package workspacetraffic_test import ( "context" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" dto "" "" "" ) func TestRun(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // We need to stand up an in-memory coderd and run a fake workspace. var ( client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true}) firstUser = coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client) authToken = uuid.NewString() agentName = "agent" version = coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{ Parse: echo.ParseComplete, ProvisionPlan: echo.ProvisionComplete, ProvisionApply: []*proto.Provision_Response{{ Type: &proto.Provision_Response_Complete{ Complete: &proto.Provision_Complete{ Resources: []*proto.Resource{{ Name: "example", Type: "aws_instance", Agents: []*proto.Agent{{ // Agent ID gets generated no matter what we say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Name: agentName, Auth: &proto.Agent_Token{ Token: authToken, }, Apps: []*proto.App{}, }}, }}, }, }, }}, }) template = coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, version.ID) _ = coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJob(t, client, version.ID) // In order to be picked up as a scaletest workspace, the workspace must be named specifically ws = coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, template.ID, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) { cwr.Name = "scaletest-test" }) _ = coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJob(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID) ) // We also need a running agent to run this test. agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL) agentClient.SetSessionToken(authToken) agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{ Client: agentClient, }) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) t.Cleanup(cancel) t.Cleanup(func() { _ = agentCloser.Close() }) // We actually need to know the full user and not just the UserID / OrgID user, err := client.User(ctx, firstUser.UserID.String()) require.NoError(t, err, "get first user") // Make sure the agent is connected before we go any further. resources := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, ws.ID) var agentID uuid.UUID for _, res := range resources { for _, agt := range res.Agents { agentID = agt.ID } } require.NotEqual(t, uuid.Nil, agentID, "did not expect agentID to be nil") // Now we can start the runner. var ( bytesPerTick = 1024 tickInterval = 1000 * time.Millisecond cancelAfter = 1500 * time.Millisecond fudgeWrite = 12 // The ReconnectingPTY payload incurs some overhead ) reg := prometheus.NewRegistry() metrics := workspacetraffic.NewMetrics(reg, "username", "workspace_name", "agent_name") runner := workspacetraffic.NewRunner(client, workspacetraffic.Config{ AgentID: agentID, AgentName: agentName, WorkspaceName: ws.Name, WorkspaceOwner: ws.OwnerName, BytesPerTick: int64(bytesPerTick), TickInterval: tickInterval, Duration: testutil.WaitLong, Registry: reg, }, metrics) var logs strings.Builder // Stop the test after one 'tick'. This will cause an EOF. go func() { <-time.After(cancelAfter) cancel() }() require.NoError(t, runner.Run(ctx, "", &logs), "unexpected error calling Run()") // We want to ensure the metrics are somewhat accurate. lvs := []string{user.Username, ws.Name, agentName} assert.InDelta(t, bytesPerTick+fudgeWrite, toFloat64(t, metrics.BytesWrittenTotal.WithLabelValues(lvs...)), 0.1) // Read is highly variable, depending on how far we read before stopping. // Just ensure it's not zero. assert.NotZero(t, bytesPerTick, toFloat64(t, metrics.BytesReadTotal.WithLabelValues(lvs...))) // Latency should report non-zero values. assert.NotZero(t, toFloat64(t, metrics.ReadLatencySeconds)) assert.NotZero(t, toFloat64(t, metrics.WriteLatencySeconds)) // Should not report any errors! assert.Zero(t, toFloat64(t, metrics.ReadErrorsTotal.WithLabelValues(lvs...))) assert.Zero(t, toFloat64(t, metrics.ReadErrorsTotal.WithLabelValues(lvs...))) } // toFloat64 version of Prometheus' testutil.ToFloat64 that integrates with // and handles histograms (somewhat) func toFloat64(t testing.TB, c prometheus.Collector) float64 { var ( m prometheus.Metric mCount int mChan = make(chan prometheus.Metric) done = make(chan struct{}) ) go func() { for m = range mChan { mCount++ } close(done) }() c.Collect(mChan) close(mChan) <-done require.Equal(t, 1, mCount, "expected exactly 1 metric but got %d", mCount) pb := &dto.Metric{} require.NoError(t, m.Write(pb), "unexpected error collecting metrics") if pb.Gauge != nil { return pb.Gauge.GetValue() } if pb.Counter != nil { return pb.Counter.GetValue() } if pb.Untyped != nil { return pb.Untyped.GetValue() } if pb.Histogram != nil { // If no samples, just return zero. if pb.Histogram.GetSampleCount() == 0 { return 0 } // Average is sufficient for testing purposes. return pb.Histogram.GetSampleSum() / pb.Histogram.GetSampleCountFloat() } require.Fail(t, "collected a non-gauge/counter/untyped/histogram metric: %s", pb) return 0 }