name: Submit Packages on: release: types: [published] env: CODER_VERSION: "${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}" jobs: winget: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Install wingetcreate run: | Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile wingetcreate.exe # the package version is the same as the release tag without the leading # "v", and with a trailing ".0" (e.g. "v1.2.3" -> "") - name: Calculate package version id: version run: | $version = $env:CODER_VERSION -replace "^v", "" $version += ".0" echo "::set-output name=version::$version" - name: Submit updated manifest to winget-pkgs run: | $release_assets = gh release view --repo coder/coder "$env:CODER_VERSION" --json assets | ` ConvertFrom-Json $installer_url = $release_assets.assets | ` Where-Object name -Match ".*_windows_amd64_installer.exe$" | ` Select -ExpandProperty url echo "Installer URL: $installer_url" # version should be extracted from the installer wingetcreate update Coder.Coder ` --submit ` --version "${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}" ` --urls "$installer_url" ` --token "${{ secrets.CDRCI_GITHUB_TOKEN }}" - name: Comment on PR run: | # find the PR that wingetcreate just made $pr_list = gh pr list --repo microsoft/winget-pkgs --search "author:cdrci Coder.Coder version ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}" --limit 1 --json number | ` ConvertFrom-Json` $pr_number = $pr_list[0].number gh pr comment --repo microsoft/winget-pkgs "$pr_number" --body "🤖 cc: @deansheather"