{{ function renderSinglePropertyType(p) { if (!p.$ref) { return p.type; } const pRef = p.$ref.replace("#/components/schemas/",""); return "[" + pRef + "](#" + pRef.replace(".","").toLowerCase() + ")"; } function renderPropertyType(p) { if (p.type == "array") { return "array of " + renderSinglePropertyType(p.schema.items); } return renderSinglePropertyType(p); } function renderDisplayName(p) { if (p.displayName == "» **additionalProperties**") { return "» `[any property]`"; } if (p.displayName == "**additionalProperties**") { return "`[any property]`"; } return "`" + p.displayName + "`"; } function correctLetterCase(description) { const dictionary = ["id", "url"]; const words = description.split(' '); var corrected = []; words.forEach(word => { if (dictionary.includes(word.toLowerCase())) { corrected.push(word.toUpperCase()); return; } corrected.push(word); }); return corrected.join(" "); } function renderDescription(p) { if (!p.description) { return ""; } let description = p.description.replace(/

/g, "\n").replace(/
/g, " "); const words = description.split(' '); if (words.length == 0) { return ""; } const countUppercase = words[0].length - words[0].replace(/[A-Z]/g, '').length; if (countUppercase > 1) { let displayName = p.displayName.replace(/» \*\*additionalProperties\*\*/g, "It"); displayName = displayName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + displayName.replace(/_/g, " ").toLowerCase().slice(1); description = displayName + " " + words.slice(1).join(' '); } return correctLetterCase(description); } }} {{? data.api.components && data.api.components.securitySchemes }}{{#def.security}}{{?}} {{ for (var r in data.resources) { }} {{ data.resource = data.resources[r]; }} {{= data.tags.section }}# {{= r}} > This page is incomplete, stay tuned. {{? data.resource.description }}{{= data.resource.description}}{{?}} {{ for (var m in data.resource.methods) { }} {{ data.operationUniqueName = m; }} {{ data.method = data.resource.methods[m]; }} {{ data.operationUniqueSlug = data.method.slug; }} {{ data.operation = data.method.operation; }} {{= data.templates.operation(data) }} {{ } /* of methods */ }} {{= data.tags.endSection }} {{ } /* of resources */ }} {{? data.api.components && data.api.components.schemas }} {{= data.tags.section }} # Schemas > This page is incomplete, stay tuned. {{ for (var s in data.components.schemas) { var origSchema = data.components.schemas[s]; var schema = data.api.components.schemas[s]; if (schema.description && schema.description.startsWith("x-apidocgen:skip")) { continue; } }} {{= data.tags.section }} ## {{=s}} {{? data.options.yaml }} ```yaml {{=data.utils.yaml.stringify(data.utils.getSample(schema,data.options,{quiet:true},data.api))}} {{??}} ```json {{=data.utils.safejson(data.utils.getSample(schema,data.options,{quiet:true},data.api),null,2)}} {{?}}``` {{ var enums = []; }} {{ var blocks = data.utils.schemaToArray(origSchema,-1,{trim:true,join:true},data); }} {{ for (var block of blocks) { for (var p of block.rows) { if (p.schema && p.schema.enum) { for (var e of p.schema.enum) { enums.push({name:p.name,value:e}); } } } } }} {{~ blocks :block}} {{? block.title }}{{= block.title}}{{= '\n\n'}}{{?}} {{? block.externalDocs}} {{=block.externalDocs.description||'External documentation'}} {{?}} {{? block===blocks[0] }} {{= data.tags.section }} ### Properties {{?}} {{? block.rows.length > 0 && block.rows[0].displayName != "*anonymous*"}} {{? block.rows.length}}|Name|Type|Required|Restrictions|Description| |---|---|---|---|---|{{?}} {{~ block.rows :p}}|{{= renderDisplayName(p)}}|{{= renderPropertyType(p)}}|{{=p.required}}|{{=p.restrictions||''}}|{{= renderDescription(p)}}| {{~}} {{~}} {{? (blocks[0].rows.length === 0) && (blocks.length === 1) }} *None* {{?}} {{?}} {{? enums.length > 0 }} {{= data.tags.section }} #### Enumerated Values {{? block.rows.length > 0 && block.rows[0].displayName != "*anonymous*"}} |Property|Value| |---|---| {{~ enums :e}}|`{{=e.name}}`|`{{=data.utils.toPrimitive(e.value)}}`| {{~}} {{??}} |Value| |---| {{~ enums :e}}|`{{=data.utils.toPrimitive(e.value)}}`| {{~}} {{?}} {{= data.tags.endSection }} {{?}} {{= data.tags.endSection }} {{= data.tags.endSection }} {{ } /* of schemas */ }} {{?}}