
179 lines
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CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS provisioner_daemons (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamptz,
organization_id uuid,
-- Name is generated for ease of differentiation.
-- eg. WowBananas16
name varchar(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
provisioners provisioner_type [ ] NOT NULL,
CREATE TYPE provisioner_job_type AS ENUM (
CREATE TYPE provisioner_storage_method AS ENUM ('file');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS provisioner_jobs (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
started_at timestamptz,
canceled_at timestamptz,
completed_at timestamptz,
error text,
organization_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES organizations (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-- foreign key?
initiator_id uuid NOT NULL,
provisioner provisioner_type NOT NULL,
storage_method provisioner_storage_method NOT NULL,
storage_source text NOT NULL,
type provisioner_job_type NOT NULL,
input jsonb NOT NULL,
worker_id uuid,
CREATE TYPE log_source AS ENUM (
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS provisioner_job_logs (
id uuid NOT NULL,
job_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES provisioner_jobs (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
source log_source NOT NULL,
level log_level NOT NULL,
stage varchar(128) NOT NULL,
output varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE workspace_resources (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
job_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES provisioner_jobs (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
transition workspace_transition NOT NULL,
type varchar(192) NOT NULL,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE workspace_agents (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
first_connected_at timestamptz,
last_connected_at timestamptz,
disconnected_at timestamptz,
resource_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspace_resources (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
auth_token uuid NOT NULL,
auth_instance_id varchar(64),
architecture varchar(64) NOT NULL,
environment_variables jsonb,
operating_system varchar(64) NOT NULL,
startup_script varchar(65534),
instance_metadata jsonb,
resource_metadata jsonb,
CREATE TYPE parameter_scope AS ENUM (
-- Types of parameters the automator supports.
CREATE TYPE parameter_type_system AS ENUM ('none', 'hcl');
-- Supported schemes for a parameter source.
CREATE TYPE parameter_source_scheme AS ENUM('none', 'data');
-- Supported schemes for a parameter destination.
CREATE TYPE parameter_destination_scheme AS ENUM('none', 'environment_variable', 'provisioner_variable');
-- Stores template version parameters parsed on import.
-- No secrets are stored here.
-- All parameter validation occurs server-side to process
-- complex validations.
-- Parameter types, description, and validation will produce
-- a UI for users to enter values.
-- Needs to be made consistent with the examples below.
CREATE TABLE parameter_schemas (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
job_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES provisioner_jobs (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
description varchar(8192) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
default_source_scheme parameter_source_scheme,
default_source_value text NOT NULL,
-- Allows the user to override the source.
allow_override_source boolean NOT null,
default_destination_scheme parameter_destination_scheme,
-- Allows the user to override the destination.
allow_override_destination boolean NOT null,
default_refresh text NOT NULL,
-- Whether the consumer can view the source and destinations.
redisplay_value boolean NOT null,
-- This error would appear in the UI if the condition is not met.
validation_error varchar(256) NOT NULL,
validation_condition varchar(512) NOT NULL,
validation_type_system parameter_type_system NOT NULL,
validation_value_type varchar(64) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(job_id, name)
-- Parameters are provided to jobs for provisioning and to workspaces.
CREATE TABLE parameter_values (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
scope parameter_scope NOT NULL,
scope_id uuid NOT NULL,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
source_scheme parameter_source_scheme NOT NULL,
source_value text NOT NULL,
destination_scheme parameter_destination_scheme NOT NULL,
-- Prevents duplicates for parameters in the same scope.
UNIQUE(scope_id, name)
CREATE TABLE workspace_builds (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamptz NOT NULL,
workspace_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES workspaces (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
template_version_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES template_versions (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
build_number integer NOT NULL,
transition workspace_transition NOT NULL,
initiator_id uuid NOT NULL,
-- State stored by the provisioner
provisioner_state bytea,
-- Job ID of the action
job_id uuid NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES provisioner_jobs (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
UNIQUE(workspace_id, name),
UNIQUE(workspace_id, build_number)