
329 lines
10 KiB

package wsproxy
import (
type Options struct {
Logger slog.Logger
HTTPClient *http.Client
// DashboardURL is the URL of the primary coderd instance.
DashboardURL *url.URL
// AccessURL is the URL of the WorkspaceProxy.
AccessURL *url.URL
// TODO: @emyrk We use these two fields in many places with this comment.
// Maybe we should make some shared options struct?
// AppHostname should be the wildcard hostname to use for workspace
// applications INCLUDING the asterisk, (optional) suffix and leading dot.
// It will use the same scheme and port number as the access URL.
// E.g. "*" or "*".
AppHostname string
// AppHostnameRegex contains the regex version of options.AppHostname as
// generated by httpapi.CompileHostnamePattern(). It MUST be set if
// options.AppHostname is set.
AppHostnameRegex *regexp.Regexp
RealIPConfig *httpmw.RealIPConfig
Tracing trace.TracerProvider
PrometheusRegistry *prometheus.Registry
APIRateLimit int
SecureAuthCookie bool
DisablePathApps bool
ProxySessionToken string
func (o *Options) Validate() error {
var errs optErrors
errs.Required("Logger", o.Logger)
errs.Required("DashboardURL", o.DashboardURL)
errs.Required("AccessURL", o.AccessURL)
errs.Required("RealIPConfig", o.RealIPConfig)
errs.Required("PrometheusRegistry", o.PrometheusRegistry)
errs.NotEmpty("ProxySessionToken", o.ProxySessionToken)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
return nil
// Server is an external workspace proxy server. This server can communicate
// directly with a workspace. It requires a primary coderd to establish a said
// connection.
type Server struct {
Options *Options
Handler chi.Router
DashboardURL *url.URL
AppServer *workspaceapps.Server
// Logging/Metrics
Logger slog.Logger
TracerProvider trace.TracerProvider
PrometheusRegistry *prometheus.Registry
// SDKClient is a client to the primary coderd instance authenticated with
// the moon's token.
SDKClient *wsproxysdk.Client
// TODO: Missing:
// - derpserver
// Used for graceful shutdown. Required for the dialer.
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// New creates a new workspace proxy server. This requires a primary coderd
// instance to be reachable and the correct authorization access token to be
// provided. If the proxy cannot authenticate with the primary, this will fail.
func New(ctx context.Context, opts *Options) (*Server, error) {
if opts.PrometheusRegistry == nil {
opts.PrometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry()
if err := opts.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
client := wsproxysdk.New(opts.DashboardURL)
err := client.SetSessionToken(opts.ProxySessionToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("set client token: %w", err)
// Use the configured client if provided.
if opts.HTTPClient != nil {
client.SDKClient.HTTPClient = opts.HTTPClient
// TODO: Probably do some version checking here
info, err := client.SDKClient.BuildInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to fetch build info from %q: %w", opts.DashboardURL, err)
if info.WorkspaceProxy {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("%q is a workspace proxy, not a primary coderd instance", opts.DashboardURL)
regResp, err := client.RegisterWorkspaceProxy(ctx, wsproxysdk.RegisterWorkspaceProxyRequest{
AccessURL: opts.AccessURL.String(),
WildcardHostname: opts.AppHostname,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("register proxy: %w", err)
secKey, err := workspaceapps.KeyFromString(regResp.AppSecurityKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse app security key: %w", err)
r := chi.NewRouter()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s := &Server{
Options: opts,
Handler: r,
DashboardURL: opts.DashboardURL,
Logger: opts.Logger.Named("workspace-proxy"),
TracerProvider: opts.Tracing,
PrometheusRegistry: opts.PrometheusRegistry,
SDKClient: client,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
s.AppServer = &workspaceapps.Server{
Logger: opts.Logger.Named("workspaceapps"),
DashboardURL: opts.DashboardURL,
AccessURL: opts.AccessURL,
Hostname: opts.AppHostname,
HostnameRegex: opts.AppHostnameRegex,
RealIPConfig: opts.RealIPConfig,
SignedTokenProvider: &TokenProvider{
DashboardURL: opts.DashboardURL,
AccessURL: opts.AccessURL,
AppHostname: opts.AppHostname,
Client: client,
SecurityKey: secKey,
Logger: s.Logger.Named("proxy_token_provider"),
WorkspaceConnCache: wsconncache.New(s.DialWorkspaceAgent, 0),
AppSecurityKey: secKey,
DisablePathApps: opts.DisablePathApps,
SecureAuthCookie: opts.SecureAuthCookie,
// Routes
apiRateLimiter := httpmw.RateLimit(opts.APIRateLimit, time.Minute)
// Persistent middlewares to all routes
// TODO: @emyrk Should we standardize these in some other package?
// HandleSubdomain is a middleware that handles all requests to the
// subdomain-based workspace apps.
// Build-Version is helpful for debugging.
func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("X-Coder-Build-Version", buildinfo.Version())
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// This header stops a browser from trying to MIME-sniff the content type and
// forces it to stick with the declared content-type. This is the only valid
// value for this header.
// See:
func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// TODO: @emyrk we might not need this? But good to have if it does
// not break anything.
// Attach workspace apps routes.
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/api/v2/buildinfo", s.buildInfo)
r.Get("/healthz", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { _, _ = w.Write([]byte("OK")) })
// TODO: @emyrk should this be authenticated or debounced?
r.Get("/healthz-report", s.healthReport)
r.NotFound(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
site.RenderStaticErrorPage(rw, r, site.ErrorPageData{
Status: 404,
Title: "Route Not Found",
Description: "The route you requested does not exist on this workspace proxy. Maybe you intended to make this request to the primary dashboard? Click below to be redirected to the primary site.",
RetryEnabled: false,
DashboardURL: opts.DashboardURL.String(),
return s, nil
func (s *Server) Close() error {
return s.AppServer.Close()
func (s *Server) DialWorkspaceAgent(id uuid.UUID) (*codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConn, error) {
return s.SDKClient.DialWorkspaceAgent(s.ctx, id, nil)
func (s *Server) buildInfo(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.BuildInfoResponse{
ExternalURL: buildinfo.ExternalURL(),
Version: buildinfo.Version(),
DashboardURL: s.DashboardURL.String(),
WorkspaceProxy: true,
// healthReport is a more thorough health check than the '/healthz' endpoint.
// This endpoint not only responds if the server is running, but can do some
// internal diagnostics to ensure that the server is running correctly. The
// primary coderd will use this to determine if this workspace proxy can be used
// by the users. This endpoint will take longer to respond than the '/healthz'.
// Checks:
// - Can communicate with primary coderd
// TODO: Config checks to ensure consistent with primary
func (s *Server) healthReport(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
var report codersdk.ProxyHealthReport
// Hit the build info to do basic version checking.
primaryBuild, err := s.SDKClient.SDKClient.BuildInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
report.Errors = append(report.Errors, fmt.Sprintf("failed to get build info: %s", err.Error()))
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, report)
if primaryBuild.WorkspaceProxy {
// This could be a simple mistake of using a proxy url as the dashboard url.
report.Errors = append(report.Errors,
fmt.Sprintf("dashboard url (%s) is a workspace proxy, must be a primary coderd", s.DashboardURL.String()))
// If we are in dev mode, never check versions.
if !buildinfo.IsDev() && !buildinfo.VersionsMatch(primaryBuild.Version, buildinfo.Version()) {
// Version mismatches are not fatal, but should be reported.
report.Warnings = append(report.Warnings,
fmt.Sprintf("version mismatch: primary coderd (%s) != workspace proxy (%s)", primaryBuild.Version, buildinfo.Version()))
// TODO: We should hit the deployment config endpoint and do some config
// checks. We can check the version from the X-CODER-BUILD-VERSION header
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, report)
type optErrors []error
func (e optErrors) Error() string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, err := range e {
_, _ = b.WriteString(err.Error())
_, _ = b.WriteString("\n")
return b.String()
func (e *optErrors) Required(name string, v any) {
if v == nil {
*e = append(*e, xerrors.Errorf("%s is required, got <nil>", name))
func (e *optErrors) NotEmpty(name string, v any) {
if reflect.ValueOf(v).IsZero() {
*e = append(*e, xerrors.Errorf("%s is required, got the zero value", name))