
301 lines
8.9 KiB

//go:build linux
// +build linux
package integration_test
import (
const runTestEnv = "CODER_TAILNET_TESTS"
var (
isSubprocess = flag.Bool("subprocess", false, "Signifies that this is a test subprocess")
testID = flag.String("test-name", "", "Which test is being run")
role = flag.String("role", "", "The role of the test subprocess: server, client")
// Role: server
serverListenAddr = flag.String("server-listen-addr", "", "The address to listen on for the server")
// Role: client
clientName = flag.String("client-name", "", "The name of the client for logs")
clientServerURL = flag.String("client-server-url", "", "The url to connect to the server")
clientMyID = flag.String("client-id", "", "The id of the client")
clientPeerID = flag.String("client-peer-id", "", "The id of the other client")
clientRunTests = flag.Bool("client-run-tests", false, "Run the tests in the client subprocess")
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if run := os.Getenv(runTestEnv); run == "" {
_, _ = fmt.Printf("skipping tests as %q is not set...\n", runTestEnv)
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
_, _ = fmt.Printf("GOOS %q is not linux", runtime.GOOS)
if os.Getuid() != 0 {
_, _ = fmt.Println("UID is not 0")
var topologies = []integration.TestTopology{
// Test that DERP over loopback works.
Name: "BasicLoopbackDERP",
SetupNetworking: integration.SetupNetworkingLoopback,
Server: integration.SimpleServerOptions{},
StartClient: integration.StartClientDERP,
RunTests: integration.TestSuite,
// Test that DERP over "easy" NAT works. The server, client 1 and client
// 2 are on different networks with a shared router, and the router
// masquerades the traffic.
Name: "EasyNATDERP",
SetupNetworking: integration.SetupNetworkingEasyNAT,
Server: integration.SimpleServerOptions{},
StartClient: integration.StartClientDERP,
RunTests: integration.TestSuite,
// Test that direct over "easy" NAT works. This should use local
// endpoints to connect as routing is enabled between client 1 and
// client 2.
Name: "EasyNATDirect",
SetupNetworking: integration.SetupNetworkingEasyNAT,
Server: integration.SimpleServerOptions{},
StartClient: integration.StartClientDirect,
RunTests: integration.TestSuite,
// Test that DERP over WebSocket (as well as DERPForceWebSockets works).
// This does not test the actual DERP failure detection code and
// automatic fallback.
Name: "DERPForceWebSockets",
SetupNetworking: integration.SetupNetworkingEasyNAT,
Server: integration.SimpleServerOptions{
FailUpgradeDERP: false,
DERPWebsocketOnly: true,
StartClient: integration.StartClientDERPWebSockets,
RunTests: integration.TestSuite,
// Test that falling back to DERP over WebSocket works.
Name: "DERPFallbackWebSockets",
SetupNetworking: integration.SetupNetworkingEasyNAT,
Server: integration.SimpleServerOptions{
FailUpgradeDERP: true,
DERPWebsocketOnly: false,
// Use a basic client that will try `Upgrade: derp` first.
StartClient: integration.StartClientDERP,
RunTests: integration.TestSuite,
Name: "BasicLoopbackDERPNGINX",
SetupNetworking: integration.SetupNetworkingLoopback,
Server: integration.NGINXServerOptions{},
StartClient: integration.StartClientDERP,
RunTests: integration.TestSuite,
func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
if *isSubprocess {
for _, topo := range topologies {
topo := topo
t.Run(topo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
// These can run in parallel because every test should be in an
// isolated NetNS.
log := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
networking := topo.SetupNetworking(t, log)
// Fork the three child processes.
closeServer := startServerSubprocess(t, topo.Name, networking)
// client1 runs the tests.
client1ErrCh, _ := startClientSubprocess(t, topo.Name, networking, 1)
_, closeClient2 := startClientSubprocess(t, topo.Name, networking, 2)
// Wait for client1 to exit.
require.NoError(t, <-client1ErrCh, "client 1 exited")
// Close client2 and the server.
require.NoError(t, closeClient2(), "client 2 exited")
require.NoError(t, closeServer(), "server exited")
func handleTestSubprocess(t *testing.T) {
// Find the specific topology.
var topo integration.TestTopology
for _, t := range topologies {
if t.Name == *testID {
topo = t
require.NotEmptyf(t, topo.Name, "unknown test topology %q", *testID)
testName := topo.Name + "/"
if *role == "server" {
testName += "server"
} else {
testName += *clientName
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
logger := slogtest.Make(t, nil).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
switch *role {
case "server":
logger = logger.Named("server")
topo.Server.StartServer(t, logger, *serverListenAddr)
// no exit
case "client":
logger = logger.Named(*clientName)
serverURL, err := url.Parse(*clientServerURL)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "parse server url %q", *clientServerURL)
myID, err := uuid.Parse(*clientMyID)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "parse client id %q", *clientMyID)
peerID, err := uuid.Parse(*clientPeerID)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, "parse peer id %q", *clientPeerID)
waitForServerAvailable(t, serverURL)
conn := topo.StartClient(t, logger, serverURL, myID, peerID)
if *clientRunTests {
// Wait for connectivity.
peerIP := tailnet.IPFromUUID(peerID)
if !conn.AwaitReachable(testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong), peerIP) {
t.Fatalf("peer %v did not become reachable", peerIP)
topo.RunTests(t, logger, serverURL, myID, peerID, conn)
// then exit
// Wait for signals.
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
func waitForServerAvailable(t *testing.T, serverURL *url.URL) {
const delay = 100 * time.Millisecond
const reqTimeout = 2 * time.Second
const timeout = 30 * time.Second
client := http.Client{
Timeout: reqTimeout,
u, err := url.Parse(serverURL.String() + "/derp/latency-check")
require.NoError(t, err)
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < timeout; time.Sleep(delay) {
resp, err := client.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
t.Logf("waiting for server to be available: %v", err)
_ = resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
t.Logf("waiting for server to be available: got status %d", resp.StatusCode)
t.Fatalf("server did not become available after %v", timeout)
func startServerSubprocess(t *testing.T, topologyName string, networking integration.TestNetworking) func() error {
_, closeFn := startSubprocess(t, "server", networking.ProcessServer.NetNS, []string{
"--test-name=" + topologyName,
"--server-listen-addr=" + networking.ServerListenAddr,
return closeFn
func startClientSubprocess(t *testing.T, topologyName string, networking integration.TestNetworking, clientNumber int) (<-chan error, func() error) {
require.True(t, clientNumber == 1 || clientNumber == 2)
var (
clientName = fmt.Sprintf("client%d", clientNumber)
myID = integration.Client1ID
peerID = integration.Client2ID
accessURL = networking.ServerAccessURLClient1
netNS = networking.ProcessClient1.NetNS
if clientNumber == 2 {
myID, peerID = peerID, myID
accessURL = networking.ServerAccessURLClient2
netNS = networking.ProcessClient2.NetNS
flags := []string{
"--test-name=" + topologyName,
"--client-name=" + clientName,
"--client-server-url=" + accessURL,
"--client-id=" + myID.String(),
"--client-peer-id=" + peerID.String(),
if clientNumber == 1 {
flags = append(flags, "--client-run-tests")
return startSubprocess(t, clientName, netNS, flags)
// startSubprocess launches the test binary with the same flags as the test, but
// with additional flags added.
// See integration.ExecBackground for more details.
func startSubprocess(t *testing.T, processName string, netNS *os.File, flags []string) (<-chan error, func() error) {
name := os.Args[0]
// Always use verbose mode since it gets piped to the parent test anyways.
args := append(os.Args[1:], append([]string{"-test.v=true"}, flags...)...)
return integration.ExecBackground(t, processName, netNS, name, args)