
222 lines
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# coder -- Common configuration options.
# coder.env -- The environment variables to set. These can be used to
# configure all aspects of Coder provisioner daemon. Please see
# `coder provisionerd start --help for information about what environment
# variables can be set.
# Note: The following environment variables are set by default and cannot be
# overridden:
# - CODER_PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS: set to and cannot be changed.
# Prometheus must still be enabled by setting CODER_PROMETHEUS_ENABLE.
# We will additionally set CODER_URL, if unset, to the cluster service
# URL.
env: []
# - name: "CODER_URL"
# value: ""
# coder.image -- The image to use for Coder provisioner daemon.
# coder.image.repo -- The repository of the image.
repo: ""
# coder.image.tag -- The tag of the image, defaults to {{.Chart.AppVersion}}
# if not set. If you're using the chart directly from git, the default
# app version will not work and you'll need to set this value. The helm
# chart helpfully fails quickly in this case.
tag: ""
# coder.image.pullPolicy -- The pull policy to use for the image. See:
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# coder.image.pullSecrets -- The secrets used for pulling the Coder image from
# a private registry.
pullSecrets: []
# - name: "pull-secret"
# coder.initContainers -- Init containers for the deployment. See:
# - name: init-container
# image: busybox:1.28
# command: ['sh', '-c', "sleep 2"]
# coder.annotations -- The Deployment annotations. See:
annotations: {}
# coder.labels -- The Deployment labels. See:
labels: {}
# coder.podAnnotations -- The Coder pod annotations. See:
podAnnotations: {}
# coder.podLabels -- The Coder pod labels. See:
podLabels: {}
# coder.serviceAccount -- Configuration for the automatically created service
# account. Creation of the service account cannot be disabled.
# coder.serviceAccount.workspacePerms -- Whether or not to grant the
# service account permissions to manage workspaces. This includes
# permission to manage pods and persistent volume claims in the deployment
# namespace.
# It is recommended to keep this on if you are using Kubernetes templates
# within Coder.
workspacePerms: true
# coder.serviceAccount.enableDeployments -- Provides the service account permission
# to manage Kubernetes deployments.
enableDeployments: true
# coder.serviceAccount.annotations -- The Coder service account annotations.
annotations: {}
# -- The service account name
name: coder-provisioner
# coder.securityContext -- Fields related to the container's security
# context (as opposed to the pod). Some fields are also present in the pod
# security context, in which case these values will take precedence.
# coder.securityContext.runAsNonRoot -- Requires that the coder container
# runs as an unprivileged user. If setting runAsUser to 0 (root), this
# will need to be set to false.
runAsNonRoot: true
# coder.securityContext.runAsUser -- Sets the user id of the container.
# For security reasons, we recommend using a non-root user.
runAsUser: 1000
# coder.securityContext.runAsGroup -- Sets the group id of the container.
# For security reasons, we recommend using a non-root group.
runAsGroup: 1000
# coder.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem -- Mounts the container's
# root filesystem as read-only.
readOnlyRootFilesystem: null
# coder.securityContext.seccompProfile -- Sets the seccomp profile for
# the coder container.
type: RuntimeDefault
# coder.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation -- Controls whether
# the container can gain additional privileges, such as escalating to
# root. It is recommended to leave this setting disabled in production.
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# coder.volumes -- A list of extra volumes to add to the Coder provisioner daemon pod.
volumes: []
# - name: "my-volume"
# emptyDir: {}
# coder.volumeMounts -- A list of extra volume mounts to add to the Coder provisioner daemon pod.
volumeMounts: []
# - name: "my-volume"
# mountPath: "/mnt/my-volume"
# coder.replicaCount -- The number of Kubernetes deployment replicas. This
# should only be increased if High Availability is enabled.
# This is an Enterprise feature. Contact
replicaCount: 1
# coder.lifecycle -- container lifecycle handlers for the Coder container, allowing
# for lifecycle events such as postStart and preStop events
# See:
# postStart:
# exec:
# command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo postStart"]
# preStop:
# exec:
# command: ["/bin/sh","-c","echo preStart"]
# coder.resources -- The resources to request for Coder. These are optional
# and are not set by default.
# limits:
# cpu: 2000m
# memory: 4096Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 2000m
# memory: 4096Mi
# coder.certs -- CA bundles to mount inside the Coder pod.
# coder.certs.secrets -- A list of CA bundle secrets to mount into the
# pod. The secrets should exist in the same namespace as the Helm
# deployment.
# The given key in each secret is mounted at
# `/etc/ssl/certs/{secret_name}.crt`.
# - name: "my-ca-bundle"
# key: "ca-bundle.crt"
# coder.affinity -- Allows specifying an affinity rule for the deployment.
# podAntiAffinity:
# preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# - podAffinityTerm:
# labelSelector:
# matchExpressions:
# - key:
# operator: In
# values:
# - "coder"
# topologyKey:
# weight: 1
# coder.tolerations -- Tolerations for tainted nodes.
# See:
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# coder.nodeSelector -- Node labels for constraining coder pods to nodes.
# See:
nodeSelector: {}
# linux
# coder.command -- The command to use when running the container. Used
# for customizing the location of the `coder` binary in your image.
- /opt/coder
# coder.commandArgs -- Set arguments for the entrypoint command of the Coder pod.
commandArgs: []
# provisionerDaemon -- Provisioner Daemon configuration options
# provisionerDaemon.pskSecretName -- The name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the
# Pre-Shared Key (PSK) to use to authenticate with Coder. The secret must be in the same namespace
# as the Helm deployment, and contain an item called "psk" which contains the pre-shared key.
pskSecretName: "coder-provisioner-psk"
# provisionerDaemon.tags -- Tags to filter provisioner jobs by
# location: usa
# provider: kubernetes
# provisionerDaemon.terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Time in seconds that Kubernetes should wait before forcibly
# terminating the provisioner daemon. You should set this to be longer than your longest expected build time so that
# redeployments do not interrupt builds in progress.
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
# extraTemplates -- Array of extra objects to deploy with the release. Strings
# are evaluated as a template and can use template expansions and functions. All
# other objects are used as yaml.
#- |
# apiVersion: v1
# kind: ConfigMap
# metadata:
# name: my-configmap
# data:
# key: {{ .Values.myCustomValue | quote }}