# Schemas > This page is incomplete, stay tuned. ## coderd.cspViolation ```json { "csp-report": {} } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `csp-report` | object | false | | | ## codersdk.AWSInstanceIdentityToken ```json { "document": "string", "signature": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `document` | string | true | | | | `signature` | string | true | | | ## codersdk.AgentGitSSHKey ```json { "private_key": "string", "public_key": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `private_key` | string | false | | | | `public_key` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.AgentStats ```json { "conns_by_proto": { "property1": 0, "property2": 0 }, "num_comms": 0, "rx_bytes": 0, "rx_packets": 0, "tx_bytes": 0, "tx_packets": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `conns_by_proto` | object | false | | Conns by proto is a count of connections by protocol. | | » `[any property]` | integer | false | | | | `num_comms` | integer | false | | Num comms is the number of connections received by an agent. | | `rx_bytes` | integer | false | | Rx bytes is the number of received bytes. | | `rx_packets` | integer | false | | Rx packets is the number of received packets. | | `tx_bytes` | integer | false | | Tx bytes is the number of transmitted bytes. | | `tx_packets` | integer | false | | Tx packets is the number of transmitted bytes. | ## codersdk.AgentStatsResponse ```json { "report_interval": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `report_interval` | integer | false | | Report interval is the duration after which the agent should send stats again. | ## codersdk.AuditAction ```json "create" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | -------- | | `create` | | `write` | | `delete` | | `start` | | `stop` | ## codersdk.AuditDiff ```json { "property1": { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true }, "property2": { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `[any property]` | [codersdk.AuditDiffField](#codersdkauditdifffield) | false | | | ## codersdk.AuditDiffField ```json { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `new` | any | false | | | | `old` | any | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | ## codersdk.AuditLog ```json { "action": "create", "additional_fields": [0], "description": "string", "diff": { "property1": { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true }, "property2": { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true } }, "id": "string", "ip": "string", "is_deleted": true, "organization_id": "string", "request_id": "string", "resource_icon": "string", "resource_id": "string", "resource_link": "string", "resource_target": "string", "resource_type": "organization", "status_code": 0, "time": "string", "user": { "avatar_url": "string", "created_at": "string", "email": "string", "id": "string", "last_seen_at": "string", "organization_ids": ["string"], "roles": [ { "display_name": "string", "name": "string" } ], "status": "active", "username": "string" }, "user_agent": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------- | | `action` | [codersdk.AuditAction](#codersdkauditaction) | false | | | | `additional_fields` | array of integer | false | | | | `description` | string | false | | | | `diff` | [codersdk.AuditDiff](#codersdkauditdiff) | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `ip` | string | false | | | | `is_deleted` | boolean | false | | | | `organization_id` | string | false | | | | `request_id` | string | false | | | | `resource_icon` | string | false | | | | `resource_id` | string | false | | | | `resource_link` | string | false | | | | `resource_target` | string | false | | Resource target is the name of the resource. | | `resource_type` | [codersdk.ResourceType](#codersdkresourcetype) | false | | | | `status_code` | integer | false | | | | `time` | string | false | | | | `user` | [codersdk.User](#codersdkuser) | false | | | | `user_agent` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.AuditLogResponse ```json { "audit_logs": [ { "action": "create", "additional_fields": [0], "description": "string", "diff": { "property1": { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true }, "property2": { "new": null, "old": null, "secret": true } }, "id": "string", "ip": "string", "is_deleted": true, "organization_id": "string", "request_id": "string", "resource_icon": "string", "resource_id": "string", "resource_link": "string", "resource_target": "string", "resource_type": "organization", "status_code": 0, "time": "string", "user": { "avatar_url": "string", "created_at": "string", "email": "string", "id": "string", "last_seen_at": "string", "organization_ids": ["string"], "roles": [ { "display_name": "string", "name": "string" } ], "status": "active", "username": "string" }, "user_agent": "string" } ], "count": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `audit_logs` | array of [codersdk.AuditLog](#codersdkauditlog) | false | | | | `count` | integer | false | | | ## codersdk.AuthorizationCheck ```json { "action": "create", "object": { "organization_id": "string", "owner_id": "string", "resource_id": "string", "resource_type": "string" } } ``` AuthorizationCheck is used to check if the currently authenticated user (or the specified user) can do a given action to a given set of objects. ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `action` | string | false | | | | `object` | [codersdk.AuthorizationObject](#codersdkauthorizationobject) | false | | Object can represent a "set" of objects, such as: all workspaces in an organization, all workspaces owned by me, and all workspaces across the entire product. When defining an object, use the most specific language when possible to produce the smallest set. Meaning to set as many fields on 'Object' as you can. Example, if you want to check if you can update all workspaces owned by 'me', try to also add an 'OrganizationID' to the settings. Omitting the 'OrganizationID' could produce the incorrect value, as workspaces have both `user` and `organization` owners. | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | -------- | -------- | | `action` | `create` | | `action` | `read` | | `action` | `update` | | `action` | `delete` | ## codersdk.AuthorizationObject ```json { "organization_id": "string", "owner_id": "string", "resource_id": "string", "resource_type": "string" } ``` AuthorizationObject can represent a "set" of objects, such as: all workspaces in an organization, all workspaces owned by me, all workspaces across the entire product. ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `organization_id` | string | false | | Organization ID (optional) adds the set constraint to all resources owned by a given organization. | | `owner_id` | string | false | | Owner ID (optional) adds the set constraint to all resources owned by a given user. | | `resource_id` | string | false | | Resource ID (optional) reduces the set to a singular resource. This assigns a resource ID to the resource type, eg: a single workspace. The rbac library will not fetch the resource from the database, so if you are using this option, you should also set the owner ID and organization ID if possible. Be as specific as possible using all the fields relevant. | | `resource_type` | string | false | | Resource type is the name of the resource. `./coderd/rbac/object.go` has the list of valid resource types. | ## codersdk.AuthorizationRequest ```json { "checks": { "property1": { "action": "create", "object": { "organization_id": "string", "owner_id": "string", "resource_id": "string", "resource_type": "string" } }, "property2": { "action": "create", "object": { "organization_id": "string", "owner_id": "string", "resource_id": "string", "resource_type": "string" } } } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `checks` | object | false | | Checks is a map keyed with an arbitrary string to a permission check. The key can be any string that is helpful to the caller, and allows multiple permission checks to be run in a single request. The key ensures that each permission check has the same key in the response. | | » `[any property]` | [codersdk.AuthorizationCheck](#codersdkauthorizationcheck) | false | | It is used to check if the currently authenticated user (or the specified user) can do a given action to a given set of objects. | ## codersdk.AuthorizationResponse ```json { "property1": true, "property2": true } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `[any property]` | boolean | false | | | ## codersdk.AzureInstanceIdentityToken ```json { "encoding": "string", "signature": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `encoding` | string | true | | | | `signature` | string | true | | | ## codersdk.BuildInfoResponse ```json { "external_url": "string", "version": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `external_url` | string | false | | External URL references the current Coder version. For production builds, this will link directly to a release. For development builds, this will link to a commit. | | `version` | string | false | | Version returns the semantic version of the build. | ## codersdk.BuildReason ```json "initiator" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ----------- | | `initiator` | | `autostart` | | `autostop` | ## codersdk.CreateParameterRequest ```json { "copy_from_parameter": "string", "destination_scheme": "none", "name": "string", "source_scheme": "none", "source_value": "string" } ``` CreateParameterRequest is a structure used to create a new parameter value for a scope. ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `copy_from_parameter` | string | false | | Copy from parameter allows copying the value of another parameter. The other param must be related to the same template_id for this to succeed. No other fields are required if using this, as all fields will be copied from the other parameter. | | `destination_scheme` | [codersdk.ParameterDestinationScheme](#codersdkparameterdestinationscheme) | true | | | | `name` | string | true | | | | `source_scheme` | [codersdk.ParameterSourceScheme](#codersdkparametersourcescheme) | true | | | | `source_value` | string | true | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | -------------------- | ---------------------- | | `destination_scheme` | `none` | | `destination_scheme` | `environment_variable` | | `destination_scheme` | `provisioner_variable` | | `source_scheme` | `none` | | `source_scheme` | `data` | ## codersdk.CreateTemplateRequest ```json { "allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true, "default_ttl_ms": 0, "description": "string", "display_name": "string", "icon": "string", "name": "string", "parameter_values": [ { "copy_from_parameter": "string", "destination_scheme": "none", "name": "string", "source_scheme": "none", "source_value": "string" } ], "template_version_id": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs` | boolean | false | | Allow users to cancel in-progress workspace jobs. \*bool as the default value is "true". | | `default_ttl_ms` | integer | false | | Default ttl ms allows optionally specifying the default TTL for all workspaces created from this template. | | `description` | string | false | | Description is a description of what the template contains. It must be less than 128 bytes. | | `display_name` | string | false | | Display name is the displayed name of the template. | | `icon` | string | false | | Icon is a relative path or external URL that specifies an icon to be displayed in the dashboard. | | `name` | string | true | | Name is the name of the template. | | `parameter_values` | array of [codersdk.CreateParameterRequest](#codersdkcreateparameterrequest) | false | | Parameter values is a structure used to create a new parameter value for a scope.] | | `template_version_id` | string | true | | Template version ID is an in-progress or completed job to use as an initial version of the template. | | This is required on creation to enable a user-flow of validating a template works. There is no reason the data-model cannot support empty templates, but it doesn't make sense for users. | ## codersdk.CreateTestAuditLogRequest ```json { "action": "create", "resource_id": "string", "resource_type": "organization", "time": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `action` | [codersdk.AuditAction](#codersdkauditaction) | false | | | | `resource_id` | string | false | | | | `resource_type` | [codersdk.ResourceType](#codersdkresourcetype) | false | | | | `time` | string | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | --------------- | ------------------ | | `action` | `create` | | `action` | `write` | | `action` | `delete` | | `action` | `start` | | `action` | `stop` | | `resource_type` | `organization` | | `resource_type` | `template` | | `resource_type` | `template_version` | | `resource_type` | `user` | | `resource_type` | `workspace` | | `resource_type` | `workspace_build` | | `resource_type` | `git_ssh_key` | | `resource_type` | `api_key` | | `resource_type` | `group` | ## codersdk.CreateWorkspaceBuildRequest ```json { "dry_run": true, "orphan": true, "parameter_values": [ { "copy_from_parameter": "string", "destination_scheme": "none", "name": "string", "source_scheme": "none", "source_value": "string" } ], "state": [0], "template_version_id": "string", "transition": "create" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `dry_run` | boolean | false | | | | `orphan` | boolean | false | | Orphan may be set for the Destroy transition. | | `parameter_values` | array of [codersdk.CreateParameterRequest](#codersdkcreateparameterrequest) | false | | Parameter values are optional. It will write params to the 'workspace' scope. This will overwrite any existing parameters with the same name. This will not delete old params not included in this list. | | `state` | array of integer | false | | | | `template_version_id` | string | false | | | | `transition` | [codersdk.WorkspaceTransition](#codersdkworkspacetransition) | true | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | ------------ | -------- | | `transition` | `create` | | `transition` | `start` | | `transition` | `stop` | | `transition` | `delete` | ## codersdk.DERP ```json { "config": { "path": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } }, "server": { "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "region_code": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "region_id": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "region_name": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "relay_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "stun_addresses": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] } } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `config` | [codersdk.DERPConfig](#codersdkderpconfig) | false | | | | `server` | [codersdk.DERPServerConfig](#codersdkderpserverconfig) | false | | | ## codersdk.DERPConfig ```json { "path": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `path` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | ## codersdk.DERPRegion ```json { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `latency_ms` | number | false | | | | `preferred` | boolean | false | | | ## codersdk.DERPServerConfig ```json { "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "region_code": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "region_id": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "region_name": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "relay_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "stun_addresses": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `region_code` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `region_id` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-int](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-int) | false | | | | `region_name` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `relay_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `stun_addresses` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfig ```json { "access_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "address": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "agent_fallback_troubleshooting_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "agent_stat_refresh_interval": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "audit_logging": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "autobuild_poll_interval": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "browser_only": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "cache_directory": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "derp": { "config": { "path": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } }, "server": { "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "region_code": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "region_id": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "region_name": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "relay_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "stun_addresses": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] } } }, "experimental": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "gitauth": { "default": [ { "auth_url": "string", "client_id": "string", "id": "string", "no_refresh": true, "regex": "string", "scopes": ["string"], "token_url": "string", "type": "string", "validate_url": "string" } ], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": [ { "auth_url": "string", "client_id": "string", "id": "string", "no_refresh": true, "regex": "string", "scopes": ["string"], "token_url": "string", "type": "string", "validate_url": "string" } ] }, "http_address": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "in_memory_database": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "max_token_lifetime": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "metrics_cache_refresh_interval": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "oauth2": { "github": { "allow_everyone": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "allow_signups": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "allowed_orgs": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "allowed_teams": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "client_id": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_secret": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "enterprise_base_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } }, "oidc": { "allow_signups": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "client_id": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_secret": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "email_domain": { "default": 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{ "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } }, "update_check": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "wildcard_access_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | | `access_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `address` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | Address Use HTTPAddress or TLS.Address instead. | | `agent_fallback_troubleshooting_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `agent_stat_refresh_interval` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | | `audit_logging` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `autobuild_poll_interval` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | | `browser_only` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `cache_directory` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `derp` | [codersdk.DERP](#codersdkderp) | false | | | | `experimental` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `gitauth` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_codersdk_GitAuthConfig](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_codersdk_gitauthconfig) | false | | | | `http_address` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `in_memory_database` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `max_token_lifetime` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | | `metrics_cache_refresh_interval` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | | `oauth2` | [codersdk.OAuth2Config](#codersdkoauth2config) | false | | | | `oidc` | [codersdk.OIDCConfig](#codersdkoidcconfig) | false | | | | `pg_connection_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `pprof` | [codersdk.PprofConfig](#codersdkpprofconfig) | false | | | | `prometheus` | [codersdk.PrometheusConfig](#codersdkprometheusconfig) | false | | | | `provisioner` | [codersdk.ProvisionerConfig](#codersdkprovisionerconfig) | false | | | | `proxy_trusted_headers` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `proxy_trusted_origins` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `rate_limit` | [codersdk.RateLimitConfig](#codersdkratelimitconfig) | false | | | | `scim_api_key` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `secure_auth_cookie` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `ssh_keygen_algorithm` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `swagger` | [codersdk.SwaggerConfig](#codersdkswaggerconfig) | false | | | | `telemetry` | [codersdk.TelemetryConfig](#codersdktelemetryconfig) | false | | | | `tls` | [codersdk.TLSConfig](#codersdktlsconfig) | false | | | | `trace` | [codersdk.TraceConfig](#codersdktraceconfig) | false | | | | `update_check` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `wildcard_access_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_codersdk_GitAuthConfig ```json { "default": [ { "auth_url": "string", "client_id": "string", "id": "string", "no_refresh": true, "regex": "string", "scopes": ["string"], "token_url": "string", "type": "string", "validate_url": "string" } ], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": [ { "auth_url": "string", "client_id": "string", "id": "string", "no_refresh": true, "regex": "string", "scopes": ["string"], "token_url": "string", "type": "string", "validate_url": "string" } ] } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `default` | array of [codersdk.GitAuthConfig](#codersdkgitauthconfig) | false | | | | `enterprise` | boolean | false | | | | `flag` | string | false | | | | `hidden` | boolean | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | | `shorthand` | string | false | | | | `usage` | string | false | | | | `value` | array of [codersdk.GitAuthConfig](#codersdkgitauthconfig) | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string ```json { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | --------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `default` | array of string | false | | | | `enterprise` | boolean | false | | | | `flag` | string | false | | | | `hidden` | boolean | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | | `shorthand` | string | false | | | | `usage` | string | false | | | | `value` | array of string | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool ```json { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `default` | boolean | false | | | | `enterprise` | boolean | false | | | | `flag` | string | false | | | | `hidden` | boolean | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | | `shorthand` | string | false | | | | `usage` | string | false | | | | `value` | boolean | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-int ```json { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `default` | integer | false | | | | `enterprise` | boolean | false | | | | `flag` | string | false | | | | `hidden` | boolean | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | | `shorthand` | string | false | | | | `usage` | string | false | | | | `value` | integer | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string ```json { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `default` | string | false | | | | `enterprise` | boolean | false | | | | `flag` | string | false | | | | `hidden` | boolean | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | | `shorthand` | string | false | | | | `usage` | string | false | | | | `value` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration ```json { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `default` | integer | false | | | | `enterprise` | boolean | false | | | | `flag` | string | false | | | | `hidden` | boolean | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `secret` | boolean | false | | | | `shorthand` | string | false | | | | `usage` | string | false | | | | `value` | integer | false | | | ## codersdk.GetAppHostResponse ```json { "host": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------ | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `host` | string | false | | Host is the externally accessible URL for the Coder instance. | ## codersdk.GitAuthConfig ```json { "auth_url": "string", "client_id": "string", "id": "string", "no_refresh": true, "regex": "string", "scopes": ["string"], "token_url": "string", "type": "string", "validate_url": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------------- | --------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `auth_url` | string | false | | | | `client_id` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `no_refresh` | boolean | false | | | | `regex` | string | false | | | | `scopes` | array of string | false | | | | `token_url` | string | false | | | | `type` | string | false | | | | `validate_url` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.GoogleInstanceIdentityToken ```json { "json_web_token": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `json_web_token` | string | true | | | ## codersdk.Healthcheck ```json { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `interval` | integer | false | | Interval specifies the seconds between each health check. | | `threshold` | integer | false | | Threshold specifies the number of consecutive failed health checks before returning "unhealthy". | | `url` | string | false | | URL specifies the endpoint to check for the app health. | ## codersdk.LogLevel ```json "trace" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ------- | | `trace` | | `debug` | | `info` | | `warn` | | `error` | ## codersdk.LogSource ```json "provisioner_daemon" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | -------------------- | | `provisioner_daemon` | | `provisioner` | ## codersdk.OAuth2Config ```json { "github": { "allow_everyone": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "allow_signups": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "allowed_orgs": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "allowed_teams": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "client_id": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_secret": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "enterprise_base_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `github` | [codersdk.OAuth2GithubConfig](#codersdkoauth2githubconfig) | false | | | ## codersdk.OAuth2GithubConfig ```json { "allow_everyone": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "allow_signups": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "allowed_orgs": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "allowed_teams": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "client_id": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_secret": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "enterprise_base_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `allow_everyone` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `allow_signups` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `allowed_orgs` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `allowed_teams` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `client_id` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `client_secret` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `enterprise_base_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | ## codersdk.OIDCConfig ```json { "allow_signups": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "client_id": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_secret": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "email_domain": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "ignore_email_verified": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "issuer_url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "scopes": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "username_field": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `allow_signups` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `client_id` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `client_secret` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `email_domain` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `ignore_email_verified` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `issuer_url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `scopes` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `username_field` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | ## codersdk.Parameter ```json { "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "destination_scheme": "none", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "name": "string", "scope": "template", "scope_id": "5d3fe357-12dd-4f62-b004-6d1fb3b8454f", "source_scheme": "none", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ``` Parameter represents a set value for the scope. ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `destination_scheme` | [codersdk.ParameterDestinationScheme](#codersdkparameterdestinationscheme) | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `scope` | [codersdk.ParameterScope](#codersdkparameterscope) | false | | | | `scope_id` | string | false | | | | `source_scheme` | [codersdk.ParameterSourceScheme](#codersdkparametersourcescheme) | false | | | | `updated_at` | string | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | -------------------- | ---------------------- | | `destination_scheme` | `none` | | `destination_scheme` | `environment_variable` | | `destination_scheme` | `provisioner_variable` | | `scope` | `template` | | `scope` | `workspace` | | `scope` | `import_job` | | `source_scheme` | `none` | | `source_scheme` | `data` | ## codersdk.ParameterDestinationScheme ```json "none" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ---------------------- | | `none` | | `environment_variable` | | `provisioner_variable` | ## codersdk.ParameterScope ```json "template" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ------------ | | `template` | | `workspace` | | `import_job` | ## codersdk.ParameterSourceScheme ```json "none" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ------ | | `none` | | `data` | ## codersdk.PostWorkspaceAppHealthsRequest ```json { "healths": { "property1": "disabled", "property2": "disabled" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `healths` | object | false | | Healths is a map of the workspace app name and the health of the app. | | » `[any property]` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppHealth](#codersdkworkspaceapphealth) | false | | | ## codersdk.PprofConfig ```json { "address": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `address` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | ## codersdk.PrometheusConfig ```json { "address": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `address` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | ## codersdk.ProvisionerConfig ```json { "daemon_poll_interval": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "daemon_poll_jitter": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "daemons": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "force_cancel_interval": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `daemon_poll_interval` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | | `daemon_poll_jitter` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | | `daemons` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-int](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-int) | false | | | | `force_cancel_interval` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-time_Duration](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-time_duration) | false | | | ## codersdk.ProvisionerJob ```json { "canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "error": "string", "file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "status": "pending", "tags": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `canceled_at` | string | false | | | | `completed_at` | string | false | | | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `error` | string | false | | | | `file_id` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `started_at` | string | false | | | | `status` | [codersdk.ProvisionerJobStatus](#codersdkprovisionerjobstatus) | false | | | | `tags` | object | false | | | | » `[any property]` | string | false | | | | `worker_id` | string | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | -------- | ----------- | | `status` | `pending` | | `status` | `running` | | `status` | `succeeded` | | `status` | `canceling` | | `status` | `canceled` | | `status` | `failed` | ## codersdk.ProvisionerJobLog ```json { "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": 0, "log_level": "trace", "log_source": "provisioner_daemon", "output": "string", "stage": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `id` | integer | false | | | | `log_level` | [codersdk.LogLevel](#codersdkloglevel) | false | | | | `log_source` | [codersdk.LogSource](#codersdklogsource) | false | | | | `output` | string | false | | | | `stage` | string | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | ----------- | ------- | | `log_level` | `trace` | | `log_level` | `debug` | | `log_level` | `info` | | `log_level` | `warn` | | `log_level` | `error` | ## codersdk.ProvisionerJobStatus ```json "pending" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ----------- | | `pending` | | `running` | | `succeeded` | | `canceling` | | `canceled` | | `failed` | ## codersdk.PutExtendWorkspaceRequest ```json { "deadline": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `deadline` | string | true | | | ## codersdk.RateLimitConfig ```json { "api": { "default": 0, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": 0 }, "disable_all": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `api` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-int](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-int) | false | | | | `disable_all` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | ## codersdk.ResourceType ```json "organization" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ------------------ | | `organization` | | `template` | | `template_version` | | `user` | | `workspace` | | `workspace_build` | | `git_ssh_key` | | `api_key` | | `group` | ## codersdk.Response ```json { "detail": "string", "message": "string", "validations": [ { "detail": "string", "field": "string" } ] } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `detail` | string | false | | Detail is a debug message that provides further insight into why the action failed. This information can be technical and a regular golang err.Error() text. - "database: too many open connections" - "stat: too many open files" | | `message` | string | false | | Message is an actionable message that depicts actions the request took. These messages should be fully formed sentences with proper punctuation. Examples: - "A user has been created." - "Failed to create a user." | | `validations` | array of [codersdk.ValidationError](#codersdkvalidationerror) | false | | Validations are form field-specific friendly error messages. They will be shown on a form field in the UI. These can also be used to add additional context if there is a set of errors in the primary 'Message'. | ## codersdk.Role ```json { "display_name": "string", "name": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `display_name` | string | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.SwaggerConfig ```json { "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | ## codersdk.TLSConfig ```json { "address": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "cert_file": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "client_auth": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_ca_file": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_cert_file": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "client_key_file": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "key_file": { "default": ["string"], "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": ["string"] }, "min_version": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" }, "redirect_http": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `address` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `cert_file` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `client_auth` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `client_ca_file` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `client_cert_file` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `client_key_file` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `key_file` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-array_string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-array_string) | false | | | | `min_version` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | | `redirect_http` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | ## codersdk.TelemetryConfig ```json { "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "trace": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "url": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `trace` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `url` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | ## codersdk.Template ```json { "active_user_count": 0, "active_version_id": "string", "allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true, "build_time_stats": { "property1": { "p50": 123, "p95": 146 }, "property2": { "p50": 123, "p95": 146 } }, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "created_by_id": "9377d689-01fb-4abf-8450-3368d2c1924f", "created_by_name": "string", "default_ttl_ms": 0, "description": "string", "display_name": "string", "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "name": "string", "organization_id": "7c60d51f-b44e-4682-87d6-449835ea4de6", "provisioner": "terraform", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "workspace_owner_count": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------- | | `active_user_count` | integer | false | | Active user count is set to -1 when loading. | | `active_version_id` | string | false | | | | `allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs` | boolean | false | | | | `build_time_stats` | [codersdk.TemplateBuildTimeStats](#codersdktemplatebuildtimestats) | false | | | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `created_by_id` | string | false | | | | `created_by_name` | string | false | | | | `default_ttl_ms` | integer | false | | | | `description` | string | false | | | | `display_name` | string | false | | | | `icon` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `organization_id` | string | false | | | | `provisioner` | string | false | | | | `updated_at` | string | false | | | | `workspace_owner_count` | integer | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | ------------- | ----------- | | `provisioner` | `terraform` | ## codersdk.TemplateBuildTimeStats ```json { "property1": { "p50": 123, "p95": 146 }, "property2": { "p50": 123, "p95": 146 } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `[any property]` | [codersdk.TransitionStats](#codersdktransitionstats) | false | | | ## codersdk.TraceConfig ```json { "capture_logs": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "enable": { "default": true, "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": true }, "honeycomb_api_key": { "default": "string", "enterprise": true, "flag": "string", "hidden": true, "name": "string", "secret": true, "shorthand": "string", "usage": "string", "value": "string" } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `capture_logs` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `enable` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-bool](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-bool) | false | | | | `honeycomb_api_key` | [codersdk.DeploymentConfigField-string](#codersdkdeploymentconfigfield-string) | false | | | ## codersdk.TransitionStats ```json { "p50": 123, "p95": 146 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `p50` | integer | false | | | | `p95` | integer | false | | | ## codersdk.UpdateCheckResponse ```json { "current": true, "url": "string", "version": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `current` | boolean | false | | Current indicates whether the server version is the same as the latest. | | `url` | string | false | | URL to download the latest release of Coder. | | `version` | string | false | | Version is the semantic version for the latest release of Coder. | ## codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceAutostartRequest ```json { "schedule": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `schedule` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceRequest ```json { "name": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------ | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `name` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceTTLRequest ```json { "ttl_ms": 0 } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `ttl_ms` | integer | false | | | ## codersdk.UploadResponse ```json { "hash": "19686d84-b10d-4f90-b18e-84fd3fa038fd" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------ | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `hash` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.User ```json { "avatar_url": "string", "created_at": "string", "email": "string", "id": "string", "last_seen_at": "string", "organization_ids": ["string"], "roles": [ { "display_name": "string", "name": "string" } ], "status": "active", "username": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `avatar_url` | string | false | | | | `created_at` | string | true | | | | `email` | string | true | | | | `id` | string | true | | | | `last_seen_at` | string | false | | | | `organization_ids` | array of string | false | | | | `roles` | array of [codersdk.Role](#codersdkrole) | false | | | | `status` | [codersdk.UserStatus](#codersdkuserstatus) | false | | | | `username` | string | true | | | ## codersdk.UserStatus ```json "active" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ----------- | | `active` | | `suspended` | ## codersdk.ValidationError ```json { "detail": "string", "field": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `detail` | string | true | | | | `field` | string | true | | | ## codersdk.Workspace ```json { "autostart_schedule": "string", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "last_used_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latest_build": { "build_number": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "deadline": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "initiator_id": "06588898-9a84-4b35-ba8f-f9cbd64946f3", "initiator_name": "string", "job": { "canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "error": "string", "file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "status": "pending", "tags": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b" }, "reason": "initiator", "resources": [ { "agents": [ { "apps": [ { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" }, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ], "architecture": "string", "connection_timeout_seconds": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "directory": "string", "disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "environment_variables": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "instance_id": "string", "last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latency": { "property1": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true }, "property2": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true } }, "name": "string", "operating_system": "string", "resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f", "startup_script": "string", "status": "connecting", "troubleshooting_url": "string", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "version": "string" } ], "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "hide": true, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "job_id": "453bd7d7-5355-4d6d-a38e-d9e7eb218c3f", "metadata": [ { "key": "string", "sensitive": true, "value": "string" } ], "name": "string", "type": "string", "workspace_transition": "start" } ], "status": "pending", "template_version_id": "0ba39c92-1f1b-4c32-aa3e-9925d7713eb1", "template_version_name": "string", "transition": "start", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "workspace_id": "0967198e-ec7b-4c6b-b4d3-f71244cadbe9", "workspace_name": "string", "workspace_owner_id": "e7078695-5279-4c86-8774-3ac2367a2fc7", "workspace_owner_name": "string" }, "name": "string", "outdated": true, "owner_id": "8826ee2e-7933-4665-aef2-2393f84a0d05", "owner_name": "string", "template_allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true, "template_display_name": "string", "template_icon": "string", "template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc", "template_name": "string", "ttl_ms": 0, "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `autostart_schedule` | string | false | | | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `last_used_at` | string | false | | | | `latest_build` | [codersdk.WorkspaceBuild](#codersdkworkspacebuild) | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `outdated` | boolean | false | | | | `owner_id` | string | false | | | | `owner_name` | string | false | | | | `template_allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs` | boolean | false | | | | `template_display_name` | string | false | | | | `template_icon` | string | false | | | | `template_id` | string | false | | | | `template_name` | string | false | | | | `ttl_ms` | integer | false | | | | `updated_at` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAgent ```json { "apps": [ { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" }, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ], "architecture": "string", "connection_timeout_seconds": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "directory": "string", "disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "environment_variables": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "instance_id": "string", "last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latency": { "property1": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true }, "property2": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true } }, "name": "string", "operating_system": "string", "resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f", "startup_script": "string", "status": "connecting", "troubleshooting_url": "string", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "version": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `apps` | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceApp](#codersdkworkspaceapp) | false | | | | `architecture` | string | false | | | | `connection_timeout_seconds` | integer | false | | | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `directory` | string | false | | | | `disconnected_at` | string | false | | | | `environment_variables` | object | false | | | | » `[any property]` | string | false | | | | `first_connected_at` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `instance_id` | string | false | | | | `last_connected_at` | string | false | | | | `latency` | object | false | | Latency is mapped by region name (e.g. "New York City", "Seattle"). | | » `[any property]` | [codersdk.DERPRegion](#codersdkderpregion) | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `operating_system` | string | false | | | | `resource_id` | string | false | | | | `startup_script` | string | false | | | | `status` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAgentStatus](#codersdkworkspaceagentstatus) | false | | | | `troubleshooting_url` | string | false | | | | `updated_at` | string | false | | | | `version` | string | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | -------- | -------------- | | `status` | `connecting` | | `status` | `connected` | | `status` | `disconnected` | | `status` | `timeout` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAgentAuthenticateResponse ```json { "session_token": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `session_token` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAgentGitAuthResponse ```json { "password": "string", "url": "string", "username": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `password` | string | false | | | | `url` | string | false | | | | `username` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAgentMetadata ```json { "apps": [ { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" }, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ], "derpmap": { "omitDefaultRegions": true, "regions": { "property1": { "avoid": true, "embeddedRelay": true, "nodes": [ { "certName": "string", "derpport": 0, "forceHTTP": true, "hostName": "string", "insecureForTests": true, "ipv4": "string", "ipv6": "string", "name": "string", "regionID": 0, "stunonly": true, "stunport": 0, "stuntestIP": "string" } ], "regionCode": "string", "regionID": 0, "regionName": "string" }, "property2": { "avoid": true, "embeddedRelay": true, "nodes": [ { "certName": "string", "derpport": 0, "forceHTTP": true, "hostName": "string", "insecureForTests": true, "ipv4": "string", "ipv6": "string", "name": "string", "regionID": 0, "stunonly": true, "stunport": 0, "stuntestIP": "string" } ], "regionCode": "string", "regionID": 0, "regionName": "string" } } }, "directory": "string", "environment_variables": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "git_auth_configs": 0, "motd_file": "string", "startup_script": "string", "vscode_port_proxy_uri": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `apps` | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceApp](#codersdkworkspaceapp) | false | | | | `derpmap` | [tailcfg.DERPMap](#tailcfgderpmap) | false | | | | `directory` | string | false | | | | `environment_variables` | object | false | | | | » `[any property]` | string | false | | | | `git_auth_configs` | integer | false | | Git auth configs stores the number of Git configurations the Coder deployment has. If this number is >0, we set up special configuration in the workspace. | | `motd_file` | string | false | | | | `startup_script` | string | false | | | | `vscode_port_proxy_uri` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAgentStatus ```json "connecting" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | -------------- | | `connecting` | | `connected` | | `disconnected` | | `timeout` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceApp ```json { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" }, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `command` | string | false | | | | `display_name` | string | false | | Display name is a friendly name for the app. | | `external` | boolean | false | | External specifies whether the URL should be opened externally on the client or not. | | `health` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppHealth](#codersdkworkspaceapphealth) | false | | | | `healthcheck` | [codersdk.Healthcheck](#codersdkhealthcheck) | false | | Healthcheck specifies the configuration for checking app health. | | `icon` | string | false | | Icon is a relative path or external URL that specifies an icon to be displayed in the dashboard. | | `id` | string | false | | | | `sharing_level` | [codersdk.WorkspaceAppSharingLevel](#codersdkworkspaceappsharinglevel) | false | | | | `slug` | string | false | | Slug is a unique identifier within the agent. | | `subdomain` | boolean | false | | Subdomain denotes whether the app should be accessed via a path on the `coder server` or via a hostname-based dev URL. If this is set to true and there is no app wildcard configured on the server, the app will not be accessible in the UI. | | `url` | string | false | | URL is the address being proxied to inside the workspace. If external is specified, this will be opened on the client. | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | --------------- | --------------- | | `sharing_level` | `owner` | | `sharing_level` | `authenticated` | | `sharing_level` | `public` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAppHealth ```json "disabled" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | -------------- | | `disabled` | | `initializing` | | `healthy` | | `unhealthy` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceAppSharingLevel ```json "owner" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | --------------- | | `owner` | | `authenticated` | | `public` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceBuild ```json { "build_number": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "deadline": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "initiator_id": "06588898-9a84-4b35-ba8f-f9cbd64946f3", "initiator_name": "string", "job": { "canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "error": "string", "file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "status": "pending", "tags": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b" }, "reason": "initiator", "resources": [ { "agents": [ { "apps": [ { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" }, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ], "architecture": "string", "connection_timeout_seconds": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "directory": "string", "disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "environment_variables": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "instance_id": "string", "last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latency": { "property1": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true }, "property2": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true } }, "name": "string", "operating_system": "string", "resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f", "startup_script": "string", "status": "connecting", "troubleshooting_url": "string", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "version": "string" } ], "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "hide": true, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "job_id": "453bd7d7-5355-4d6d-a38e-d9e7eb218c3f", "metadata": [ { "key": "string", "sensitive": true, "value": "string" } ], "name": "string", "type": "string", "workspace_transition": "start" } ], "status": "pending", "template_version_id": "0ba39c92-1f1b-4c32-aa3e-9925d7713eb1", "template_version_name": "string", "transition": "start", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "workspace_id": "0967198e-ec7b-4c6b-b4d3-f71244cadbe9", "workspace_name": "string", "workspace_owner_id": "e7078695-5279-4c86-8774-3ac2367a2fc7", "workspace_owner_name": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `build_number` | integer | false | | | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `daily_cost` | integer | false | | | | `deadline` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `initiator_id` | string | false | | | | `initiator_name` | string | false | | | | `job` | [codersdk.ProvisionerJob](#codersdkprovisionerjob) | false | | | | `reason` | [codersdk.BuildReason](#codersdkbuildreason) | false | | | | `resources` | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceResource](#codersdkworkspaceresource) | false | | | | `status` | [codersdk.WorkspaceStatus](#codersdkworkspacestatus) | false | | | | `template_version_id` | string | false | | | | `template_version_name` | string | false | | | | `transition` | [codersdk.WorkspaceTransition](#codersdkworkspacetransition) | false | | | | `updated_at` | string | false | | | | `workspace_id` | string | false | | | | `workspace_name` | string | false | | | | `workspace_owner_id` | string | false | | | | `workspace_owner_name` | string | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | ------------ | ----------- | | `reason` | `initiator` | | `reason` | `autostart` | | `reason` | `autostop` | | `status` | `pending` | | `status` | `starting` | | `status` | `running` | | `status` | `stopping` | | `status` | `stopped` | | `status` | `failed` | | `status` | `canceling` | | `status` | `canceled` | | `status` | `deleting` | | `status` | `deleted` | | `transition` | `start` | | `transition` | `stop` | | `transition` | `delete` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceResource ```json { "agents": [ { "apps": [ { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": { "interval": 0, "threshold": 0, "url": "string" }, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ], "architecture": "string", "connection_timeout_seconds": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "directory": "string", "disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "environment_variables": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "instance_id": "string", "last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latency": { "property1": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true }, "property2": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true } }, "name": "string", "operating_system": "string", "resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f", "startup_script": "string", "status": "connecting", "troubleshooting_url": "string", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "version": "string" } ], "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "hide": true, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "job_id": "453bd7d7-5355-4d6d-a38e-d9e7eb218c3f", "metadata": [ { "key": "string", "sensitive": true, "value": "string" } ], "name": "string", "type": "string", "workspace_transition": "start" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `agents` | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceAgent](#codersdkworkspaceagent) | false | | | | `created_at` | string | false | | | | `daily_cost` | integer | false | | | | `hide` | boolean | false | | | | `icon` | string | false | | | | `id` | string | false | | | | `job_id` | string | false | | | | `metadata` | array of [codersdk.WorkspaceResourceMetadata](#codersdkworkspaceresourcemetadata) | false | | | | `name` | string | false | | | | `type` | string | false | | | | `workspace_transition` | [codersdk.WorkspaceTransition](#codersdkworkspacetransition) | false | | | #### Enumerated Values | Property | Value | | ---------------------- | -------- | | `workspace_transition` | `start` | | `workspace_transition` | `stop` | | `workspace_transition` | `delete` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceResourceMetadata ```json { "key": "string", "sensitive": true, "value": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `key` | string | false | | | | `sensitive` | boolean | false | | | | `value` | string | false | | | ## codersdk.WorkspaceStatus ```json "pending" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | ----------- | | `pending` | | `starting` | | `running` | | `stopping` | | `stopped` | | `failed` | | `canceling` | | `canceled` | | `deleting` | | `deleted` | ## codersdk.WorkspaceTransition ```json "start" ``` ### Properties #### Enumerated Values | Value | | -------- | | `start` | | `stop` | | `delete` | ## codersdk.WorkspacesResponse ```json { "count": 0, "workspaces": [ { "autostart_schedule": "string", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "last_used_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latest_build": { "build_number": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "deadline": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "initiator_id": "06588898-9a84-4b35-ba8f-f9cbd64946f3", "initiator_name": "string", "job": { "canceled_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "completed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "error": "string", "file_id": "8a0cfb4f-ddc9-436d-91bb-75133c583767", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "started_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "status": "pending", "tags": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "worker_id": "ae5fa6f7-c55b-40c1-b40a-b36ac467652b" }, "reason": "initiator", "resources": [ { "agents": [ { "apps": [ { "command": "string", "display_name": "string", "external": true, "health": "disabled", "healthcheck": {}, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "sharing_level": "owner", "slug": "string", "subdomain": true, "url": "string" } ], "architecture": "string", "connection_timeout_seconds": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "directory": "string", "disconnected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "environment_variables": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "first_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "instance_id": "string", "last_connected_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "latency": { "property1": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true }, "property2": { "latency_ms": 0, "preferred": true } }, "name": "string", "operating_system": "string", "resource_id": "4d5215ed-38bb-48ed-879a-fdb9ca58522f", "startup_script": "string", "status": "connecting", "troubleshooting_url": "string", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "version": "string" } ], "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "daily_cost": 0, "hide": true, "icon": "string", "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "job_id": "453bd7d7-5355-4d6d-a38e-d9e7eb218c3f", "metadata": [ { "key": "string", "sensitive": true, "value": "string" } ], "name": "string", "type": "string", "workspace_transition": "start" } ], "status": "pending", "template_version_id": "0ba39c92-1f1b-4c32-aa3e-9925d7713eb1", "template_version_name": "string", "transition": "start", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "workspace_id": "0967198e-ec7b-4c6b-b4d3-f71244cadbe9", "workspace_name": "string", "workspace_owner_id": "e7078695-5279-4c86-8774-3ac2367a2fc7", "workspace_owner_name": "string" }, "name": "string", "outdated": true, "owner_id": "8826ee2e-7933-4665-aef2-2393f84a0d05", "owner_name": "string", "template_allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs": true, "template_display_name": "string", "template_icon": "string", "template_id": "c6d67e98-83ea-49f0-8812-e4abae2b68bc", "template_name": "string", "ttl_ms": 0, "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------- | | `count` | integer | false | | | | `workspaces` | array of [codersdk.Workspace](#codersdkworkspace) | false | | | ## tailcfg.DERPMap ```json { "omitDefaultRegions": true, "regions": { "property1": { "avoid": true, "embeddedRelay": true, "nodes": [ { "certName": "string", "derpport": 0, "forceHTTP": true, "hostName": "string", "insecureForTests": true, "ipv4": "string", "ipv6": "string", "name": "string", "regionID": 0, "stunonly": true, "stunport": 0, "stuntestIP": "string" } ], "regionCode": "string", "regionID": 0, "regionName": "string" }, "property2": { "avoid": true, "embeddedRelay": true, "nodes": [ { "certName": "string", "derpport": 0, "forceHTTP": true, "hostName": "string", "insecureForTests": true, "ipv4": "string", "ipv6": "string", "name": "string", "regionID": 0, "stunonly": true, "stunport": 0, "stuntestIP": "string" } ], "regionCode": "string", "regionID": 0, "regionName": "string" } } } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `omitDefaultRegions` | boolean | false | | Omitdefaultregions specifies to not use Tailscale's DERP servers, and only use those specified in this DERPMap. If there are none set outside of the defaults, this is a noop. | | `regions` | object | false | | Regions is the set of geographic regions running DERP node(s). | It's keyed by the DERPRegion.RegionID. The numbers are not necessarily contiguous.| |» `[any property]`|[tailcfg.DERPRegion](#tailcfgderpregion)|false||| ## tailcfg.DERPNode ```json { "certName": "string", "derpport": 0, "forceHTTP": true, "hostName": "string", "insecureForTests": true, "ipv4": "string", "ipv6": "string", "name": "string", "regionID": 0, "stunonly": true, "stunport": 0, "stuntestIP": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `certName` | string | false | | Certname optionally specifies the expected TLS cert common name. If empty, HostName is used. If CertName is non-empty, HostName is only used for the TCP dial (if IPv4/IPv6 are not present) + TLS ClientHello. | | `derpport` | integer | false | | Derpport optionally provides an alternate TLS port number for the DERP HTTPS server. | | If zero, 443 is used. | | `forceHTTP` | boolean | false | | Forcehttp is used by unit tests to force HTTP. It should not be set by users. | | `hostName` | string | false | | Hostname is the DERP node's hostname. | | It is required but need not be unique; multiple nodes may have the same HostName but vary in configuration otherwise. | | `insecureForTests` | boolean | false | | Insecurefortests is used by unit tests to disable TLS verification. It should not be set by users. | | `ipv4` | string | false | | Ipv4 optionally forces an IPv4 address to use, instead of using DNS. If empty, A record(s) from DNS lookups of HostName are used. If the string is not an IPv4 address, IPv4 is not used; the conventional string to disable IPv4 (and not use DNS) is "none". | | `ipv6` | string | false | | Ipv6 optionally forces an IPv6 address to use, instead of using DNS. If empty, AAAA record(s) from DNS lookups of HostName are used. If the string is not an IPv6 address, IPv6 is not used; the conventional string to disable IPv6 (and not use DNS) is "none". | | `name` | string | false | | Name is a unique node name (across all regions). It is not a host name. It's typically of the form "1b", "2a", "3b", etc. (region ID + suffix within that region) | | `regionID` | integer | false | | Regionid is the RegionID of the DERPRegion that this node is running in. | | `stunonly` | boolean | false | | Stunonly marks a node as only a STUN server and not a DERP server. | | `stunport` | integer | false | | Port optionally specifies a STUN port to use. Zero means 3478. To disable STUN on this node, use -1. | | `stuntestIP` | string | false | | Stuntestip is used in tests to override the STUN server's IP. If empty, it's assumed to be the same as the DERP server. | ## tailcfg.DERPRegion ```json { "avoid": true, "embeddedRelay": true, "nodes": [ { "certName": "string", "derpport": 0, "forceHTTP": true, "hostName": "string", "insecureForTests": true, "ipv4": "string", "ipv6": "string", "name": "string", "regionID": 0, "stunonly": true, "stunport": 0, "stuntestIP": "string" } ], "regionCode": "string", "regionID": 0, "regionName": "string" } ``` ### Properties | Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `avoid` | boolean | false | | Avoid is whether the client should avoid picking this as its home region. The region should only be used if a peer is there. Clients already using this region as their home should migrate away to a new region without Avoid set. | | `embeddedRelay` | boolean | false | | Embeddedrelay is true when the region is bundled with the Coder control plane. | | `nodes` | array of [tailcfg.DERPNode](#tailcfgderpnode) | false | | Nodes are the DERP nodes running in this region, in priority order for the current client. Client TLS connections should ideally only go to the first entry (falling back to the second if necessary). STUN packets should go to the first 1 or 2. | | If nodes within a region route packets amongst themselves, but not to other regions. That said, each user/domain should get a the same preferred node order, so if all nodes for a user/network pick the first one (as they should, when things are healthy), the inter-cluster routing is minimal to zero. | | `regionCode` | string | false | | Regioncode is a short name for the region. It's usually a popular city or airport code in the region: "nyc", "sf", "sin", "fra", etc. | | `regionID` | integer | false | | Regionid is a unique integer for a geographic region. | It corresponds to the legacy derpN.tailscale.com hostnames used by older clients. (Older clients will continue to resolve derpN.tailscale.com when contacting peers, rather than use the server-provided DERPMap) RegionIDs must be non-zero, positive, and guaranteed to fit in a JavaScript number. RegionIDs in range 900-999 are reserved for end users to run their own DERP nodes.| |`regionName`|string|false||Regionname is a long English name for the region: "New York City", "San Francisco", "Singapore", "Frankfurt", etc.|