
117 lines
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package tracing
import (
type SlogSink struct{}
var _ slog.Sink = SlogSink{}
// LogEntry implements slog.Sink. All entries are added as events to the span
// in the context. If no span is present, the entry is dropped.
func (SlogSink) LogEntry(ctx context.Context, e slog.SinkEntry) {
span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx)
if !span.IsRecording() {
// If the span is a noopSpan or isn't recording, we don't want to
// compute the attributes (which is expensive) below.
attributes := []attribute.KeyValue{
attribute.String("slog.time", e.Time.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)),
attribute.String("slog.logger", strings.Join(e.LoggerNames, ".")),
attribute.String("slog.level", e.Level.String()),
attribute.String("slog.message", e.Message),
attribute.String("slog.func", e.Func),
attribute.String("slog.file", e.File),
attribute.Int64("slog.line", int64(e.Line)),
attributes = append(attributes, slogFieldsToAttributes(e.Fields)...)
name := fmt.Sprintf("log: %s: %s", e.Level, e.Message)
span.AddEvent(name, trace.WithAttributes(attributes...))
// Sync implements slog.Sink. No-op as syncing is handled externally by otel.
func (SlogSink) Sync() {}
func slogFieldsToAttributes(m slog.Map) []attribute.KeyValue {
attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, len(m))
for _, f := range m {
var value attribute.Value
switch v := f.Value.(type) {
case bool:
value = attribute.BoolValue(v)
case []bool:
value = attribute.BoolSliceValue(v)
case float32:
value = attribute.Float64Value(float64(v))
// no float32 slice method
case float64:
value = attribute.Float64Value(v)
case []float64:
value = attribute.Float64SliceValue(v)
case int:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
case []int:
value = attribute.IntSliceValue(v)
case int8:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no int8 slice method
case int16:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no int16 slice method
case int32:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no int32 slice method
case int64:
value = attribute.Int64Value(v)
case []int64:
value = attribute.Int64SliceValue(v)
case uint:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no uint slice method
case uint8:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no uint8 slice method
case uint16:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no uint16 slice method
case uint32:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no uint32 slice method
case uint64:
value = attribute.Int64Value(int64(v))
// no uint64 slice method
case string:
value = attribute.StringValue(v)
case []string:
value = attribute.StringSliceValue(v)
case time.Duration:
value = attribute.StringValue(v.String())
case time.Time:
value = attribute.StringValue(v.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
case fmt.Stringer:
value = attribute.StringValue(v.String())
if value.Type() != attribute.INVALID {
attrs = append(attrs, attribute.KeyValue{
Key: attribute.Key(f.Name),
Value: value,
return attrs