
104 lines
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package workspaceapps
import (
const (
// TODO(@deansheather): configurable expiry
DefaultTokenExpiry = time.Minute
// RedirectURIQueryParam is the query param for the app URL to be passed
// back to the API auth endpoint on the main access URL.
RedirectURIQueryParam = "redirect_uri"
type ResolveRequestOptions struct {
Logger slog.Logger
SignedTokenProvider SignedTokenProvider
DashboardURL *url.URL
PathAppBaseURL *url.URL
AppHostname string
AppRequest Request
// TODO: Replace these 2 fields with a "BrowserURL" field which is used for
// redirecting the user back to their initial request after authenticating.
// AppPath is the path under the app that was hit.
AppPath string
// AppQuery is the raw query of the request.
AppQuery string
func ResolveRequest(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, opts ResolveRequestOptions) (*SignedToken, bool) {
appReq := opts.AppRequest.Normalize()
err := appReq.Validate()
if err != nil {
// This is a 500 since it's a coder server or proxy that's making this
// request struct based on details from the request. The values should
// already be validated before they are put into the struct.
WriteWorkspaceApp500(opts.Logger, opts.DashboardURL, rw, r, &appReq, err, "invalid app request")
return nil, false
token, ok := opts.SignedTokenProvider.FromRequest(r)
if ok && token.MatchesRequest(appReq) {
// The request has a valid signed app token and it matches the request.
return token, true
issueReq := IssueTokenRequest{
AppRequest: appReq,
PathAppBaseURL: opts.PathAppBaseURL.String(),
AppHostname: opts.AppHostname,
SessionToken: AppConnectSessionTokenFromRequest(r, appReq.AccessMethod),
AppPath: opts.AppPath,
AppQuery: opts.AppQuery,
token, tokenStr, ok := opts.SignedTokenProvider.Issue(r.Context(), rw, r, issueReq)
if !ok {
return nil, false
// Write the signed app token cookie.
// For path apps, this applies to only the path app base URL on the current
// domain, e.g.
// /@user/workspace[.agent]/apps/path-app/
// For subdomain apps, this applies to the entire subdomain, e.g.
http.SetCookie(rw, &http.Cookie{
Name: codersdk.SignedAppTokenCookie,
Value: tokenStr,
Path: appReq.BasePath,
Expires: token.Expiry,
return token, true
// SignedTokenProvider provides signed workspace app tokens (aka. app tickets).
type SignedTokenProvider interface {
// FromRequest returns a parsed token from the request. If the request does
// not contain a signed app token or is is invalid (expired, invalid
// signature, etc.), it returns false.
FromRequest(r *http.Request) (*SignedToken, bool)
// Issue mints a new token for the given app request. It uses the long-lived
// session token in the HTTP request to authenticate and authorize the
// client for the given workspace app. The token is returned in struct and
// string form. The string form should be written as a cookie.
// If the request is invalid or the user is not authorized to access the
// app, false is returned. An error page is written to the response writer
// in this case.
Issue(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, appReq IssueTokenRequest) (*SignedToken, string, bool)