
421 lines
13 KiB

package workspaceapps
import (
const (
DefaultStatsCollectorReportInterval = 30 * time.Second
DefaultStatsCollectorRollupWindow = 1 * time.Minute
DefaultStatsDBReporterBatchSize = 1024
// StatsReport is a report of a workspace app session.
type StatsReport struct {
UserID uuid.UUID `json:"user_id"`
WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `json:"workspace_id"`
AgentID uuid.UUID `json:"agent_id"`
AccessMethod AccessMethod `json:"access_method"`
SlugOrPort string `json:"slug_or_port"`
SessionID uuid.UUID `json:"session_id"`
SessionStartedAt time.Time `json:"session_started_at"`
SessionEndedAt time.Time `json:"session_ended_at"` // Updated periodically while app is in use active and when the last connection is closed.
Requests int `json:"requests"`
rolledUp bool // Indicates if this report has been rolled up.
func newStatsReportFromSignedToken(token SignedToken) StatsReport {
return StatsReport{
UserID: token.UserID,
WorkspaceID: token.WorkspaceID,
AgentID: token.AgentID,
AccessMethod: token.AccessMethod,
SlugOrPort: token.AppSlugOrPort,
SessionID: uuid.New(),
SessionStartedAt: dbtime.Now(),
Requests: 1,
// StatsReporter reports workspace app StatsReports.
type StatsReporter interface {
Report(context.Context, []StatsReport) error
var _ StatsReporter = (*StatsDBReporter)(nil)
// StatsDBReporter writes workspace app StatsReports to the database.
type StatsDBReporter struct {
db database.Store
batchSize int
// NewStatsDBReporter returns a new StatsDBReporter.
func NewStatsDBReporter(db database.Store, batchSize int) *StatsDBReporter {
return &StatsDBReporter{
db: db,
batchSize: batchSize,
// Report writes the given StatsReports to the database.
func (r *StatsDBReporter) Report(ctx context.Context, stats []StatsReport) error {
err := r.db.InTx(func(tx database.Store) error {
maxBatchSize := r.batchSize
if len(stats) < maxBatchSize {
maxBatchSize = len(stats)
batch := database.InsertWorkspaceAppStatsParams{
UserID: make([]uuid.UUID, 0, maxBatchSize),
WorkspaceID: make([]uuid.UUID, 0, maxBatchSize),
AgentID: make([]uuid.UUID, 0, maxBatchSize),
AccessMethod: make([]string, 0, maxBatchSize),
SlugOrPort: make([]string, 0, maxBatchSize),
SessionID: make([]uuid.UUID, 0, maxBatchSize),
SessionStartedAt: make([]time.Time, 0, maxBatchSize),
SessionEndedAt: make([]time.Time, 0, maxBatchSize),
Requests: make([]int32, 0, maxBatchSize),
for _, stat := range stats {
batch.UserID = append(batch.UserID, stat.UserID)
batch.WorkspaceID = append(batch.WorkspaceID, stat.WorkspaceID)
batch.AgentID = append(batch.AgentID, stat.AgentID)
batch.AccessMethod = append(batch.AccessMethod, string(stat.AccessMethod))
batch.SlugOrPort = append(batch.SlugOrPort, stat.SlugOrPort)
batch.SessionID = append(batch.SessionID, stat.SessionID)
batch.SessionStartedAt = append(batch.SessionStartedAt, stat.SessionStartedAt)
batch.SessionEndedAt = append(batch.SessionEndedAt, stat.SessionEndedAt)
batch.Requests = append(batch.Requests, int32(stat.Requests))
if len(batch.UserID) >= r.batchSize {
err := tx.InsertWorkspaceAppStats(ctx, batch)
if err != nil {
return err
// Reset batch.
batch.UserID = batch.UserID[:0]
batch.WorkspaceID = batch.WorkspaceID[:0]
batch.AgentID = batch.AgentID[:0]
batch.AccessMethod = batch.AccessMethod[:0]
batch.SlugOrPort = batch.SlugOrPort[:0]
batch.SessionID = batch.SessionID[:0]
batch.SessionStartedAt = batch.SessionStartedAt[:0]
batch.SessionEndedAt = batch.SessionEndedAt[:0]
batch.Requests = batch.Requests[:0]
if len(batch.UserID) == 0 {
return nil
if err := tx.InsertWorkspaceAppStats(ctx, batch); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: We currently measure workspace usage based on when we get stats from it.
// There are currently two paths for this:
// 1) From SSH -> workspace agent stats POSTed from agent
// 2) From workspace apps / rpty -> workspace app stats (from coderd / wsproxy)
// Ideally we would have a single code path for this.
uniqueIDs := slice.Unique(batch.WorkspaceID)
if err := tx.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAt(ctx, database.BatchUpdateWorkspaceLastUsedAtParams{
IDs: uniqueIDs,
LastUsedAt: dbtime.Now(), // This isn't 100% accurate, but it's good enough.
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("insert workspace app stats failed: %w", err)
return nil
// This should match the database unique constraint.
type statsGroupKey struct {
StartTimeTrunc time.Time
UserID uuid.UUID
WorkspaceID uuid.UUID
AgentID uuid.UUID
AccessMethod AccessMethod
SlugOrPort string
func (s StatsReport) groupKey(windowSize time.Duration) statsGroupKey {
return statsGroupKey{
StartTimeTrunc: s.SessionStartedAt.Truncate(windowSize),
UserID: s.UserID,
WorkspaceID: s.WorkspaceID,
AgentID: s.AgentID,
AccessMethod: s.AccessMethod,
SlugOrPort: s.SlugOrPort,
// StatsCollector collects workspace app StatsReports and reports them
// in batches, stats compaction is performed for short-lived sessions.
type StatsCollector struct {
opts StatsCollectorOptions
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
done chan struct{}
mu sync.Mutex // Protects following.
statsBySessionID map[uuid.UUID]*StatsReport // Track unique sessions.
groupedStats map[statsGroupKey][]*StatsReport // Rolled up stats for sessions in close proximity.
backlog []StatsReport // Stats that have not been reported yet (due to error).
type StatsCollectorOptions struct {
Logger *slog.Logger
Reporter StatsReporter
// ReportInterval is the interval at which stats are reported, both partial
// and fully formed stats.
ReportInterval time.Duration
// RollupWindow is the window size for rolling up stats, session shorter
// than this will be rolled up and longer than this will be tracked
// individually.
RollupWindow time.Duration
// Options for tests.
Flush <-chan chan<- struct{}
Now func() time.Time
func NewStatsCollector(opts StatsCollectorOptions) *StatsCollector {
if opts.Logger == nil {
opts.Logger = &slog.Logger{}
if opts.ReportInterval == 0 {
opts.ReportInterval = DefaultStatsCollectorReportInterval
if opts.RollupWindow == 0 {
opts.RollupWindow = DefaultStatsCollectorRollupWindow
if opts.Now == nil {
opts.Now = time.Now
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
sc := &StatsCollector{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
done: make(chan struct{}),
opts: opts,
statsBySessionID: make(map[uuid.UUID]*StatsReport),
groupedStats: make(map[statsGroupKey][]*StatsReport),
go sc.start()
return sc
// Collect the given StatsReport for later reporting (non-blocking).
func (sc *StatsCollector) Collect(report StatsReport) {
r := &report
if _, ok := sc.statsBySessionID[report.SessionID]; !ok {
groupKey := r.groupKey(sc.opts.RollupWindow)
sc.groupedStats[groupKey] = append(sc.groupedStats[groupKey], r)
if r.SessionEndedAt.IsZero() {
sc.statsBySessionID[report.SessionID] = r
} else {
if stat, ok := sc.statsBySessionID[report.SessionID]; ok {
// Update in-place.
*stat = *r
delete(sc.statsBySessionID, report.SessionID)
sc.opts.Logger.Debug(sc.ctx, "collected workspace app stats", slog.F("report", report))
// rollup performs stats rollup for sessions that fall within the
// configured rollup window. For sessions longer than the window,
// we report them individually.
func (sc *StatsCollector) rollup(now time.Time) []StatsReport {
var report []StatsReport
for g, group := range sc.groupedStats {
if len(group) == 0 {
// Safety check, this should not happen.
sc.opts.Logger.Error(sc.ctx, "empty stats group", "group", g)
delete(sc.groupedStats, g)
var rolledUp *StatsReport
if group[0].rolledUp {
rolledUp = group[0]
group = group[1:]
} else {
rolledUp = &StatsReport{
UserID: g.UserID,
WorkspaceID: g.WorkspaceID,
AgentID: g.AgentID,
AccessMethod: g.AccessMethod,
SlugOrPort: g.SlugOrPort,
SessionStartedAt: g.StartTimeTrunc,
SessionEndedAt: g.StartTimeTrunc.Add(sc.opts.RollupWindow),
Requests: 0,
rolledUp: true,
rollupChanged := false
newGroup := []*StatsReport{rolledUp} // Must be first in slice for future iterations (see group[0] above).
for _, stat := range group {
if !stat.SessionEndedAt.IsZero() && stat.SessionEndedAt.Sub(stat.SessionStartedAt) <= sc.opts.RollupWindow {
// This is a short-lived session, roll it up.
if rolledUp.SessionID == uuid.Nil {
rolledUp.SessionID = stat.SessionID // Borrow the first session ID, useful in tests.
rolledUp.Requests += stat.Requests
rollupChanged = true
if stat.SessionEndedAt.IsZero() && now.Sub(stat.SessionStartedAt) <= sc.opts.RollupWindow {
// This is an incomplete session, wait and see if it'll be rolled up or not.
newGroup = append(newGroup, stat)
// This is a long-lived session, report it individually.
// Make a copy of stat for reporting.
r := *stat
if r.SessionEndedAt.IsZero() {
// Report an end time for incomplete sessions, it will
// be updated later. This ensures that data in the DB
// will have an end time even if the service is stopped.
r.SessionEndedAt = now.UTC() // Use UTC like dbtime.Now().
report = append(report, r) // Report it (ended or incomplete).
if stat.SessionEndedAt.IsZero() {
newGroup = append(newGroup, stat) // Keep it for future updates.
if rollupChanged {
report = append(report, *rolledUp)
// Future rollups should only consider the compacted group.
sc.groupedStats[g] = newGroup
// Keep the group around until the next rollup window has passed
// in case data was collected late.
if len(newGroup) == 1 && rolledUp.SessionEndedAt.Add(sc.opts.RollupWindow).Before(now) {
delete(sc.groupedStats, g)
return report
func (sc *StatsCollector) flush(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
sc.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "flushing workspace app stats")
defer func() {
if err != nil {
sc.opts.Logger.Error(ctx, "failed to flush workspace app stats", "error", err)
} else {
sc.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "flushed workspace app stats")
// We keep the backlog as a simple slice so that we don't need to
// attempt to merge it with the stats we're about to report. This
// is because the rollup is a one-way operation and the backlog may
// contain stats that are still in the statsBySessionID map and will
// be reported again in the future. It is possible to merge the
// backlog and the stats we're about to report, but it's not worth
// the complexity.
if len(sc.backlog) > 0 {
err = sc.opts.Reporter.Report(ctx, sc.backlog)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("report workspace app stats from backlog failed: %w", err)
sc.backlog = nil
now := sc.opts.Now()
stats := sc.rollup(now)
if len(stats) == 0 {
return nil
err = sc.opts.Reporter.Report(ctx, stats)
if err != nil {
sc.backlog = stats
return xerrors.Errorf("report workspace app stats failed: %w", err)
return nil
func (sc *StatsCollector) Close() error {
return nil
func (sc *StatsCollector) start() {
defer func() {
sc.opts.Logger.Debug(sc.ctx, "workspace app stats collector stopped")
sc.opts.Logger.Debug(sc.ctx, "workspace app stats collector started")
t := time.NewTimer(sc.opts.ReportInterval)
defer t.Stop()
var reportFlushDone chan<- struct{}
done := false
for !done {
select {
case <-sc.ctx.Done():
done = true
case <-t.C:
case reportFlushDone = <-sc.opts.Flush:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
//nolint:gocritic // Inserting app stats is a system function.
_ = sc.flush(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx))
if !done {
// For tests.
if reportFlushDone != nil {
reportFlushDone <- struct{}{}
reportFlushDone = nil