# See https://golangci-lint.run/usage/configuration/ # Over time we should try tightening some of these. linters-settings: gocognit: min-complexity: 46 # Min code complexity (def 30). goconst: min-len: 4 # Min length of string consts (def 3). min-occurrences: 3 # Min number of const occurrences (def 3). gocritic: enabled-checks: # - appendAssign # - appendCombine - argOrder # - assignOp # - badCall - badCond - badLock - badRegexp - boolExprSimplify # - builtinShadow - builtinShadowDecl - captLocal - caseOrder - codegenComment # - commentedOutCode - commentedOutImport - commentFormatting - defaultCaseOrder - deferUnlambda # - deprecatedComment # - docStub - dupArg - dupBranchBody - dupCase - dupImport - dupSubExpr # - elseif - emptyFallthrough # - emptyStringTest # - equalFold # - evalOrder # - exitAfterDefer # - exposedSyncMutex # - filepathJoin - flagDeref - flagName - hexLiteral # - httpNoBody # - hugeParam # - ifElseChain # - importShadow - indexAlloc - initClause - mapKey - methodExprCall # - nestingReduce - newDeref - nilValReturn # - octalLiteral - offBy1 # - paramTypeCombine # - preferStringWriter # - preferWriteByte # - ptrToRefParam # - rangeExprCopy # - rangeValCopy - regexpMust - regexpPattern # - regexpSimplify - ruleguard - singleCaseSwitch - sloppyLen # - sloppyReassign - sloppyTypeAssert - sortSlice - sprintfQuotedString - sqlQuery # - stringConcatSimplify # - stringXbytes # - suspiciousSorting - switchTrue - truncateCmp - typeAssertChain # - typeDefFirst - typeSwitchVar # - typeUnparen - underef # - unlabelStmt # - unlambda # - unnamedResult # - unnecessaryBlock # - unnecessaryDefer # - unslice - valSwap - weakCond # - whyNoLint # - wrapperFunc # - yodaStyleExpr settings: ruleguard: failOn: all rules: "${configDir}/scripts/rules.go" staticcheck: # https://staticcheck.io/docs/options#checks # We disable SA1019 because it gets angry about our usage of xerrors. We # intentionally xerrors because stack frame support didn't make it into the # stdlib port. checks: ["all", "-SA1019"] goimports: local-prefixes: coder.com,cdr.dev,go.coder.com,github.com/cdr,github.com/coder gocyclo: min-complexity: 50 importas: no-unaliased: true misspell: locale: US ignore-words: - trialer nestif: min-complexity: 4 # Min complexity of if statements (def 5, goal 4) revive: # see https://github.com/mgechev/revive#available-rules for details. ignore-generated-header: true severity: warning rules: - name: atomic - name: bare-return - name: blank-imports - name: bool-literal-in-expr - name: call-to-gc - name: confusing-naming - name: confusing-results - name: constant-logical-expr - name: context-as-argument - name: context-keys-type - name: deep-exit - name: defer - name: dot-imports - name: duplicated-imports - name: early-return - name: empty-block - name: empty-lines - name: error-naming - name: error-return - name: error-strings - name: errorf - name: exported - name: flag-parameter - name: get-return - name: identical-branches - name: if-return - name: import-shadowing - name: increment-decrement - name: indent-error-flow # - name: modifies-parameter - name: modifies-value-receiver - name: package-comments - name: range - name: range-val-address - name: range-val-in-closure - name: receiver-naming - name: redefines-builtin-id - name: string-of-int - name: struct-tag - name: superfluous-else - name: time-naming - name: unconditional-recursion - name: unexported-naming - name: unexported-return - name: unhandled-error - name: unnecessary-stmt - name: unreachable-code - name: unused-parameter - name: unused-receiver - name: var-declaration - name: var-naming - name: waitgroup-by-value issues: # Rules listed here: https://github.com/securego/gosec#available-rules exclude-rules: - path: _test\.go linters: # We use assertions rather than explicitly checking errors in tests - errcheck - forcetypeassert fix: true max-issues-per-linter: 0 max-same-issues: 0 run: concurrency: 4 skip-dirs: - node_modules skip-files: - scripts/rules.go timeout: 5m # Over time, add more and more linters from # https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/ as the code improves. linters: disable-all: true enable: - asciicheck - bidichk - bodyclose - dogsled - errcheck - errname - errorlint - exportloopref - forcetypeassert - gocritic - gocyclo - goimports - gomodguard - gosec - gosimple - govet - importas - ineffassign - makezero - misspell - nilnil - noctx - paralleltest - revive # These don't work until the following issue is solved. # https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/issues/2649 # - rowserrcheck # - sqlclosecheck # - structcheck # - wastedassign - staticcheck - tenv # In Go, it's possible for a package to test it's internal functionality # without testing any exported functions. This is enabled to promote # decomposing a package before testing it's internals. A function caller # should be able to test most of the functionality from exported functions. # # There are edge-cases to this rule, but they should be carefully considered # to avoid structural inconsistency. - testpackage - tparallel - typecheck - unconvert - unused