
169 lines
4.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
package provisionerd;
import "provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.proto";
// Empty indicates a successful request/response.
message Empty {}
// AcquiredJob is returned when a provisioner daemon has a job locked.
message AcquiredJob {
message WorkspaceBuild {
reserved 3;
string workspace_build_id = 1;
string workspace_name = 2;
repeated provisioner.RichParameterValue rich_parameter_values = 4;
repeated provisioner.VariableValue variable_values = 5;
repeated provisioner.ExternalAuthProvider external_auth_providers = 6;
provisioner.Metadata metadata = 7;
bytes state = 8;
string log_level = 9;
message TemplateImport {
provisioner.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated provisioner.VariableValue user_variable_values = 2;
message TemplateDryRun {
reserved 1;
repeated provisioner.RichParameterValue rich_parameter_values = 2;
repeated provisioner.VariableValue variable_values = 3;
provisioner.Metadata metadata = 4;
string job_id = 1;
int64 created_at = 2;
string provisioner = 3;
string user_name = 4;
bytes template_source_archive = 5;
oneof type {
WorkspaceBuild workspace_build = 6;
TemplateImport template_import = 7;
TemplateDryRun template_dry_run = 8;
// trace_metadata is currently used for tracing information only. It allows
// jobs to be tied to the request that created them.
map<string, string> trace_metadata = 9;
message FailedJob {
message WorkspaceBuild {
bytes state = 1;
message TemplateImport {}
message TemplateDryRun {}
string job_id = 1;
string error = 2;
oneof type {
WorkspaceBuild workspace_build = 3;
TemplateImport template_import = 4;
TemplateDryRun template_dry_run = 5;
string error_code = 6;
// CompletedJob is sent when the provisioner daemon completes a job.
message CompletedJob {
message WorkspaceBuild {
bytes state = 1;
repeated provisioner.Resource resources = 2;
message TemplateImport {
repeated provisioner.Resource start_resources = 1;
repeated provisioner.Resource stop_resources = 2;
repeated provisioner.RichParameter rich_parameters = 3;
repeated string external_auth_providers_names = 4;
repeated provisioner.ExternalAuthProviderResource external_auth_providers = 5;
message TemplateDryRun {
repeated provisioner.Resource resources = 1;
string job_id = 1;
oneof type {
WorkspaceBuild workspace_build = 2;
TemplateImport template_import = 3;
TemplateDryRun template_dry_run = 4;
// LogSource represents the sender of the log.
enum LogSource {
// Log represents output from a job.
message Log {
LogSource source = 1;
provisioner.LogLevel level = 2;
int64 created_at = 3;
string stage = 4;
string output = 5;
// This message should be sent periodically as a heartbeat.
message UpdateJobRequest {
reserved 3;
string job_id = 1;
repeated Log logs = 2;
repeated provisioner.TemplateVariable template_variables = 4;
repeated provisioner.VariableValue user_variable_values = 5;
bytes readme = 6;
message UpdateJobResponse {
reserved 2;
bool canceled = 1;
repeated provisioner.VariableValue variable_values = 3;
message CommitQuotaRequest {
string job_id = 1;
int32 daily_cost = 2;
message CommitQuotaResponse {
bool ok = 1;
int32 credits_consumed = 2;
int32 budget = 3;
message CancelAcquire {}
service ProvisionerDaemon {
// AcquireJob requests a job. Implementations should
// hold a lock on the job until CompleteJob() is
// called with the matching ID.
rpc AcquireJob(Empty) returns (AcquiredJob) {
option deprecated = true;
// AcquireJobWithCancel requests a job, blocking until
// a job is available or the client sends CancelAcquire.
// Server will send exactly one AcquiredJob, which is
// empty if a cancel was successful. This RPC is a bidirectional
// stream since both messages are asynchronous with no implied
// ordering.
rpc AcquireJobWithCancel(stream CancelAcquire) returns (stream AcquiredJob);
rpc CommitQuota(CommitQuotaRequest) returns (CommitQuotaResponse);
// UpdateJob streams periodic updates for a job.
// Implementations should buffer logs so this stream
// is non-blocking.
rpc UpdateJob(UpdateJobRequest) returns (UpdateJobResponse);
// FailJob indicates a job has failed.
rpc FailJob(FailedJob) returns (Empty);
// CompleteJob indicates a job has been completed.
rpc CompleteJob(CompletedJob) returns (Empty);