// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: // sqlc v1.25.0 package database import ( "database/sql" "database/sql/driver" "encoding/json" "fmt" "time" "github.com/google/uuid" "github.com/lib/pq" "github.com/sqlc-dev/pqtype" ) type APIKeyScope string const ( APIKeyScopeAll APIKeyScope = "all" APIKeyScopeApplicationConnect APIKeyScope = "application_connect" ) func (e *APIKeyScope) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = APIKeyScope(s) case string: *e = APIKeyScope(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for APIKeyScope: %T", src) } return nil } type NullAPIKeyScope struct { APIKeyScope APIKeyScope `json:"api_key_scope"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if APIKeyScope is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullAPIKeyScope) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.APIKeyScope, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.APIKeyScope.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullAPIKeyScope) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.APIKeyScope), nil } func (e APIKeyScope) Valid() bool { switch e { case APIKeyScopeAll, APIKeyScopeApplicationConnect: return true } return false } func AllAPIKeyScopeValues() []APIKeyScope { return []APIKeyScope{ APIKeyScopeAll, APIKeyScopeApplicationConnect, } } type AppSharingLevel string const ( AppSharingLevelOwner AppSharingLevel = "owner" AppSharingLevelAuthenticated AppSharingLevel = "authenticated" AppSharingLevelPublic AppSharingLevel = "public" ) func (e *AppSharingLevel) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = AppSharingLevel(s) case string: *e = AppSharingLevel(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for AppSharingLevel: %T", src) } return nil } type NullAppSharingLevel struct { AppSharingLevel AppSharingLevel `json:"app_sharing_level"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if AppSharingLevel is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullAppSharingLevel) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.AppSharingLevel, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.AppSharingLevel.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullAppSharingLevel) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.AppSharingLevel), nil } func (e AppSharingLevel) Valid() bool { switch e { case AppSharingLevelOwner, AppSharingLevelAuthenticated, AppSharingLevelPublic: return true } return false } func AllAppSharingLevelValues() []AppSharingLevel { return []AppSharingLevel{ AppSharingLevelOwner, AppSharingLevelAuthenticated, AppSharingLevelPublic, } } type AuditAction string const ( AuditActionCreate AuditAction = "create" AuditActionWrite AuditAction = "write" AuditActionDelete AuditAction = "delete" AuditActionStart AuditAction = "start" AuditActionStop AuditAction = "stop" AuditActionLogin AuditAction = "login" AuditActionLogout AuditAction = "logout" AuditActionRegister AuditAction = "register" ) func (e *AuditAction) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = AuditAction(s) case string: *e = AuditAction(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for AuditAction: %T", src) } return nil } type NullAuditAction struct { AuditAction AuditAction `json:"audit_action"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if AuditAction is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullAuditAction) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.AuditAction, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.AuditAction.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullAuditAction) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.AuditAction), nil } func (e AuditAction) Valid() bool { switch e { case AuditActionCreate, AuditActionWrite, AuditActionDelete, AuditActionStart, AuditActionStop, AuditActionLogin, AuditActionLogout, AuditActionRegister: return true } return false } func AllAuditActionValues() []AuditAction { return []AuditAction{ AuditActionCreate, AuditActionWrite, AuditActionDelete, AuditActionStart, AuditActionStop, AuditActionLogin, AuditActionLogout, AuditActionRegister, } } type AutomaticUpdates string const ( AutomaticUpdatesAlways AutomaticUpdates = "always" AutomaticUpdatesNever AutomaticUpdates = "never" ) func (e *AutomaticUpdates) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = AutomaticUpdates(s) case string: *e = AutomaticUpdates(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for AutomaticUpdates: %T", src) } return nil } type NullAutomaticUpdates struct { AutomaticUpdates AutomaticUpdates `json:"automatic_updates"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if AutomaticUpdates is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullAutomaticUpdates) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.AutomaticUpdates, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.AutomaticUpdates.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullAutomaticUpdates) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.AutomaticUpdates), nil } func (e AutomaticUpdates) Valid() bool { switch e { case AutomaticUpdatesAlways, AutomaticUpdatesNever: return true } return false } func AllAutomaticUpdatesValues() []AutomaticUpdates { return []AutomaticUpdates{ AutomaticUpdatesAlways, AutomaticUpdatesNever, } } type BuildReason string const ( BuildReasonInitiator BuildReason = "initiator" BuildReasonAutostart BuildReason = "autostart" BuildReasonAutostop BuildReason = "autostop" BuildReasonDormancy BuildReason = "dormancy" BuildReasonFailedstop BuildReason = "failedstop" BuildReasonAutodelete BuildReason = "autodelete" ) func (e *BuildReason) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = BuildReason(s) case string: *e = BuildReason(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for BuildReason: %T", src) } return nil } type NullBuildReason struct { BuildReason BuildReason `json:"build_reason"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if BuildReason is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullBuildReason) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.BuildReason, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.BuildReason.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullBuildReason) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.BuildReason), nil } func (e BuildReason) Valid() bool { switch e { case BuildReasonInitiator, BuildReasonAutostart, BuildReasonAutostop, BuildReasonDormancy, BuildReasonFailedstop, BuildReasonAutodelete: return true } return false } func AllBuildReasonValues() []BuildReason { return []BuildReason{ BuildReasonInitiator, BuildReasonAutostart, BuildReasonAutostop, BuildReasonDormancy, BuildReasonFailedstop, BuildReasonAutodelete, } } type DisplayApp string const ( DisplayAppVscode DisplayApp = "vscode" DisplayAppVscodeInsiders DisplayApp = "vscode_insiders" DisplayAppWebTerminal DisplayApp = "web_terminal" DisplayAppSSHHelper DisplayApp = "ssh_helper" DisplayAppPortForwardingHelper DisplayApp = "port_forwarding_helper" ) func (e *DisplayApp) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = DisplayApp(s) case string: *e = DisplayApp(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for DisplayApp: %T", src) } return nil } type NullDisplayApp struct { DisplayApp DisplayApp `json:"display_app"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if DisplayApp is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullDisplayApp) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.DisplayApp, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.DisplayApp.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullDisplayApp) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.DisplayApp), nil } func (e DisplayApp) Valid() bool { switch e { case DisplayAppVscode, DisplayAppVscodeInsiders, DisplayAppWebTerminal, DisplayAppSSHHelper, DisplayAppPortForwardingHelper: return true } return false } func AllDisplayAppValues() []DisplayApp { return []DisplayApp{ DisplayAppVscode, DisplayAppVscodeInsiders, DisplayAppWebTerminal, DisplayAppSSHHelper, DisplayAppPortForwardingHelper, } } type GroupSource string const ( GroupSourceUser GroupSource = "user" GroupSourceOidc GroupSource = "oidc" ) func (e *GroupSource) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = GroupSource(s) case string: *e = GroupSource(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for GroupSource: %T", src) } return nil } type NullGroupSource struct { GroupSource GroupSource `json:"group_source"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if GroupSource is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullGroupSource) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.GroupSource, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.GroupSource.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullGroupSource) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.GroupSource), nil } func (e GroupSource) Valid() bool { switch e { case GroupSourceUser, GroupSourceOidc: return true } return false } func AllGroupSourceValues() []GroupSource { return []GroupSource{ GroupSourceUser, GroupSourceOidc, } } type LogLevel string const ( LogLevelTrace LogLevel = "trace" LogLevelDebug LogLevel = "debug" LogLevelInfo LogLevel = "info" LogLevelWarn LogLevel = "warn" LogLevelError LogLevel = "error" ) func (e *LogLevel) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = LogLevel(s) case string: *e = LogLevel(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for LogLevel: %T", src) } return nil } type NullLogLevel struct { LogLevel LogLevel `json:"log_level"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if LogLevel is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullLogLevel) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.LogLevel, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.LogLevel.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullLogLevel) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.LogLevel), nil } func (e LogLevel) Valid() bool { switch e { case LogLevelTrace, LogLevelDebug, LogLevelInfo, LogLevelWarn, LogLevelError: return true } return false } func AllLogLevelValues() []LogLevel { return []LogLevel{ LogLevelTrace, LogLevelDebug, LogLevelInfo, LogLevelWarn, LogLevelError, } } type LogSource string const ( LogSourceProvisionerDaemon LogSource = "provisioner_daemon" LogSourceProvisioner LogSource = "provisioner" ) func (e *LogSource) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = LogSource(s) case string: *e = LogSource(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for LogSource: %T", src) } return nil } type NullLogSource struct { LogSource LogSource `json:"log_source"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if LogSource is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullLogSource) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.LogSource, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.LogSource.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullLogSource) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.LogSource), nil } func (e LogSource) Valid() bool { switch e { case LogSourceProvisionerDaemon, LogSourceProvisioner: return true } return false } func AllLogSourceValues() []LogSource { return []LogSource{ LogSourceProvisionerDaemon, LogSourceProvisioner, } } // Specifies the method of authentication. "none" is a special case in which no authentication method is allowed. type LoginType string const ( LoginTypePassword LoginType = "password" LoginTypeGithub LoginType = "github" LoginTypeOIDC LoginType = "oidc" LoginTypeToken LoginType = "token" LoginTypeNone LoginType = "none" LoginTypeOAuth2ProviderApp LoginType = "oauth2_provider_app" ) func (e *LoginType) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = LoginType(s) case string: *e = LoginType(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for LoginType: %T", src) } return nil } type NullLoginType struct { LoginType LoginType `json:"login_type"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if LoginType is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullLoginType) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.LoginType, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.LoginType.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullLoginType) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.LoginType), nil } func (e LoginType) Valid() bool { switch e { case LoginTypePassword, LoginTypeGithub, LoginTypeOIDC, LoginTypeToken, LoginTypeNone, LoginTypeOAuth2ProviderApp: return true } return false } func AllLoginTypeValues() []LoginType { return []LoginType{ LoginTypePassword, LoginTypeGithub, LoginTypeOIDC, LoginTypeToken, LoginTypeNone, LoginTypeOAuth2ProviderApp, } } type ParameterDestinationScheme string const ( ParameterDestinationSchemeNone ParameterDestinationScheme = "none" ParameterDestinationSchemeEnvironmentVariable ParameterDestinationScheme = "environment_variable" ParameterDestinationSchemeProvisionerVariable ParameterDestinationScheme = "provisioner_variable" ) func (e *ParameterDestinationScheme) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ParameterDestinationScheme(s) case string: *e = ParameterDestinationScheme(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ParameterDestinationScheme: %T", src) } return nil } type NullParameterDestinationScheme struct { ParameterDestinationScheme ParameterDestinationScheme `json:"parameter_destination_scheme"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ParameterDestinationScheme is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullParameterDestinationScheme) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ParameterDestinationScheme, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ParameterDestinationScheme.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullParameterDestinationScheme) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ParameterDestinationScheme), nil } func (e ParameterDestinationScheme) Valid() bool { switch e { case ParameterDestinationSchemeNone, ParameterDestinationSchemeEnvironmentVariable, ParameterDestinationSchemeProvisionerVariable: return true } return false } func AllParameterDestinationSchemeValues() []ParameterDestinationScheme { return []ParameterDestinationScheme{ ParameterDestinationSchemeNone, ParameterDestinationSchemeEnvironmentVariable, ParameterDestinationSchemeProvisionerVariable, } } type ParameterScope string const ( ParameterScopeTemplate ParameterScope = "template" ParameterScopeImportJob ParameterScope = "import_job" ParameterScopeWorkspace ParameterScope = "workspace" ) func (e *ParameterScope) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ParameterScope(s) case string: *e = ParameterScope(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ParameterScope: %T", src) } return nil } type NullParameterScope struct { ParameterScope ParameterScope `json:"parameter_scope"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ParameterScope is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullParameterScope) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ParameterScope, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ParameterScope.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullParameterScope) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ParameterScope), nil } func (e ParameterScope) Valid() bool { switch e { case ParameterScopeTemplate, ParameterScopeImportJob, ParameterScopeWorkspace: return true } return false } func AllParameterScopeValues() []ParameterScope { return []ParameterScope{ ParameterScopeTemplate, ParameterScopeImportJob, ParameterScopeWorkspace, } } type ParameterSourceScheme string const ( ParameterSourceSchemeNone ParameterSourceScheme = "none" ParameterSourceSchemeData ParameterSourceScheme = "data" ) func (e *ParameterSourceScheme) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ParameterSourceScheme(s) case string: *e = ParameterSourceScheme(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ParameterSourceScheme: %T", src) } return nil } type NullParameterSourceScheme struct { ParameterSourceScheme ParameterSourceScheme `json:"parameter_source_scheme"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ParameterSourceScheme is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullParameterSourceScheme) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ParameterSourceScheme, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ParameterSourceScheme.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullParameterSourceScheme) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ParameterSourceScheme), nil } func (e ParameterSourceScheme) Valid() bool { switch e { case ParameterSourceSchemeNone, ParameterSourceSchemeData: return true } return false } func AllParameterSourceSchemeValues() []ParameterSourceScheme { return []ParameterSourceScheme{ ParameterSourceSchemeNone, ParameterSourceSchemeData, } } type ParameterTypeSystem string const ( ParameterTypeSystemNone ParameterTypeSystem = "none" ParameterTypeSystemHCL ParameterTypeSystem = "hcl" ) func (e *ParameterTypeSystem) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ParameterTypeSystem(s) case string: *e = ParameterTypeSystem(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ParameterTypeSystem: %T", src) } return nil } type NullParameterTypeSystem struct { ParameterTypeSystem ParameterTypeSystem `json:"parameter_type_system"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ParameterTypeSystem is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullParameterTypeSystem) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ParameterTypeSystem, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ParameterTypeSystem.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullParameterTypeSystem) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ParameterTypeSystem), nil } func (e ParameterTypeSystem) Valid() bool { switch e { case ParameterTypeSystemNone, ParameterTypeSystemHCL: return true } return false } func AllParameterTypeSystemValues() []ParameterTypeSystem { return []ParameterTypeSystem{ ParameterTypeSystemNone, ParameterTypeSystemHCL, } } type PortShareProtocol string const ( PortShareProtocolHttp PortShareProtocol = "http" PortShareProtocolHttps PortShareProtocol = "https" ) func (e *PortShareProtocol) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = PortShareProtocol(s) case string: *e = PortShareProtocol(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for PortShareProtocol: %T", src) } return nil } type NullPortShareProtocol struct { PortShareProtocol PortShareProtocol `json:"port_share_protocol"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if PortShareProtocol is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullPortShareProtocol) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.PortShareProtocol, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.PortShareProtocol.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullPortShareProtocol) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.PortShareProtocol), nil } func (e PortShareProtocol) Valid() bool { switch e { case PortShareProtocolHttp, PortShareProtocolHttps: return true } return false } func AllPortShareProtocolValues() []PortShareProtocol { return []PortShareProtocol{ PortShareProtocolHttp, PortShareProtocolHttps, } } // Computed status of a provisioner job. Jobs could be stuck in a hung state, these states do not guarantee any transition to another state. type ProvisionerJobStatus string const ( ProvisionerJobStatusPending ProvisionerJobStatus = "pending" ProvisionerJobStatusRunning ProvisionerJobStatus = "running" ProvisionerJobStatusSucceeded ProvisionerJobStatus = "succeeded" ProvisionerJobStatusCanceling ProvisionerJobStatus = "canceling" ProvisionerJobStatusCanceled ProvisionerJobStatus = "canceled" ProvisionerJobStatusFailed ProvisionerJobStatus = "failed" ProvisionerJobStatusUnknown ProvisionerJobStatus = "unknown" ) func (e *ProvisionerJobStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ProvisionerJobStatus(s) case string: *e = ProvisionerJobStatus(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ProvisionerJobStatus: %T", src) } return nil } type NullProvisionerJobStatus struct { ProvisionerJobStatus ProvisionerJobStatus `json:"provisioner_job_status"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ProvisionerJobStatus is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullProvisionerJobStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ProvisionerJobStatus, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ProvisionerJobStatus.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullProvisionerJobStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ProvisionerJobStatus), nil } func (e ProvisionerJobStatus) Valid() bool { switch e { case ProvisionerJobStatusPending, ProvisionerJobStatusRunning, ProvisionerJobStatusSucceeded, ProvisionerJobStatusCanceling, ProvisionerJobStatusCanceled, ProvisionerJobStatusFailed, ProvisionerJobStatusUnknown: return true } return false } func AllProvisionerJobStatusValues() []ProvisionerJobStatus { return []ProvisionerJobStatus{ ProvisionerJobStatusPending, ProvisionerJobStatusRunning, ProvisionerJobStatusSucceeded, ProvisionerJobStatusCanceling, ProvisionerJobStatusCanceled, ProvisionerJobStatusFailed, ProvisionerJobStatusUnknown, } } type ProvisionerJobType string const ( ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionImport ProvisionerJobType = "template_version_import" ProvisionerJobTypeWorkspaceBuild ProvisionerJobType = "workspace_build" ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionDryRun ProvisionerJobType = "template_version_dry_run" ) func (e *ProvisionerJobType) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ProvisionerJobType(s) case string: *e = ProvisionerJobType(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ProvisionerJobType: %T", src) } return nil } type NullProvisionerJobType struct { ProvisionerJobType ProvisionerJobType `json:"provisioner_job_type"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ProvisionerJobType is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullProvisionerJobType) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ProvisionerJobType, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ProvisionerJobType.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullProvisionerJobType) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ProvisionerJobType), nil } func (e ProvisionerJobType) Valid() bool { switch e { case ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionImport, ProvisionerJobTypeWorkspaceBuild, ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionDryRun: return true } return false } func AllProvisionerJobTypeValues() []ProvisionerJobType { return []ProvisionerJobType{ ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionImport, ProvisionerJobTypeWorkspaceBuild, ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionDryRun, } } type ProvisionerStorageMethod string const ( ProvisionerStorageMethodFile ProvisionerStorageMethod = "file" ) func (e *ProvisionerStorageMethod) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ProvisionerStorageMethod(s) case string: *e = ProvisionerStorageMethod(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ProvisionerStorageMethod: %T", src) } return nil } type NullProvisionerStorageMethod struct { ProvisionerStorageMethod ProvisionerStorageMethod `json:"provisioner_storage_method"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ProvisionerStorageMethod is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullProvisionerStorageMethod) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ProvisionerStorageMethod, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ProvisionerStorageMethod.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullProvisionerStorageMethod) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ProvisionerStorageMethod), nil } func (e ProvisionerStorageMethod) Valid() bool { switch e { case ProvisionerStorageMethodFile: return true } return false } func AllProvisionerStorageMethodValues() []ProvisionerStorageMethod { return []ProvisionerStorageMethod{ ProvisionerStorageMethodFile, } } type ProvisionerType string const ( ProvisionerTypeEcho ProvisionerType = "echo" ProvisionerTypeTerraform ProvisionerType = "terraform" ) func (e *ProvisionerType) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ProvisionerType(s) case string: *e = ProvisionerType(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ProvisionerType: %T", src) } return nil } type NullProvisionerType struct { ProvisionerType ProvisionerType `json:"provisioner_type"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ProvisionerType is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullProvisionerType) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ProvisionerType, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ProvisionerType.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullProvisionerType) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ProvisionerType), nil } func (e ProvisionerType) Valid() bool { switch e { case ProvisionerTypeEcho, ProvisionerTypeTerraform: return true } return false } func AllProvisionerTypeValues() []ProvisionerType { return []ProvisionerType{ ProvisionerTypeEcho, ProvisionerTypeTerraform, } } type ResourceType string const ( ResourceTypeOrganization ResourceType = "organization" ResourceTypeTemplate ResourceType = "template" ResourceTypeTemplateVersion ResourceType = "template_version" ResourceTypeUser ResourceType = "user" ResourceTypeWorkspace ResourceType = "workspace" ResourceTypeGitSshKey ResourceType = "git_ssh_key" ResourceTypeApiKey ResourceType = "api_key" ResourceTypeGroup ResourceType = "group" ResourceTypeWorkspaceBuild ResourceType = "workspace_build" ResourceTypeLicense ResourceType = "license" ResourceTypeWorkspaceProxy ResourceType = "workspace_proxy" ResourceTypeConvertLogin ResourceType = "convert_login" ResourceTypeHealthSettings ResourceType = "health_settings" ResourceTypeOauth2ProviderApp ResourceType = "oauth2_provider_app" ResourceTypeOauth2ProviderAppSecret ResourceType = "oauth2_provider_app_secret" ) func (e *ResourceType) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = ResourceType(s) case string: *e = ResourceType(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for ResourceType: %T", src) } return nil } type NullResourceType struct { ResourceType ResourceType `json:"resource_type"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ResourceType is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullResourceType) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.ResourceType, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.ResourceType.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullResourceType) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.ResourceType), nil } func (e ResourceType) Valid() bool { switch e { case ResourceTypeOrganization, ResourceTypeTemplate, ResourceTypeTemplateVersion, ResourceTypeUser, ResourceTypeWorkspace, ResourceTypeGitSshKey, ResourceTypeApiKey, ResourceTypeGroup, ResourceTypeWorkspaceBuild, ResourceTypeLicense, ResourceTypeWorkspaceProxy, ResourceTypeConvertLogin, ResourceTypeHealthSettings, ResourceTypeOauth2ProviderApp, ResourceTypeOauth2ProviderAppSecret: return true } return false } func AllResourceTypeValues() []ResourceType { return []ResourceType{ ResourceTypeOrganization, ResourceTypeTemplate, ResourceTypeTemplateVersion, ResourceTypeUser, ResourceTypeWorkspace, ResourceTypeGitSshKey, ResourceTypeApiKey, ResourceTypeGroup, ResourceTypeWorkspaceBuild, ResourceTypeLicense, ResourceTypeWorkspaceProxy, ResourceTypeConvertLogin, ResourceTypeHealthSettings, ResourceTypeOauth2ProviderApp, ResourceTypeOauth2ProviderAppSecret, } } type StartupScriptBehavior string const ( StartupScriptBehaviorBlocking StartupScriptBehavior = "blocking" StartupScriptBehaviorNonBlocking StartupScriptBehavior = "non-blocking" ) func (e *StartupScriptBehavior) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = StartupScriptBehavior(s) case string: *e = StartupScriptBehavior(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for StartupScriptBehavior: %T", src) } return nil } type NullStartupScriptBehavior struct { StartupScriptBehavior StartupScriptBehavior `json:"startup_script_behavior"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if StartupScriptBehavior is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullStartupScriptBehavior) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.StartupScriptBehavior, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.StartupScriptBehavior.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullStartupScriptBehavior) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.StartupScriptBehavior), nil } func (e StartupScriptBehavior) Valid() bool { switch e { case StartupScriptBehaviorBlocking, StartupScriptBehaviorNonBlocking: return true } return false } func AllStartupScriptBehaviorValues() []StartupScriptBehavior { return []StartupScriptBehavior{ StartupScriptBehaviorBlocking, StartupScriptBehaviorNonBlocking, } } type TailnetStatus string const ( TailnetStatusOk TailnetStatus = "ok" TailnetStatusLost TailnetStatus = "lost" ) func (e *TailnetStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = TailnetStatus(s) case string: *e = TailnetStatus(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for TailnetStatus: %T", src) } return nil } type NullTailnetStatus struct { TailnetStatus TailnetStatus `json:"tailnet_status"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if TailnetStatus is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullTailnetStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.TailnetStatus, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.TailnetStatus.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullTailnetStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.TailnetStatus), nil } func (e TailnetStatus) Valid() bool { switch e { case TailnetStatusOk, TailnetStatusLost: return true } return false } func AllTailnetStatusValues() []TailnetStatus { return []TailnetStatus{ TailnetStatusOk, TailnetStatusLost, } } // Defines the users status: active, dormant, or suspended. type UserStatus string const ( UserStatusActive UserStatus = "active" UserStatusSuspended UserStatus = "suspended" UserStatusDormant UserStatus = "dormant" ) func (e *UserStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = UserStatus(s) case string: *e = UserStatus(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for UserStatus: %T", src) } return nil } type NullUserStatus struct { UserStatus UserStatus `json:"user_status"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if UserStatus is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullUserStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.UserStatus, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.UserStatus.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullUserStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.UserStatus), nil } func (e UserStatus) Valid() bool { switch e { case UserStatusActive, UserStatusSuspended, UserStatusDormant: return true } return false } func AllUserStatusValues() []UserStatus { return []UserStatus{ UserStatusActive, UserStatusSuspended, UserStatusDormant, } } type WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState string const ( WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateCreated WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "created" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStarting WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "starting" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStartTimeout WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "start_timeout" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStartError WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "start_error" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateReady WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "ready" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShuttingDown WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "shutting_down" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShutdownTimeout WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "shutdown_timeout" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShutdownError WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "shutdown_error" WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateOff WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState = "off" ) func (e *WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState(s) case string: *e = WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState: %T", src) } return nil } type NullWorkspaceAgentLifecycleState struct { WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState `json:"workspace_agent_lifecycle_state"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullWorkspaceAgentLifecycleState) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullWorkspaceAgentLifecycleState) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState), nil } func (e WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState) Valid() bool { switch e { case WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateCreated, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStarting, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStartTimeout, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStartError, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateReady, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShuttingDown, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShutdownTimeout, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShutdownError, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateOff: return true } return false } func AllWorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateValues() []WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState { return []WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState{ WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateCreated, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStarting, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStartTimeout, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateStartError, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateReady, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShuttingDown, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShutdownTimeout, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateShutdownError, WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStateOff, } } type WorkspaceAgentSubsystem string const ( WorkspaceAgentSubsystemEnvbuilder WorkspaceAgentSubsystem = "envbuilder" WorkspaceAgentSubsystemEnvbox WorkspaceAgentSubsystem = "envbox" WorkspaceAgentSubsystemNone WorkspaceAgentSubsystem = "none" WorkspaceAgentSubsystemExectrace WorkspaceAgentSubsystem = "exectrace" ) func (e *WorkspaceAgentSubsystem) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = WorkspaceAgentSubsystem(s) case string: *e = WorkspaceAgentSubsystem(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for WorkspaceAgentSubsystem: %T", src) } return nil } type NullWorkspaceAgentSubsystem struct { WorkspaceAgentSubsystem WorkspaceAgentSubsystem `json:"workspace_agent_subsystem"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if WorkspaceAgentSubsystem is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullWorkspaceAgentSubsystem) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.WorkspaceAgentSubsystem, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.WorkspaceAgentSubsystem.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullWorkspaceAgentSubsystem) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.WorkspaceAgentSubsystem), nil } func (e WorkspaceAgentSubsystem) Valid() bool { switch e { case WorkspaceAgentSubsystemEnvbuilder, WorkspaceAgentSubsystemEnvbox, WorkspaceAgentSubsystemNone, WorkspaceAgentSubsystemExectrace: return true } return false } func AllWorkspaceAgentSubsystemValues() []WorkspaceAgentSubsystem { return []WorkspaceAgentSubsystem{ WorkspaceAgentSubsystemEnvbuilder, WorkspaceAgentSubsystemEnvbox, WorkspaceAgentSubsystemNone, WorkspaceAgentSubsystemExectrace, } } type WorkspaceAppHealth string const ( WorkspaceAppHealthDisabled WorkspaceAppHealth = "disabled" WorkspaceAppHealthInitializing WorkspaceAppHealth = "initializing" WorkspaceAppHealthHealthy WorkspaceAppHealth = "healthy" WorkspaceAppHealthUnhealthy WorkspaceAppHealth = "unhealthy" ) func (e *WorkspaceAppHealth) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = WorkspaceAppHealth(s) case string: *e = WorkspaceAppHealth(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for WorkspaceAppHealth: %T", src) } return nil } type NullWorkspaceAppHealth struct { WorkspaceAppHealth WorkspaceAppHealth `json:"workspace_app_health"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if WorkspaceAppHealth is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullWorkspaceAppHealth) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.WorkspaceAppHealth, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.WorkspaceAppHealth.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullWorkspaceAppHealth) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.WorkspaceAppHealth), nil } func (e WorkspaceAppHealth) Valid() bool { switch e { case WorkspaceAppHealthDisabled, WorkspaceAppHealthInitializing, WorkspaceAppHealthHealthy, WorkspaceAppHealthUnhealthy: return true } return false } func AllWorkspaceAppHealthValues() []WorkspaceAppHealth { return []WorkspaceAppHealth{ WorkspaceAppHealthDisabled, WorkspaceAppHealthInitializing, WorkspaceAppHealthHealthy, WorkspaceAppHealthUnhealthy, } } type WorkspaceTransition string const ( WorkspaceTransitionStart WorkspaceTransition = "start" WorkspaceTransitionStop WorkspaceTransition = "stop" WorkspaceTransitionDelete WorkspaceTransition = "delete" ) func (e *WorkspaceTransition) Scan(src interface{}) error { switch s := src.(type) { case []byte: *e = WorkspaceTransition(s) case string: *e = WorkspaceTransition(s) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported scan type for WorkspaceTransition: %T", src) } return nil } type NullWorkspaceTransition struct { WorkspaceTransition WorkspaceTransition `json:"workspace_transition"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if WorkspaceTransition is not NULL } // Scan implements the Scanner interface. func (ns *NullWorkspaceTransition) Scan(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { ns.WorkspaceTransition, ns.Valid = "", false return nil } ns.Valid = true return ns.WorkspaceTransition.Scan(value) } // Value implements the driver Valuer interface. func (ns NullWorkspaceTransition) Value() (driver.Value, error) { if !ns.Valid { return nil, nil } return string(ns.WorkspaceTransition), nil } func (e WorkspaceTransition) Valid() bool { switch e { case WorkspaceTransitionStart, WorkspaceTransitionStop, WorkspaceTransitionDelete: return true } return false } func AllWorkspaceTransitionValues() []WorkspaceTransition { return []WorkspaceTransition{ WorkspaceTransitionStart, WorkspaceTransitionStop, WorkspaceTransitionDelete, } } type APIKey struct { ID string `db:"id" json:"id"` // hashed_secret contains a SHA256 hash of the key secret. This is considered a secret and MUST NOT be returned from the API as it is used for API key encryption in app proxying code. HashedSecret []byte `db:"hashed_secret" json:"hashed_secret"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` LastUsed time.Time `db:"last_used" json:"last_used"` ExpiresAt time.Time `db:"expires_at" json:"expires_at"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` LoginType LoginType `db:"login_type" json:"login_type"` LifetimeSeconds int64 `db:"lifetime_seconds" json:"lifetime_seconds"` IPAddress pqtype.Inet `db:"ip_address" json:"ip_address"` Scope APIKeyScope `db:"scope" json:"scope"` TokenName string `db:"token_name" json:"token_name"` } type AuditLog struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` Time time.Time `db:"time" json:"time"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` Ip pqtype.Inet `db:"ip" json:"ip"` UserAgent sql.NullString `db:"user_agent" json:"user_agent"` ResourceType ResourceType `db:"resource_type" json:"resource_type"` ResourceID uuid.UUID `db:"resource_id" json:"resource_id"` ResourceTarget string `db:"resource_target" json:"resource_target"` Action AuditAction `db:"action" json:"action"` Diff json.RawMessage `db:"diff" json:"diff"` StatusCode int32 `db:"status_code" json:"status_code"` AdditionalFields json.RawMessage `db:"additional_fields" json:"additional_fields"` RequestID uuid.UUID `db:"request_id" json:"request_id"` ResourceIcon string `db:"resource_icon" json:"resource_icon"` } // A table used to store the keys used to encrypt the database. type DBCryptKey struct { // An integer used to identify the key. Number int32 `db:"number" json:"number"` // If the key is active, the digest of the active key. ActiveKeyDigest sql.NullString `db:"active_key_digest" json:"active_key_digest"` // If the key has been revoked, the digest of the revoked key. RevokedKeyDigest sql.NullString `db:"revoked_key_digest" json:"revoked_key_digest"` // The time at which the key was created. CreatedAt sql.NullTime `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` // The time at which the key was revoked. RevokedAt sql.NullTime `db:"revoked_at" json:"revoked_at"` // A column used to test the encryption. Test string `db:"test" json:"test"` } type ExternalAuthLink struct { ProviderID string `db:"provider_id" json:"provider_id"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` OAuthAccessToken string `db:"oauth_access_token" json:"oauth_access_token"` OAuthRefreshToken string `db:"oauth_refresh_token" json:"oauth_refresh_token"` OAuthExpiry time.Time `db:"oauth_expiry" json:"oauth_expiry"` // The ID of the key used to encrypt the OAuth access token. If this is NULL, the access token is not encrypted OAuthAccessTokenKeyID sql.NullString `db:"oauth_access_token_key_id" json:"oauth_access_token_key_id"` // The ID of the key used to encrypt the OAuth refresh token. If this is NULL, the refresh token is not encrypted OAuthRefreshTokenKeyID sql.NullString `db:"oauth_refresh_token_key_id" json:"oauth_refresh_token_key_id"` OAuthExtra pqtype.NullRawMessage `db:"oauth_extra" json:"oauth_extra"` } type File struct { Hash string `db:"hash" json:"hash"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` CreatedBy uuid.UUID `db:"created_by" json:"created_by"` Mimetype string `db:"mimetype" json:"mimetype"` Data []byte `db:"data" json:"data"` ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` } type GitSSHKey struct { UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` PrivateKey string `db:"private_key" json:"private_key"` PublicKey string `db:"public_key" json:"public_key"` } type Group struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` AvatarURL string `db:"avatar_url" json:"avatar_url"` QuotaAllowance int32 `db:"quota_allowance" json:"quota_allowance"` // Display name is a custom, human-friendly group name that user can set. This is not required to be unique and can be the empty string. DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` // Source indicates how the group was created. It can be created by a user manually, or through some system process like OIDC group sync. Source GroupSource `db:"source" json:"source"` } type GroupMember struct { UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` GroupID uuid.UUID `db:"group_id" json:"group_id"` } type JfrogXrayScan struct { AgentID uuid.UUID `db:"agent_id" json:"agent_id"` WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_id" json:"workspace_id"` Critical int32 `db:"critical" json:"critical"` High int32 `db:"high" json:"high"` Medium int32 `db:"medium" json:"medium"` ResultsUrl string `db:"results_url" json:"results_url"` } type License struct { ID int32 `db:"id" json:"id"` UploadedAt time.Time `db:"uploaded_at" json:"uploaded_at"` JWT string `db:"jwt" json:"jwt"` // exp tracks the claim of the same name in the JWT, and we include it here so that we can easily query for licenses that have not yet expired. Exp time.Time `db:"exp" json:"exp"` UUID uuid.UUID `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"` } // A table used to configure apps that can use Coder as an OAuth2 provider, the reverse of what we are calling external authentication. type OAuth2ProviderApp struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` CallbackURL string `db:"callback_url" json:"callback_url"` } // Codes are meant to be exchanged for access tokens. type OAuth2ProviderAppCode struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` ExpiresAt time.Time `db:"expires_at" json:"expires_at"` SecretPrefix []byte `db:"secret_prefix" json:"secret_prefix"` HashedSecret []byte `db:"hashed_secret" json:"hashed_secret"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` AppID uuid.UUID `db:"app_id" json:"app_id"` } type OAuth2ProviderAppSecret struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` LastUsedAt sql.NullTime `db:"last_used_at" json:"last_used_at"` HashedSecret []byte `db:"hashed_secret" json:"hashed_secret"` // The tail end of the original secret so secrets can be differentiated. DisplaySecret string `db:"display_secret" json:"display_secret"` AppID uuid.UUID `db:"app_id" json:"app_id"` SecretPrefix []byte `db:"secret_prefix" json:"secret_prefix"` } type OAuth2ProviderAppToken struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` ExpiresAt time.Time `db:"expires_at" json:"expires_at"` HashPrefix []byte `db:"hash_prefix" json:"hash_prefix"` // Refresh tokens provide a way to refresh an access token (API key). An expired API key can be refreshed if this token is not yet expired, meaning this expiry can outlive an API key. RefreshHash []byte `db:"refresh_hash" json:"refresh_hash"` AppSecretID uuid.UUID `db:"app_secret_id" json:"app_secret_id"` APIKeyID string `db:"api_key_id" json:"api_key_id"` } type Organization struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Description string `db:"description" json:"description"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` IsDefault bool `db:"is_default" json:"is_default"` } type OrganizationMember struct { UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Roles []string `db:"roles" json:"roles"` } type ParameterSchema struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Description string `db:"description" json:"description"` DefaultSourceScheme ParameterSourceScheme `db:"default_source_scheme" json:"default_source_scheme"` DefaultSourceValue string `db:"default_source_value" json:"default_source_value"` AllowOverrideSource bool `db:"allow_override_source" json:"allow_override_source"` DefaultDestinationScheme ParameterDestinationScheme `db:"default_destination_scheme" json:"default_destination_scheme"` AllowOverrideDestination bool `db:"allow_override_destination" json:"allow_override_destination"` DefaultRefresh string `db:"default_refresh" json:"default_refresh"` RedisplayValue bool `db:"redisplay_value" json:"redisplay_value"` ValidationError string `db:"validation_error" json:"validation_error"` ValidationCondition string `db:"validation_condition" json:"validation_condition"` ValidationTypeSystem ParameterTypeSystem `db:"validation_type_system" json:"validation_type_system"` ValidationValueType string `db:"validation_value_type" json:"validation_value_type"` Index int32 `db:"index" json:"index"` } type ParameterValue struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Scope ParameterScope `db:"scope" json:"scope"` ScopeID uuid.UUID `db:"scope_id" json:"scope_id"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` SourceScheme ParameterSourceScheme `db:"source_scheme" json:"source_scheme"` SourceValue string `db:"source_value" json:"source_value"` DestinationScheme ParameterDestinationScheme `db:"destination_scheme" json:"destination_scheme"` } type ProvisionerDaemon struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Provisioners []ProvisionerType `db:"provisioners" json:"provisioners"` ReplicaID uuid.NullUUID `db:"replica_id" json:"replica_id"` Tags StringMap `db:"tags" json:"tags"` LastSeenAt sql.NullTime `db:"last_seen_at" json:"last_seen_at"` Version string `db:"version" json:"version"` // The API version of the provisioner daemon APIVersion string `db:"api_version" json:"api_version"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` } type ProvisionerJob struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` StartedAt sql.NullTime `db:"started_at" json:"started_at"` CanceledAt sql.NullTime `db:"canceled_at" json:"canceled_at"` CompletedAt sql.NullTime `db:"completed_at" json:"completed_at"` Error sql.NullString `db:"error" json:"error"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` InitiatorID uuid.UUID `db:"initiator_id" json:"initiator_id"` Provisioner ProvisionerType `db:"provisioner" json:"provisioner"` StorageMethod ProvisionerStorageMethod `db:"storage_method" json:"storage_method"` Type ProvisionerJobType `db:"type" json:"type"` Input json.RawMessage `db:"input" json:"input"` WorkerID uuid.NullUUID `db:"worker_id" json:"worker_id"` FileID uuid.UUID `db:"file_id" json:"file_id"` Tags StringMap `db:"tags" json:"tags"` ErrorCode sql.NullString `db:"error_code" json:"error_code"` TraceMetadata pqtype.NullRawMessage `db:"trace_metadata" json:"trace_metadata"` // Computed column to track the status of the job. JobStatus ProvisionerJobStatus `db:"job_status" json:"job_status"` } type ProvisionerJobLog struct { JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Source LogSource `db:"source" json:"source"` Level LogLevel `db:"level" json:"level"` Stage string `db:"stage" json:"stage"` Output string `db:"output" json:"output"` ID int64 `db:"id" json:"id"` } type Replica struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` StartedAt time.Time `db:"started_at" json:"started_at"` StoppedAt sql.NullTime `db:"stopped_at" json:"stopped_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Hostname string `db:"hostname" json:"hostname"` RegionID int32 `db:"region_id" json:"region_id"` RelayAddress string `db:"relay_address" json:"relay_address"` DatabaseLatency int32 `db:"database_latency" json:"database_latency"` Version string `db:"version" json:"version"` Error string `db:"error" json:"error"` Primary bool `db:"primary" json:"primary"` } type SiteConfig struct { Key string `db:"key" json:"key"` Value string `db:"value" json:"value"` } type TailnetAgent struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CoordinatorID uuid.UUID `db:"coordinator_id" json:"coordinator_id"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Node json.RawMessage `db:"node" json:"node"` } type TailnetClient struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CoordinatorID uuid.UUID `db:"coordinator_id" json:"coordinator_id"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Node json.RawMessage `db:"node" json:"node"` } type TailnetClientSubscription struct { ClientID uuid.UUID `db:"client_id" json:"client_id"` CoordinatorID uuid.UUID `db:"coordinator_id" json:"coordinator_id"` AgentID uuid.UUID `db:"agent_id" json:"agent_id"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` } // We keep this separate from replicas in case we need to break the coordinator out into its own service type TailnetCoordinator struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` HeartbeatAt time.Time `db:"heartbeat_at" json:"heartbeat_at"` } type TailnetPeer struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CoordinatorID uuid.UUID `db:"coordinator_id" json:"coordinator_id"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Node []byte `db:"node" json:"node"` Status TailnetStatus `db:"status" json:"status"` } type TailnetTunnel struct { CoordinatorID uuid.UUID `db:"coordinator_id" json:"coordinator_id"` SrcID uuid.UUID `db:"src_id" json:"src_id"` DstID uuid.UUID `db:"dst_id" json:"dst_id"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` } // Joins in the username + avatar url of the created by user. type Template struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` Deleted bool `db:"deleted" json:"deleted"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Provisioner ProvisionerType `db:"provisioner" json:"provisioner"` ActiveVersionID uuid.UUID `db:"active_version_id" json:"active_version_id"` Description string `db:"description" json:"description"` DefaultTTL int64 `db:"default_ttl" json:"default_ttl"` CreatedBy uuid.UUID `db:"created_by" json:"created_by"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` UserACL TemplateACL `db:"user_acl" json:"user_acl"` GroupACL TemplateACL `db:"group_acl" json:"group_acl"` DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` AllowUserCancelWorkspaceJobs bool `db:"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs" json:"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs"` AllowUserAutostart bool `db:"allow_user_autostart" json:"allow_user_autostart"` AllowUserAutostop bool `db:"allow_user_autostop" json:"allow_user_autostop"` FailureTTL int64 `db:"failure_ttl" json:"failure_ttl"` TimeTilDormant int64 `db:"time_til_dormant" json:"time_til_dormant"` TimeTilDormantAutoDelete int64 `db:"time_til_dormant_autodelete" json:"time_til_dormant_autodelete"` AutostopRequirementDaysOfWeek int16 `db:"autostop_requirement_days_of_week" json:"autostop_requirement_days_of_week"` AutostopRequirementWeeks int64 `db:"autostop_requirement_weeks" json:"autostop_requirement_weeks"` AutostartBlockDaysOfWeek int16 `db:"autostart_block_days_of_week" json:"autostart_block_days_of_week"` RequireActiveVersion bool `db:"require_active_version" json:"require_active_version"` Deprecated string `db:"deprecated" json:"deprecated"` ActivityBump int64 `db:"activity_bump" json:"activity_bump"` MaxPortSharingLevel AppSharingLevel `db:"max_port_sharing_level" json:"max_port_sharing_level"` CreatedByAvatarURL string `db:"created_by_avatar_url" json:"created_by_avatar_url"` CreatedByUsername string `db:"created_by_username" json:"created_by_username"` } type TemplateTable struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` Deleted bool `db:"deleted" json:"deleted"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Provisioner ProvisionerType `db:"provisioner" json:"provisioner"` ActiveVersionID uuid.UUID `db:"active_version_id" json:"active_version_id"` Description string `db:"description" json:"description"` // The default duration for autostop for workspaces created from this template. DefaultTTL int64 `db:"default_ttl" json:"default_ttl"` CreatedBy uuid.UUID `db:"created_by" json:"created_by"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` UserACL TemplateACL `db:"user_acl" json:"user_acl"` GroupACL TemplateACL `db:"group_acl" json:"group_acl"` // Display name is a custom, human-friendly template name that user can set. DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` // Allow users to cancel in-progress workspace jobs. AllowUserCancelWorkspaceJobs bool `db:"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs" json:"allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs"` // Allow users to specify an autostart schedule for workspaces (enterprise). AllowUserAutostart bool `db:"allow_user_autostart" json:"allow_user_autostart"` // Allow users to specify custom autostop values for workspaces (enterprise). AllowUserAutostop bool `db:"allow_user_autostop" json:"allow_user_autostop"` FailureTTL int64 `db:"failure_ttl" json:"failure_ttl"` TimeTilDormant int64 `db:"time_til_dormant" json:"time_til_dormant"` TimeTilDormantAutoDelete int64 `db:"time_til_dormant_autodelete" json:"time_til_dormant_autodelete"` // A bitmap of days of week to restart the workspace on, starting with Monday as the 0th bit, and Sunday as the 6th bit. The 7th bit is unused. AutostopRequirementDaysOfWeek int16 `db:"autostop_requirement_days_of_week" json:"autostop_requirement_days_of_week"` // The number of weeks between restarts. 0 or 1 weeks means "every week", 2 week means "every second week", etc. Weeks are counted from January 2, 2023, which is the first Monday of 2023. This is to ensure workspaces are started consistently for all customers on the same n-week cycles. AutostopRequirementWeeks int64 `db:"autostop_requirement_weeks" json:"autostop_requirement_weeks"` // A bitmap of days of week that autostart of a workspace is not allowed. Default allows all days. This is intended as a cost savings measure to prevent auto start on weekends (for example). AutostartBlockDaysOfWeek int16 `db:"autostart_block_days_of_week" json:"autostart_block_days_of_week"` RequireActiveVersion bool `db:"require_active_version" json:"require_active_version"` // If set to a non empty string, the template will no longer be able to be used. The message will be displayed to the user. Deprecated string `db:"deprecated" json:"deprecated"` ActivityBump int64 `db:"activity_bump" json:"activity_bump"` MaxPortSharingLevel AppSharingLevel `db:"max_port_sharing_level" json:"max_port_sharing_level"` } // Joins in the username + avatar url of the created by user. type TemplateVersion struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` TemplateID uuid.NullUUID `db:"template_id" json:"template_id"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Readme string `db:"readme" json:"readme"` JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` CreatedBy uuid.UUID `db:"created_by" json:"created_by"` ExternalAuthProviders json.RawMessage `db:"external_auth_providers" json:"external_auth_providers"` Message string `db:"message" json:"message"` Archived bool `db:"archived" json:"archived"` CreatedByAvatarURL string `db:"created_by_avatar_url" json:"created_by_avatar_url"` CreatedByUsername string `db:"created_by_username" json:"created_by_username"` } type TemplateVersionParameter struct { TemplateVersionID uuid.UUID `db:"template_version_id" json:"template_version_id"` // Parameter name Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` // Parameter description Description string `db:"description" json:"description"` // Parameter type Type string `db:"type" json:"type"` // Is parameter mutable? Mutable bool `db:"mutable" json:"mutable"` // Default value DefaultValue string `db:"default_value" json:"default_value"` // Icon Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` // Additional options Options json.RawMessage `db:"options" json:"options"` // Validation: regex pattern ValidationRegex string `db:"validation_regex" json:"validation_regex"` // Validation: minimum length of value ValidationMin sql.NullInt32 `db:"validation_min" json:"validation_min"` // Validation: maximum length of value ValidationMax sql.NullInt32 `db:"validation_max" json:"validation_max"` // Validation: error displayed when the regex does not match. ValidationError string `db:"validation_error" json:"validation_error"` // Validation: consecutive values preserve the monotonic order ValidationMonotonic string `db:"validation_monotonic" json:"validation_monotonic"` // Is parameter required? Required bool `db:"required" json:"required"` // Display name of the rich parameter DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` // Specifies the order in which to display parameters in user interfaces. DisplayOrder int32 `db:"display_order" json:"display_order"` // The value of an ephemeral parameter will not be preserved between consecutive workspace builds. Ephemeral bool `db:"ephemeral" json:"ephemeral"` } type TemplateVersionTable struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` TemplateID uuid.NullUUID `db:"template_id" json:"template_id"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Readme string `db:"readme" json:"readme"` JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` CreatedBy uuid.UUID `db:"created_by" json:"created_by"` // IDs of External auth providers for a specific template version ExternalAuthProviders json.RawMessage `db:"external_auth_providers" json:"external_auth_providers"` // Message describing the changes in this version of the template, similar to a Git commit message. Like a commit message, this should be a short, high-level description of the changes in this version of the template. This message is immutable and should not be updated after the fact. Message string `db:"message" json:"message"` Archived bool `db:"archived" json:"archived"` } type TemplateVersionVariable struct { TemplateVersionID uuid.UUID `db:"template_version_id" json:"template_version_id"` // Variable name Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` // Variable description Description string `db:"description" json:"description"` // Variable type Type string `db:"type" json:"type"` // Variable value Value string `db:"value" json:"value"` // Variable default value DefaultValue string `db:"default_value" json:"default_value"` // Required variables needs a default value or a value provided by template admin Required bool `db:"required" json:"required"` // Sensitive variables have their values redacted in logs or site UI Sensitive bool `db:"sensitive" json:"sensitive"` } type User struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` Email string `db:"email" json:"email"` Username string `db:"username" json:"username"` HashedPassword []byte `db:"hashed_password" json:"hashed_password"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Status UserStatus `db:"status" json:"status"` RBACRoles pq.StringArray `db:"rbac_roles" json:"rbac_roles"` LoginType LoginType `db:"login_type" json:"login_type"` AvatarURL string `db:"avatar_url" json:"avatar_url"` Deleted bool `db:"deleted" json:"deleted"` LastSeenAt time.Time `db:"last_seen_at" json:"last_seen_at"` // Daily (!) cron schedule (with optional CRON_TZ) signifying the start of the user's quiet hours. If empty, the default quiet hours on the instance is used instead. QuietHoursSchedule string `db:"quiet_hours_schedule" json:"quiet_hours_schedule"` // "" can be interpreted as "the user does not care", falling back to the default theme ThemePreference string `db:"theme_preference" json:"theme_preference"` // Name of the Coder user Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` } type UserLink struct { UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` LoginType LoginType `db:"login_type" json:"login_type"` LinkedID string `db:"linked_id" json:"linked_id"` OAuthAccessToken string `db:"oauth_access_token" json:"oauth_access_token"` OAuthRefreshToken string `db:"oauth_refresh_token" json:"oauth_refresh_token"` OAuthExpiry time.Time `db:"oauth_expiry" json:"oauth_expiry"` // The ID of the key used to encrypt the OAuth access token. If this is NULL, the access token is not encrypted OAuthAccessTokenKeyID sql.NullString `db:"oauth_access_token_key_id" json:"oauth_access_token_key_id"` // The ID of the key used to encrypt the OAuth refresh token. If this is NULL, the refresh token is not encrypted OAuthRefreshTokenKeyID sql.NullString `db:"oauth_refresh_token_key_id" json:"oauth_refresh_token_key_id"` // Debug information includes information like id_token and userinfo claims. DebugContext json.RawMessage `db:"debug_context" json:"debug_context"` } // Visible fields of users are allowed to be joined with other tables for including context of other resources. type VisibleUser struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` Username string `db:"username" json:"username"` AvatarURL string `db:"avatar_url" json:"avatar_url"` } type Workspace struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` OwnerID uuid.UUID `db:"owner_id" json:"owner_id"` OrganizationID uuid.UUID `db:"organization_id" json:"organization_id"` TemplateID uuid.UUID `db:"template_id" json:"template_id"` Deleted bool `db:"deleted" json:"deleted"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` AutostartSchedule sql.NullString `db:"autostart_schedule" json:"autostart_schedule"` Ttl sql.NullInt64 `db:"ttl" json:"ttl"` LastUsedAt time.Time `db:"last_used_at" json:"last_used_at"` DormantAt sql.NullTime `db:"dormant_at" json:"dormant_at"` DeletingAt sql.NullTime `db:"deleting_at" json:"deleting_at"` AutomaticUpdates AutomaticUpdates `db:"automatic_updates" json:"automatic_updates"` // Favorite is true if the workspace owner has favorited the workspace. Favorite bool `db:"favorite" json:"favorite"` } type WorkspaceAgent struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` FirstConnectedAt sql.NullTime `db:"first_connected_at" json:"first_connected_at"` LastConnectedAt sql.NullTime `db:"last_connected_at" json:"last_connected_at"` DisconnectedAt sql.NullTime `db:"disconnected_at" json:"disconnected_at"` ResourceID uuid.UUID `db:"resource_id" json:"resource_id"` AuthToken uuid.UUID `db:"auth_token" json:"auth_token"` AuthInstanceID sql.NullString `db:"auth_instance_id" json:"auth_instance_id"` Architecture string `db:"architecture" json:"architecture"` EnvironmentVariables pqtype.NullRawMessage `db:"environment_variables" json:"environment_variables"` OperatingSystem string `db:"operating_system" json:"operating_system"` InstanceMetadata pqtype.NullRawMessage `db:"instance_metadata" json:"instance_metadata"` ResourceMetadata pqtype.NullRawMessage `db:"resource_metadata" json:"resource_metadata"` Directory string `db:"directory" json:"directory"` // Version tracks the version of the currently running workspace agent. Workspace agents register their version upon start. Version string `db:"version" json:"version"` LastConnectedReplicaID uuid.NullUUID `db:"last_connected_replica_id" json:"last_connected_replica_id"` // Connection timeout in seconds, 0 means disabled. ConnectionTimeoutSeconds int32 `db:"connection_timeout_seconds" json:"connection_timeout_seconds"` // URL for troubleshooting the agent. TroubleshootingURL string `db:"troubleshooting_url" json:"troubleshooting_url"` // Path to file inside workspace containing the message of the day (MOTD) to show to the user when logging in via SSH. MOTDFile string `db:"motd_file" json:"motd_file"` // The current lifecycle state reported by the workspace agent. LifecycleState WorkspaceAgentLifecycleState `db:"lifecycle_state" json:"lifecycle_state"` // The resolved path of a user-specified directory. e.g. ~/coder -> /home/coder/coder ExpandedDirectory string `db:"expanded_directory" json:"expanded_directory"` // Total length of startup logs LogsLength int32 `db:"logs_length" json:"logs_length"` // Whether the startup logs overflowed in length LogsOverflowed bool `db:"logs_overflowed" json:"logs_overflowed"` // The time the agent entered the starting lifecycle state StartedAt sql.NullTime `db:"started_at" json:"started_at"` // The time the agent entered the ready or start_error lifecycle state ReadyAt sql.NullTime `db:"ready_at" json:"ready_at"` Subsystems []WorkspaceAgentSubsystem `db:"subsystems" json:"subsystems"` DisplayApps []DisplayApp `db:"display_apps" json:"display_apps"` APIVersion string `db:"api_version" json:"api_version"` // Specifies the order in which to display agents in user interfaces. DisplayOrder int32 `db:"display_order" json:"display_order"` } type WorkspaceAgentLog struct { AgentID uuid.UUID `db:"agent_id" json:"agent_id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Output string `db:"output" json:"output"` ID int64 `db:"id" json:"id"` Level LogLevel `db:"level" json:"level"` LogSourceID uuid.UUID `db:"log_source_id" json:"log_source_id"` } type WorkspaceAgentLogSource struct { WorkspaceAgentID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_agent_id" json:"workspace_agent_id"` ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` } type WorkspaceAgentMetadatum struct { WorkspaceAgentID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_agent_id" json:"workspace_agent_id"` DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` Key string `db:"key" json:"key"` Script string `db:"script" json:"script"` Value string `db:"value" json:"value"` Error string `db:"error" json:"error"` Timeout int64 `db:"timeout" json:"timeout"` Interval int64 `db:"interval" json:"interval"` CollectedAt time.Time `db:"collected_at" json:"collected_at"` // Specifies the order in which to display agent metadata in user interfaces. DisplayOrder int32 `db:"display_order" json:"display_order"` } type WorkspaceAgentPortShare struct { WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_id" json:"workspace_id"` AgentName string `db:"agent_name" json:"agent_name"` Port int32 `db:"port" json:"port"` ShareLevel AppSharingLevel `db:"share_level" json:"share_level"` Protocol PortShareProtocol `db:"protocol" json:"protocol"` } type WorkspaceAgentScript struct { WorkspaceAgentID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_agent_id" json:"workspace_agent_id"` LogSourceID uuid.UUID `db:"log_source_id" json:"log_source_id"` LogPath string `db:"log_path" json:"log_path"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` Script string `db:"script" json:"script"` Cron string `db:"cron" json:"cron"` StartBlocksLogin bool `db:"start_blocks_login" json:"start_blocks_login"` RunOnStart bool `db:"run_on_start" json:"run_on_start"` RunOnStop bool `db:"run_on_stop" json:"run_on_stop"` TimeoutSeconds int32 `db:"timeout_seconds" json:"timeout_seconds"` } type WorkspaceAgentStat struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` AgentID uuid.UUID `db:"agent_id" json:"agent_id"` WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_id" json:"workspace_id"` TemplateID uuid.UUID `db:"template_id" json:"template_id"` ConnectionsByProto json.RawMessage `db:"connections_by_proto" json:"connections_by_proto"` ConnectionCount int64 `db:"connection_count" json:"connection_count"` RxPackets int64 `db:"rx_packets" json:"rx_packets"` RxBytes int64 `db:"rx_bytes" json:"rx_bytes"` TxPackets int64 `db:"tx_packets" json:"tx_packets"` TxBytes int64 `db:"tx_bytes" json:"tx_bytes"` ConnectionMedianLatencyMS float64 `db:"connection_median_latency_ms" json:"connection_median_latency_ms"` SessionCountVSCode int64 `db:"session_count_vscode" json:"session_count_vscode"` SessionCountJetBrains int64 `db:"session_count_jetbrains" json:"session_count_jetbrains"` SessionCountReconnectingPTY int64 `db:"session_count_reconnecting_pty" json:"session_count_reconnecting_pty"` SessionCountSSH int64 `db:"session_count_ssh" json:"session_count_ssh"` } type WorkspaceApp struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` AgentID uuid.UUID `db:"agent_id" json:"agent_id"` DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` Command sql.NullString `db:"command" json:"command"` Url sql.NullString `db:"url" json:"url"` HealthcheckUrl string `db:"healthcheck_url" json:"healthcheck_url"` HealthcheckInterval int32 `db:"healthcheck_interval" json:"healthcheck_interval"` HealthcheckThreshold int32 `db:"healthcheck_threshold" json:"healthcheck_threshold"` Health WorkspaceAppHealth `db:"health" json:"health"` Subdomain bool `db:"subdomain" json:"subdomain"` SharingLevel AppSharingLevel `db:"sharing_level" json:"sharing_level"` Slug string `db:"slug" json:"slug"` External bool `db:"external" json:"external"` // Specifies the order in which to display agent app in user interfaces. DisplayOrder int32 `db:"display_order" json:"display_order"` } // A record of workspace app usage statistics type WorkspaceAppStat struct { // The ID of the record ID int64 `db:"id" json:"id"` // The user who used the workspace app UserID uuid.UUID `db:"user_id" json:"user_id"` // The workspace that the workspace app was used in WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_id" json:"workspace_id"` // The workspace agent that was used AgentID uuid.UUID `db:"agent_id" json:"agent_id"` // The method used to access the workspace app AccessMethod string `db:"access_method" json:"access_method"` // The slug or port used to to identify the app SlugOrPort string `db:"slug_or_port" json:"slug_or_port"` // The unique identifier for the session SessionID uuid.UUID `db:"session_id" json:"session_id"` // The time the session started SessionStartedAt time.Time `db:"session_started_at" json:"session_started_at"` // The time the session ended SessionEndedAt time.Time `db:"session_ended_at" json:"session_ended_at"` // The number of requests made during the session, a number larger than 1 indicates that multiple sessions were rolled up into one Requests int32 `db:"requests" json:"requests"` } // Joins in the username + avatar url of the initiated by user. type WorkspaceBuild struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_id" json:"workspace_id"` TemplateVersionID uuid.UUID `db:"template_version_id" json:"template_version_id"` BuildNumber int32 `db:"build_number" json:"build_number"` Transition WorkspaceTransition `db:"transition" json:"transition"` InitiatorID uuid.UUID `db:"initiator_id" json:"initiator_id"` ProvisionerState []byte `db:"provisioner_state" json:"provisioner_state"` JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` Deadline time.Time `db:"deadline" json:"deadline"` Reason BuildReason `db:"reason" json:"reason"` DailyCost int32 `db:"daily_cost" json:"daily_cost"` MaxDeadline time.Time `db:"max_deadline" json:"max_deadline"` InitiatorByAvatarUrl string `db:"initiator_by_avatar_url" json:"initiator_by_avatar_url"` InitiatorByUsername string `db:"initiator_by_username" json:"initiator_by_username"` } type WorkspaceBuildParameter struct { WorkspaceBuildID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_build_id" json:"workspace_build_id"` // Parameter name Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` // Parameter value Value string `db:"value" json:"value"` } type WorkspaceBuildTable struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` WorkspaceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_id" json:"workspace_id"` TemplateVersionID uuid.UUID `db:"template_version_id" json:"template_version_id"` BuildNumber int32 `db:"build_number" json:"build_number"` Transition WorkspaceTransition `db:"transition" json:"transition"` InitiatorID uuid.UUID `db:"initiator_id" json:"initiator_id"` ProvisionerState []byte `db:"provisioner_state" json:"provisioner_state"` JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` Deadline time.Time `db:"deadline" json:"deadline"` Reason BuildReason `db:"reason" json:"reason"` DailyCost int32 `db:"daily_cost" json:"daily_cost"` MaxDeadline time.Time `db:"max_deadline" json:"max_deadline"` } type WorkspaceProxy struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` DisplayName string `db:"display_name" json:"display_name"` // Expects an emoji character. (/emojis/1f1fa-1f1f8.png) Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` // Full url including scheme of the proxy api url: https://us.example.com Url string `db:"url" json:"url"` // Hostname with the wildcard for subdomain based app hosting: *.us.example.com WildcardHostname string `db:"wildcard_hostname" json:"wildcard_hostname"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"` // Boolean indicator of a deleted workspace proxy. Proxies are soft-deleted. Deleted bool `db:"deleted" json:"deleted"` // Hashed secret is used to authenticate the workspace proxy using a session token. TokenHashedSecret []byte `db:"token_hashed_secret" json:"token_hashed_secret"` RegionID int32 `db:"region_id" json:"region_id"` DerpEnabled bool `db:"derp_enabled" json:"derp_enabled"` // Disables app/terminal proxying for this proxy and only acts as a DERP relay. DerpOnly bool `db:"derp_only" json:"derp_only"` Version string `db:"version" json:"version"` } type WorkspaceResource struct { ID uuid.UUID `db:"id" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"` JobID uuid.UUID `db:"job_id" json:"job_id"` Transition WorkspaceTransition `db:"transition" json:"transition"` Type string `db:"type" json:"type"` Name string `db:"name" json:"name"` Hide bool `db:"hide" json:"hide"` Icon string `db:"icon" json:"icon"` InstanceType sql.NullString `db:"instance_type" json:"instance_type"` DailyCost int32 `db:"daily_cost" json:"daily_cost"` } type WorkspaceResourceMetadatum struct { WorkspaceResourceID uuid.UUID `db:"workspace_resource_id" json:"workspace_resource_id"` Key string `db:"key" json:"key"` Value sql.NullString `db:"value" json:"value"` Sensitive bool `db:"sensitive" json:"sensitive"` ID int64 `db:"id" json:"id"` }