
146 lines
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package gitsshkey
import (
insecurerand "math/rand"
type Algorithm string
const (
// AlgorithmEd25519 is the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm using Curve25519
AlgorithmEd25519 Algorithm = "ed25519"
// AlgorithmECDSA is the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) using NIST Elliptic Curve
AlgorithmECDSA Algorithm = "ecdsa"
// AlgorithmRSA4096 is the venerable Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
// and creates a key with a fixed size of 4096-bit.
AlgorithmRSA4096 Algorithm = "rsa4096"
func entropy() io.Reader {
if flag.Lookup("test.v") != nil {
// This helps speed along our tests, esp. in CI where entropy is
// sparse.
return insecurerand.New(insecurerand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Buffering to reduce the number of system calls
// doubles performance without any loss of security.
return bufio.NewReader(rand.Reader)
// ParseAlgorithm returns a valid Algorithm or error if input is not a valid.
func ParseAlgorithm(t string) (Algorithm, error) {
ok := []string{
for _, a := range ok {
if strings.EqualFold(a, t) {
return Algorithm(a), nil
return "", xerrors.Errorf(`invalid key type: %s, must be one of: %s`, t, strings.Join(ok, ","))
// Generate creates a private key in the OpenSSH PEM format and public key in
// the authorized key format.
func Generate(algo Algorithm) (privateKey string, publicKey string, err error) {
switch algo {
case AlgorithmEd25519:
return ed25519KeyGen()
case AlgorithmECDSA:
return ecdsaKeyGen()
case AlgorithmRSA4096:
return rsa4096KeyGen()
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("invalid algorithm: %s", algo)
// ed25519KeyGen returns an ED25519-based SSH private key.
func ed25519KeyGen() (privateKey string, publicKey string, err error) {
_, privateKeyRaw, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(entropy())
if err != nil {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("generate ed25519 private key: %w", err)
// NOTE: as of the time of writing, x/crypto/ssh is unable to marshal an ED25519 private key
// into the format expected by OpenSSH. See:
// Until this support is added, using a third-party implementation.
byt, err := MarshalED25519PrivateKey(privateKeyRaw)
if err != nil {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("marshal ed25519 private key: %w", err)
return generateKeys(pem.Block{
Bytes: byt,
}, privateKeyRaw)
// ecdsaKeyGen returns an ECDSA-based SSH private key.
func ecdsaKeyGen() (privateKey string, publicKey string, err error) {
privateKeyRaw, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), entropy())
if err != nil {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("generate ecdsa private key: %w", err)
byt, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(privateKeyRaw)
if err != nil {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("marshal private key: %w", err)
return generateKeys(pem.Block{
Bytes: byt,
}, privateKeyRaw)
// rsaKeyGen returns an RSA-based SSH private key of size 4096.
// Administrators may configure this for SSH key compatibility with Azure DevOps.
func rsa4096KeyGen() (privateKey string, publicKey string, err error) {
privateKeyRaw, err := rsa.GenerateKey(entropy(), 4096)
if err != nil {
return "", "", xerrors.Errorf("generate RSA4096 private key: %w", err)
return generateKeys(pem.Block{
Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(privateKeyRaw),
}, privateKeyRaw)
func generateKeys(block pem.Block, cp crypto.Signer) (privateKey string, publicKey string, err error) {
pkBytes := pem.EncodeToMemory(&block)
privateKey = string(pkBytes)
publicKeyRaw := cp.Public()
p, err := ssh.NewPublicKey(publicKeyRaw)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
publicKey = string(ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(p))
return privateKey, publicKey, nil