
495 lines
17 KiB

package workspaceapps
import (
const (
// TODO(@deansheather): configurable expiry
TicketExpiry = time.Minute
// RedirectURIQueryParam is the query param for the app URL to be passed
// back to the API auth endpoint on the main access URL.
RedirectURIQueryParam = "redirect_uri"
// ResolveRequest takes an app request, checks if it's valid and authenticated,
// and returns a ticket with details about the app.
// The ticket is written as a signed JWT into a cookie and will be automatically
// used in the next request to the same app to avoid database calls.
// Upstream code should avoid any database calls ever.
func (p *Provider) ResolveRequest(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, appReq Request) (*Ticket, bool) {
err := appReq.Validate()
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "invalid app request")
return nil, false
if appReq.WorkspaceAndAgent != "" {
// workspace.agent
workspaceAndAgent := strings.SplitN(appReq.WorkspaceAndAgent, ".", 2)
appReq.WorkspaceAndAgent = ""
appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID = workspaceAndAgent[0]
if len(workspaceAndAgent) > 1 {
appReq.AgentNameOrID = workspaceAndAgent[1]
// Sanity check.
err := appReq.Validate()
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "invalid app request")
return nil, false
// Get the existing ticket from the request.
ticketCookie, err := r.Cookie(codersdk.DevURLSessionTicketCookie)
if err == nil {
ticket, err := p.ParseTicket(ticketCookie.Value)
if err == nil {
if ticket.MatchesRequest(appReq) {
// The request has a ticket, which is a valid ticket signed by
// us, and matches the app that the user was trying to access.
return &ticket, true
// There's no ticket or it's invalid, so we need to check auth using the
// session token, validate auth and access to the app, then generate a new
// ticket.
ticket := Ticket{
AccessMethod: appReq.AccessMethod,
UsernameOrID: appReq.UsernameOrID,
WorkspaceNameOrID: appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID,
AgentNameOrID: appReq.AgentNameOrID,
AppSlugOrPort: appReq.AppSlugOrPort,
// We use the regular API apiKey extraction middleware fn here to avoid any
// differences in behavior between the two.
apiKey, authz, ok := httpmw.ExtractAPIKey(rw, r, httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: p.Database,
OAuth2Configs: p.OAuth2Configs,
RedirectToLogin: false,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: p.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(),
// Optional is true to allow for public apps. If an authorization check
// fails and the user is not authenticated, they will be redirected to
// the login page using code below (not the redirect from the
// middleware itself).
Optional: true,
if !ok {
return nil, false
// Get user.
var (
user database.User
userErr error
if userID, uuidErr := uuid.Parse(appReq.UsernameOrID); uuidErr == nil {
user, userErr = p.Database.GetUserByID(r.Context(), userID)
} else {
user, userErr = p.Database.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(r.Context(), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Username: appReq.UsernameOrID,
if xerrors.Is(userErr, sql.ErrNoRows) {
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, &appReq, fmt.Sprintf("user %q not found", appReq.UsernameOrID))
return nil, false
} else if userErr != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, userErr, "get user")
return nil, false
ticket.UserID = user.ID
// Get workspace.
var (
workspace database.Workspace
workspaceErr error
if workspaceID, uuidErr := uuid.Parse(appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID); uuidErr == nil {
workspace, workspaceErr = p.Database.GetWorkspaceByID(r.Context(), workspaceID)
} else {
workspace, workspaceErr = p.Database.GetWorkspaceByOwnerIDAndName(r.Context(), database.GetWorkspaceByOwnerIDAndNameParams{
OwnerID: user.ID,
Name: appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID,
Deleted: false,
if xerrors.Is(workspaceErr, sql.ErrNoRows) {
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, &appReq, fmt.Sprintf("workspace %q not found", appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID))
return nil, false
} else if workspaceErr != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, workspaceErr, "get workspace")
return nil, false
ticket.WorkspaceID = workspace.ID
// Get agent.
var (
agent database.WorkspaceAgent
agentErr error
trustAgent = false
if agentID, uuidErr := uuid.Parse(appReq.AgentNameOrID); uuidErr == nil {
agent, agentErr = p.Database.GetWorkspaceAgentByID(r.Context(), agentID)
} else {
build, err := p.Database.GetLatestWorkspaceBuildByWorkspaceID(r.Context(), workspace.ID)
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "get latest workspace build")
return nil, false
resources, err := p.Database.GetWorkspaceResourcesByJobID(r.Context(), build.JobID)
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "get workspace resources")
return nil, false
resourcesIDs := []uuid.UUID{}
for _, resource := range resources {
resourcesIDs = append(resourcesIDs, resource.ID)
agents, err := p.Database.GetWorkspaceAgentsByResourceIDs(r.Context(), resourcesIDs)
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "get workspace agents")
return nil, false
if appReq.AgentNameOrID == "" {
if len(agents) != 1 {
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, &appReq, "no agent specified, but multiple exist in workspace")
return nil, false
agent = agents[0]
trustAgent = true
} else {
for _, a := range agents {
if a.Name == appReq.AgentNameOrID {
agent = a
trustAgent = true
if agent.ID == uuid.Nil {
agentErr = sql.ErrNoRows
if xerrors.Is(agentErr, sql.ErrNoRows) {
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, &appReq, fmt.Sprintf("agent %q not found", appReq.AgentNameOrID))
return nil, false
} else if agentErr != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, agentErr, "get agent")
return nil, false
// Verify the agent belongs to the workspace.
if !trustAgent {
agentResource, err := p.Database.GetWorkspaceResourceByID(r.Context(), agent.ResourceID)
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "get agent resource")
return nil, false
build, err := p.Database.GetWorkspaceBuildByJobID(r.Context(), agentResource.JobID)
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "get agent workspace build")
return nil, false
if build.WorkspaceID != workspace.ID {
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, &appReq, "agent does not belong to workspace")
return nil, false
ticket.AgentID = agent.ID
// Get app.
appSharingLevel := database.AppSharingLevelOwner
portUint, portUintErr := strconv.ParseUint(appReq.AppSlugOrPort, 10, 16)
if appReq.AccessMethod == AccessMethodSubdomain && portUintErr == nil {
// If the app slug is a port number, then route to the port as an
// "anonymous app". We only support HTTP for port-based URLs.
// This is only supported for subdomain-based applications.
ticket.AppURL = fmt.Sprintf("", portUint)
} else {
app, ok := p.lookupWorkspaceApp(rw, r, agent.ID, appReq.AppSlugOrPort)
if !ok {
return nil, false
if !app.Url.Valid {
site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{
Status: http.StatusBadRequest,
Title: "Bad Request",
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Application %q does not have a URL set.", app.Slug),
RetryEnabled: true,
DashboardURL: p.AccessURL.String(),
return nil, false
if app.SharingLevel != "" {
appSharingLevel = app.SharingLevel
ticket.AppURL = app.Url.String
// Verify the user has access to the app.
authed, ok := p.fetchWorkspaceApplicationAuth(rw, r, authz, appReq.AccessMethod, workspace, appSharingLevel)
if !ok {
return nil, false
if !authed {
if apiKey != nil {
// The request has a valid API key but insufficient permissions.
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, &appReq, "insufficient permissions")
return nil, false
// Redirect to login as they don't have permission to access the app
// and they aren't signed in.
if appReq.AccessMethod == AccessMethodSubdomain {
redirectURI := *r.URL
redirectURI.Scheme = p.AccessURL.Scheme
redirectURI.Host = httpapi.RequestHost(r)
u := *p.AccessURL
u.Path = "/api/v2/applications/auth-redirect"
q := u.Query()
q.Add(RedirectURIQueryParam, redirectURI.String())
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
http.Redirect(rw, r, u.String(), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
} else {
httpmw.RedirectToLogin(rw, r, httpmw.SignedOutErrorMessage)
return nil, false
// As a sanity check, ensure the ticket we just made is valid for this
// request.
if !ticket.MatchesRequest(appReq) {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, nil, "fresh ticket does not match request")
return nil, false
// Sign the ticket.
ticketExpiry := time.Now().Add(TicketExpiry)
ticket.Expiry = ticketExpiry.Unix()
ticketStr, err := p.GenerateTicket(ticket)
if err != nil {
p.writeWorkspaceApp500(rw, r, &appReq, err, "generate ticket")
return nil, false
// Write the ticket cookie. We always want this to apply to the current
// hostname (even for subdomain apps, without any wildcard shenanigans,
// because the ticket is only valid for a single app).
http.SetCookie(rw, &http.Cookie{
Name: codersdk.DevURLSessionTicketCookie,
Value: ticketStr,
Path: appReq.BasePath,
Expires: ticketExpiry,
return &ticket, true
// lookupWorkspaceApp looks up the workspace application by slug in the given
// agent and returns it. If the application is not found or there was a server
// error while looking it up, an HTML error page is returned and false is
// returned so the caller can return early.
func (p *Provider) lookupWorkspaceApp(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, agentID uuid.UUID, appSlug string) (database.WorkspaceApp, bool) {
app, err := p.Database.GetWorkspaceAppByAgentIDAndSlug(r.Context(), database.GetWorkspaceAppByAgentIDAndSlugParams{
AgentID: agentID,
Slug: appSlug,
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
p.writeWorkspaceApp404(rw, r, nil, "application not found in agent by slug")
return database.WorkspaceApp{}, false
if err != nil {
site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{
Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Title: "Internal Server Error",
Description: "Could not fetch workspace application: " + err.Error(),
RetryEnabled: true,
DashboardURL: p.AccessURL.String(),
return database.WorkspaceApp{}, false
return app, true
func (p *Provider) authorizeWorkspaceApp(ctx context.Context, roles *httpmw.Authorization, accessMethod AccessMethod, sharingLevel database.AppSharingLevel, workspace database.Workspace) (bool, error) {
if accessMethod == "" {
accessMethod = AccessMethodPath
isPathApp := accessMethod == AccessMethodPath
// If path-based app sharing is disabled (which is the default), we can
// force the sharing level to be "owner" so that the user can only access
// their own apps.
// Site owners are blocked from accessing path-based apps unless the
// Dangerous.AllowPathAppSiteOwnerAccess flag is enabled in the check below.
if isPathApp && !p.DeploymentValues.Dangerous.AllowPathAppSharing.Value() {
sharingLevel = database.AppSharingLevelOwner
// Short circuit if not authenticated.
if roles == nil {
// The user is not authenticated, so they can only access the app if it
// is public.
return sharingLevel == database.AppSharingLevelPublic, nil
// Block anyone from accessing workspaces they don't own in path-based apps
// unless the admin disables this security feature. This blocks site-owners
// from accessing any apps from any user's workspaces.
// When the Dangerous.AllowPathAppSharing flag is not enabled, the sharing
// level will be forced to "owner", so this check will always be true for
// workspaces owned by different users.
if isPathApp &&
sharingLevel == database.AppSharingLevelOwner &&
workspace.OwnerID.String() != roles.Actor.ID &&
!p.DeploymentValues.Dangerous.AllowPathAppSiteOwnerAccess.Value() {
return false, nil
// Do a standard RBAC check. This accounts for share level "owner" and any
// other RBAC rules that may be in place.
// Regardless of share level or whether it's enabled or not, the owner of
// the workspace can always access applications (as long as their API key's
// scope allows it).
err := p.Authorizer.Authorize(ctx, roles.Actor, rbac.ActionCreate, workspace.ApplicationConnectRBAC())
if err == nil {
return true, nil
switch sharingLevel {
case database.AppSharingLevelOwner:
// We essentially already did this above with the regular RBAC check.
// Owners can always access their own apps according to RBAC rules, so
// they have already been returned from this function.
case database.AppSharingLevelAuthenticated:
// The user is authenticated at this point, but we need to make sure
// that they have ApplicationConnect permissions to their own
// workspaces. This ensures that the key's scope has permission to
// connect to workspace apps.
object := rbac.ResourceWorkspaceApplicationConnect.WithOwner(roles.Actor.ID)
err := p.Authorizer.Authorize(ctx, roles.Actor, rbac.ActionCreate, object)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
case database.AppSharingLevelPublic:
// We don't really care about scopes and stuff if it's public anyways.
// Someone with a restricted-scope API key could just not submit the
// API key cookie in the request and access the page.
return true, nil
// No checks were successful.
return false, nil
// fetchWorkspaceApplicationAuth authorizes the user using api.Authorizer for a
// given app share level in the given workspace. The user's authorization status
// is returned. If a server error occurs, a HTML error page is rendered and
// false is returned so the caller can return early.
func (p *Provider) fetchWorkspaceApplicationAuth(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, authz *httpmw.Authorization, accessMethod AccessMethod, workspace database.Workspace, appSharingLevel database.AppSharingLevel) (authed bool, ok bool) {
ok, err := p.authorizeWorkspaceApp(r.Context(), authz, accessMethod, appSharingLevel, workspace)
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Error(r.Context(), "authorize workspace app", slog.Error(err))
site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{
Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Title: "Internal Server Error",
Description: "Could not verify authorization. Please try again or contact an administrator.",
RetryEnabled: true,
DashboardURL: p.AccessURL.String(),
return false, false
return ok, true
// writeWorkspaceApp404 writes a HTML 404 error page for a workspace app. If
// appReq is not nil, it will be used to log the request details at debug level.
func (p *Provider) writeWorkspaceApp404(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, appReq *Request, msg string) {
if appReq != nil {
"workspace app 404: "+msg,
slog.F("username_or_id", appReq.UsernameOrID),
slog.F("workspace_and_agent", appReq.WorkspaceAndAgent),
slog.F("workspace_name_or_id", appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID),
slog.F("agent_name_or_id", appReq.AgentNameOrID),
slog.F("app_slug_or_port", appReq.AppSlugOrPort),
site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{
Status: http.StatusNotFound,
Title: "Application Not Found",
Description: "The application or workspace you are trying to access does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.",
RetryEnabled: false,
DashboardURL: p.AccessURL.String(),
// writeWorkspaceApp500 writes a HTML 500 error page for a workspace app. If
// appReq is not nil, it's fields will be added to the logged error message.
func (p *Provider) writeWorkspaceApp500(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, appReq *Request, err error, msg string) {
ctx := r.Context()
if appReq != nil {
slog.F("username_or_id", appReq.UsernameOrID),
slog.F("workspace_and_agent", appReq.WorkspaceAndAgent),
slog.F("workspace_name_or_id", appReq.WorkspaceNameOrID),
slog.F("agent_name_or_id", appReq.AgentNameOrID),
slog.F("app_name_or_port", appReq.AppSlugOrPort),
"workspace app auth server error: "+msg,
site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{
Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Title: "Internal Server Error",
Description: "An internal server error occurred.",
RetryEnabled: false,
DashboardURL: p.AccessURL.String(),