(ctx, applyStage, &sdkproto.Request{
Type: &sdkproto.Request_Apply{
Apply: &sdkproto.ApplyRequest{
Metadata: r.job.GetWorkspaceBuild().Metadata,
if failed != nil {
return nil, failed
applyComplete := resp.GetApply()
if applyComplete == nil {
return nil, r.failedWorkspaceBuildf("invalid message type %T received from provisioner", resp.Type)
if applyComplete.Error != "" {
r.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "apply failed; updating state",
slog.F("error", applyComplete.Error),
slog.F("state_len", len(applyComplete.State)),
return nil, &proto.FailedJob{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Error: applyComplete.Error,
Type: &proto.FailedJob_WorkspaceBuild_{
WorkspaceBuild: &proto.FailedJob_WorkspaceBuild{
State: applyComplete.State,
r.logger.Info(context.Background(), "apply successful",
slog.F("resource_count", len(applyComplete.Resources)),
slog.F("resources", applyComplete.Resources),
slog.F("state_len", len(applyComplete.State)),
return &proto.CompletedJob{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Type: &proto.CompletedJob_WorkspaceBuild_{
WorkspaceBuild: &proto.CompletedJob_WorkspaceBuild{
State: applyComplete.State,
Resources: applyComplete.Resources,
}, nil
func (r *Runner) failedWorkspaceBuildf(format string, args ...interface{}) *proto.FailedJob {
failedJob := r.failedJobf(format, args...)
failedJob.Type = &proto.FailedJob_WorkspaceBuild_{}
return failedJob
func (r *Runner) failedJobf(format string, args ...interface{}) *proto.FailedJob {
message := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
var code string
for c, m := range errorCodes {
if strings.Contains(message, m) {
code = c
return &proto.FailedJob{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Error: message,
ErrorCode: code,
func (r *Runner) startTrace(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...trace.SpanStartOption) (context.Context, trace.Span) {
return r.tracer.Start(ctx, name, append(opts, trace.WithAttributes(
attribute.String("job_id", r.job.JobId),
// queueLog adds a log to the buffer and debounces a timer
// if one exists to flush the logs. It stores a maximum of
// 100 log lines before flushing as a safe-guard mechanism.
func (r *Runner) queueLog(ctx context.Context, log *proto.Log) {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
r.queuedLogs = append(r.queuedLogs, log)
if r.flushLogsTimer != nil {
// This can be configurable if there are a ton of logs.
if len(r.queuedLogs) > 100 {
// Flushing logs requires a lock, so this can happen async.
go r.flushQueuedLogs(ctx)
r.flushLogsTimer = time.AfterFunc(r.logBufferInterval, func() {
func (r *Runner) flushQueuedLogs(ctx context.Context) {
if r.flushLogsTimer != nil {
logs := r.queuedLogs
r.queuedLogs = make([]*proto.Log, 0)
_, err := r.update(ctx, &proto.UpdateJobRequest{
JobId: r.job.JobId,
Logs: logs,
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errUpdateSkipped) {
r.logger.Error(ctx, "flush queued logs", slog.Error(err))
func redactVariableValues(variableValues []*sdkproto.VariableValue) []*sdkproto.VariableValue {
var redacted []*sdkproto.VariableValue
for _, v := range variableValues {
if v.Sensitive {
redacted = append(redacted, &sdkproto.VariableValue{
Name: v.Name,
Value: "*redacted*",
Sensitive: true,
redacted = append(redacted, v)
return redacted
// logProvisionerJobLog logs a message from the provisioner daemon at the appropriate level.
func (r *Runner) logProvisionerJobLog(ctx context.Context, logLevel sdkproto.LogLevel, msg string, fields ...any) {
switch logLevel {
case sdkproto.LogLevel_TRACE:
r.logger.Debug(ctx, msg, fields...) // There's no trace, so we'll just use debug.
case sdkproto.LogLevel_DEBUG:
r.logger.Debug(ctx, msg, fields...)
case sdkproto.LogLevel_INFO:
r.logger.Info(ctx, msg, fields...)
case sdkproto.LogLevel_WARN:
r.logger.Warn(ctx, msg, fields...)
case sdkproto.LogLevel_ERROR:
r.logger.Error(ctx, msg, fields...)
default: // should never happen, but we should not explode either.
r.logger.Info(ctx, msg, fields...)