name: Stale Issue Cron on: schedule: # Every day at midnight - cron: "0 0 * * *" workflow_dispatch: jobs: stale: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: issues: write pull-requests: write steps: # v5.1.0 has a weird bug that makes stalebot add then remove its own label # - uses: actions/stale@v6.0.0 with: stale-issue-label: "stale" stale-pr-label: "stale" # Pull Requests become stale more quickly due to merge conflicts. # Also, we promote minimizing WIP. days-before-pr-stale: 7 days-before-pr-close: 3 stale-pr-message: > This Pull Request is becoming stale. In order to minimize WIP, prevent merge conflicts and keep the tracker readable, I'm going close to this PR in 3 days if there isn't more activity. stale-issue-message: > This issue is becoming stale. In order to keep the tracker readable and actionable, I'm going close to this issue in 7 days if there isn't more activity. # Upped from 30 since we have a big tracker and was hitting the limit. operations-per-run: 60 # Start with the oldest issues, always. ascending: true