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// Package database connects to external services for stateful storage.
// Query functions are generated using sqlc.
// To modify the database schema:
// 1. Add a new migration using "" in database/migrations/
// 2. Run "make coderd/database/generate" in the root to generate models.
// 3. Add/Edit queries in "query.sql" and run "make coderd/database/generate" to create Go code.
package database
import (
// Store contains all queryable database functions.
// It extends the generated interface to add transaction support.
type Store interface {
// customQuerier contains custom queries that are not generated.
// wrapper allows us to detect if the interface has been wrapped.
Ping(ctx context.Context) (time.Duration, error)
InTx(func(Store) error, *sql.TxOptions) error
type wrapper interface {
// Wrappers returns a list of wrappers that have been applied to the store.
// This is used to detect if the store has already wrapped, and avoid
// double-wrapping.
Wrappers() []string
// DBTX represents a database connection or transaction.
type DBTX interface {
ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
PrepareContext(context.Context, string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
QueryContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRowContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *sql.Row
SelectContext(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
GetContext(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
// New creates a new database store using a SQL database connection.
func New(sdb *sql.DB) Store {
dbx := sqlx.NewDb(sdb, "postgres")
return &sqlQuerier{
db: dbx,
sdb: dbx,
// queries encompasses both are sqlc generated
// queries and our custom queries.
type querier interface {
type sqlQuerier struct {
sdb *sqlx.DB
func (*sqlQuerier) Wrappers() []string {
return []string{}
// Ping returns the time it takes to ping the database.
func (q *sqlQuerier) Ping(ctx context.Context) (time.Duration, error) {
start := time.Now()
err := q.sdb.PingContext(ctx)
return time.Since(start), err
func (q *sqlQuerier) InTx(function func(Store) error, txOpts *sql.TxOptions) error {
_, inTx := q.db.(*sqlx.Tx)
isolation := sql.LevelDefault
if txOpts != nil {
isolation = txOpts.Isolation
// If we are not already in a transaction, and we are running in serializable
// mode, we need to run the transaction in a retry loop. The caller should be
// prepared to allow retries if using serializable mode.
// If we are in a transaction already, the parent InTx call will handle the retry.
// We do not want to duplicate those retries.
if !inTx && isolation == sql.LevelSerializable {
// This is an arbitrarily chosen number.
const retryAmount = 3
var err error
attempts := 0
for attempts = 0; attempts < retryAmount; attempts++ {
err = q.runTx(function, txOpts)
if err == nil {
// Transaction succeeded.
return nil
if !IsSerializedError(err) {
// We should only retry if the error is a serialization error.
return err
// Transaction kept failing in serializable mode.
return xerrors.Errorf("transaction failed after %d attempts: %w", attempts, err)
return q.runTx(function, txOpts)
// InTx performs database operations inside a transaction.
func (q *sqlQuerier) runTx(function func(Store) error, txOpts *sql.TxOptions) error {
if _, ok := q.db.(*sqlx.Tx); ok {
// If the current inner "db" is already a transaction, we just reuse it.
// We do not need to handle commit/rollback as the outer tx will handle
// that.
err := function(q)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("execute transaction: %w", err)
return nil
transaction, err := q.sdb.BeginTxx(context.Background(), txOpts)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("begin transaction: %w", err)
defer func() {
rerr := transaction.Rollback()
if rerr == nil || errors.Is(rerr, sql.ErrTxDone) {
// no need to do anything, tx committed successfully
// couldn't roll back for some reason, extend returned error
err = xerrors.Errorf("defer (%s): %w", rerr.Error(), err)
err = function(&sqlQuerier{db: transaction})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("execute transaction: %w", err)
err = transaction.Commit()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("commit transaction: %w", err)
return nil