
73 lines
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package httpmw
import (
// RateLimit returns a handler that limits requests per-minute based
// on IP, endpoint, and user ID (if available).
func RateLimit(count int, window time.Duration) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
// -1 is no rate limit
if count <= 0 {
return func(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
return handler
return httprate.Limit(
httprate.WithKeyFuncs(func(r *http.Request) (string, error) {
// Prioritize by user, but fallback to IP.
apiKey, ok := r.Context().Value(apiKeyContextKey{}).(database.APIKey)
if !ok {
return httprate.KeyByIP(r)
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.Header.Get(codersdk.BypassRatelimitHeader)); !ok {
// No bypass attempt, just ratelimit.
return apiKey.UserID.String(), nil
// Allow Owner to bypass rate limiting for load tests
// and automation.
auth := UserAuthorization(r)
// We avoid using rbac.Authorizer since rego is CPU-intensive
// and undermines the DoS-prevention goal of the rate limiter.
for _, role := range auth.Actor.SafeRoleNames() {
if role == rbac.RoleOwner() {
// HACK: use a random key each time to
// de facto disable rate limiting. The
// `httprate` package has no
// support for selectively changing the limit
// for particular keys.
return cryptorand.String(16)
return apiKey.UserID.String(), xerrors.Errorf(
"%q provided but user is not %v",
codersdk.BypassRatelimitHeader, rbac.RoleOwner(),
}, httprate.KeyByEndpoint),
httprate.WithLimitHandler(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), w, http.StatusTooManyRequests, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("You've been rate limited for sending more than %v requests in %v.", count, window),