
492 lines
18 KiB

package autobuild
import (
// Executor automatically starts or stops workspaces.
type Executor struct {
ctx context.Context
db database.Store
ps pubsub.Pubsub
templateScheduleStore *atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore]
accessControlStore *atomic.Pointer[dbauthz.AccessControlStore]
auditor *atomic.Pointer[audit.Auditor]
log slog.Logger
tick <-chan time.Time
statsCh chan<- Stats
// Stats contains information about one run of Executor.
type Stats struct {
Transitions map[uuid.UUID]database.WorkspaceTransition
Elapsed time.Duration
Errors map[uuid.UUID]error
// New returns a new wsactions executor.
func NewExecutor(ctx context.Context, db database.Store, ps pubsub.Pubsub, tss *atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore], auditor *atomic.Pointer[audit.Auditor], acs *atomic.Pointer[dbauthz.AccessControlStore], log slog.Logger, tick <-chan time.Time) *Executor {
le := &Executor{
//nolint:gocritic // Autostart has a limited set of permissions.
ctx: dbauthz.AsAutostart(ctx),
db: db,
ps: ps,
templateScheduleStore: tss,
tick: tick,
log: log.Named("autobuild"),
auditor: auditor,
accessControlStore: acs,
return le
// WithStatsChannel will cause Executor to push a RunStats to ch after
// every tick.
func (e *Executor) WithStatsChannel(ch chan<- Stats) *Executor {
e.statsCh = ch
return e
// Run will cause executor to start or stop workspaces on every
// tick from its channel. It will stop when its context is Done, or when
// its channel is closed.
func (e *Executor) Run() {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-e.ctx.Done():
case t, ok := <-e.tick:
if !ok {
stats := e.runOnce(t)
if e.statsCh != nil {
select {
case <-e.ctx.Done():
case e.statsCh <- stats:
e.log.Debug(e.ctx, "run stats", slog.F("elapsed", stats.Elapsed), slog.F("transitions", stats.Transitions))
func (e *Executor) runOnce(t time.Time) Stats {
stats := Stats{
Transitions: make(map[uuid.UUID]database.WorkspaceTransition),
Errors: make(map[uuid.UUID]error),
// we build the map of transitions concurrently, so need a mutex to serialize writes to the map
statsMu := sync.Mutex{}
defer func() {
stats.Elapsed = time.Since(t)
currentTick := t.Truncate(time.Minute)
// TTL is set at the workspace level, and deadline at the workspace build level.
// When a workspace build is created, its deadline initially starts at zero.
// When provisionerd successfully completes a provision job, the deadline is
// set to now + TTL if the associated workspace has a TTL set. This deadline
// is what we compare against when performing autostop operations, rounded down
// to the minute.
// NOTE: If a workspace build is created with a given TTL and then the user either
// changes or unsets the TTL, the deadline for the workspace build will not
// have changed. This behavior is as expected per #2229.
workspaces, err := e.db.GetWorkspacesEligibleForTransition(e.ctx, t)
if err != nil {
e.log.Error(e.ctx, "get workspaces for autostart or autostop", slog.Error(err))
return stats
// We only use errgroup here for convenience of API, not for early
// cancellation. This means we only return nil errors in th eg.Go.
eg := errgroup.Group{}
// Limit the concurrency to avoid overloading the database.
for _, ws := range workspaces {
wsID := ws.ID
wsName := ws.Name
log := e.log.With(
slog.F("workspace_id", wsID),
slog.F("workspace_name", wsName),
eg.Go(func() error {
err := func() error {
var job *database.ProvisionerJob
var auditLog *auditParams
err := e.db.InTx(func(tx database.Store) error {
// Re-check eligibility since the first check was outside the
// transaction and the workspace settings may have changed.
ws, err := tx.GetWorkspaceByID(e.ctx, wsID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get workspace by id: %w", err)
user, err := tx.GetUserByID(e.ctx, ws.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get user by id: %w", err)
// Determine the workspace state based on its latest build.
latestBuild, err := tx.GetLatestWorkspaceBuildByWorkspaceID(e.ctx, ws.ID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get latest workspace build: %w", err)
latestJob, err := tx.GetProvisionerJobByID(e.ctx, latestBuild.JobID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get latest provisioner job: %w", err)
templateSchedule, err := (*(e.templateScheduleStore.Load())).Get(e.ctx, tx, ws.TemplateID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get template scheduling options: %w", err)
template, err := tx.GetTemplateByID(e.ctx, ws.TemplateID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get template by ID: %w", err)
accessControl := (*(e.accessControlStore.Load())).GetTemplateAccessControl(template)
nextTransition, reason, err := getNextTransition(user, ws, latestBuild, latestJob, templateSchedule, currentTick)
if err != nil {
log.Debug(e.ctx, "skipping workspace", slog.Error(err))
// err is used to indicate that a workspace is not eligible
// so returning nil here is ok although ultimately the distinction
// doesn't matter since the transaction is read-only up to
// this point.
return nil
if nextTransition != "" {
builder := wsbuilder.New(ws, nextTransition).
log.Debug(e.ctx, "auto building workspace", slog.F("transition", nextTransition))
if nextTransition == database.WorkspaceTransitionStart &&
useActiveVersion(accessControl, ws) {
log.Debug(e.ctx, "autostarting with active version")
builder = builder.ActiveVersion()
_, job, err = builder.Build(e.ctx, tx, nil, audit.WorkspaceBuildBaggage{IP: ""})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("build workspace with transition %q: %w", nextTransition, err)
// Transition the workspace to dormant if it has breached the template's
// threshold for inactivity.
if reason == database.BuildReasonDormancy {
wsOld := ws
ws, err = tx.UpdateWorkspaceDormantDeletingAt(e.ctx, database.UpdateWorkspaceDormantDeletingAtParams{
ID: ws.ID,
DormantAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: dbtime.Now(),
Valid: true,
auditLog = &auditParams{
Old: wsOld,
New: ws,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("update workspace dormant deleting at: %w", err)
log.Info(e.ctx, "dormant workspace",
slog.F("last_used_at", ws.LastUsedAt),
slog.F("time_til_dormant", templateSchedule.TimeTilDormant),
slog.F("since_last_used_at", time.Since(ws.LastUsedAt)),
if reason == database.BuildReasonAutodelete {
log.Info(e.ctx, "deleted workspace",
slog.F("dormant_at", ws.DormantAt.Time),
slog.F("time_til_dormant_autodelete", templateSchedule.TimeTilDormantAutoDelete),
if nextTransition == "" {
return nil
stats.Transitions[ws.ID] = nextTransition
log.Info(e.ctx, "scheduling workspace transition",
slog.F("transition", nextTransition),
slog.F("reason", reason),
return nil
// Run with RepeatableRead isolation so that the build process sees the same data
// as our calculation that determines whether an autobuild is necessary.
}, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelRepeatableRead})
if auditLog != nil {
// If the transition didn't succeed then updating the workspace
// to indicate dormant didn't either.
auditLog.Success = err == nil
auditBuild(e.ctx, log, *e.auditor.Load(), *auditLog)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("transition workspace: %w", err)
if job != nil {
// Note that we can't refactor such that posting the job happens inside wsbuilder because it's called
// with an outer transaction like this, and we need to make sure the outer transaction commits before
// posting the job. If we post before the transaction commits, provisionerd might try to acquire the
// job, fail, and then sit idle instead of picking up the job.
err = provisionerjobs.PostJob(, *job)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("post provisioner job to pubsub: %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Error(e.ctx, "failed to transition workspace", slog.Error(err))
stats.Errors[wsID] = err
// Even though we got an error we still return nil to avoid
// short-circuiting the evaluation loop.
return nil
// This should not happen since we don't want early cancellation.
err = eg.Wait()
if err != nil {
e.log.Error(e.ctx, "workspace scheduling errgroup failed", slog.Error(err))
return stats
// getNextTransition returns the next eligible transition for the workspace
// as well as the reason for why it is transitioning. It is possible
// for this function to return a nil error as well as an empty transition.
// In such cases it means no provisioning should occur but the workspace
// may be "transitioning" to a new state (such as an inactive, stopped
// workspace transitioning to the dormant state).
func getNextTransition(
user database.User,
ws database.Workspace,
latestBuild database.WorkspaceBuild,
latestJob database.ProvisionerJob,
templateSchedule schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions,
currentTick time.Time,
) (
) {
switch {
case isEligibleForAutostop(ws, latestBuild, latestJob, currentTick):
return database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, database.BuildReasonAutostop, nil
case isEligibleForAutostart(user, ws, latestBuild, latestJob, templateSchedule, currentTick):
return database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.BuildReasonAutostart, nil
case isEligibleForFailedStop(latestBuild, latestJob, templateSchedule, currentTick):
return database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, database.BuildReasonAutostop, nil
case isEligibleForDormantStop(ws, templateSchedule, currentTick):
// Only stop started workspaces.
if latestBuild.Transition == database.WorkspaceTransitionStart {
return database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, database.BuildReasonDormancy, nil
// We shouldn't transition the workspace but we should still
// make it dormant.
return "", database.BuildReasonDormancy, nil
case isEligibleForDelete(ws, templateSchedule, latestBuild, latestJob, currentTick):
return database.WorkspaceTransitionDelete, database.BuildReasonAutodelete, nil
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("last transition not valid for autostart or autostop")
// isEligibleForAutostart returns true if the workspace should be autostarted.
func isEligibleForAutostart(user database.User, ws database.Workspace, build database.WorkspaceBuild, job database.ProvisionerJob, templateSchedule schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, currentTick time.Time) bool {
// Don't attempt to autostart workspaces for suspended users.
if user.Status != database.UserStatusActive {
return false
// Don't attempt to autostart failed workspaces.
if job.JobStatus == database.ProvisionerJobStatusFailed {
return false
// If the workspace is dormant we should not autostart it.
if ws.DormantAt.Valid {
return false
// If the last transition for the workspace was not 'stop' then the workspace
// cannot be started.
if build.Transition != database.WorkspaceTransitionStop {
return false
// If autostart isn't enabled, or the schedule isn't valid/populated we can't
// autostart the workspace.
if !templateSchedule.UserAutostartEnabled || !ws.AutostartSchedule.Valid || ws.AutostartSchedule.String == "" {
return false
nextTransition, allowed := NextAutostartSchedule(build.CreatedAt, ws.AutostartSchedule.String, templateSchedule)
if !allowed {
return false
// Must use '.Before' vs '.After' so equal times are considered "valid for autostart".
return !currentTick.Before(nextTransition)
// NextAutostartSchedule takes the workspace and template schedule and returns the next autostart schedule
// after "at". The boolean returned is if the autostart should be allowed to start based on the template
// schedule.
func NextAutostartSchedule(at time.Time, wsSchedule string, templateSchedule schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions) (time.Time, bool) {
sched, err := cron.Weekly(wsSchedule)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, false
// Round down to the nearest minute, as this is the finest granularity cron supports.
// Truncate is probably not necessary here, but doing it anyway to be sure.
nextTransition := sched.Next(at).Truncate(time.Minute)
// The nextTransition is when the auto start should kick off. If it lands on a
// forbidden day, do not allow the auto start. We use the time location of the
// schedule to determine the weekday. So if "Saturday" is disallowed, the
// definition of "Saturday" depends on the location of the schedule.
zonedTransition := nextTransition.In(sched.Location())
allowed := templateSchedule.AutostartRequirement.DaysMap()[zonedTransition.Weekday()]
return zonedTransition, allowed
// isEligibleForAutostart returns true if the workspace should be autostopped.
func isEligibleForAutostop(ws database.Workspace, build database.WorkspaceBuild, job database.ProvisionerJob, currentTick time.Time) bool {
if job.JobStatus == database.ProvisionerJobStatusFailed {
return false
// If the workspace is dormant we should not autostop it.
if ws.DormantAt.Valid {
return false
// A workspace must be started in order for it to be auto-stopped.
return build.Transition == database.WorkspaceTransitionStart &&
!build.Deadline.IsZero() &&
// We do not want to stop a workspace prior to it breaching its deadline.
// isEligibleForDormantStop returns true if the workspace should be dormant
// for breaching the inactivity threshold of the template.
func isEligibleForDormantStop(ws database.Workspace, templateSchedule schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, currentTick time.Time) bool {
// Only attempt against workspaces not already dormant.
return !ws.DormantAt.Valid &&
// The template must specify an time_til_dormant value.
templateSchedule.TimeTilDormant > 0 &&
// The workspace must breach the time_til_dormant value.
currentTick.Sub(ws.LastUsedAt) > templateSchedule.TimeTilDormant
func isEligibleForDelete(ws database.Workspace, templateSchedule schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, lastBuild database.WorkspaceBuild, lastJob database.ProvisionerJob, currentTick time.Time) bool {
eligible := ws.DormantAt.Valid && ws.DeletingAt.Valid &&
// Dormant workspaces should only be deleted if a time_til_dormant_autodelete value is specified.
templateSchedule.TimeTilDormantAutoDelete > 0 &&
// The workspace must breach the time_til_dormant_autodelete value.
// If the last delete job failed we should wait 24 hours before trying again.
// Builds are resource-intensive so retrying every minute is not productive
// and will hold compute hostage.
if lastBuild.Transition == database.WorkspaceTransitionDelete && lastJob.JobStatus == database.ProvisionerJobStatusFailed {
return eligible && lastJob.Finished() && currentTick.Sub(lastJob.FinishedAt()) > time.Hour*24
return eligible
// isEligibleForFailedStop returns true if the workspace is eligible to be stopped
// due to a failed build.
func isEligibleForFailedStop(build database.WorkspaceBuild, job database.ProvisionerJob, templateSchedule schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, currentTick time.Time) bool {
// If the template has specified a failure TLL.
return templateSchedule.FailureTTL > 0 &&
// And the job resulted in failure.
job.JobStatus == database.ProvisionerJobStatusFailed &&
build.Transition == database.WorkspaceTransitionStart &&
// And sufficient time has elapsed since the job has completed.
job.CompletedAt.Valid &&
currentTick.Sub(job.CompletedAt.Time) > templateSchedule.FailureTTL
type auditParams struct {
Old database.Workspace
New database.Workspace
Success bool
func auditBuild(ctx context.Context, log slog.Logger, auditor audit.Auditor, params auditParams) {
status := http.StatusInternalServerError
if params.Success {
status = http.StatusOK
audit.BackgroundAudit(ctx, &audit.BackgroundAuditParams[database.Workspace]{
Audit: auditor,
Log: log,
UserID: params.New.OwnerID,
OrganizationID: params.New.OrganizationID,
// Right now there's no request associated with an autobuild
// operation.
RequestID: uuid.Nil,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
Old: params.Old,
New: params.New,
Status: status,
func useActiveVersion(opts dbauthz.TemplateAccessControl, ws database.Workspace) bool {
return opts.RequireActiveVersion || ws.AutomaticUpdates == database.AutomaticUpdatesAlways