
235 lines
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package workspaceusage
import (
var DefaultFlushInterval = 60 * time.Second
// Store is a subset of database.Store
type Store interface {
BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(context.Context, database.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams) error
// Tracker tracks and de-bounces updates to workspace usage activity.
// It keeps an internal map of workspace IDs that have been used and
// periodically flushes this to its configured Store.
type Tracker struct {
log slog.Logger // you know, for logs
flushLock sync.Mutex // protects m
flushErrors int // tracks the number of consecutive errors flushing
m *uuidSet // stores workspace ids
s Store // for flushing data
tickCh <-chan time.Time // controls flush interval
stopTick func() // stops flushing
stopCh chan struct{} // signals us to stop
stopOnce sync.Once // because you only stop once
doneCh chan struct{} // signifies that we have stopped
flushCh chan int // used for testing.
// New returns a new Tracker. It is the caller's responsibility
// to call Close().
func New(s Store, opts ...Option) *Tracker {
tr := &Tracker{
log: slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stderr)),
m: &uuidSet{},
s: s,
tickCh: nil,
stopTick: nil,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
flushCh: nil,
for _, opt := range opts {
if tr.tickCh == nil && tr.stopTick == nil {
tick := time.NewTicker(DefaultFlushInterval)
tr.tickCh = tick.C
tr.stopTick = tick.Stop
go tr.loop()
return tr
type Option func(*Tracker)
// WithLogger sets the logger to be used by Tracker.
func WithLogger(log slog.Logger) Option {
return func(h *Tracker) {
h.log = log
// WithFlushInterval allows configuring the flush interval of Tracker.
func WithFlushInterval(d time.Duration) Option {
return func(h *Tracker) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(d)
h.tickCh = ticker.C
h.stopTick = ticker.Stop
// WithTickFlush allows passing two channels: one that reads
// a time.Time, and one that returns the number of marked workspaces
// every time Tracker flushes.
// For testing only and will panic if used outside of tests.
func WithTickFlush(tickCh <-chan time.Time, flushCh chan int) Option {
if flag.Lookup("test.v") == nil {
panic("developer error: WithTickFlush is not to be used outside of tests.")
return func(h *Tracker) {
h.tickCh = tickCh
h.stopTick = func() {}
h.flushCh = flushCh
// Add marks the workspace with the given ID as having been used recently.
// Tracker will periodically flush this to its configured Store.
func (tr *Tracker) Add(workspaceID uuid.UUID) {
// flush updates last_used_at of all current workspace IDs.
// If this is held while a previous flush is in progress, it will
// deadlock until the previous flush has completed.
func (tr *Tracker) flush(now time.Time) {
// Copy our current set of IDs
ids := tr.m.UniqueAndClear()
count := len(ids)
if tr.flushCh != nil { // only used for testing
defer func() {
tr.flushCh <- count
if count == 0 {
tr.log.Debug(context.Background(), "nothing to flush")
// Set a short-ish timeout for this. We don't want to hang forever.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// nolint: gocritic // system function
authCtx := dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx)
defer tr.flushLock.Unlock()
if err := tr.s.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(authCtx, database.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{
LastUsedAt: now,
IDs: ids,
}); err != nil {
// A single failure to flush is likely not a huge problem. If the workspace is still connected at
// the next iteration, either another coderd instance will likely have this data or the CLI
// will tell us again that the workspace is in use.
if tr.flushErrors > 1 {
tr.log.Error(ctx, "multiple failures updating workspaces last_used_at", slog.F("count", count), slog.F("consecutive_errors", tr.flushErrors), slog.Error(err))
// TODO: if this keeps failing, it indicates a fundamental problem with the database connection.
// How to surface it correctly to admins besides just screaming into the logs?
} else {
tr.log.Warn(ctx, "failed updating workspaces last_used_at", slog.F("count", count), slog.Error(err))
tr.flushErrors = 0
tr.log.Info(ctx, "updated workspaces last_used_at", slog.F("count", count), slog.F("now", now))
// loop periodically flushes every tick.
// If loop is called after Close, it will exit immediately and log an error.
func (tr *Tracker) loop() {
select {
case <-tr.doneCh:
tr.log.Error(context.Background(), "developer error: Loop called after Close")
defer func() {
tr.log.Debug(context.Background(), "workspace usage tracker loop exited")
for {
select {
case <-tr.stopCh:
case now, ok := <-tr.tickCh:
if !ok {
// NOTE: we do not update last_used_at with the time at which each workspace was added.
// Instead, we update with the time of the flush. If the BatchUpdateWorkspacesLastUsedAt
// query can be rewritten to update each id with a corresponding last_used_at timestamp
// then we could capture the exact usage time of each workspace. For now however, as
// we perform this query at a regular interval, the time of the flush is 'close enough'
// for the purposes of both dormancy (and for autostop, in future).
// Close stops Tracker and returns once Loop has exited.
// After calling Close(), Loop must not be called.
func (tr *Tracker) Close() error {
tr.stopOnce.Do(func() {
tr.stopCh <- struct{}{}
return nil
// uuidSet is a set of UUIDs. Safe for concurrent usage.
// The zero value can be used.
type uuidSet struct {
l sync.Mutex
m map[uuid.UUID]struct{}
func (s *uuidSet) Add(id uuid.UUID) {
defer s.l.Unlock()
if s.m == nil {
s.m = make(map[uuid.UUID]struct{})
s.m[id] = struct{}{}
// UniqueAndClear returns the unique set of entries in s and
// resets the internal map.
func (s *uuidSet) UniqueAndClear() []uuid.UUID {
defer s.l.Unlock()
if s.m == nil {
s.m = make(map[uuid.UUID]struct{})
return []uuid.UUID{}
l := make([]uuid.UUID, 0)
for k := range s.m {
l = append(l, k)
// For ease of testing, sort the IDs lexically
sort.Slice(l, func(i, j int) bool {
// For some unfathomable reason, byte arrays are not comparable?
// See
return bytes.Compare(l[i][:], l[j][:]) < 0
return l