############################################################################### # NOTICE # # If you change this file, kindly copy-pasta your change into .prettierignore # # and .eslintignore as well. See the following discussions to understand why # # we have to resort to this duplication (at least for now): # # # # https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/8048 # # https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/8506 # # https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/8679 # ############################################################################### node_modules vendor .eslintcache yarn-error.log gotests.coverage .idea .DS_Store # Front-end ignore .next/ site/.eslintcache site/.next/ site/node_modules/ site/storybook-static/ site/test-results/ site/yarn-error.log coverage/ site/**/*.typegen.ts site/build-storybook.log # Build build/ dist/ site/out/ *.tfstate *.tfstate.backup *.tfplan *.lock.hcl .terraform/ .vscode/*.log **/*.swp .coderv2/* **/__debug_bin