variable "project_id" { description = "The project in which to provision resources" } variable "name" { description = "Adds a prefix to resources." } variable "region" { description = "GCP region in which to provision resources." default = "us-east1" } variable "zone" { description = "GCP zone in which to provision resources." default = "us-east1-c" } variable "k8s_version" { description = "Kubernetes vversion to provision." default = "1.24" } variable "node_disk_size_gb" { description = "Size of the root disk for cluster nodes." default = 100 } variable "node_image_type" { description = "Image type to use for cluster nodes." default = "cos_containerd" } // Preemptible nodes are way cheaper, but can be pulled out // from under you at any time. Caveat emptor. variable "node_preemptible" { description = "Use preemptible nodes." default = false } // We create three nodepools: // - One for the Coder control plane // - One for workspaces // - One for everything else (for example, load generation) // These variables control the node pool dedicated to Coder. variable "nodepool_machine_type_coder" { description = "Machine type to use for Coder control plane nodepool." default = "t2d-standard-4" } variable "nodepool_size_coder" { description = "Number of cluster nodes for the Coder control plane nodepool." default = 1 } // These variables control the node pool dedicated to workspaces. variable "nodepool_machine_type_workspaces" { description = "Machine type to use for the workspaces nodepool." default = "t2d-standard-4" } variable "nodepool_size_workspaces" { description = "Number of cluster nodes for the workspaces nodepool." default = 1 } // These variables control the node pool for everything else. variable "nodepool_machine_type_misc" { description = "Machine type to use for the misc nodepool." default = "t2d-standard-4" } variable "nodepool_size_misc" { description = "Number of cluster nodes for the misc nodepool." default = 1 } // These variables control the size of the database to be used by Coder. variable "cloudsql_version" { description = "CloudSQL version to provision" default = "POSTGRES_14" } variable "cloudsql_tier" { description = "CloudSQL database tier." default = "db-f1-micro" } variable "cloudsql_max_connections" { description = "CloudSQL database max_connections" default = 500 } // These variables control the Coder deployment. variable "coder_replicas" { description = "Number of Coder replicas to provision" default = 1 } variable "coder_cpu" { description = "CPU to allocate to Coder" default = "1000m" } variable "coder_mem" { description = "Memory to allocate to Coder" default = "1024Mi" } variable "coder_chart_version" { description = "Version of the Coder Helm chart to install. Defaults to latest." default = null } variable "coder_image_repo" { description = "Repository to use for Coder image." default = "" } variable "coder_image_tag" { description = "Tag to use for Coder image." default = "latest" } variable "workspace_image" { description = "Image and tag to use for workspaces." default = "" } variable "prometheus_remote_write_user" { description = "Username for Prometheus remote write." default = "" } variable "prometheus_remote_write_password" { description = "Password for Prometheus remote write." default = "" } variable "prometheus_remote_write_url" { description = "URL for Prometheus remote write. Defaults to" default = "" } variable "prometheus_remote_write_insecure_skip_verify" { description = "Skip TLS verification for Prometheus remote write." default = true } variable "prometheus_remote_write_metrics_regex" { description = "Allowlist regex of metrics for Prometheus remote write." default = ".*" } variable "prometheus_remote_write_send_interval" { description = "Prometheus remote write interval." default = "15s" }