
166 lines
2.7 KiB

//go:build !windows
package pty
import (
func newPty(opt ...Option) (retPTY *otherPty, err error) {
var opts ptyOptions
for _, o := range opt {
ptyFile, ttyFile, err := pty.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opty := &otherPty{
pty: ptyFile,
tty: ttyFile,
opts: opts,
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = opty.Close()
if opts.sshReq != nil {
err = opty.control(opty.tty, func(fd uintptr) error {
return applyTerminalModesToFd(opts.logger, fd, *opts.sshReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return opty, nil
type otherPty struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
closed bool
err error
pty, tty *os.File
opts ptyOptions
func (p *otherPty) control(tty *os.File, fn func(fd uintptr) error) (err error) {
defer func() {
// Always echo the close error for closed ptys.
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if p.closed {
err = p.err
rawConn, err := tty.SyscallConn()
if err != nil {
return err
var ctlErr error
err = rawConn.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
ctlErr = fn(fd)
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case ctlErr != nil:
return ctlErr
return nil
func (p *otherPty) Name() string {
return p.tty.Name()
func (p *otherPty) Input() ReadWriter {
return ReadWriter{
Reader: p.tty,
Writer: p.pty,
func (p *otherPty) Output() ReadWriter {
return ReadWriter{
Reader: p.pty,
Writer: p.tty,
func (p *otherPty) Resize(height uint16, width uint16) error {
return p.control(p.pty, func(fd uintptr) error {
return termios.SetWinSize(fd, &termios.Winsize{
Winsize: unix.Winsize{
Row: height,
Col: width,
func (p *otherPty) Close() error {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if p.closed {
return p.err
p.closed = true
err := p.pty.Close()
err2 := p.tty.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err2
if err != nil {
p.err = err
} else {
p.err = xerrors.New("pty: closed")
return err
type otherProcess struct {
pty *os.File
cmd *exec.Cmd
// cmdDone protects access to cmdErr: anything reading cmdErr should read from cmdDone first.
cmdDone chan any
cmdErr error
func (p *otherProcess) Wait() error {
return p.cmdErr
func (p *otherProcess) Kill() error {
return p.cmd.Process.Kill()
func (p *otherProcess) waitInternal() {
// The GC can garbage collect the TTY FD before the command
// has finished running. See:
p.cmdErr = p.cmd.Wait()