#!/usr/bin/env bash # Usage: source ./check_commit_metadata.sh # Usage: ./check_commit_metadata.sh # # Example: ./check_commit_metadata.sh v0.13.1 971e3678 # # When sourced, this script will populate the COMMIT_METADATA_* variables # with the commit metadata for each commit in the revision range. # # Because this script does some expensive lookups via the GitHub API, its # results will be cached in the environment and restored if this script is # sourced a second time with the same arguments. set -euo pipefail # shellcheck source=scripts/lib.sh source "$(dirname "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/lib.sh" from_ref=${1:-} to_ref=${2:-} if [[ -z $from_ref ]]; then error "No from_ref specified" fi if [[ -z $to_ref ]]; then error "No to_ref specified" fi range="$from_ref..$to_ref" # Check dependencies. dependencies gh COMMIT_METADATA_BREAKING=0 declare -A COMMIT_METADATA_TITLE COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY COMMIT_METADATA_AUTHORS # This environment variable can be set to 1 to ignore missing commit metadata, # useful for dry-runs. ignore_missing_metadata=${CODER_IGNORE_MISSING_COMMIT_METADATA:-0} main() { # Match a commit prefix pattern, e.g. feat: or feat(site):. prefix_pattern="^([a-z]+)(\([^)]+\))?:" # If a commit contains this title prefix or the source PR contains the # label, patch releases will not be allowed. # This regex matches both `feat!:` and `feat(site)!:`. breaking_title="^[a-z]+(\([^)]+\))?!:" breaking_label=release/breaking breaking_category=breaking experimental_label=release/experimental experimental_category=experimental # Security related changes are labeled `security`. security_label=security security_category=security # Get abbreviated and full commit hashes and titles for each commit. git_log_out="$(git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h %H %s" "$range")" mapfile -t commits <<<"$git_log_out" # If this is a tag, use rev-list to find the commit it points to. from_commit=$(git rev-list -n 1 "$from_ref") # Get the committer date of the commit so that we can list PRs merged. from_commit_date=$(git show --no-patch --date=short --format=%cd "$from_commit") # Get the labels for all PRs merged since the last release, this is # inexact based on date, so a few PRs part of the previous release may # be included. # # Example output: # # 27386d49d08455b6f8fbf2c18f38244d03fda892 author:hello labels:label:security # d9f2aaf3b430d8b6f3d5f24032ed6357adaab1f1 author:world # fd54512858c906e66f04b0744d8715c2e0de97e6 author:bye labels:label:stale label:enhancement pr_list_out="$( gh pr list \ --base main \ --state merged \ --limit 10000 \ --search "merged:>=$from_commit_date" \ --json mergeCommit,labels,author \ --jq '.[] | "\( .mergeCommit.oid ) author:\( .author.login ) labels:\(["label:\( .labels[].name )"] | join(" "))"' )" declare -A authors labels if [[ -n $pr_list_out ]]; then mapfile -t pr_metadata_raw <<<"$pr_list_out" for entry in "${pr_metadata_raw[@]}"; do commit_sha_long=${entry%% *} commit_author=${entry#* author:} commit_author=${commit_author%% *} authors[$commit_sha_long]=$commit_author all_labels=${entry#* labels:} labels[$commit_sha_long]=$all_labels done fi for commit in "${commits[@]}"; do mapfile -d ' ' -t parts <<<"$commit" commit_sha_short=${parts[0]} commit_sha_long=${parts[1]} commit_prefix=${parts[2]} # Safety-check, guarantee all commits had their metadata fetched. if [[ ! -v authors[$commit_sha_long] ]] || [[ ! -v labels[$commit_sha_long] ]]; then if [[ $ignore_missing_metadata != 1 ]]; then error "Metadata missing for commit $commit_sha_short" else log "WARNING: Metadata missing for commit $commit_sha_short" fi fi # Store the commit title for later use. title=${parts[*]:2} title=${title%$'\n'} COMMIT_METADATA_TITLE[$commit_sha_short]=$title if [[ -v authors[$commit_sha_long] ]]; then COMMIT_METADATA_AUTHORS[$commit_sha_short]="@${authors[$commit_sha_long]}" fi # First, check the title for breaking changes. This avoids doing a # GH API request if there's a match. if [[ $commit_prefix =~ $breaking_title ]] || [[ ${labels[$commit_sha_long]:-} = *"label:$breaking_label"* ]]; then COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY[$commit_sha_short]=$breaking_category COMMIT_METADATA_BREAKING=1 continue elif [[ ${labels[$commit_sha_long]:-} = *"label:$security_label"* ]]; then COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY[$commit_sha_short]=$security_category continue elif [[ ${labels[$commit_sha_long]:-} = *"label:$experimental_label"* ]]; then COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY[$commit_sha_short]=$experimental_category continue fi if [[ $commit_prefix =~ $prefix_pattern ]]; then commit_prefix=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} fi case $commit_prefix in # From: https://github.com/commitizen/conventional-commit-types feat | fix | docs | style | refactor | perf | test | build | ci | chore | revert) COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY[$commit_sha_short]=$commit_prefix ;; *) COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY[$commit_sha_short]=other ;; esac done } declare_print_commit_metadata() { declare -p COMMIT_METADATA_BREAKING COMMIT_METADATA_TITLE COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY COMMIT_METADATA_AUTHORS } export_commit_metadata() { _COMMIT_METADATA_CACHE="${range}:$(declare_print_commit_metadata)" export _COMMIT_METADATA_CACHE COMMIT_METADATA_BREAKING COMMIT_METADATA_TITLE COMMIT_METADATA_CATEGORY COMMIT_METADATA_AUTHORS } # _COMMIT_METADATA_CACHE is used to cache the results of this script in # the environment because bash arrays are not passed on to subscripts. if [[ ${_COMMIT_METADATA_CACHE:-} == "${range}:"* ]]; then eval "${_COMMIT_METADATA_CACHE#*:}" else if [[ $ignore_missing_metadata == 1 ]]; then log "WARNING: Ignoring missing commit metadata, breaking changes may be missed." fi main fi export_commit_metadata # Make it easier to debug this script by printing the associative array # when it's not sourced. if ! issourced; then declare_print_commit_metadata fi