.DEFAULT_GOAL := build # Use a single bash shell for each job, and immediately exit on failure SHELL := bash .SHELLFLAGS = -ceu .ONESHELL: # This doesn't work on directories. # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25752543/make-delete-on-error-for-directory-targets .DELETE_ON_ERROR: INSTALL_DIR=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS) GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH) VERSION=$(shell ./scripts/version.sh) bin: $(shell find . -not -path './vendor/*' -type f -name '*.go') go.mod go.sum $(shell find ./examples/templates) @echo "== This builds slim binaries for command-line usage." @echo "== Use \"make build\" to embed the site." mkdir -p ./dist rm -rf ./dist/coder-slim_* rm -f ./site/out/bin/coder* ./scripts/build_go_slim.sh \ --compress 6 \ --version "$(VERSION)" \ --output ./dist/ \ linux:amd64,armv7,arm64 \ windows:amd64,arm64 \ darwin:amd64,arm64 .PHONY: bin build: site/out/index.html $(shell find . -not -path './vendor/*' -type f -name '*.go') go.mod go.sum $(shell find ./examples/templates) rm -rf ./dist mkdir -p ./dist rm -f ./site/out/bin/coder* # build slim artifacts and copy them to the site output directory ./scripts/build_go_slim.sh \ --version "$(VERSION)" \ --compress 6 \ --output ./dist/ \ linux:amd64,armv7,arm64 \ windows:amd64,arm64 \ darwin:amd64,arm64 # build not-so-slim artifacts with the default name format ./scripts/build_go_matrix.sh \ --version "$(VERSION)" \ --output ./dist/ \ --archive \ --package-linux \ linux:amd64,armv7,arm64 \ windows:amd64,arm64 \ darwin:amd64,arm64 .PHONY: build # Runs migrations to output a dump of the database. coderd/database/dump.sql: coderd/database/gen/dump/main.go $(wildcard coderd/database/migrations/*.sql) go run coderd/database/gen/dump/main.go # Generates Go code for querying the database. coderd/database/querier.go: coderd/database/sqlc.yaml coderd/database/dump.sql $(wildcard coderd/database/queries/*.sql) coderd/database/gen/enum/main.go coderd/database/generate.sh fmt/prettier: @echo "--- prettier" cd site # Avoid writing files in CI to reduce file write activity ifdef CI yarn run format:check else yarn run format:write endif .PHONY: fmt/prettier fmt/terraform: $(wildcard *.tf) terraform fmt -recursive .PHONY: fmt/terraform fmt/shfmt: $(shell shfmt -f .) @echo "--- shfmt" # Only do diff check in CI, errors on diff. ifdef CI shfmt -d $(shell shfmt -f .) else shfmt -w $(shell shfmt -f .) endif .PHONY: fmt/shfmt fmt: fmt/prettier fmt/terraform fmt/shfmt .PHONY: fmt gen: coderd/database/querier.go peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.pb.go provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.pb.go provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.pb.go site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts .PHONY: gen install: site/out/index.html $(shell find . -not -path './vendor/*' -type f -name '*.go') go.mod go.sum $(shell find ./examples/templates) @output_file="$(INSTALL_DIR)/coder" @if [[ "$(GOOS)" == "windows" ]]; then @output_file="$${output_file}.exe" @fi @echo "-- Building CLI for $(GOOS) $(GOARCH) at $$output_file" ./scripts/build_go.sh \ --version "$(VERSION)" \ --output "$$output_file" \ --os "$(GOOS)" \ --arch "$(GOARCH)" @echo .PHONY: install lint: lint/shellcheck lint/go .PHONY: lint lint/go: ./scripts/check_enterprise_imports.sh golangci-lint run .PHONY: lint/go # Use shfmt to determine the shell files, takes editorconfig into consideration. lint/shellcheck: $(shell shfmt -f .) @echo "--- shellcheck" shellcheck --external-sources $(shell shfmt -f .) .PHONY: lint/shellcheck peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.pb.go: peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.proto protoc \ --go_out=. \ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go-drpc_out=. \ --go-drpc_opt=paths=source_relative \ ./peerbroker/proto/peerbroker.proto provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.pb.go: provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.proto protoc \ --go_out=. \ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go-drpc_out=. \ --go-drpc_opt=paths=source_relative \ ./provisionerd/proto/provisionerd.proto provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.pb.go: provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.proto protoc \ --go_out=. \ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go-drpc_out=. \ --go-drpc_opt=paths=source_relative \ ./provisionersdk/proto/provisioner.proto site/out/index.html: $(shell find ./site -not -path './site/node_modules/*' -type f -name '*.tsx') $(shell find ./site -not -path './site/node_modules/*' -type f -name '*.ts') site/package.json ./scripts/yarn_install.sh cd site yarn typegen yarn build # Restores GITKEEP files! git checkout HEAD out site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts: scripts/apitypings/main.go $(shell find codersdk -type f -name '*.go') go run scripts/apitypings/main.go > site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts cd site yarn run format:types test: test-clean gotestsum -- -v -short ./... .PHONY: test # When updating -timeout for this test, keep in sync with # test-go-postgres (.github/workflows/coder.yaml). test-postgres: test-clean test-postgres-docker DB=ci DB_FROM=$(shell go run scripts/migrate-ci/main.go) gotestsum --junitfile="gotests.xml" --packages="./..." -- \ -covermode=atomic -coverprofile="gotests.coverage" -timeout=20m \ -coverpkg=./... \ -count=1 -race -failfast .PHONY: test-postgres test-postgres-docker: docker rm -f test-postgres-docker || true docker run \ --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \ --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres \ --env POSTGRES_DB=postgres \ --env PGDATA=/tmp \ --tmpfs /tmp \ --publish 5432:5432 \ --name test-postgres-docker \ --restart no \ --detach \ postgres:13 \ -c shared_buffers=1GB \ -c max_connections=1000 \ -c fsync=off \ -c synchronous_commit=off \ -c full_page_writes=off while ! pg_isready -h do echo "$(date) - waiting for database to start" sleep 0.5 done .PHONY: test-postgres-docker test-clean: go clean -testcache .PHONY: test-clean