
84 lines
2.4 KiB

//go:build !windows
package pty
import (
func startPty(cmdPty *Cmd, opt ...StartOption) (retPTY *otherPty, proc Process, err error) {
var opts startOptions
for _, o := range opt {
opty, err := newPty(opts.ptyOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("newPty failed: %w", err)
origEnv := cmdPty.Env
if opty.opts.sshReq != nil {
cmdPty.Env = append(cmdPty.Env, fmt.Sprintf("SSH_TTY=%s", opty.Name()))
if opty.opts.setGPGTTY {
cmdPty.Env = append(cmdPty.Env, fmt.Sprintf("GPG_TTY=%s", opty.Name()))
if cmdPty.Context == nil {
cmdPty.Context = context.Background()
cmdExec := cmdPty.AsExec()
cmdExec.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Setsid: true,
Setctty: true,
cmdExec.Stdout = opty.tty
cmdExec.Stderr = opty.tty
cmdExec.Stdin = opty.tty
err = cmdExec.Start()
if err != nil {
_ = opty.Close()
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "bad file descriptor") {
// macOS has an obscure issue where the PTY occasionally closes
// before it's used. It's unknown why this is, but creating a new
// TTY resolves it.
cmdPty.Env = origEnv
return startPty(cmdPty, opt...)
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("start: %w", err)
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
// Now that we've started the command, and passed the TTY to it, close
// our file so that the other process has the only open file to the TTY.
// Once the process closes the TTY (usually on exit), there will be no
// open references and the OS kernel returns an error when trying to
// read or write to our PTY end. Without this (on Linux), reading from
// the process output will block until we close our TTY.
// Note that on darwin, reads on the PTY don't block even if we keep the
// TTY file open, and keeping it open seems to prevent race conditions
// where we lose output. Couldn't find official documentation
// confirming this, but I did find a thread of someone else's
// observations:
if err := opty.tty.Close(); err != nil {
_ = cmdExec.Process.Kill()
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("close tty: %w", err)
opty.tty = nil // remove so we don't attempt to close it again.
oProcess := &otherProcess{
pty: opty.pty,
cmd: cmdExec,
cmdDone: make(chan any),
go oProcess.waitInternal()
return opty, oProcess, nil