
479 lines
12 KiB

package metricscache
import (
// deploymentTimezoneOffsets are the timezones that are cached and supported.
// Any non-listed timezone offsets will need to use the closest supported one.
var deploymentTimezoneOffsets = []int{
0, // UTC - is listed first intentionally.
-12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
// templateTimezoneOffsets are the timezones each template will use for it's DAU
// calculations. This is expensive as each template needs to do each timezone, so keep this list
// very small.
var templateTimezoneOffsets = []int{
// Only do one for now. If people request more accurate template DAU, we can
// fix this. But it adds too much cost, so optimization is needed first.
0, // UTC - is listed first intentionally.
// Cache holds the template metrics.
// The aggregation queries responsible for these values can take up to a minute
// on large deployments. Even in small deployments, aggregation queries can
// take a few hundred milliseconds, which would ruin page load times and
// database performance if in the hot path.
type Cache struct {
database database.Store
log slog.Logger
intervals Intervals
deploymentDAUResponses atomic.Pointer[map[int]codersdk.DAUsResponse]
templateDAUResponses atomic.Pointer[map[int]map[uuid.UUID]codersdk.DAUsResponse]
templateUniqueUsers atomic.Pointer[map[uuid.UUID]int]
templateAverageBuildTime atomic.Pointer[map[uuid.UUID]database.GetTemplateAverageBuildTimeRow]
deploymentStatsResponse atomic.Pointer[codersdk.DeploymentStats]
done chan struct{}
cancel func()
type Intervals struct {
TemplateDAUs time.Duration
DeploymentStats time.Duration
func New(db database.Store, log slog.Logger, intervals Intervals) *Cache {
if intervals.TemplateDAUs <= 0 {
intervals.TemplateDAUs = time.Hour
if intervals.DeploymentStats <= 0 {
intervals.DeploymentStats = time.Minute
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c := &Cache{
database: db,
intervals: intervals,
log: log,
done: make(chan struct{}),
cancel: cancel,
go func() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer close(c.done)
go func() {
defer wg.Done(), "template daus", intervals.TemplateDAUs, c.refreshTemplateDAUs)
go func() {
defer wg.Done(), "deployment stats", intervals.DeploymentStats, c.refreshDeploymentStats)
return c
func fillEmptyDays(sortedDates []time.Time) []time.Time {
var newDates []time.Time
for i, ti := range sortedDates {
if i == 0 {
newDates = append(newDates, ti)
last := sortedDates[i-1]
const day = time.Hour * 24
diff := ti.Sub(last)
for diff > day {
if diff <= day {
last = last.Add(day)
newDates = append(newDates, last)
diff -= day
newDates = append(newDates, ti)
return newDates
type dauRow interface {
database.GetTemplateDAUsRow |
func convertDAUResponse[T dauRow](rows []T, tzOffset int) codersdk.DAUsResponse {
respMap := make(map[time.Time][]uuid.UUID)
for _, row := range rows {
switch row := any(row).(type) {
case database.GetDeploymentDAUsRow:
respMap[row.Date] = append(respMap[row.Date], row.UserID)
case database.GetTemplateDAUsRow:
respMap[row.Date] = append(respMap[row.Date], row.UserID)
// This should never happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T not acceptable, developer error", row))
dates := maps.Keys(respMap)
slices.SortFunc(dates, func(a, b time.Time) int {
if a.Before(b) {
return -1
} else if a.Equal(b) {
return 0
} else {
return 1
var resp codersdk.DAUsResponse
for _, date := range fillEmptyDays(dates) {
resp.Entries = append(resp.Entries, codersdk.DAUEntry{
Date: date,
Amount: len(respMap[date]),
resp.TZHourOffset = tzOffset
return resp
func countUniqueUsers(rows []database.GetTemplateDAUsRow) int {
seen := make(map[uuid.UUID]struct{}, len(rows))
for _, row := range rows {
seen[row.UserID] = struct{}{}
return len(seen)
func (c *Cache) refreshDeploymentDAUs(ctx context.Context) error {
//nolint:gocritic // This is a system service.
ctx = dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)
deploymentDAUs := make(map[int]codersdk.DAUsResponse)
for _, tzOffset := range deploymentTimezoneOffsets {
rows, err := c.database.GetDeploymentDAUs(ctx, int32(tzOffset))
if err != nil {
return err
deploymentDAUs[tzOffset] = convertDAUResponse(rows, tzOffset)
return nil
func (c *Cache) refreshTemplateDAUs(ctx context.Context) error {
//nolint:gocritic // This is a system service.
ctx = dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)
templates, err := c.database.GetTemplates(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
var (
templateDAUs = make(map[int]map[uuid.UUID]codersdk.DAUsResponse, len(templates))
templateUniqueUsers = make(map[uuid.UUID]int)
templateAverageBuildTimes = make(map[uuid.UUID]database.GetTemplateAverageBuildTimeRow)
err = c.refreshDeploymentDAUs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("deployment daus: %w", err)
for _, template := range templates {
for _, tzOffset := range templateTimezoneOffsets {
rows, err := c.database.GetTemplateDAUs(ctx, database.GetTemplateDAUsParams{
TemplateID: template.ID,
TzOffset: int32(tzOffset),
if err != nil {
return err
if templateDAUs[tzOffset] == nil {
templateDAUs[tzOffset] = make(map[uuid.UUID]codersdk.DAUsResponse)
templateDAUs[tzOffset][template.ID] = convertDAUResponse(rows, tzOffset)
if _, set := templateUniqueUsers[template.ID]; !set {
// If the uniqueUsers has not been counted yet, set the unique count with the rows we have.
// We only need to calculate this once.
templateUniqueUsers[template.ID] = countUniqueUsers(rows)
templateAvgBuildTime, err := c.database.GetTemplateAverageBuildTime(ctx, database.GetTemplateAverageBuildTimeParams{
TemplateID: uuid.NullUUID{
UUID: template.ID,
Valid: true,
StartTime: sql.NullTime{
Time: dbtime.Time(time.Now().AddDate(0, -30, 0)),
Valid: true,
if err != nil {
return err
templateAverageBuildTimes[template.ID] = templateAvgBuildTime
return nil
func (c *Cache) refreshDeploymentStats(ctx context.Context) error {
from := dbtime.Now().Add(-15 * time.Minute)
agentStats, err := c.database.GetDeploymentWorkspaceAgentStats(ctx, from)
if err != nil {
return err
workspaceStats, err := c.database.GetDeploymentWorkspaceStats(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
AggregatedFrom: from,
CollectedAt: dbtime.Now(),
NextUpdateAt: dbtime.Now().Add(c.intervals.DeploymentStats),
Workspaces: codersdk.WorkspaceDeploymentStats{
Pending: workspaceStats.PendingWorkspaces,
Building: workspaceStats.BuildingWorkspaces,
Running: workspaceStats.RunningWorkspaces,
Failed: workspaceStats.FailedWorkspaces,
Stopped: workspaceStats.StoppedWorkspaces,
ConnectionLatencyMS: codersdk.WorkspaceConnectionLatencyMS{
P50: agentStats.WorkspaceConnectionLatency50,
P95: agentStats.WorkspaceConnectionLatency95,
RxBytes: agentStats.WorkspaceRxBytes,
TxBytes: agentStats.WorkspaceTxBytes,
SessionCount: codersdk.SessionCountDeploymentStats{
VSCode: agentStats.SessionCountVSCode,
SSH: agentStats.SessionCountSSH,
JetBrains: agentStats.SessionCountJetBrains,
ReconnectingPTY: agentStats.SessionCountReconnectingPTY,
return nil
func (c *Cache) run(ctx context.Context, name string, interval time.Duration, refresh func(context.Context) error) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
for r := retry.New(time.Millisecond*100, time.Minute); r.Wait(ctx); {
start := time.Now()
err := refresh(ctx)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
c.log.Error(ctx, "refresh", slog.Error(err))
name+" metrics refreshed",
slog.F("took", time.Since(start)),
slog.F("interval", interval),
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-c.done:
case <-ctx.Done():
func (c *Cache) Close() error {
return nil
func (c *Cache) DeploymentDAUs(offset int) (int, *codersdk.DAUsResponse, bool) {
m := c.deploymentDAUResponses.Load()
if m == nil {
return 0, nil, false
closestOffset, resp, ok := closest(*m, offset)
if !ok {
return 0, nil, false
return closestOffset, &resp, ok
// TemplateDAUs returns an empty response if the template doesn't have users
// or is loading for the first time.
// The cache will select the closest DAUs response to given timezone offset.
func (c *Cache) TemplateDAUs(id uuid.UUID, offset int) (int, *codersdk.DAUsResponse, bool) {
m := c.templateDAUResponses.Load()
if m == nil {
// Data loading.
return 0, nil, false
closestOffset, resp, ok := closest(*m, offset)
if !ok {
// Probably no data.
return 0, nil, false
tpl, ok := resp[id]
if !ok {
// Probably no data.
return 0, nil, false
return closestOffset, &tpl, true
// closest returns the value in the values map that has a key with the value most
// close to the requested key. This is so if a user requests a timezone offset that
// we do not have, we return the closest one we do have to the user.
func closest[V any](values map[int]V, offset int) (int, V, bool) {
if len(values) == 0 {
var v V
return -1, v, false
v, ok := values[offset]
if ok {
// We have the exact offset, that was easy!
return offset, v, true
var closest int
var closestV V
diff := math.MaxInt
for k, v := range values {
newDiff := abs(k - offset)
// Take the closest value that is also the smallest value. We do this
// to make the output deterministic
if newDiff < diff || (newDiff == diff && k < closest) {
// new closest
closest = k
closestV = v
diff = newDiff
return closest, closestV, true
func abs(a int) int {
if a < 0 {
return -1 * a
return a
// TemplateUniqueUsers returns the number of unique Template users
// from all Cache data.
func (c *Cache) TemplateUniqueUsers(id uuid.UUID) (int, bool) {
m := c.templateUniqueUsers.Load()
if m == nil {
// Data loading.
return -1, false
resp, ok := (*m)[id]
if !ok {
// Probably no data.
return -1, false
return resp, true
func (c *Cache) TemplateBuildTimeStats(id uuid.UUID) codersdk.TemplateBuildTimeStats {
unknown := codersdk.TemplateBuildTimeStats{
codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart: {},
codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStop: {},
codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionDelete: {},
m := c.templateAverageBuildTime.Load()
if m == nil {
// Data loading.
return unknown
resp, ok := (*m)[id]
if !ok {
// No data or not enough builds.
return unknown
convertMillis := func(m float64) *int64 {
if m <= 0 {
return nil
i := int64(m * 1000)
return &i
return codersdk.TemplateBuildTimeStats{
codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart: {
P50: convertMillis(resp.Start50),
P95: convertMillis(resp.Start95),
codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStop: {
P50: convertMillis(resp.Stop50),
P95: convertMillis(resp.Stop95),
codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionDelete: {
P50: convertMillis(resp.Delete50),
P95: convertMillis(resp.Delete95),
func (c *Cache) DeploymentStats() (codersdk.DeploymentStats, bool) {
deploymentStats := c.deploymentStatsResponse.Load()
if deploymentStats == nil {
return codersdk.DeploymentStats{}, false
return *deploymentStats, true