
193 lines
4.5 KiB

package harness
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
// TestFn is a function that can be run by an ExecutionStrategy.
type TestFn func(ctx context.Context) error
// ExecutionStrategy defines how a TestHarness should execute a set of runs. It
// essentially defines the concurrency model for a given testing session.
type ExecutionStrategy interface {
// Execute calls each function in whatever way the strategy wants. All
// errors returned from the function should be wrapped and returned, but all
// given functions must be executed.
Run(ctx context.Context, fns []TestFn) ([]error, error)
// LinearExecutionStrategy executes all test runs in a linear fashion, one after
// the other.
type LinearExecutionStrategy struct{}
var _ ExecutionStrategy = LinearExecutionStrategy{}
// Run implements ExecutionStrategy.
func (LinearExecutionStrategy) Run(ctx context.Context, fns []TestFn) ([]error, error) {
var errs []error
for i, fn := range fns {
err := fn(ctx)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, xerrors.Errorf("run %d: %w", i, err))
return errs, nil
// ConcurrentExecutionStrategy executes all test runs concurrently without any
// regard for parallelism.
type ConcurrentExecutionStrategy struct{}
var _ ExecutionStrategy = ConcurrentExecutionStrategy{}
// Run implements ExecutionStrategy.
func (ConcurrentExecutionStrategy) Run(ctx context.Context, fns []TestFn) ([]error, error) {
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
errs = newErrorsList()
for i, fn := range fns {
i, fn := i, fn
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
err := fn(ctx)
if err != nil {
errs.add(xerrors.Errorf("run %d: %w", i, err))
return errs.errs, nil
// ParallelExecutionStrategy executes all test runs concurrently, but limits the
// number of concurrent runs to the given limit.
type ParallelExecutionStrategy struct {
Limit int
var _ ExecutionStrategy = ParallelExecutionStrategy{}
// Run implements ExecutionStrategy.
func (p ParallelExecutionStrategy) Run(ctx context.Context, fns []TestFn) ([]error, error) {
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
errs = newErrorsList()
sem = make(chan struct{}, p.Limit)
defer close(sem)
for i, fn := range fns {
i, fn := i, fn
go func() {
defer func() {
sem <- struct{}{}
err := fn(ctx)
if err != nil {
errs.add(xerrors.Errorf("run %d: %w", i, err))
return errs.errs, nil
// TimeoutExecutionStrategyWrapper is an ExecutionStrategy that wraps another
// ExecutionStrategy and applies a timeout to each test run's context.
type TimeoutExecutionStrategyWrapper struct {
Timeout time.Duration
Inner ExecutionStrategy
var _ ExecutionStrategy = TimeoutExecutionStrategyWrapper{}
// Run implements ExecutionStrategy.
func (t TimeoutExecutionStrategyWrapper) Run(ctx context.Context, fns []TestFn) ([]error, error) {
newFns := make([]TestFn, len(fns))
for i, fn := range fns {
fn := fn
newFns[i] = func(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, t.Timeout)
defer cancel()
return fn(ctx)
return t.Inner.Run(ctx, newFns)
// ShuffleExecutionStrategyWrapper is an ExecutionStrategy that wraps another
// ExecutionStrategy and shuffles the order of the test runs before executing.
type ShuffleExecutionStrategyWrapper struct {
Inner ExecutionStrategy
var _ ExecutionStrategy = ShuffleExecutionStrategyWrapper{}
type cryptoRandSource struct{}
var _ rand.Source = cryptoRandSource{}
func (cryptoRandSource) Int63() int64 {
var b [8]byte
_, err := cryptorand.Read(b[:])
if err != nil {
// mask off sign bit to ensure positive number
return int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b[:]) & (1<<63 - 1))
func (cryptoRandSource) Seed(_ int64) {}
// Run implements ExecutionStrategy.
func (s ShuffleExecutionStrategyWrapper) Run(ctx context.Context, fns []TestFn) ([]error, error) {
shuffledFns := make([]TestFn, len(fns))
copy(shuffledFns, fns)
//nolint:gosec // gosec thinks we're using an insecure RNG, but we're not.
src := rand.New(cryptoRandSource{})
for i := range shuffledFns {
j := src.Intn(i + 1)
shuffledFns[i], shuffledFns[j] = shuffledFns[j], shuffledFns[i]
return s.Inner.Run(ctx, shuffledFns)
type errorsList struct {
mut *sync.Mutex
errs []error
func newErrorsList() *errorsList {
return &errorsList{
mut: &sync.Mutex{},
errs: []error{},
func (l *errorsList) add(err error) {
defer l.mut.Unlock()
l.errs = append(l.errs, err)