# Code generated by Makefile (.gitignore .prettierignore.include). DO NOT EDIT. # .gitignore: # Common ignore patterns, these rules applies in both root and subdirectories. .DS_Store .eslintcache .gitpod.yml .idea **/*.swp gotests.coverage gotests.xml gotestsum.json node_modules/ vendor/ yarn-error.log # VSCode settings. **/.vscode/* # Allow VSCode recommendations and default settings in project root. !../.vscode/extensions.json !../.vscode/settings.json # Front-end ignore patterns. .next/ **/*.typegen.ts build-storybook.log coverage/ storybook-static/ test-results/* e2e/test-results/* e2e/states/*.json playwright-report/* # Make target for updating golden files. ../cli/testdata/.gen-golden ../helm/tests/testdata/.gen-golden # Build ../build/ ../dist/ out/ # Bundle analysis stats/ *.tfstate *.tfstate.backup *.tfplan *.lock.hcl .terraform/ ../.coderv2/* **/__debug_bin # direnv .envrc # .prettierignore.include: # Helm templates contain variables that are invalid YAML and can't be formatted # by Prettier. ../helm/templates/*.yaml # Terraform state files used in tests, these are automatically generated. # Example: provisioner/terraform/testdata/instance-id/instance-id.tfstate.json **/testdata/**/*.tf*.json # Testdata shouldn't be formatted. ../scripts/apitypings/testdata/**/*.ts