
1052 lines
36 KiB

package autobuild_test
import (
func TestExecutorAutostartOK(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that has autostart enabled
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
// Then: the workspace should eventually be started
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID])
workspace = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, codersdk.BuildReasonAutostart, workspace.LatestBuild.Reason)
// Assert some template props. If this is not set correctly, the test
// will fail.
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
template, err := client.Template(ctx, workspace.TemplateID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, template.AutostartRequirement.DaysOfWeek, []string{"monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"})
func TestExecutorAutostartTemplateUpdated(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
automaticUpdates codersdk.AutomaticUpdates
compatibleParameters bool
expectStart bool
expectUpdate bool
name: "Never",
automaticUpdates: codersdk.AutomaticUpdatesNever,
compatibleParameters: true,
expectStart: true,
expectUpdate: false,
name: "Always_Compatible",
automaticUpdates: codersdk.AutomaticUpdatesAlways,
compatibleParameters: true,
expectStart: true,
expectUpdate: true,
name: "Always_Incompatible",
automaticUpdates: codersdk.AutomaticUpdatesAlways,
compatibleParameters: false,
expectStart: false,
expectUpdate: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
ctx = context.Background()
err error
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
logger = slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{IgnoreErrors: !tc.expectStart}).Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
Logger: &logger,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that has autostart enabled
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// Given: automatic updates from the test case
cwr.AutomaticUpdates = tc.automaticUpdates
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(
t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
orgs, err := client.OrganizationsByUser(ctx, workspace.OwnerID.String())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, orgs, 1)
var res *echo.Responses
if !tc.compatibleParameters {
// Given, parameters of the new version are not compatible.
// Since initial version has no parameters, any parameters in the new version will be incompatible
res = &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionApply: []*proto.Response{{
Type: &proto.Response_Apply{
Apply: &proto.ApplyComplete{
Parameters: []*proto.RichParameter{
Name: "new",
Mutable: false,
Required: true,
// Given: the workspace template has been updated
newVersion := coderdtest.UpdateTemplateVersion(t, client, orgs[0].ID, res, workspace.TemplateID)
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, client, newVersion.ID)
require.NoError(t, client.UpdateActiveTemplateVersion(
ctx, workspace.TemplateID, codersdk.UpdateActiveTemplateVersion{
ID: newVersion.ID,
t.Log("sending autobuild tick")
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
stats := <-statsCh
if !tc.expectStart {
// Then: the workspace should not be started
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 1)
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
// Then: the workspace should be started
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID])
ws := coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
if tc.expectUpdate {
// Then: uses the updated version
assert.Equal(t, newVersion.ID, ws.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionID,
"expected workspace build to be using the updated template version")
} else {
// Then: uses the previous template version
assert.Equal(t, workspace.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionID, ws.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionID,
"expected workspace build to be using the old template version")
func TestExecutorAutostartAlreadyRunning(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that has autostart enabled
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// Given: we ensure the workspace is running
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart, workspace.LatestBuild.Transition)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
// Then: the workspace should not be started.
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
require.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostartNotEnabled(t *testing.T) {
var (
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that does not have autostart enabled
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = nil
// Given: workspace does not have autostart enabled
require.Empty(t, workspace.AutostartSchedule)
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks way into the future
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt.Add(24 * time.Hour)
// Then: the workspace should not be started.
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
require.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostartUserSuspended(t *testing.T) {
var (
ctx = testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
admin := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, admin.OrganizationID, nil)
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, client, version.ID)
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, admin.OrganizationID, version.ID)
userClient, user := coderdtest.CreateAnotherUser(t, client, admin.OrganizationID)
workspace := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, userClient, admin.OrganizationID, template.ID, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, userClient, workspace.LatestBuild.ID)
workspace = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, userClient, workspace.ID)
// Given: workspace is stopped, and the user is suspended.
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, userClient, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
_, err := client.UpdateUserStatus(ctx, user.ID.String(), codersdk.UserStatusSuspended)
require.NoError(t, err, "update user status")
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
// Then: nothing should happen
stats := testutil.RequireRecvCtx(ctx, t, statsCh)
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostopOK(t *testing.T) {
var (
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client)
// Given: workspace is running
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart, workspace.LatestBuild.Transition)
require.NotZero(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks *after* the deadline:
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time.Add(time.Minute)
// Then: the workspace should be stopped
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID])
workspace = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, codersdk.BuildReasonAutostop, workspace.LatestBuild.Reason)
func TestExecutorAutostopExtend(t *testing.T) {
var (
ctx = context.Background()
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client)
originalDeadline = workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline
// Given: workspace is running
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart, workspace.LatestBuild.Transition)
require.NotZero(t, originalDeadline)
// Given: we extend the workspace deadline
newDeadline := originalDeadline.Time.Add(30 * time.Minute)
err := client.PutExtendWorkspace(ctx, workspace.ID, codersdk.PutExtendWorkspaceRequest{
Deadline: newDeadline,
require.NoError(t, err, "extend workspace deadline")
// When: the autobuild executor ticks *after* the original deadline:
go func() {
tickCh <- originalDeadline.Time.Add(time.Minute)
// Then: nothing should happen and the workspace should stay running
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the *new* deadline:
go func() {
tickCh <- newDeadline.Add(time.Minute)
// Then: the workspace should be stopped
stats = <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID])
func TestExecutorAutostopAlreadyStopped(t *testing.T) {
var (
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace (disabling autostart)
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = nil
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks past the TTL
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time.Add(time.Minute)
// Then: the workspace should remain stopped and no build should happen.
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostopNotEnabled(t *testing.T) {
var (
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.TTLMillis = nil
// Given: workspace has no TTL set
workspace = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
require.Nil(t, workspace.TTLMillis)
require.Zero(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline)
require.NotZero(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Job.CompletedAt)
// Given: workspace is running
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart, workspace.LatestBuild.Transition)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks a year in the future
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Job.CompletedAt.AddDate(1, 0, 0)
// Then: the workspace should not be stopped.
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorWorkspaceDeleted(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that has autostart enabled
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// Given: workspace is deleted
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionDelete)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
// Then: nothing should happen
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorWorkspaceAutostartTooEarly(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// futureTime = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
// futureTimeCron = fmt.Sprintf("%d %d * * *", futureTime.Minute(), futureTime.Hour())
// Given: we have a user with a workspace configured to autostart some time in the future
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// When: the autobuild executor ticks before the next scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt).Add(-time.Minute)
// Then: nothing should happen
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorWorkspaceAutostopBeforeDeadline(t *testing.T) {
var (
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client)
// Given: workspace is running and has a non-zero deadline
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart, workspace.LatestBuild.Transition)
require.NotZero(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks before the TTL
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time.Add(-1 * time.Minute)
// Then: nothing should happen
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorWorkspaceAutostopNoWaitChangedMyMind(t *testing.T) {
var (
ctx = context.Background()
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client)
// Given: the user changes their mind and decides their workspace should not autostop
err := client.UpdateWorkspaceTTL(ctx, workspace.ID, codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceTTLRequest{TTLMillis: nil})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Then: the deadline should still be the original value
updated := coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
assert.WithinDuration(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, updated.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, time.Minute)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the original deadline
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time.Add(time.Minute)
// Then: the workspace should stop
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Equal(t, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID], database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// Wait for stop to complete
updated = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
_ = coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, client, updated.LatestBuild.ID)
// Start the workspace again
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart)
// Given: the user changes their mind again and wants to enable autostop
newTTL := 8 * time.Hour
err = client.UpdateWorkspaceTTL(ctx, workspace.ID, codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceTTLRequest{TTLMillis: ptr.Ref(newTTL.Milliseconds())})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Then: the deadline should remain at the zero value
updated = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
assert.Zero(t, updated.LatestBuild.Deadline)
// When: the relentless onward march of time continues
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time.Add(newTTL + time.Minute)
// Then: the workspace should not stop
stats = <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostartMultipleOK(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("DB") == "" {
t.Skip(`This test only really works when using a "real" database, similar to a HA setup`)
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
tickCh2 = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh1 = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
statsCh2 = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh1,
_ = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh2,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh2,
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that has autostart enabled (default)
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks past the scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
tickCh2 <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
// Then: the workspace should eventually be started
stats1 := <-statsCh1
assert.Len(t, stats1.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats1.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats1.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, stats1.Transitions[workspace.ID])
// Then: the other executor should not have done anything
stats2 := <-statsCh2
assert.Len(t, stats2.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats2.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostartWithParameters(t *testing.T) {
const (
stringParameterName = "string_parameter"
stringParameterValue = "abc"
numberParameterName = "number_parameter"
numberParameterValue = "7"
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
richParameters = []*proto.RichParameter{
{Name: stringParameterName, Type: "string", Mutable: true},
{Name: numberParameterName, Type: "number", Mutable: true},
// Given: we have a user with a workspace that has autostart enabled
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspaceWithParameters(t, client, richParameters, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
cwr.RichParameterValues = []codersdk.WorkspaceBuildParameter{
Name: stringParameterName,
Value: stringParameterValue,
Name: numberParameterName,
Value: numberParameterValue,
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
// Then: the workspace with parameters should eventually be started
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID])
workspace = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID)
mustWorkspaceParameters(t, client, workspace.LatestBuild.ID)
func TestExecutorAutostartTemplateDisabled(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
TemplateScheduleStore: schedule.MockTemplateScheduleStore{
GetFn: func(_ context.Context, _ database.Store, _ uuid.UUID) (schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, error) {
return schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions{
UserAutostartEnabled: false,
UserAutostopEnabled: true,
DefaultTTL: 0,
AutostopRequirement: schedule.TemplateAutostopRequirement{},
}, nil
// futureTime = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
// futureTimeCron = fmt.Sprintf("%d %d * * *", futureTime.Minute(), futureTime.Hour())
// Given: we have a user with a workspace configured to autostart some time in the future
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
// Given: workspace is stopped
workspace = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, client, workspace.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks before the next scheduled time
go func() {
tickCh <- sched.Next(workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt).Add(time.Minute)
// Then: nothing should happen
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func TestExecutorAutostopTemplateDisabled(t *testing.T) {
// Given: we have a workspace built from a template that disallows user autostop
var (
tickCh = make(chan time.Time)
statsCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: tickCh,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statsCh,
// We are using a mock store here as the AGPL store does not implement this.
TemplateScheduleStore: schedule.MockTemplateScheduleStore{
GetFn: func(_ context.Context, _ database.Store, _ uuid.UUID) (schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, error) {
return schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions{
UserAutostopEnabled: false,
DefaultTTL: time.Hour,
}, nil
// Given: we have a user with a workspace configured to autostop 30 minutes in the future
workspace = mustProvisionWorkspace(t, client, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.TTLMillis = ptr.Ref(30 * time.Minute.Milliseconds())
// When: we create the workspace
// Then: the deadline should be set to the template default TTL
assert.WithinDuration(t, workspace.LatestBuild.CreatedAt.Add(time.Hour), workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, time.Minute)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the workspace setting, but before the template setting:
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Job.CompletedAt.Add(45 * time.Minute)
// Then: nothing should happen
stats := <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
// When: the autobuild executor ticks after the template setting:
go func() {
tickCh <- workspace.LatestBuild.Job.CompletedAt.Add(61 * time.Minute)
// Then: the workspace should be stopped
stats = <-statsCh
assert.Len(t, stats.Errors, 0)
assert.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
assert.Contains(t, stats.Transitions, workspace.ID)
assert.Equal(t, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, stats.Transitions[workspace.ID])
// Test that an AGPL AccessControlStore properly disables
// functionality.
func TestExecutorRequireActiveVersion(t *testing.T) {
var (
sched = mustSchedule(t, "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 * * * *")
ticker = make(chan time.Time)
statCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
ownerClient, db = coderdtest.NewWithDatabase(t, &coderdtest.Options{
AutobuildTicker: ticker,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statCh,
TemplateScheduleStore: schedule.NewAGPLTemplateScheduleStore(),
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitShort)
owner := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, ownerClient)
me, err := ownerClient.User(ctx, codersdk.Me)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create an active and inactive template version. We'll
// build a regular member's workspace using a non-active
// template version and assert that the field is not abided
// since there is no enterprise license.
activeVersion := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, ownerClient, owner.OrganizationID, nil)
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, ownerClient, activeVersion.ID)
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, ownerClient, owner.OrganizationID, activeVersion.ID)
//nolint We need to set this in the database directly, because the API will return an error
// letting you know that this feature requires an enterprise license.
err = db.UpdateTemplateAccessControlByID(dbauthz.As(ctx, coderdtest.AuthzUserSubject(me, owner.OrganizationID)), database.UpdateTemplateAccessControlByIDParams{
ID: template.ID,
RequireActiveVersion: true,
require.NoError(t, err)
inactiveVersion := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, ownerClient, owner.OrganizationID, nil, func(ctvr *codersdk.CreateTemplateVersionRequest) {
ctvr.TemplateID = template.ID
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, ownerClient, inactiveVersion.ID)
memberClient, _ := coderdtest.CreateAnotherUser(t, ownerClient, owner.OrganizationID)
ws := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, memberClient, owner.OrganizationID, uuid.Nil, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.TemplateVersionID = inactiveVersion.ID
cwr.AutostartSchedule = ptr.Ref(sched.String())
_ = coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, ownerClient, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
ws = coderdtest.MustTransitionWorkspace(t, memberClient, ws.ID, database.WorkspaceTransitionStart, database.WorkspaceTransitionStop, func(req *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceBuildRequest) {
req.TemplateVersionID = inactiveVersion.ID
require.Equal(t, inactiveVersion.ID, ws.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionID)
ticker <- sched.Next(ws.LatestBuild.CreatedAt)
stats := <-statCh
require.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 1)
ws = coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, memberClient, ws.ID)
require.Equal(t, inactiveVersion.ID, ws.LatestBuild.TemplateVersionID)
// TestExecutorFailedWorkspace test AGPL functionality which mainly
// ensures that autostop actions as a result of a failed workspace
// build do not trigger.
// For enterprise functionality see enterprise/coderd/workspaces_test.go
func TestExecutorFailedWorkspace(t *testing.T) {
// Test that an AGPL TemplateScheduleStore properly disables
// functionality.
t.Run("OK", func(t *testing.T) {
var (
ticker = make(chan time.Time)
statCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
logger = slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{
// We ignore errors here since we expect to fail
// builds.
IgnoreErrors: true,
failureTTL = time.Millisecond
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
Logger: &logger,
AutobuildTicker: ticker,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statCh,
TemplateScheduleStore: schedule.NewAGPLTemplateScheduleStore(),
user := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, user.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionPlan: echo.PlanComplete,
ProvisionApply: echo.ApplyFailed,
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, user.OrganizationID, version.ID, func(ctr *codersdk.CreateTemplateRequest) {
ctr.FailureTTLMillis = ptr.Ref[int64](failureTTL.Milliseconds())
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, client, version.ID)
ws := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, user.OrganizationID, template.ID)
build := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceStatusFailed, build.Status)
ticker <- build.Job.CompletedAt.Add(failureTTL * 2)
stats := <-statCh
// Expect no transitions since we're using AGPL.
require.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
// TestExecutorInactiveWorkspace test AGPL functionality which mainly
// ensures that autostop actions as a result of an inactive workspace
// do not trigger.
// For enterprise functionality see enterprise/coderd/workspaces_test.go
func TestExecutorInactiveWorkspace(t *testing.T) {
// Test that an AGPL TemplateScheduleStore properly disables
// functionality.
t.Run("OK", func(t *testing.T) {
var (
ticker = make(chan time.Time)
statCh = make(chan autobuild.Stats)
logger = slogtest.Make(t, &slogtest.Options{
// We ignore errors here since we expect to fail
// builds.
IgnoreErrors: true,
inactiveTTL = time.Millisecond
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
Logger: &logger,
AutobuildTicker: ticker,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
AutobuildStats: statCh,
TemplateScheduleStore: schedule.NewAGPLTemplateScheduleStore(),
user := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, user.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionPlan: echo.PlanComplete,
ProvisionApply: echo.ApplyComplete,
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, client, version.ID)
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, user.OrganizationID, version.ID, func(ctr *codersdk.CreateTemplateRequest) {
ctr.TimeTilDormantMillis = ptr.Ref[int64](inactiveTTL.Milliseconds())
ws := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, user.OrganizationID, template.ID)
build := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
require.Equal(t, codersdk.WorkspaceStatusRunning, build.Status)
ticker <- ws.LastUsedAt.Add(inactiveTTL * 2)
stats := <-statCh
// Expect no transitions since we're using AGPL.
require.Len(t, stats.Transitions, 0)
func mustProvisionWorkspace(t *testing.T, client *codersdk.Client, mut ...func(*codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest)) codersdk.Workspace {
user := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, user.OrganizationID, nil)
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, client, version.ID)
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, user.OrganizationID, version.ID)
ws := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, user.OrganizationID, template.ID, mut...)
coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
return coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, ws.ID)
func mustProvisionWorkspaceWithParameters(t *testing.T, client *codersdk.Client, richParameters []*proto.RichParameter, mut ...func(*codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest)) codersdk.Workspace {
user := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, user.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionPlan: []*proto.Response{
Type: &proto.Response_Plan{
Plan: &proto.PlanComplete{
Parameters: richParameters,
ProvisionApply: echo.ApplyComplete,
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJobCompleted(t, client, version.ID)
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, user.OrganizationID, version.ID)
ws := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, user.OrganizationID, template.ID, mut...)
coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJobCompleted(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
return coderdtest.MustWorkspace(t, client, ws.ID)
func mustSchedule(t *testing.T, s string) *cron.Schedule {
sched, err := cron.Weekly(s)
require.NoError(t, err)
return sched
func mustWorkspaceParameters(t *testing.T, client *codersdk.Client, workspaceID uuid.UUID) {
ctx := context.Background()
buildParameters, err := client.WorkspaceBuildParameters(ctx, workspaceID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, buildParameters)
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {