
2131 lines
66 KiB

package agent
import (
tailnetproto ""
const (
ProtocolReconnectingPTY = "reconnecting-pty"
ProtocolSSH = "ssh"
ProtocolDial = "dial"
// EnvProcPrioMgmt determines whether we attempt to manage
// process CPU and OOM Killer priority.
const (
type Options struct {
Filesystem afero.Fs
LogDir string
TempDir string
ScriptDataDir string
ExchangeToken func(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
Client Client
ReconnectingPTYTimeout time.Duration
EnvironmentVariables map[string]string
Logger slog.Logger
IgnorePorts map[int]string
PortCacheDuration time.Duration
SSHMaxTimeout time.Duration
TailnetListenPort uint16
Subsystems []codersdk.AgentSubsystem
Addresses []netip.Prefix
PrometheusRegistry *prometheus.Registry
ReportMetadataInterval time.Duration
ServiceBannerRefreshInterval time.Duration
Syscaller agentproc.Syscaller
// ModifiedProcesses is used for testing process priority management.
ModifiedProcesses chan []*agentproc.Process
// ProcessManagementTick is used for testing process priority management.
ProcessManagementTick <-chan time.Time
type Client interface {
ConnectRPC(ctx context.Context) (drpc.Conn, error)
RewriteDERPMap(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap)
type Agent interface {
HTTPDebug() http.Handler
// TailnetConn may be nil.
TailnetConn() *tailnet.Conn
func New(options Options) Agent {
if options.Filesystem == nil {
options.Filesystem = afero.NewOsFs()
if options.TempDir == "" {
options.TempDir = os.TempDir()
if options.LogDir == "" {
if options.TempDir != os.TempDir() {
options.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "log dir not set, using temp dir", slog.F("temp_dir", options.TempDir))
} else {
options.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "using log dir", slog.F("log_dir", options.LogDir))
options.LogDir = options.TempDir
if options.ScriptDataDir == "" {
if options.TempDir != os.TempDir() {
options.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "script data dir not set, using temp dir", slog.F("temp_dir", options.TempDir))
} else {
options.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "using script data dir", slog.F("script_data_dir", options.ScriptDataDir))
options.ScriptDataDir = options.TempDir
if options.ExchangeToken == nil {
options.ExchangeToken = func(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return "", nil
if options.ReportMetadataInterval == 0 {
options.ReportMetadataInterval = time.Second
if options.ServiceBannerRefreshInterval == 0 {
options.ServiceBannerRefreshInterval = 2 * time.Minute
if options.PortCacheDuration == 0 {
options.PortCacheDuration = 1 * time.Second
prometheusRegistry := options.PrometheusRegistry
if prometheusRegistry == nil {
prometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry()
if options.Syscaller == nil {
options.Syscaller = agentproc.NewSyscaller()
hardCtx, hardCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
gracefulCtx, gracefulCancel := context.WithCancel(hardCtx)
a := &agent{
tailnetListenPort: options.TailnetListenPort,
reconnectingPTYTimeout: options.ReconnectingPTYTimeout,
logger: options.Logger,
gracefulCtx: gracefulCtx,
gracefulCancel: gracefulCancel,
hardCtx: hardCtx,
hardCancel: hardCancel,
coordDisconnected: make(chan struct{}),
environmentVariables: options.EnvironmentVariables,
client: options.Client,
exchangeToken: options.ExchangeToken,
filesystem: options.Filesystem,
logDir: options.LogDir,
tempDir: options.TempDir,
scriptDataDir: options.ScriptDataDir,
lifecycleUpdate: make(chan struct{}, 1),
lifecycleReported: make(chan codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle, 1),
lifecycleStates: []agentsdk.PostLifecycleRequest{{State: codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleCreated}},
ignorePorts: options.IgnorePorts,
portCacheDuration: options.PortCacheDuration,
reportMetadataInterval: options.ReportMetadataInterval,
serviceBannerRefreshInterval: options.ServiceBannerRefreshInterval,
sshMaxTimeout: options.SSHMaxTimeout,
subsystems: options.Subsystems,
addresses: options.Addresses,
syscaller: options.Syscaller,
modifiedProcs: options.ModifiedProcesses,
processManagementTick: options.ProcessManagementTick,
logSender: agentsdk.NewLogSender(options.Logger),
prometheusRegistry: prometheusRegistry,
metrics: newAgentMetrics(prometheusRegistry),
// Initially, we have a closed channel, reflecting the fact that we are not initially connected.
// Each time we connect we replace the channel (while holding the closeMutex) with a new one
// that gets closed on disconnection. This is used to wait for graceful disconnection from the
// coordinator during shut down.
return a
type agent struct {
logger slog.Logger
client Client
exchangeToken func(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
tailnetListenPort uint16
filesystem afero.Fs
logDir string
tempDir string
scriptDataDir string
// ignorePorts tells the api handler which ports to ignore when
// listing all listening ports. This is helpful to hide ports that
// are used by the agent, that the user does not care about.
ignorePorts map[int]string
portCacheDuration time.Duration
subsystems []codersdk.AgentSubsystem
reconnectingPTYs sync.Map
reconnectingPTYTimeout time.Duration
// we track 2 contexts and associated cancel functions: "graceful" which is Done when it is time
// to start gracefully shutting down and "hard" which is Done when it is time to close
// everything down (regardless of whether graceful shutdown completed).
gracefulCtx context.Context
gracefulCancel context.CancelFunc
hardCtx context.Context
hardCancel context.CancelFunc
closeWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
closeMutex sync.Mutex
coordDisconnected chan struct{}
environmentVariables map[string]string
manifest atomic.Pointer[agentsdk.Manifest] // manifest is atomic because values can change after reconnection.
reportMetadataInterval time.Duration
scriptRunner *agentscripts.Runner
serviceBanner atomic.Pointer[codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig] // serviceBanner is atomic because it is periodically updated.
serviceBannerRefreshInterval time.Duration
sessionToken atomic.Pointer[string]
sshServer *agentssh.Server
sshMaxTimeout time.Duration
lifecycleUpdate chan struct{}
lifecycleReported chan codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle
lifecycleMu sync.RWMutex // Protects following.
lifecycleStates []agentsdk.PostLifecycleRequest
lifecycleLastReportedIndex int // Keeps track of the last lifecycle state we successfully reported.
network *tailnet.Conn
addresses []netip.Prefix
statsReporter *statsReporter
logSender *agentsdk.LogSender
connCountReconnectingPTY atomic.Int64
prometheusRegistry *prometheus.Registry
// metrics are prometheus registered metrics that will be collected and
// labeled in Coder with the agent + workspace.
metrics *agentMetrics
syscaller agentproc.Syscaller
// modifiedProcs is used for testing process priority management.
modifiedProcs chan []*agentproc.Process
// processManagementTick is used for testing process priority management.
processManagementTick <-chan time.Time
func (a *agent) TailnetConn() *tailnet.Conn {
func (a *agent) init() {
// pass the "hard" context because we explicitly close the SSH server as part of graceful shutdown.
sshSrv, err := agentssh.NewServer(a.hardCtx, a.logger.Named("ssh-server"), a.prometheusRegistry, a.filesystem, &agentssh.Config{
MaxTimeout: a.sshMaxTimeout,
MOTDFile: func() string { return a.manifest.Load().MOTDFile },
ServiceBanner: func() *codersdk.ServiceBannerConfig { return a.serviceBanner.Load() },
UpdateEnv: a.updateCommandEnv,
WorkingDirectory: func() string { return a.manifest.Load().Directory },
if err != nil {
a.sshServer = sshSrv
a.scriptRunner = agentscripts.New(agentscripts.Options{
LogDir: a.logDir,
DataDirBase: a.scriptDataDir,
Logger: a.logger,
SSHServer: sshSrv,
Filesystem: a.filesystem,
GetScriptLogger: func(logSourceID uuid.UUID) agentscripts.ScriptLogger {
return a.logSender.GetScriptLogger(logSourceID)
// Register runner metrics. If the prom registry is nil, the metrics
// will not report anywhere.
go a.runLoop()
// runLoop attempts to start the agent in a retry loop.
// Coder may be offline temporarily, a connection issue
// may be happening, but regardless after the intermittent
// failure, you'll want the agent to reconnect.
func (a *agent) runLoop() {
go a.manageProcessPriorityUntilGracefulShutdown()
// need to keep retrying up to the hardCtx so that we can send graceful shutdown-related
// messages.
ctx := a.hardCtx
for retrier := retry.New(100*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second); retrier.Wait(ctx); {
a.logger.Info(ctx, "connecting to coderd")
err :=
if err == nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// Context canceled errors may come from websocket pings, so we
// don't want to use `errors.Is(err, context.Canceled)` here.
if a.isClosed() {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
a.logger.Info(ctx, "disconnected from coderd")
a.logger.Warn(ctx, "run exited with error", slog.Error(err))
func (a *agent) collectMetadata(ctx context.Context, md codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription, now time.Time) *codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataResult {
var out bytes.Buffer
result := &codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataResult{
// CollectedAt is set here for testing purposes and overrode by
// coderd to the time of server receipt to solve clock skew.
// In the future, the server may accept the timestamp from the agent
// if it can guarantee the clocks are synchronized.
CollectedAt: now,
cmdPty, err := a.sshServer.CreateCommand(ctx, md.Script, nil)
if err != nil {
result.Error = fmt.Sprintf("create cmd: %+v", err)
return result
cmd := cmdPty.AsExec()
cmd.Stdout = &out
cmd.Stderr = &out
cmd.Stdin = io.LimitReader(nil, 0)
// We split up Start and Wait instead of calling Run so that we can return a more precise error.
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
result.Error = fmt.Sprintf("start cmd: %+v", err)
return result
// This error isn't mutually exclusive with useful output.
err = cmd.Wait()
const bufLimit = 10 << 10
if out.Len() > bufLimit {
err = errors.Join(
xerrors.Errorf("output truncated from %v to %v bytes", out.Len(), bufLimit),
// Important: if the command times out, we may see a misleading error like
// "exit status 1", so it's important to include the context error.
err = errors.Join(err, ctx.Err())
if err != nil {
result.Error = fmt.Sprintf("run cmd: %+v", err)
result.Value = out.String()
return result
type metadataResultAndKey struct {
result *codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataResult
key string
type trySingleflight struct {
mu sync.Mutex
m map[string]struct{}
func (t *trySingleflight) Do(key string, fn func()) {
_, ok := t.m[key]
if ok {
t.m[key] = struct{}{}
defer func() {
delete(t.m, key)
func (a *agent) reportMetadata(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
tickerDone := make(chan struct{})
collectDone := make(chan struct{})
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
var (
logger = a.logger.Named("metadata")
report = make(chan struct{}, 1)
collect = make(chan struct{}, 1)
metadataResults = make(chan metadataResultAndKey, 1)
// Set up collect and report as a single ticker with two channels,
// this is to allow collection and reporting to be triggered
// independently of each other.
go func() {
t := time.NewTicker(a.reportMetadataInterval)
defer func() {
wake := func(c chan<- struct{}) {
select {
case c <- struct{}{}:
wake(collect) // Start immediately.
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-t.C:
go func() {
defer close(collectDone)
var (
// We use a custom singleflight that immediately returns if there is already
// a goroutine running for a given key. This is to prevent a build-up of
// goroutines waiting on Do when the script takes many multiples of
// baseInterval to run.
flight = trySingleflight{m: map[string]struct{}{}}
lastCollectedAtMu sync.RWMutex
lastCollectedAts = make(map[string]time.Time)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-collect:
manifest := a.manifest.Load()
if manifest == nil {
// If the manifest changes (e.g. on agent reconnect) we need to
// purge old cache values to prevent lastCollectedAt from growing
// boundlessly.
for key := range lastCollectedAts {
if slices.IndexFunc(manifest.Metadata, func(md codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription) bool {
return md.Key == key
}) < 0 {
logger.Debug(ctx, "deleting lastCollected key, missing from manifest",
slog.F("key", key),
delete(lastCollectedAts, key)
// Spawn a goroutine for each metadata collection, and use a
// channel to synchronize the results and avoid both messy
// mutex logic and overloading the API.
for _, md := range manifest.Metadata {
md := md
// We send the result to the channel in the goroutine to avoid
// sending the same result multiple times. So, we don't care about
// the return values.
go flight.Do(md.Key, func() {
ctx := slog.With(ctx, slog.F("key", md.Key))
collectedAt, ok := lastCollectedAts[md.Key]
if ok {
// If the interval is zero, we assume the user just wants
// a single collection at startup, not a spinning loop.
if md.Interval == 0 {
intervalUnit := time.Second
// reportMetadataInterval is only less than a second in tests,
// so adjust the interval unit for them.
if a.reportMetadataInterval < time.Second {
intervalUnit = 100 * time.Millisecond
// The last collected value isn't quite stale yet, so we skip it.
if collectedAt.Add(time.Duration(md.Interval) * intervalUnit).After(time.Now()) {
timeout := md.Timeout
if timeout == 0 {
if md.Interval != 0 {
timeout = md.Interval
} else if interval := int64(a.reportMetadataInterval.Seconds()); interval != 0 {
// Fallback to the report interval
timeout = interval * 3
} else {
// If the interval is still 0 (possible if the interval
// is less than a second), default to 5. This was
// randomly picked.
timeout = 5
ctxTimeout := time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ctxTimeout)
defer cancel()
now := time.Now()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Warn(ctx, "metadata collection timed out", slog.F("timeout", ctxTimeout))
case metadataResults <- metadataResultAndKey{
key: md.Key,
result: a.collectMetadata(ctx, md, now),
lastCollectedAts[md.Key] = now
// Gather metadata updates and report them once every interval. If a
// previous report is in flight, wait for it to complete before
// sending a new one. If the network conditions are bad, we won't
// benefit from canceling the previous send and starting a new one.
var (
updatedMetadata = make(map[string]*codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadataResult)
reportTimeout = 30 * time.Second
reportError = make(chan error, 1)
reportInFlight = false
aAPI = proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case mr := <-metadataResults:
// This can overwrite unsent values, but that's fine because
// we're only interested about up-to-date values.
updatedMetadata[mr.key] = mr.result
case err := <-reportError:
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "batch update metadata complete", slog.Error(err))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to report metadata: %w", err)
reportInFlight = false
case <-report:
if len(updatedMetadata) == 0 {
if reportInFlight {
// If there's already a report in flight, don't send
// another one, wait for next tick instead.
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "skipped metadata report tick because report is in flight")
metadata := make([]*proto.Metadata, 0, len(updatedMetadata))
for key, result := range updatedMetadata {
pr := agentsdk.ProtoFromMetadataResult(*result)
metadata = append(metadata, &proto.Metadata{
Key: key,
Result: pr,
delete(updatedMetadata, key)
reportInFlight = true
go func() {
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "batch updating metadata")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, reportTimeout)
defer cancel()
_, err := aAPI.BatchUpdateMetadata(ctx, &proto.BatchUpdateMetadataRequest{Metadata: metadata})
reportError <- err
// reportLifecycle reports the current lifecycle state once. All state
// changes are reported in order.
func (a *agent) reportLifecycle(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
aAPI := proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn)
for {
select {
case <-a.lifecycleUpdate:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
for {
lastIndex := len(a.lifecycleStates) - 1
report := a.lifecycleStates[a.lifecycleLastReportedIndex]
if len(a.lifecycleStates) > a.lifecycleLastReportedIndex+1 {
report = a.lifecycleStates[a.lifecycleLastReportedIndex+1]
if lastIndex == a.lifecycleLastReportedIndex {
l, err := agentsdk.ProtoFromLifecycle(report)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Critical(ctx, "failed to convert lifecycle state", slog.F("report", report))
// Skip this report; there is no point retrying. Maybe we can successfully convert the next one?
payload := &proto.UpdateLifecycleRequest{Lifecycle: l}
logger := a.logger.With(slog.F("payload", payload))
logger.Debug(ctx, "reporting lifecycle state")
_, err = aAPI.UpdateLifecycle(ctx, payload)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to update lifecycle: %w", err)
logger.Debug(ctx, "successfully reported lifecycle state")
select {
case a.lifecycleReported <- report.State:
case <-a.lifecycleReported:
a.lifecycleReported <- report.State
if a.lifecycleLastReportedIndex < lastIndex {
// Keep reporting until we've sent all messages, we can't
// rely on the channel triggering us before the backlog is
// consumed.
// setLifecycle sets the lifecycle state and notifies the lifecycle loop.
// The state is only updated if it's a valid state transition.
func (a *agent) setLifecycle(state codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycle) {
report := agentsdk.PostLifecycleRequest{
State: state,
ChangedAt: dbtime.Now(),
lastReport := a.lifecycleStates[len(a.lifecycleStates)-1]
if slices.Index(codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleOrder, lastReport.State) >= slices.Index(codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleOrder, report.State) {
a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "attempted to set lifecycle state to a previous state", slog.F("last", lastReport), slog.F("current", report))
a.lifecycleStates = append(a.lifecycleStates, report)
a.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "set lifecycle state", slog.F("current", report), slog.F("last", lastReport))
select {
case a.lifecycleUpdate <- struct{}{}:
// fetchServiceBannerLoop fetches the service banner on an interval. It will
// not be fetched immediately; the expectation is that it is primed elsewhere
// (and must be done before the session actually starts).
func (a *agent) fetchServiceBannerLoop(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
aAPI := proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn)
ticker := time.NewTicker(a.serviceBannerRefreshInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-ticker.C:
sbp, err := aAPI.GetServiceBanner(ctx, &proto.GetServiceBannerRequest{})
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
a.logger.Error(ctx, "failed to update service banner", slog.Error(err))
return err
serviceBanner := agentsdk.ServiceBannerFromProto(sbp)
func (a *agent) run() (retErr error) {
// This allows the agent to refresh it's token if necessary.
// For instance identity this is required, since the instance
// may not have re-provisioned, but a new agent ID was created.
sessionToken, err := a.exchangeToken(a.hardCtx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("exchange token: %w", err)
// ConnectRPC returns the dRPC connection we use for the Agent and Tailnet v2+ APIs
conn, err := a.client.ConnectRPC(a.hardCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
cErr := conn.Close()
if cErr != nil {
a.logger.Debug(a.hardCtx, "error closing drpc connection", slog.Error(err))
// A lot of routines need the agent API / tailnet API connection. We run them in their own
// goroutines in parallel, but errors in any routine will cause them all to exit so we can
// redial the coder server and retry.
connMan := newAPIConnRoutineManager(a.gracefulCtx, a.hardCtx, a.logger, conn)
connMan.start("init service banner", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop,
func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
aAPI := proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn)
sbp, err := aAPI.GetServiceBanner(ctx, &proto.GetServiceBannerRequest{})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch service banner: %w", err)
serviceBanner := agentsdk.ServiceBannerFromProto(sbp)
return nil
// sending logs gets gracefulShutdownBehaviorRemain because we want to send logs generated by
// shutdown scripts.
connMan.start("send logs", gracefulShutdownBehaviorRemain,
func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
err := a.logSender.SendLoop(ctx, proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn))
if xerrors.Is(err, agentsdk.LogLimitExceededError) {
// we don't want this error to tear down the API connection and propagate to the
// other routines that use the API. The LogSender has already dropped a warning
// log, so just return nil here.
return nil
return err
// part of graceful shut down is reporting the final lifecycle states, e.g "ShuttingDown" so the
// lifecycle reporting has to be via gracefulShutdownBehaviorRemain
connMan.start("report lifecycle", gracefulShutdownBehaviorRemain, a.reportLifecycle)
// metadata reporting can cease as soon as we start gracefully shutting down
connMan.start("report metadata", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop, a.reportMetadata)
// channels to sync goroutines below
// handle manifest
// |
// manifestOK
// | |
// | +----------------------+
// V |
// app health reporter |
// V
// create or update network
// |
// networkOK
// |
// coordination <--------------------------+
// derp map subscriber <----------------+
// stats report loop <---------------+
networkOK := make(chan struct{})
manifestOK := make(chan struct{})
connMan.start("handle manifest", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop, a.handleManifest(manifestOK))
connMan.start("app health reporter", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop,
func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-manifestOK:
manifest := a.manifest.Load()
a.logger, manifest.Apps, agentsdk.AppHealthPoster(proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn)),
return nil
connMan.start("create or update network", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop,
a.createOrUpdateNetwork(manifestOK, networkOK))
connMan.start("coordination", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop,
func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-networkOK:
return a.runCoordinator(ctx, conn,
connMan.start("derp map subscriber", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop,
func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-networkOK:
return a.runDERPMapSubscriber(ctx, conn,
connMan.start("fetch service banner loop", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop, a.fetchServiceBannerLoop)
connMan.start("stats report loop", gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop, func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-networkOK:
return a.statsReporter.reportLoop(ctx, proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn))
return connMan.wait()
// handleManifest returns a function that fetches and processes the manifest
func (a *agent) handleManifest(manifestOK chan<- struct{}) func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
return func(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn) error {
aAPI := proto.NewDRPCAgentClient(conn)
mp, err := aAPI.GetManifest(ctx, &proto.GetManifestRequest{})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch metadata: %w", err)
a.logger.Info(ctx, "fetched manifest", slog.F("manifest", mp))
manifest, err := agentsdk.ManifestFromProto(mp)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Critical(ctx, "failed to convert manifest", slog.F("manifest", mp), slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("convert manifest: %w", err)
if manifest.AgentID == uuid.Nil {
return xerrors.New("nil agentID returned by manifest")
// Expand the directory and send it back to coderd so external
// applications that rely on the directory can use it.
// An example is VS Code Remote, which must know the directory
// before initializing a connection.
manifest.Directory, err = expandDirectory(manifest.Directory)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("expand directory: %w", err)
subsys, err := agentsdk.ProtoFromSubsystems(a.subsystems)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Critical(ctx, "failed to convert subsystems", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to convert subsystems: %w", err)
_, err = aAPI.UpdateStartup(ctx, &proto.UpdateStartupRequest{Startup: &proto.Startup{
Version: buildinfo.Version(),
ExpandedDirectory: manifest.Directory,
Subsystems: subsys,
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return nil
return xerrors.Errorf("update workspace agent startup: %w", err)
oldManifest := a.manifest.Swap(&manifest)
// The startup script should only execute on the first run!
if oldManifest == nil {
// Perform overrides early so that Git auth can work even if users
// connect to a workspace that is not yet ready. We don't run this
// concurrently with the startup script to avoid conflicts between
// them.
if manifest.GitAuthConfigs > 0 {
// If this fails, we should consider surfacing the error in the
// startup log and setting the lifecycle state to be "start_error"
// (after startup script completion), but for now we'll just log it.
err := gitauth.OverrideVSCodeConfigs(a.filesystem)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to override vscode git auth configs", slog.Error(err))
err = a.scriptRunner.Init(manifest.Scripts)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("init script runner: %w", err)
err = a.trackGoroutine(func() {
start := time.Now()
// here we use the graceful context because the script runner is not directly tied
// to the agent API.
err := a.scriptRunner.Execute(a.gracefulCtx, func(script codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript) bool {
return script.RunOnStart
// Measure the time immediately after the script has finished
dur := time.Since(start).Seconds()
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(ctx, "startup script(s) failed", slog.Error(err))
if errors.Is(err, agentscripts.ErrTimeout) {
} else {
} else {
label := "false"
if err == nil {
label = "true"
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("track conn goroutine: %w", err)
return nil
// createOrUpdateNetwork waits for the manifest to be set using manifestOK, then creates or updates
// the tailnet using the information in the manifest
func (a *agent) createOrUpdateNetwork(manifestOK <-chan struct{}, networkOK chan<- struct{}) func(context.Context, drpc.Conn) error {
return func(ctx context.Context, _ drpc.Conn) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-manifestOK:
var err error
manifest := a.manifest.Load()
network :=
if network == nil {
// use the graceful context here, because creating the tailnet is not itself tied to the
// agent API.
network, err = a.createTailnet(a.gracefulCtx, manifest.AgentID, manifest.DERPMap, manifest.DERPForceWebSockets, manifest.DisableDirectConnections)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create tailnet: %w", err)
// Re-check if agent was closed while initializing the network.
closed := a.isClosed()
if !closed { = network
a.statsReporter = newStatsReporter(a.logger, network, a)
if closed {
_ = network.Close()
return xerrors.New("agent is closed")
} else {
// Update the wireguard IPs if the agent ID changed.
err := network.SetAddresses(a.wireguardAddresses(manifest.AgentID))
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error(a.gracefulCtx, "update tailnet addresses", slog.Error(err))
// Update the DERP map, force WebSocket setting and allow/disallow
// direct connections.
return nil
// updateCommandEnv updates the provided command environment with the
// following set of environment variables:
// - Predefined workspace environment variables
// - Environment variables currently set (overriding predefined)
// - Environment variables passed via the agent manifest (overriding predefined and current)
// - Agent-level environment variables (overriding all)
func (a *agent) updateCommandEnv(current []string) (updated []string, err error) {
manifest := a.manifest.Load()
if manifest == nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("no manifest")
executablePath, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting os executable: %w", err)
unixExecutablePath := strings.ReplaceAll(executablePath, "\\", "/")
// Define environment variables that should be set for all commands,
// and then merge them with the current environment.
envs := map[string]string{
// Set env vars indicating we're inside a Coder workspace.
"CODER": "true",
"CODER_WORKSPACE_NAME": manifest.WorkspaceName,
// Specific Coder subcommands require the agent token exposed!
"CODER_AGENT_TOKEN": *a.sessionToken.Load(),
// Git on Windows resolves with UNIX-style paths.
// If using backslashes, it's unable to find the executable.
"GIT_SSH_COMMAND": fmt.Sprintf("%s gitssh --", unixExecutablePath),
// Hide Coder message on code-server's "Getting Started" page
// This adds the ports dialog to code-server that enables
// proxying a port dynamically.
// If this is empty string, do not set anything. Code-server auto defaults
// using its basepath to construct a path based port proxy.
if manifest.VSCodePortProxyURI != "" {
envs["VSCODE_PROXY_URI"] = manifest.VSCodePortProxyURI
// Allow any of the current env to override what we defined above.
for _, env := range current {
parts := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
if _, ok := envs[parts[0]]; !ok {
envs[parts[0]] = parts[1]
// Load environment variables passed via the agent manifest.
// These override all variables we manually specify.
for k, v := range manifest.EnvironmentVariables {
// Expanding environment variables allows for customization
// of the $PATH, among other variables. Customers can prepend
// or append to the $PATH, so allowing expand is required!
envs[k] = os.ExpandEnv(v)
// Agent-level environment variables should take over all. This is
// used for setting agent-specific variables like CODER_AGENT_TOKEN
for k, v := range a.environmentVariables {
envs[k] = v
// Prepend the agent script bin directory to the PATH
// (this is where Coder modules place their binaries).
if _, ok := envs["PATH"]; !ok {
envs["PATH"] = os.Getenv("PATH")
envs["PATH"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%c%s", a.scriptRunner.ScriptBinDir(), filepath.ListSeparator, envs["PATH"])
for k, v := range envs {
updated = append(updated, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
return updated, nil
func (a *agent) wireguardAddresses(agentID uuid.UUID) []netip.Prefix {
if len(a.addresses) == 0 {
return []netip.Prefix{
// This is the IP that should be used primarily.
netip.PrefixFrom(tailnet.IPFromUUID(agentID), 128),
// We also listen on the legacy codersdk.WorkspaceAgentIP. This
// allows for a transition away from wsconncache.
netip.PrefixFrom(workspacesdk.AgentIP, 128),
return a.addresses
func (a *agent) trackGoroutine(fn func()) error {
defer a.closeMutex.Unlock()
if a.isClosed() {
return xerrors.New("track conn goroutine: agent is closed")
go func() {
defer a.closeWaitGroup.Done()
return nil
func (a *agent) createTailnet(ctx context.Context, agentID uuid.UUID, derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap, derpForceWebSockets, disableDirectConnections bool) (_ *tailnet.Conn, err error) {
network, err := tailnet.NewConn(&tailnet.Options{
ID: agentID,
Addresses: a.wireguardAddresses(agentID),
DERPMap: derpMap,
DERPForceWebSockets: derpForceWebSockets,
Logger: a.logger.Named("net.tailnet"),
ListenPort: a.tailnetListenPort,
BlockEndpoints: disableDirectConnections,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("create tailnet: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
sshListener, err := network.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(workspacesdk.AgentSSHPort))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("listen on the ssh port: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = sshListener.Close()
if err = a.trackGoroutine(func() {
_ = a.sshServer.Serve(sshListener)
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
reconnectingPTYListener, err := network.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(workspacesdk.AgentReconnectingPTYPort))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("listen for reconnecting pty: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = reconnectingPTYListener.Close()
if err = a.trackGoroutine(func() {
logger := a.logger.Named("reconnecting-pty")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for {
conn, err := reconnectingPTYListener.Accept()
if err != nil {
if !a.isClosed() {
logger.Debug(ctx, "accept pty failed", slog.Error(err))
clog := logger.With(
slog.F("remote", conn.RemoteAddr().String()),
slog.F("local", conn.LocalAddr().String()))
clog.Info(ctx, "accepted conn")
closed := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-closed:
case <-a.hardCtx.Done():
_ = conn.Close()
go func() {
defer close(closed)
// This cannot use a JSON decoder, since that can
// buffer additional data that is required for the PTY.
rawLen := make([]byte, 2)
_, err = conn.Read(rawLen)
if err != nil {
length := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(rawLen)
data := make([]byte, length)
_, err = conn.Read(data)
if err != nil {
var msg workspacesdk.AgentReconnectingPTYInit
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to unmarshal init", slog.F("raw", data))
_ = a.handleReconnectingPTY(ctx, clog, msg, conn)
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
speedtestListener, err := network.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(workspacesdk.AgentSpeedtestPort))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("listen for speedtest: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = speedtestListener.Close()
if err = a.trackGoroutine(func() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for {
conn, err := speedtestListener.Accept()
if err != nil {
if !a.isClosed() {
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "speedtest listener failed", slog.Error(err))
clog := a.logger.Named("speedtest").With(
slog.F("remote", conn.RemoteAddr().String()),
slog.F("local", conn.LocalAddr().String()))
clog.Info(ctx, "accepted conn")
closed := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-closed:
case <-a.hardCtx.Done():
_ = conn.Close()
go func() {
defer close(closed)
sErr := speedtest.ServeConn(conn)
if sErr != nil {
clog.Error(ctx, "test ended with error", slog.Error(sErr))
clog.Info(ctx, "test ended")
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
apiListener, err := network.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(workspacesdk.AgentHTTPAPIServerPort))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("api listener: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = apiListener.Close()
if err = a.trackGoroutine(func() {
defer apiListener.Close()
server := &http.Server{
Handler: a.apiHandler(),
ReadTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
ErrorLog: slog.Stdlib(ctx, a.logger.Named("http_api_server"), slog.LevelInfo),
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-a.hardCtx.Done():
_ = server.Close()
err := server.Serve(apiListener)
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
a.logger.Critical(ctx, "serve HTTP API server", slog.Error(err))
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return network, nil
// runCoordinator runs a coordinator and returns whether a reconnect
// should occur.
func (a *agent) runCoordinator(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn, network *tailnet.Conn) error {
defer a.logger.Debug(ctx, "disconnected from coordination RPC")
tClient := tailnetproto.NewDRPCTailnetClient(conn)
// we run the RPC on the hardCtx so that we have a chance to send the disconnect message if we
// gracefully shut down.
coordinate, err := tClient.Coordinate(a.hardCtx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to connect to the coordinate endpoint: %w", err)
defer func() {
cErr := coordinate.Close()
if cErr != nil {
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "error closing Coordinate client", slog.Error(err))
a.logger.Info(ctx, "connected to coordination RPC")
// This allows the Close() routine to wait for the coordinator to gracefully disconnect.
if a.isClosed() {
return nil
disconnected := make(chan struct{})
a.coordDisconnected = disconnected
defer close(disconnected)
coordination := tailnet.NewRemoteCoordination(a.logger, coordinate, network, uuid.Nil)
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer close(errCh)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err := coordination.Close()
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to close remote coordination", slog.Error(err))
case err := <-coordination.Error():
errCh <- err
return <-errCh
// runDERPMapSubscriber runs a coordinator and returns if a reconnect should occur.
func (a *agent) runDERPMapSubscriber(ctx context.Context, conn drpc.Conn, network *tailnet.Conn) error {
defer a.logger.Debug(ctx, "disconnected from derp map RPC")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
tClient := tailnetproto.NewDRPCTailnetClient(conn)
stream, err := tClient.StreamDERPMaps(ctx, &tailnetproto.StreamDERPMapsRequest{})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("stream DERP Maps: %w", err)
defer func() {
cErr := stream.Close()
if cErr != nil {
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "error closing DERPMap stream", slog.Error(err))
a.logger.Info(ctx, "connected to derp map RPC")
for {
dmp, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("recv DERPMap error: %w", err)
dm := tailnet.DERPMapFromProto(dmp)
func (a *agent) handleReconnectingPTY(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, msg workspacesdk.AgentReconnectingPTYInit, conn net.Conn) (retErr error) {
defer conn.Close()
defer a.connCountReconnectingPTY.Add(-1)
connectionID := uuid.NewString()
connLogger := logger.With(slog.F("message_id", msg.ID), slog.F("connection_id", connectionID))
connLogger.Debug(ctx, "starting handler")
defer func() {
if err := retErr; err != nil {
closed := a.isClosed()
// If the agent is closed, we don't want to
// log this as an error since it's expected.
if closed {
connLogger.Info(ctx, "reconnecting pty failed with attach error (agent closed)", slog.Error(err))
} else {
connLogger.Error(ctx, "reconnecting pty failed with attach error", slog.Error(err))
connLogger.Info(ctx, "reconnecting pty connection closed")
var rpty reconnectingpty.ReconnectingPTY
sendConnected := make(chan reconnectingpty.ReconnectingPTY, 1)
// On store, reserve this ID to prevent multiple concurrent new connections.
waitReady, ok := a.reconnectingPTYs.LoadOrStore(msg.ID, sendConnected)
if ok {
close(sendConnected) // Unused.
connLogger.Debug(ctx, "connecting to existing reconnecting pty")
c, ok := waitReady.(chan reconnectingpty.ReconnectingPTY)
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("found invalid type in reconnecting pty map: %T", waitReady)
rpty, ok = <-c
if !ok || rpty == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("reconnecting pty closed before connection")
c <- rpty // Put it back for the next reconnect.
} else {
connLogger.Debug(ctx, "creating new reconnecting pty")
connected := false
defer func() {
if !connected && retErr != nil {
// Empty command will default to the users shell!
cmd, err := a.sshServer.CreateCommand(ctx, msg.Command, nil)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create command: %w", err)
rpty = reconnectingpty.New(ctx, cmd, &reconnectingpty.Options{
Timeout: a.reconnectingPTYTimeout,
Metrics: a.metrics.reconnectingPTYErrors,
}, logger.With(slog.F("message_id", msg.ID)))
if err = a.trackGoroutine(func() {
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("start routine: %w", err)
connected = true
sendConnected <- rpty
return rpty.Attach(ctx, connectionID, conn, msg.Height, msg.Width, connLogger)
// Collect collects additional stats from the agent
func (a *agent) Collect(ctx context.Context, networkStats map[netlogtype.Connection]netlogtype.Counts) *proto.Stats {
a.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "computing stats report")
stats := &proto.Stats{
ConnectionCount: int64(len(networkStats)),
ConnectionsByProto: map[string]int64{},
for conn, counts := range networkStats {
stats.RxBytes += int64(counts.RxBytes)
stats.RxPackets += int64(counts.RxPackets)
stats.TxBytes += int64(counts.TxBytes)
stats.TxPackets += int64(counts.TxPackets)
// The count of active sessions.
sshStats := a.sshServer.ConnStats()
stats.SessionCountSsh = sshStats.Sessions
stats.SessionCountVscode = sshStats.VSCode
stats.SessionCountJetbrains = sshStats.JetBrains
stats.SessionCountReconnectingPty = a.connCountReconnectingPTY.Load()
// Compute the median connection latency!
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "starting peer latency measurement for stats")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mu sync.Mutex
status :=
durations := []float64{}
pingCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancelFunc()
for nodeID, peer := range status.Peer {
if !peer.Active {
addresses, found :=
if !found {
if len(addresses) == 0 {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
duration, _, _, err :=, addresses[0].Addr())
if err != nil {
defer mu.Unlock()
durations = append(durations, float64(duration.Microseconds()))
durationsLength := len(durations)
if durationsLength == 0 {
stats.ConnectionMedianLatencyMs = -1
} else if durationsLength%2 == 0 {
stats.ConnectionMedianLatencyMs = (durations[durationsLength/2-1] + durations[durationsLength/2]) / 2
} else {
stats.ConnectionMedianLatencyMs = durations[durationsLength/2]
// Convert from microseconds to milliseconds.
stats.ConnectionMedianLatencyMs /= 1000
// Collect agent metrics.
// Agent metrics are changing all the time, so there is no need to perform
// reflect.DeepEqual to see if stats should be transferred.
metricsCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancelFunc()
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "collecting agent metrics for stats")
stats.Metrics = a.collectMetrics(metricsCtx)
return stats
var prioritizedProcs = []string{"coder agent"}
func (a *agent) manageProcessPriorityUntilGracefulShutdown() {
// process priority can stop as soon as we are gracefully shutting down
ctx := a.gracefulCtx
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
a.logger.Critical(ctx, "recovered from panic",
slog.F("panic", r),
slog.F("stack", string(debug.Stack())),
if val := a.environmentVariables[EnvProcPrioMgmt]; val == "" || runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
a.logger.Debug(ctx, "process priority not enabled, agent will not manage process niceness/oom_score_adj ",
slog.F("env_var", EnvProcPrioMgmt),
slog.F("value", val),
slog.F("goos", runtime.GOOS),
if a.processManagementTick == nil {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
a.processManagementTick = ticker.C
oomScore := unsetOOMScore
if scoreStr, ok := a.environmentVariables[EnvProcOOMScore]; ok {
score, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(scoreStr))
if err == nil && score >= -1000 && score <= 1000 {
oomScore = score
} else {
a.logger.Error(ctx, "invalid oom score",
slog.F("min_value", -1000),
slog.F("max_value", 1000),
slog.F("value", scoreStr),
debouncer := &logDebouncer{
logger: a.logger,
messages: map[string]time.Time{},
interval: time.Minute,
for {
procs, err := a.manageProcessPriority(ctx, debouncer, oomScore)
// Avoid spamming the logs too often.
if err != nil {
debouncer.Error(ctx, "manage process priority",
if a.modifiedProcs != nil {
a.modifiedProcs <- procs
select {
case <-a.processManagementTick:
case <-ctx.Done():
// unsetOOMScore is set to an invalid OOM score to imply an unset value.
const unsetOOMScore = 1001
func (a *agent) manageProcessPriority(ctx context.Context, debouncer *logDebouncer, oomScore int) ([]*agentproc.Process, error) {
const (
niceness = 10
// We fetch the agent score each time because it's possible someone updates the
// value after it is started.
agentScore, err := a.getAgentOOMScore()
if err != nil {
agentScore = unsetOOMScore
if oomScore == unsetOOMScore && agentScore != unsetOOMScore {
// If the child score has not been explicitly specified we should
// set it to a score relative to the agent score.
oomScore = childOOMScore(agentScore)
procs, err := agentproc.List(a.filesystem, a.syscaller)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("list: %w", err)
modProcs := []*agentproc.Process{}
for _, proc := range procs {
containsFn := func(e string) bool {
contains := strings.Contains(proc.Cmd(), e)
return contains
// If the process is prioritized we should adjust
// it's oom_score_adj and avoid lowering its niceness.
if slices.ContainsFunc(prioritizedProcs, containsFn) {
score, niceErr := proc.Niceness(a.syscaller)
if niceErr != nil && !xerrors.Is(niceErr, os.ErrPermission) {
debouncer.Warn(ctx, "unable to get proc niceness",
slog.F("cmd", proc.Cmd()),
slog.F("pid", proc.PID),
// We only want processes that don't have a nice value set
// so we don't override user nice values.
// Getpriority actually returns priority for the nice value
// which is niceness + 20, so here 20 = a niceness of 0 (aka unset).
if score != 20 {
// We don't log here since it can get spammy
if niceErr == nil {
err := proc.SetNiceness(a.syscaller, niceness)
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, os.ErrPermission) {
debouncer.Warn(ctx, "unable to set proc niceness",
slog.F("cmd", proc.Cmd()),
slog.F("pid", proc.PID),
slog.F("niceness", niceness),
// If the oom score is valid and it's not already set and isn't a custom value set by another process then it's ok to update it.
if oomScore != unsetOOMScore && oomScore != proc.OOMScoreAdj && !isCustomOOMScore(agentScore, proc) {
oomScoreStr := strconv.Itoa(oomScore)
err := afero.WriteFile(a.filesystem, fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/oom_score_adj", proc.PID), []byte(oomScoreStr), 0o644)
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, os.ErrPermission) {
debouncer.Warn(ctx, "unable to set oom_score_adj",
slog.F("cmd", proc.Cmd()),
slog.F("pid", proc.PID),
slog.F("score", oomScoreStr),
modProcs = append(modProcs, proc)
return modProcs, nil
// isClosed returns whether the API is closed or not.
func (a *agent) isClosed() bool {
return a.hardCtx.Err() != nil
func (a *agent) requireNetwork() (*tailnet.Conn, bool) {
defer a.closeMutex.Unlock()
return, != nil
func (a *agent) HandleHTTPDebugMagicsock(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
network, ok := a.requireNetwork()
if !ok {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte("network is not ready yet"))
network.MagicsockServeHTTPDebug(w, r)
func (a *agent) HandleHTTPMagicsockDebugLoggingState(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
state := chi.URLParam(r, "state")
stateBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(state)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "invalid state %q, must be a boolean", state)
network, ok := a.requireNetwork()
if !ok {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte("network is not ready yet"))
a.logger.Info(r.Context(), "updated magicsock debug logging due to debug request", slog.F("new_state", stateBool))
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "updated magicsock debug logging to %v", stateBool)
func (a *agent) HandleHTTPDebugManifest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sdkManifest := a.manifest.Load()
if sdkManifest == nil {
a.logger.Error(r.Context(), "no manifest in-memory")
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "no manifest in-memory")
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(sdkManifest); err != nil {
a.logger.Error(a.hardCtx, "write debug manifest", slog.Error(err))
func (a *agent) HandleHTTPDebugLogs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
logPath := filepath.Join(a.logDir, "coder-agent.log")
f, err := os.Open(logPath)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error(r.Context(), "open agent log file", slog.Error(err), slog.F("path", logPath))
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "could not open log file: %s", err)
defer f.Close()
// Limit to 10MB.
_, err = io.Copy(w, io.LimitReader(f, 10*1024*1024))
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
a.logger.Error(r.Context(), "read agent log file", slog.Error(err))
func (a *agent) HTTPDebug() http.Handler {
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.Get("/debug/logs", a.HandleHTTPDebugLogs)
r.Get("/debug/magicsock", a.HandleHTTPDebugMagicsock)
r.Get("/debug/magicsock/debug-logging/{state}", a.HandleHTTPMagicsockDebugLoggingState)
r.Get("/debug/manifest", a.HandleHTTPDebugManifest)
r.NotFound(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte("404 not found"))
return r
func (a *agent) Close() error {
defer a.closeMutex.Unlock()
if a.isClosed() {
return nil
a.logger.Info(a.hardCtx, "shutting down agent")
// Attempt to gracefully shut down all active SSH connections and
// stop accepting new ones.
err := a.sshServer.Shutdown(a.hardCtx)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error(a.hardCtx, "ssh server shutdown", slog.Error(err))
err = a.sshServer.Close()
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error(a.hardCtx, "ssh server close", slog.Error(err))
// wait for SSH to shut down before the general graceful cancel, because
// this triggers a disconnect in the tailnet layer, telling all clients to
// shut down their wireguard tunnels to us. If SSH sessions are still up,
// they might hang instead of being closed.
lifecycleState := codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleOff
err = a.scriptRunner.Execute(a.hardCtx, func(script codersdk.WorkspaceAgentScript) bool {
return script.RunOnStop
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(a.hardCtx, "shutdown script(s) failed", slog.Error(err))
if errors.Is(err, agentscripts.ErrTimeout) {
lifecycleState = codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleShutdownTimeout
} else {
lifecycleState = codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleShutdownError
err = a.scriptRunner.Close()
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error(a.hardCtx, "script runner close", slog.Error(err))
// Wait for the graceful shutdown to complete, but don't wait forever so
// that we don't break user expectations.
go func() {
defer a.hardCancel()
select {
case <-a.hardCtx.Done():
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
// Wait for lifecycle to be reported
for {
select {
case <-a.hardCtx.Done():
a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "failed to report final lifecycle state")
break lifecycleWaitLoop
case s := <-a.lifecycleReported:
if s == lifecycleState {
a.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "reported final lifecycle state")
break lifecycleWaitLoop
// Wait for graceful disconnect from the Coordinator RPC
select {
case <-a.hardCtx.Done():
a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "timed out waiting for Coordinator RPC disconnect")
case <-a.coordDisconnected:
a.logger.Debug(context.Background(), "coordinator RPC disconnected")
// Wait for logs to be sent
err = a.logSender.WaitUntilEmpty(a.hardCtx)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "timed out waiting for all logs to be sent", slog.Error(err))
if != nil {
_ =
return nil
// userHomeDir returns the home directory of the current user, giving
// priority to the $HOME environment variable.
func userHomeDir() (string, error) {
// First we check the environment.
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err == nil {
return homedir, nil
// As a fallback, we try the user information.
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("current user: %w", err)
return u.HomeDir, nil
// expandDirectory converts a directory path to an absolute path.
// It primarily resolves the home directory and any environment
// variables that may be set
func expandDirectory(dir string) (string, error) {
if dir == "" {
return "", nil
if dir[0] == '~' {
home, err := userHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
dir = filepath.Join(home, dir[1:])
dir = os.ExpandEnv(dir)
if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
home, err := userHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
dir = filepath.Join(home, dir)
return dir, nil
// EnvAgentSubsystem is the environment variable used to denote the
// specialized environment in which the agent is running
// (e.g. envbox, envbuilder).
const EnvAgentSubsystem = "CODER_AGENT_SUBSYSTEM"
// eitherContext returns a context that is canceled when either context ends.
func eitherContext(a, b context.Context) context.Context {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(a)
go func() {
defer cancel()
select {
case <-a.Done():
case <-b.Done():
return ctx
type gracefulShutdownBehavior int
const (
gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop gracefulShutdownBehavior = iota
type apiConnRoutineManager struct {
logger slog.Logger
conn drpc.Conn
eg *errgroup.Group
stopCtx context.Context
remainCtx context.Context
func newAPIConnRoutineManager(gracefulCtx, hardCtx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, conn drpc.Conn) *apiConnRoutineManager {
// routines that remain in operation during graceful shutdown use the remainCtx. They'll still
// exit if the errgroup hits an error, which usually means a problem with the conn.
eg, remainCtx := errgroup.WithContext(hardCtx)
// routines that stop operation during graceful shutdown use the stopCtx, which ends when the
// first of remainCtx or gracefulContext ends (an error or start of graceful shutdown).
// +------------------------------------------+
// | hardCtx |
// | +------------------------------------+ |
// | | stopCtx | |
// | | +--------------+ +--------------+ | |
// | | | remainCtx | | gracefulCtx | | |
// | | +--------------+ +--------------+ | |
// | +------------------------------------+ |
// +------------------------------------------+
stopCtx := eitherContext(remainCtx, gracefulCtx)
return &apiConnRoutineManager{
logger: logger,
conn: conn,
eg: eg,
stopCtx: stopCtx,
remainCtx: remainCtx,
func (a *apiConnRoutineManager) start(name string, b gracefulShutdownBehavior, f func(context.Context, drpc.Conn) error) {
logger := a.logger.With(slog.F("name", name))
var ctx context.Context
switch b {
case gracefulShutdownBehaviorStop:
ctx = a.stopCtx
case gracefulShutdownBehaviorRemain:
ctx = a.remainCtx
panic("unknown behavior")
} error {
logger.Debug(ctx, "starting routine")
err := f(ctx, a.conn)
if xerrors.Is(err, context.Canceled) && ctx.Err() != nil {
logger.Debug(ctx, "swallowing context canceled")
// Don't propagate context canceled errors to the error group, because we don't want the
// graceful context being canceled to halt the work of routines with
// gracefulShutdownBehaviorRemain. Note that we check both that the error is
// context.Canceled and that *our* context is currently canceled, because when Coderd
// unilaterally closes the API connection (for example if the build is outdated), it can
// sometimes show up as context.Canceled in our RPC calls.
return nil
logger.Debug(ctx, "routine exited", slog.Error(err))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error in routine %s: %w", name, err)
return nil
func (a *apiConnRoutineManager) wait() error {
func PrometheusMetricsHandler(prometheusRegistry *prometheus.Registry, logger slog.Logger) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
// Based on:
metricFamilies, err := prometheusRegistry.Gather()
if err != nil {
logger.Error(context.Background(), "prometheus handler failed to gather metric families", slog.Error(err))
for _, metricFamily := range metricFamilies {
_, err = expfmt.MetricFamilyToText(w, metricFamily)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(context.Background(), "expfmt.MetricFamilyToText failed", slog.Error(err))
// childOOMScore returns the oom_score_adj for a child process. It is based
// on the oom_score_adj of the agent process.
func childOOMScore(agentScore int) int {
// If the agent has a negative oom_score_adj, we set the child to 0
// so it's treated like every other process.
if agentScore < 0 {
return 0
// If the agent is already almost at the maximum then set it to the max.
if agentScore >= 998 {
return 1000
// If the agent oom_score_adj is >=0, we set the child to slightly
// less than the maximum. If users want a different score they set it
// directly.
return 998
func (a *agent) getAgentOOMScore() (int, error) {
scoreStr, err := afero.ReadFile(a.filesystem, "/proc/self/oom_score_adj")
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("read file: %w", err)
score, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(scoreStr)))
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("parse int: %w", err)
return score, nil
// isCustomOOMScore checks to see if the oom_score_adj is not a value that would
// originate from an agent-spawned process.
func isCustomOOMScore(agentScore int, process *agentproc.Process) bool {
score := process.OOMScoreAdj
return agentScore != score && score != 1000 && score != 0 && score != 998
// logDebouncer skips writing a log for a particular message if
// it's been emitted within the given interval duration.
// It's a shoddy implementation used in one spot that should be replaced at
// some point.
type logDebouncer struct {
logger slog.Logger
messages map[string]time.Time
interval time.Duration
func (l *logDebouncer) Warn(ctx context.Context, msg string, fields ...any) {
l.log(ctx, slog.LevelWarn, msg, fields...)
func (l *logDebouncer) Error(ctx context.Context, msg string, fields ...any) {
l.log(ctx, slog.LevelError, msg, fields...)
func (l *logDebouncer) log(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level, msg string, fields ...any) {
// This (bad) implementation assumes you wouldn't reuse the same msg
// for different levels.
if last, ok := l.messages[msg]; ok && time.Since(last) < l.interval {
switch level {
case slog.LevelWarn:
l.logger.Warn(ctx, msg, fields...)
case slog.LevelError:
l.logger.Error(ctx, msg, fields...)
l.messages[msg] = time.Now()