# Quickstart See our [Docker quickstart](./quickstart/docker.md) for the easiest possible way to use Coder. ## Generic Quickstart Please [install Coder](../install) before proceeding with the steps below. ## First time owner user setup 1. Run `coder login ` in a new terminal and follow the interactive instructions to create your owner user and password. ## Templates To get started using templates, run the following command to generate a sample template: ```bash coder templates init ``` Follow the CLI instructions to select an example that you can modify for your specific usage (e.g., a template to **Develop code-server in Docker**): 1. Navigate into your new templates folder and create your first template using the provided command (e.g., `cd ./docker-code-server && coder templates create`) 1. Answer the CLI prompts; when done, confirm that you want to create your template. ## Create a workspace Now, create a workspace using your template: ```bash coder create --template="yourTemplate" ``` Connect to your workspace via SSH: ```bash coder ssh ``` To access your workspace in the Coder dashboard, navigate to the [configured access URL](../admin/configure#access-url), and log in with the owner credentials provided to you by Coder. ![Coder Web UI with code-server](./images/code-server.png) You can also create workspaces using the access URL and the Templates UI. ![Templates UI to create a workspace](./images/create-workspace-from-templates-ui.png) ## Modifying templates You can edit the Terraform template as follows: ```sh coder templates init cd gcp-linux # modify this line as needed to access the template vim main.tf coder templates push gcp-linux # updates the template ``` ## Up Next Learn about [templates](../templates.md).