
82 lines
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-- Bumps the workspace deadline by the template's configured "activity_bump"
-- duration (default 1h). If the workspace bump will cross an autostart
-- threshold, then the bump is autostart + TTL. This is the deadline behavior if
-- the workspace was to autostart from a stopped state.
-- Max deadline is respected, and the deadline will never be bumped past it.
-- The deadline will never decrease.
-- name: ActivityBumpWorkspace :exec
WITH latest AS (
SELECT AS build_id,
workspace_builds.deadline::timestamp with time zone AS build_deadline,
workspace_builds.max_deadline::timestamp with time zone AS build_max_deadline,
workspace_builds.transition AS build_transition,
provisioner_jobs.completed_at::timestamp with time zone AS job_completed_at,
templates.activity_bump AS activity_bump,
-- If the extension would push us over the next_autostart
-- interval, then extend the deadline by the full TTL (NOT
-- activity bump) from the autostart time. This will essentially
-- be as if the workspace auto started at the given time and the
-- original TTL was applied.
-- Sadly we can't define `activity_bump_interval` above since
-- it won't be available for this CASE statement, so we have to
-- copy the cast twice.
WHEN NOW() + (templates.activity_bump / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 || ' seconds')::interval > @next_autostart :: timestamptz
-- If the autostart is behind now(), then the
-- autostart schedule is either the 0 time and not provided,
-- or it was the autostart in the past, which is no longer
-- relevant. If autostart is > 0 and in the past, then
-- that is a mistake by the caller.
AND @next_autostart > NOW()
-- Extend to the autostart, then add the activity bump
((@next_autostart :: timestamptz) - NOW()) + CASE
WHEN templates.allow_user_autostop
THEN (workspaces.ttl / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 || ' seconds')::interval
ELSE (templates.default_ttl / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 || ' seconds')::interval
-- Default to the activity bump duration.
(templates.activity_bump / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 || ' seconds')::interval
) AS ttl_interval
FROM workspace_builds
JOIN provisioner_jobs
ON = workspace_builds.job_id
JOIN workspaces
ON = workspace_builds.workspace_id
JOIN templates
ON = workspaces.template_id
WHERE workspace_builds.workspace_id = @workspace_id::uuid
ORDER BY workspace_builds.build_number DESC
workspace_builds wb
updated_at = NOW(),
deadline = CASE
WHEN l.build_max_deadline = '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'
-- Never reduce the deadline from activity.
THEN GREATEST(wb.deadline, NOW() + l.ttl_interval)
ELSE LEAST(GREATEST(wb.deadline, NOW() + l.ttl_interval), l.build_max_deadline)
FROM latest l
WHERE = l.build_id
AND l.job_completed_at IS NOT NULL
-- We only bump if the template has an activity bump duration set.
AND l.activity_bump > 0
AND l.build_transition = 'start'
-- We only bump if the raw interval is positive and non-zero.
AND l.ttl_interval > '0 seconds'::interval
-- We only bump if workspace shutdown is manual.
AND l.build_deadline != '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'
-- We only bump when 5% of the deadline has elapsed.
AND l.build_deadline - (l.ttl_interval * 0.95) < NOW()