
268 lines
7.9 KiB

package rbac
import (
// BenchmarkRBACValueAllocation benchmarks the cost of allocating a rego input
// value. By default, `ast.InterfaceToValue` is used to convert the input,
// which uses json marshaling under the hood.
// Currently ast.Object.insert() is the slowest part of the process and allocates
// the most amount of bytes. This general approach copies all of our struct
// data and uses a lot of extra memory for handling things like sort order.
// A possible large improvement would be to implement the ast.Value interface directly.
func BenchmarkRBACValueAllocation(b *testing.B) {
actor := Subject{
Roles: RoleNames{RoleOrgMember(uuid.New()), RoleOrgAdmin(uuid.New()), RoleMember()},
ID: uuid.NewString(),
Scope: ScopeAll,
Groups: []string{uuid.NewString(), uuid.NewString(), uuid.NewString()},
obj := ResourceTemplate.
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
jsonSubject := authSubject{
ID: actor.ID,
Roles: must(actor.Roles.Expand()),
Groups: actor.Groups,
Scope: must(actor.Scope.Expand()),
b.Run("ManualRegoValue", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := regoInputValue(actor, ActionRead, obj)
require.NoError(b, err)
b.Run("JSONRegoValue", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := ast.InterfaceToValue(map[string]interface{}{
"subject": jsonSubject,
"action": ActionRead,
"object": obj,
require.NoError(b, err)
// TestRegoInputValue ensures the custom rego input parser returns the
// same value as the default json parser. The json parser is always correct,
// and the custom parser is used to reduce allocations. This optimization
// should yield the same results. Anything different is a bug.
func TestRegoInputValue(t *testing.T) {
// Expand all roles and make sure we have a good copy.
// This is because these tests modify the roles, and we don't want to
// modify the original roles.
roles, err := RoleNames{RoleOrgMember(uuid.New()), RoleOrgAdmin(uuid.New()), RoleMember()}.Expand()
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to expand roles")
for i := range roles {
// If all cached values are nil, then the role will not use
// the shared cached value.
roles[i].cachedRegoValue = nil
actor := Subject{
Roles: Roles(roles),
ID: uuid.NewString(),
Scope: ScopeAll,
Groups: []string{uuid.NewString(), uuid.NewString(), uuid.NewString()},
obj := ResourceTemplate.
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
uuid.NewString(): {ActionRead, ActionCreate},
action := ActionRead
t.Run("InputValue", func(t *testing.T) {
// This is the input that would be passed to the rego policy.
jsonInput := map[string]interface{}{
"subject": authSubject{
ID: actor.ID,
Roles: must(actor.Roles.Expand()),
Groups: actor.Groups,
Scope: must(actor.Scope.Expand()),
"action": action,
"object": obj,
manual, err := regoInputValue(actor, action, obj)
require.NoError(t, err)
general, err := ast.InterfaceToValue(jsonInput)
require.NoError(t, err)
// The custom parser does not set these fields because they are not needed.
// To ensure the outputs are identical, intentionally overwrite all names
// to the same values.
ignoreNames(t, manual)
ignoreNames(t, general)
cmp := manual.Compare(general)
require.Equal(t, 0, cmp, "manual and general input values should be equal")
t.Run("PartialInputValue", func(t *testing.T) {
// This is the input that would be passed to the rego policy.
jsonInput := map[string]interface{}{
"subject": authSubject{
ID: actor.ID,
Roles: must(actor.Roles.Expand()),
Groups: actor.Groups,
Scope: must(actor.Scope.Expand()),
"action": action,
"object": map[string]interface{}{
"type": obj.Type,
manual, err := regoPartialInputValue(actor, action, obj.Type)
require.NoError(t, err)
general, err := ast.InterfaceToValue(jsonInput)
require.NoError(t, err)
// The custom parser does not set these fields because they are not needed.
// To ensure the outputs are identical, intentionally overwrite all names
// to the same values.
ignoreNames(t, manual)
ignoreNames(t, general)
cmp := manual.Compare(general)
require.Equal(t, 0, cmp, "manual and general input values should be equal")
// ignoreNames sets all names to "ignore" to ensure the values are identical.
func ignoreNames(t *testing.T, value ast.Value) {
// Override the names of the roles
ref := ast.Ref{
roles, err := value.Find(ref)
require.NoError(t, err)
rolesArray, ok := roles.(*ast.Array)
require.True(t, ok, "roles is expected to be an array")
rolesArray.Foreach(func(term *ast.Term) {
obj, _ := term.Value.(ast.Object)
// Ignore all names
obj.Insert(ast.StringTerm("name"), ast.StringTerm("ignore"))
obj.Insert(ast.StringTerm("display_name"), ast.StringTerm("ignore"))
// Override the names of the scope role
ref = ast.Ref{
scope, err := value.Find(ref)
require.NoError(t, err)
scopeObj, ok := scope.(ast.Object)
require.True(t, ok, "scope is expected to be an object")
scopeObj.Insert(ast.StringTerm("name"), ast.StringTerm("ignore"))
scopeObj.Insert(ast.StringTerm("display_name"), ast.StringTerm("ignore"))
func TestRoleByName(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("BuiltIns", func(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
Role Role
{Role: builtInRoles[owner]("")},
{Role: builtInRoles[member]("")},
{Role: builtInRoles[templateAdmin]("")},
{Role: builtInRoles[userAdmin]("")},
{Role: builtInRoles[auditor]("")},
{Role: builtInRoles[orgAdmin]("4592dac5-0945-42fd-828d-a903957d3dbb")},
{Role: builtInRoles[orgAdmin]("24c100c5-1920-49c0-8c38-1b640ac4b38c")},
{Role: builtInRoles[orgAdmin]("4a00f697-0040-4079-b3ce-d24470281a62")},
{Role: builtInRoles[orgMember]("3293c50e-fa5d-414f-a461-01112a4dfb6f")},
{Role: builtInRoles[orgMember]("f88dd23d-bdbd-469d-b82e-36ee06c3d1e1")},
{Role: builtInRoles[orgMember]("02cfd2a5-016c-4d8d-8290-301f5f18023d")},
for _, c := range testCases {
c := c
t.Run(c.Role.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
role, err := RoleByName(c.Role.Name)
require.NoError(t, err, "role exists")
equalRoles(t, c.Role, role)
// nolint:paralleltest
t.Run("Errors", func(t *testing.T) {
var err error
_, err = RoleByName("")
require.Error(t, err, "empty role")
_, err = RoleByName("too:many:colons")
require.Error(t, err, "too many colons")
_, err = RoleByName(orgMember)
require.Error(t, err, "expect orgID")
// SameAs compares 2 roles for equality.
func equalRoles(t *testing.T, a, b Role) {
require.Equal(t, a.Name, b.Name, "role names")
require.Equal(t, a.DisplayName, b.DisplayName, "role display names")
require.ElementsMatch(t, a.Site, b.Site, "site permissions")
require.ElementsMatch(t, a.User, b.User, "user permissions")
require.Equal(t, len(a.Org), len(b.Org), "same number of org roles")
for ak, av := range a.Org {
bv, ok := b.Org[ak]
require.True(t, ok, "org permissions missing: %s", ak)
require.ElementsMatchf(t, av, bv, "org %s permissions", ak)