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* @file 2024-02-19 - MES - Sadly, even though this hook aims to make elements
* more accessible, it's doing the opposite right now. Per axe audits, the
* current implementation will create a bunch of critical-level accessibility
* violations:
* 1. Nesting interactive elements (e.g., workspace table rows having checkboxes
* inside them)
* 2. Overriding the native element's role (in this case, turning a native table
* row into a button, which means that screen readers lose the ability to
* announce the row's data as part of a larger table)
* It might not make sense to test this hook until the underlying design
* problems are fixed.
import { type MouseEventHandler } from "react";
import { type CSSObject, useTheme } from "@emotion/react";
import {
type ClickableAriaRole,
type UseClickableResult,
} from "./useClickable";
import { type TableRowProps } from "@mui/material/TableRow";
type UseClickableTableRowResult<
TRole extends ClickableAriaRole = ClickableAriaRole,
> = UseClickableResult<HTMLTableRowElement, TRole> &
TableRowProps & {
css: CSSObject;
hover: true;
onAuxClick: MouseEventHandler<HTMLTableRowElement>;
// Awkward type definition (the hover preview in VS Code isn't great, either),
// but this basically extracts all click props from TableRowProps, but makes
// onClick required, and adds additional optional props (notably onMiddleClick)
type UseClickableTableRowConfig<TRole extends ClickableAriaRole> = {
[Key in keyof TableRowProps as Key extends `on${string}Click`
? Key
: never]: UseClickableTableRowResult<TRole>[Key];
} & {
role?: TRole;
onClick: MouseEventHandler<HTMLTableRowElement>;
onMiddleClick?: MouseEventHandler<HTMLTableRowElement>;
export const useClickableTableRow = <
TRole extends ClickableAriaRole = ClickableAriaRole,
onAuxClick: externalOnAuxClick,
}: UseClickableTableRowConfig<TRole>): UseClickableTableRowResult<TRole> => {
const clickableProps = useClickable(onClick, (role ?? "button") as TRole);
const theme = useTheme();
return {
css: {
cursor: "pointer",
"&:focus": {
outline: `1px solid ${theme.palette.primary.main}`,
outlineOffset: -1,
"&:last-of-type": {
borderBottomLeftRadius: 8,
borderBottomRightRadius: 8,
hover: true,
onAuxClick: (event) => {
// Regardless of which callback gets called, the hook won't stop the event
// from bubbling further up the DOM
const isMiddleMouseButton = event.button === 1;
if (isMiddleMouseButton) {
} else {