// Code generated by 'make site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts'. DO NOT EDIT. // From codersdk/apikey.go export interface APIKey { readonly id: string readonly user_id: string readonly last_used: string readonly expires_at: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly login_type: LoginType readonly scope: APIKeyScope readonly token_name: string readonly lifetime_seconds: number } // From codersdk/apikey.go export interface APIKeyWithOwner extends APIKey { readonly username: string } // From codersdk/licenses.go export interface AddLicenseRequest { readonly license: string } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface AgentStatsReportResponse { readonly num_comms: number readonly rx_bytes: number readonly tx_bytes: number } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface AppHostResponse { readonly host: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface AppearanceConfig { readonly logo_url: string readonly service_banner: ServiceBannerConfig readonly support_links?: LinkConfig[] } // From codersdk/roles.go export interface AssignableRoles extends Role { readonly assignable: boolean } // From codersdk/audit.go export type AuditDiff = Record // From codersdk/audit.go export interface AuditDiffField { // Empty interface{} type, cannot resolve the type. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- interface{} readonly old?: any // Empty interface{} type, cannot resolve the type. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- interface{} readonly new?: any readonly secret: boolean } // From codersdk/audit.go export interface AuditLog { readonly id: string readonly request_id: string readonly time: string readonly organization_id: string // Named type "net/netip.Addr" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly ip: any readonly user_agent: string readonly resource_type: ResourceType readonly resource_id: string readonly resource_target: string readonly resource_icon: string readonly action: AuditAction readonly diff: AuditDiff readonly status_code: number readonly additional_fields: Record readonly description: string readonly resource_link: string readonly is_deleted: boolean readonly user?: User } // From codersdk/audit.go export interface AuditLogResponse { readonly audit_logs: AuditLog[] readonly count: number } // From codersdk/audit.go export interface AuditLogsRequest extends Pagination { readonly q?: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface AuthMethod { readonly enabled: boolean } // From codersdk/users.go export interface AuthMethods { readonly password: AuthMethod readonly github: AuthMethod readonly oidc: OIDCAuthMethod } // From codersdk/authorization.go export interface AuthorizationCheck { readonly object: AuthorizationObject readonly action: string } // From codersdk/authorization.go export interface AuthorizationObject { readonly resource_type: RBACResource readonly owner_id?: string readonly organization_id?: string readonly resource_id?: string } // From codersdk/authorization.go export interface AuthorizationRequest { readonly checks: Record } // From codersdk/authorization.go export type AuthorizationResponse = Record // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface BuildInfoResponse { readonly external_url: string readonly version: string readonly dashboard_url: string readonly workspace_proxy: boolean } // From codersdk/parameters.go export interface ComputedParameter extends Parameter { readonly source_value: string readonly schema_id: string readonly default_source_value: boolean } // From codersdk/users.go export interface CreateFirstUserRequest { readonly email: string readonly username: string readonly password: string readonly trial: boolean } // From codersdk/users.go export interface CreateFirstUserResponse { readonly user_id: string readonly organization_id: string } // From codersdk/groups.go export interface CreateGroupRequest { readonly name: string readonly avatar_url: string readonly quota_allowance: number } // From codersdk/users.go export interface CreateOrganizationRequest { readonly name: string } // From codersdk/parameters.go export interface CreateParameterRequest { readonly copy_from_parameter?: string readonly name: string readonly source_value: string readonly source_scheme: ParameterSourceScheme readonly destination_scheme: ParameterDestinationScheme } // From codersdk/organizations.go export interface CreateTemplateRequest { readonly name: string readonly display_name?: string readonly description?: string readonly icon?: string readonly template_version_id: string readonly parameter_values?: CreateParameterRequest[] readonly default_ttl_ms?: number readonly max_ttl_ms?: number readonly allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs?: boolean readonly allow_user_autostart?: boolean readonly allow_user_autostop?: boolean } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface CreateTemplateVersionDryRunRequest { readonly workspace_name: string readonly parameter_values: CreateParameterRequest[] readonly rich_parameter_values: WorkspaceBuildParameter[] readonly user_variable_values?: VariableValue[] } // From codersdk/organizations.go export interface CreateTemplateVersionRequest { readonly name?: string readonly template_id?: string readonly storage_method: ProvisionerStorageMethod readonly file_id?: string readonly example_id?: string readonly provisioner: ProvisionerType readonly tags: Record readonly parameter_values?: CreateParameterRequest[] readonly user_variable_values?: VariableValue[] } // From codersdk/audit.go export interface CreateTestAuditLogRequest { readonly action?: AuditAction readonly resource_type?: ResourceType readonly resource_id?: string readonly additional_fields?: Record readonly time?: string readonly build_reason?: BuildReason } // From codersdk/apikey.go export interface CreateTokenRequest { // This is likely an enum in an external package ("time.Duration") readonly lifetime: number readonly scope: APIKeyScope readonly token_name: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface CreateUserRequest { readonly email: string readonly username: string readonly password: string readonly organization_id: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface CreateWorkspaceBuildRequest { readonly template_version_id?: string readonly transition: WorkspaceTransition readonly dry_run?: boolean readonly state?: string readonly orphan?: boolean readonly parameter_values?: CreateParameterRequest[] readonly rich_parameter_values?: WorkspaceBuildParameter[] readonly log_level?: ProvisionerLogLevel } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface CreateWorkspaceProxyRequest { readonly name: string readonly display_name: string readonly icon: string } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface CreateWorkspaceProxyResponse { readonly proxy: WorkspaceProxy readonly proxy_token: string } // From codersdk/organizations.go export interface CreateWorkspaceRequest { readonly template_id: string readonly name: string readonly autostart_schedule?: string readonly ttl_ms?: number readonly parameter_values?: CreateParameterRequest[] readonly rich_parameter_values?: WorkspaceBuildParameter[] } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface DAUEntry { readonly date: string readonly amount: number } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DERP { readonly server: DERPServerConfig readonly config: DERPConfig } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DERPConfig { readonly url: string readonly path: string } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface DERPRegion { readonly preferred: boolean readonly latency_ms: number } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DERPServerConfig { readonly enable: boolean readonly region_id: number readonly region_code: string readonly region_name: string // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly stun_addresses: string[] readonly relay_url: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DangerousConfig { readonly allow_path_app_sharing: boolean readonly allow_path_app_site_owner_access: boolean } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DeploymentDAUsResponse { readonly entries: DAUEntry[] } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DeploymentStats { readonly aggregated_from: string readonly collected_at: string readonly next_update_at: string readonly workspaces: WorkspaceDeploymentStats readonly session_count: SessionCountDeploymentStats } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface DeploymentValues { readonly verbose?: boolean readonly access_url?: string readonly wildcard_access_url?: string readonly redirect_to_access_url?: boolean readonly http_address?: string readonly autobuild_poll_interval?: number readonly derp?: DERP readonly prometheus?: PrometheusConfig readonly pprof?: PprofConfig // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly proxy_trusted_headers?: string[] // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly proxy_trusted_origins?: string[] readonly cache_directory?: string readonly in_memory_database?: boolean readonly pg_connection_url?: string readonly oauth2?: OAuth2Config readonly oidc?: OIDCConfig readonly telemetry?: TelemetryConfig readonly tls?: TLSConfig readonly trace?: TraceConfig readonly secure_auth_cookie?: boolean readonly strict_transport_security?: number // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly strict_transport_security_options?: string[] readonly ssh_keygen_algorithm?: string readonly metrics_cache_refresh_interval?: number readonly agent_stat_refresh_interval?: number readonly agent_fallback_troubleshooting_url?: string readonly browser_only?: boolean readonly scim_api_key?: string readonly provisioner?: ProvisionerConfig readonly rate_limit?: RateLimitConfig // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly experiments?: string[] readonly update_check?: boolean readonly max_token_lifetime?: number readonly swagger?: SwaggerConfig readonly logging?: LoggingConfig readonly dangerous?: DangerousConfig readonly disable_path_apps?: boolean readonly max_session_expiry?: number readonly disable_session_expiry_refresh?: boolean readonly disable_password_auth?: boolean readonly support?: SupportConfig // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.Struct[[]github.com/coder/coder/codersdk.GitAuthConfig]" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly git_auth?: any readonly config_ssh?: SSHConfig readonly wgtunnel_host?: string readonly disable_owner_workspace_exec?: boolean // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.YAMLConfigPath") readonly config?: string readonly write_config?: boolean // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.HostPort" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly address?: any } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface Entitlements { readonly features: Record readonly warnings: string[] readonly errors: string[] readonly has_license: boolean readonly trial: boolean readonly require_telemetry: boolean } // From codersdk/deployment.go export type Experiments = Experiment[] // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface Feature { readonly entitlement: Entitlement readonly enabled: boolean readonly limit?: number readonly actual?: number } // From codersdk/apikey.go export interface GenerateAPIKeyResponse { readonly key: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface GetUsersResponse { readonly users: User[] readonly count: number } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface GitAuthConfig { readonly id: string readonly type: string readonly client_id: string readonly auth_url: string readonly token_url: string readonly validate_url: string readonly regex: string readonly no_refresh: boolean readonly scopes: string[] } // From codersdk/gitsshkey.go export interface GitSSHKey { readonly user_id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly public_key: string } // From codersdk/groups.go export interface Group { readonly id: string readonly name: string readonly organization_id: string readonly members: User[] readonly avatar_url: string readonly quota_allowance: number } // From codersdk/workspaceapps.go export interface Healthcheck { readonly url: string readonly interval: number readonly threshold: number } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface IssueReconnectingPTYSignedTokenRequest { readonly url: string readonly agentID: string } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface IssueReconnectingPTYSignedTokenResponse { readonly signed_token: string } // From codersdk/licenses.go export interface License { readonly id: number readonly uuid: string readonly uploaded_at: string // Empty interface{} type, cannot resolve the type. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- interface{} readonly claims: Record } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface LinkConfig { readonly name: string readonly target: string readonly icon: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface LoggingConfig { readonly human: string readonly json: string readonly stackdriver: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface LoginWithPasswordRequest { readonly email: string readonly password: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface LoginWithPasswordResponse { readonly session_token: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface OAuth2Config { readonly github: OAuth2GithubConfig } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface OAuth2GithubConfig { readonly client_id: string readonly client_secret: string // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly allowed_orgs: string[] // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly allowed_teams: string[] readonly allow_signups: boolean readonly allow_everyone: boolean readonly enterprise_base_url: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface OIDCAuthMethod extends AuthMethod { readonly signInText: string readonly iconUrl: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface OIDCConfig { readonly allow_signups: boolean readonly client_id: string readonly client_secret: string // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly email_domain: string[] readonly issuer_url: string // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly scopes: string[] readonly ignore_email_verified: boolean readonly username_field: string readonly email_field: string // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.Struct[map[string]string]" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly auth_url_params: any readonly ignore_user_info: boolean readonly groups_field: string // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.Struct[map[string]string]" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly group_mapping: any readonly sign_in_text: string readonly icon_url: string } // From codersdk/organizations.go export interface Organization { readonly id: string readonly name: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string } // From codersdk/organizations.go export interface OrganizationMember { readonly user_id: string readonly organization_id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly roles: Role[] } // From codersdk/pagination.go export interface Pagination { readonly after_id?: string readonly limit?: number readonly offset?: number } // From codersdk/parameters.go export interface Parameter { readonly id: string readonly scope: ParameterScope readonly scope_id: string readonly name: string readonly source_scheme: ParameterSourceScheme readonly destination_scheme: ParameterDestinationScheme readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string } // From codersdk/parameters.go export interface ParameterSchema { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly job_id: string readonly name: string readonly description: string readonly default_source_scheme: ParameterSourceScheme readonly default_source_value: string readonly allow_override_source: boolean readonly default_destination_scheme: ParameterDestinationScheme readonly allow_override_destination: boolean readonly default_refresh: string readonly redisplay_value: boolean readonly validation_error: string readonly validation_condition: string readonly validation_type_system: string readonly validation_value_type: string readonly validation_contains?: string[] } // From codersdk/groups.go export interface PatchGroupRequest { readonly add_users: string[] readonly remove_users: string[] readonly name: string readonly avatar_url?: string readonly quota_allowance?: number } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface PatchTemplateVersionRequest { readonly name: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface PprofConfig { readonly enable: boolean // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.HostPort" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly address: any } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface PrometheusConfig { readonly enable: boolean // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.HostPort" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly address: any readonly collect_agent_stats: boolean } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface ProvisionerConfig { readonly daemons: number readonly daemon_poll_interval: number readonly daemon_poll_jitter: number readonly force_cancel_interval: number } // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export interface ProvisionerDaemon { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at?: string readonly name: string readonly provisioners: ProvisionerType[] readonly tags: Record } // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export interface ProvisionerJob { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly started_at?: string readonly completed_at?: string readonly canceled_at?: string readonly error?: string readonly error_code?: JobErrorCode readonly status: ProvisionerJobStatus readonly worker_id?: string readonly file_id: string readonly tags: Record } // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export interface ProvisionerJobLog { readonly id: number readonly created_at: string readonly log_source: LogSource readonly log_level: LogLevel readonly stage: string readonly output: string } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface ProxyHealthReport { readonly errors: string[] readonly warnings: string[] } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface PutExtendWorkspaceRequest { readonly deadline: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface RateLimitConfig { readonly disable_all: boolean readonly api: number } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface Region { readonly id: string readonly name: string readonly display_name: string readonly icon_url: string readonly healthy: boolean readonly path_app_url: string readonly wildcard_hostname: string } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface RegionsResponse { readonly regions: Region[] } // From codersdk/replicas.go export interface Replica { readonly id: string readonly hostname: string readonly created_at: string readonly relay_address: string readonly region_id: number readonly error: string readonly database_latency: number } // From codersdk/client.go export interface Response { readonly message: string readonly detail?: string readonly validations?: ValidationError[] } // From codersdk/roles.go export interface Role { readonly name: string readonly display_name: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface SSHConfig { readonly DeploymentName: string // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly SSHConfigOptions: string[] } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface SSHConfigResponse { readonly hostname_prefix: string readonly ssh_config_options: Record } // From codersdk/serversentevents.go export interface ServerSentEvent { readonly type: ServerSentEventType // Empty interface{} type, cannot resolve the type. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- interface{} readonly data: any } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface ServiceBannerConfig { readonly enabled: boolean readonly message?: string readonly background_color?: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface SessionCountDeploymentStats { readonly vscode: number readonly ssh: number readonly jetbrains: number readonly reconnecting_pty: number } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface SupportConfig { // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.Struct[[]github.com/coder/coder/codersdk.LinkConfig]" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly links: any } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface SwaggerConfig { readonly enable: boolean } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface TLSConfig { readonly enable: boolean // Named type "github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.HostPort" unknown, using "any" // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type readonly address: any readonly redirect_http: boolean // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly cert_file: string[] readonly client_auth: string readonly client_ca_file: string // This is likely an enum in an external package ("github.com/coder/coder/cli/clibase.StringArray") readonly key_file: string[] readonly min_version: string readonly client_cert_file: string readonly client_key_file: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface TelemetryConfig { readonly enable: boolean readonly trace: boolean readonly url: string } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface Template { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly organization_id: string readonly name: string readonly display_name: string readonly provisioner: ProvisionerType readonly active_version_id: string readonly active_user_count: number readonly build_time_stats: TemplateBuildTimeStats readonly description: string readonly icon: string readonly default_ttl_ms: number readonly max_ttl_ms: number readonly created_by_id: string readonly created_by_name: string readonly allow_user_autostart: boolean readonly allow_user_autostop: boolean readonly allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs: boolean } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TemplateACL { readonly users: TemplateUser[] readonly group: TemplateGroup[] } // From codersdk/templates.go export type TemplateBuildTimeStats = Record< WorkspaceTransition, TransitionStats > // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TemplateDAUsResponse { readonly entries: DAUEntry[] } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TemplateExample { readonly id: string readonly url: string readonly name: string readonly description: string readonly icon: string readonly tags: string[] readonly markdown: string } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TemplateGroup extends Group { readonly role: TemplateRole } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TemplateUser extends User { readonly role: TemplateRole } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface TemplateVersion { readonly id: string readonly template_id?: string readonly organization_id?: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly name: string readonly job: ProvisionerJob readonly readme: string readonly created_by: User } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface TemplateVersionGitAuth { readonly id: string readonly type: GitProvider readonly authenticate_url: string readonly authenticated: boolean } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface TemplateVersionParameter { readonly name: string readonly display_name?: string readonly description: string readonly description_plaintext: string readonly type: string readonly mutable: boolean readonly default_value: string readonly icon: string readonly options: TemplateVersionParameterOption[] readonly validation_error?: string readonly validation_regex?: string readonly validation_min?: number readonly validation_max?: number readonly validation_monotonic?: ValidationMonotonicOrder readonly required: boolean readonly legacy_variable_name?: string } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface TemplateVersionParameterOption { readonly name: string readonly description: string readonly value: string readonly icon: string } // From codersdk/templateversions.go export interface TemplateVersionVariable { readonly name: string readonly description: string readonly type: string readonly value: string readonly default_value: string readonly required: boolean readonly sensitive: boolean } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TemplateVersionsByTemplateRequest extends Pagination { readonly template_id: string } // From codersdk/apikey.go export interface TokenConfig { // This is likely an enum in an external package ("time.Duration") readonly max_token_lifetime: number } // From codersdk/apikey.go export interface TokensFilter { readonly include_all: boolean } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface TraceConfig { readonly enable: boolean readonly honeycomb_api_key: string readonly capture_logs: boolean } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface TransitionStats { readonly P50?: number readonly P95?: number } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface UpdateActiveTemplateVersion { readonly id: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface UpdateAppearanceConfig { readonly logo_url: string readonly service_banner: ServiceBannerConfig } // From codersdk/updatecheck.go export interface UpdateCheckResponse { readonly current: boolean readonly version: string readonly url: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface UpdateRoles { readonly roles: string[] } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface UpdateTemplateACL { readonly user_perms?: Record readonly group_perms?: Record } // From codersdk/templates.go export interface UpdateTemplateMeta { readonly name?: string readonly display_name?: string readonly description?: string readonly icon?: string readonly default_ttl_ms?: number readonly max_ttl_ms?: number readonly allow_user_autostart?: boolean readonly allow_user_autostop?: boolean readonly allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs?: boolean } // From codersdk/users.go export interface UpdateUserPasswordRequest { readonly old_password: string readonly password: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface UpdateUserProfileRequest { readonly username: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface UpdateWorkspaceAutostartRequest { readonly schedule?: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface UpdateWorkspaceRequest { readonly name?: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface UpdateWorkspaceTTLRequest { readonly ttl_ms?: number } // From codersdk/files.go export interface UploadResponse { readonly hash: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface User { readonly id: string readonly username: string readonly email: string readonly created_at: string readonly last_seen_at: string readonly status: UserStatus readonly organization_ids: string[] readonly roles: Role[] readonly avatar_url: string } // From codersdk/users.go export interface UserRoles { readonly roles: string[] readonly organization_roles: Record } // From codersdk/users.go export interface UsersRequest extends Pagination { readonly q?: string } // From codersdk/client.go export interface ValidationError { readonly field: string readonly detail: string } // From codersdk/organizations.go export interface VariableValue { readonly name: string readonly value: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface Workspace { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly owner_id: string readonly owner_name: string readonly organization_id: string readonly template_id: string readonly template_name: string readonly template_display_name: string readonly template_icon: string readonly template_allow_user_cancel_workspace_jobs: boolean readonly latest_build: WorkspaceBuild readonly outdated: boolean readonly name: string readonly autostart_schedule?: string readonly ttl_ms?: number readonly last_used_at: string } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface WorkspaceAgent { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly first_connected_at?: string readonly last_connected_at?: string readonly disconnected_at?: string readonly status: WorkspaceAgentStatus readonly lifecycle_state: WorkspaceAgentLifecycle readonly name: string readonly resource_id: string readonly instance_id?: string readonly architecture: string readonly environment_variables: Record readonly operating_system: string readonly startup_script?: string readonly startup_logs_length: number readonly startup_logs_overflowed: boolean readonly directory?: string readonly expanded_directory?: string readonly version: string readonly apps: WorkspaceApp[] readonly latency?: Record readonly connection_timeout_seconds: number readonly troubleshooting_url: string readonly login_before_ready: boolean readonly startup_script_timeout_seconds: number readonly shutdown_script?: string readonly shutdown_script_timeout_seconds: number } // From codersdk/workspaceagentconn.go export interface WorkspaceAgentListeningPort { readonly process_name: string readonly network: string readonly port: number } // From codersdk/workspaceagentconn.go export interface WorkspaceAgentListeningPortsResponse { readonly ports: WorkspaceAgentListeningPort[] } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface WorkspaceAgentMetadata { readonly result: WorkspaceAgentMetadataResult readonly description: WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface WorkspaceAgentMetadataDescription { readonly display_name: string readonly key: string readonly script: string readonly interval: number readonly timeout: number } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface WorkspaceAgentMetadataResult { readonly collected_at: string readonly age: number readonly value: string readonly error: string } // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export interface WorkspaceAgentStartupLog { readonly id: number readonly created_at: string readonly output: string readonly level: LogLevel } // From codersdk/workspaceapps.go export interface WorkspaceApp { readonly id: string readonly url: string readonly external: boolean readonly slug: string readonly display_name: string readonly command?: string readonly icon?: string readonly subdomain: boolean readonly sharing_level: WorkspaceAppSharingLevel readonly healthcheck: Healthcheck readonly health: WorkspaceAppHealth } // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export interface WorkspaceBuild { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly workspace_id: string readonly workspace_name: string readonly workspace_owner_id: string readonly workspace_owner_name: string readonly template_version_id: string readonly template_version_name: string readonly build_number: number readonly transition: WorkspaceTransition readonly initiator_id: string readonly initiator_name: string readonly job: ProvisionerJob readonly reason: BuildReason readonly resources: WorkspaceResource[] readonly deadline?: string readonly max_deadline?: string readonly status: WorkspaceStatus readonly daily_cost: number } // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export interface WorkspaceBuildParameter { readonly name: string readonly value: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface WorkspaceBuildsRequest extends Pagination { readonly WorkspaceID: string readonly Since: string } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface WorkspaceConnectionLatencyMS { readonly P50: number readonly P95: number } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface WorkspaceDeploymentStats { readonly pending: number readonly building: number readonly running: number readonly failed: number readonly stopped: number readonly connection_latency_ms: WorkspaceConnectionLatencyMS readonly rx_bytes: number readonly tx_bytes: number } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface WorkspaceFilter { readonly q?: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface WorkspaceOptions { readonly include_deleted?: boolean } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface WorkspaceProxy { readonly id: string readonly name: string readonly icon: string readonly url: string readonly wildcard_hostname: string readonly created_at: string readonly updated_at: string readonly deleted: boolean readonly status?: WorkspaceProxyStatus } // From codersdk/deployment.go export interface WorkspaceProxyBuildInfo { readonly workspace_proxy: boolean readonly dashboard_url: string } // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export interface WorkspaceProxyStatus { readonly status: ProxyHealthStatus readonly report?: ProxyHealthReport readonly checked_at: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface WorkspaceQuota { readonly credits_consumed: number readonly budget: number } // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export interface WorkspaceResource { readonly id: string readonly created_at: string readonly job_id: string readonly workspace_transition: WorkspaceTransition readonly type: string readonly name: string readonly hide: boolean readonly icon: string readonly agents?: WorkspaceAgent[] readonly metadata?: WorkspaceResourceMetadata[] readonly daily_cost: number } // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export interface WorkspaceResourceMetadata { readonly key: string readonly value: string readonly sensitive: boolean } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface WorkspacesRequest extends Pagination { readonly q?: string } // From codersdk/workspaces.go export interface WorkspacesResponse { readonly workspaces: Workspace[] readonly count: number } // From codersdk/apikey.go export type APIKeyScope = "all" | "application_connect" export const APIKeyScopes: APIKeyScope[] = ["all", "application_connect"] // From codersdk/audit.go export type AuditAction = | "create" | "delete" | "login" | "logout" | "register" | "start" | "stop" | "write" export const AuditActions: AuditAction[] = [ "create", "delete", "login", "logout", "register", "start", "stop", "write", ] // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export type BuildReason = "autostart" | "autostop" | "initiator" export const BuildReasons: BuildReason[] = [ "autostart", "autostop", "initiator", ] // From codersdk/deployment.go export type Entitlement = "entitled" | "grace_period" | "not_entitled" export const Entitlements: Entitlement[] = [ "entitled", "grace_period", "not_entitled", ] // From codersdk/deployment.go export type Experiment = "moons" export const Experiments: Experiment[] = ["moons"] // From codersdk/deployment.go export type FeatureName = | "advanced_template_scheduling" | "appearance" | "audit_log" | "browser_only" | "external_provisioner_daemons" | "high_availability" | "multiple_git_auth" | "scim" | "template_rbac" | "user_limit" | "workspace_proxy" export const FeatureNames: FeatureName[] = [ "advanced_template_scheduling", "appearance", "audit_log", "browser_only", "external_provisioner_daemons", "high_availability", "multiple_git_auth", "scim", "template_rbac", "user_limit", "workspace_proxy", ] // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export type GitProvider = "azure-devops" | "bitbucket" | "github" | "gitlab" export const GitProviders: GitProvider[] = [ "azure-devops", "bitbucket", "github", "gitlab", ] // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export type JobErrorCode = | "MISSING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER" | "REQUIRED_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES" export const JobErrorCodes: JobErrorCode[] = [ "MISSING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER", "REQUIRED_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES", ] // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export type LogLevel = "debug" | "error" | "info" | "trace" | "warn" export const LogLevels: LogLevel[] = ["debug", "error", "info", "trace", "warn"] // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export type LogSource = "provisioner" | "provisioner_daemon" export const LogSources: LogSource[] = ["provisioner", "provisioner_daemon"] // From codersdk/apikey.go export type LoginType = "github" | "oidc" | "password" | "token" export const LoginTypes: LoginType[] = ["github", "oidc", "password", "token"] // From codersdk/parameters.go export type ParameterDestinationScheme = | "environment_variable" | "none" | "provisioner_variable" export const ParameterDestinationSchemes: ParameterDestinationScheme[] = [ "environment_variable", "none", "provisioner_variable", ] // From codersdk/parameters.go export type ParameterScope = "import_job" | "template" | "workspace" export const ParameterScopes: ParameterScope[] = [ "import_job", "template", "workspace", ] // From codersdk/parameters.go export type ParameterSourceScheme = "data" | "none" export const ParameterSourceSchemes: ParameterSourceScheme[] = ["data", "none"] // From codersdk/parameters.go export type ParameterTypeSystem = "hcl" | "none" export const ParameterTypeSystems: ParameterTypeSystem[] = ["hcl", "none"] // From codersdk/provisionerdaemons.go export type ProvisionerJobStatus = | "canceled" | "canceling" | "failed" | "pending" | "running" | "succeeded" export const ProvisionerJobStatuses: ProvisionerJobStatus[] = [ "canceled", "canceling", "failed", "pending", "running", "succeeded", ] // From codersdk/workspaces.go export type ProvisionerLogLevel = "debug" export const ProvisionerLogLevels: ProvisionerLogLevel[] = ["debug"] // From codersdk/organizations.go export type ProvisionerStorageMethod = "file" export const ProvisionerStorageMethods: ProvisionerStorageMethod[] = ["file"] // From codersdk/organizations.go export type ProvisionerType = "echo" | "terraform" export const ProvisionerTypes: ProvisionerType[] = ["echo", "terraform"] // From codersdk/workspaceproxy.go export type ProxyHealthStatus = | "reachable" | "unhealthy" | "unreachable" | "unregistered" export const ProxyHealthStatuses: ProxyHealthStatus[] = [ "reachable", "unhealthy", "unreachable", "unregistered", ] // From codersdk/rbacresources.go export type RBACResource = | "api_key" | "application_connect" | "assign_org_role" | "assign_role" | "audit_log" | "debug_info" | "deployment_config" | "deployment_stats" | "file" | "group" | "license" | "organization" | "organization_member" | "provisioner_daemon" | "replicas" | "system" | "template" | "user" | "user_data" | "workspace" | "workspace_execution" | "workspace_proxy" export const RBACResources: RBACResource[] = [ "api_key", "application_connect", "assign_org_role", "assign_role", "audit_log", "debug_info", "deployment_config", "deployment_stats", "file", "group", "license", "organization", "organization_member", "provisioner_daemon", "replicas", "system", "template", "user", "user_data", "workspace", "workspace_execution", "workspace_proxy", ] // From codersdk/audit.go export type ResourceType = | "api_key" | "git_ssh_key" | "group" | "license" | "template" | "template_version" | "user" | "workspace" | "workspace_build" export const ResourceTypes: ResourceType[] = [ "api_key", "git_ssh_key", "group", "license", "template", "template_version", "user", "workspace", "workspace_build", ] // From codersdk/serversentevents.go export type ServerSentEventType = "data" | "error" | "ping" export const ServerSentEventTypes: ServerSentEventType[] = [ "data", "error", "ping", ] // From codersdk/templates.go export type TemplateRole = "" | "admin" | "use" export const TemplateRoles: TemplateRole[] = ["", "admin", "use"] // From codersdk/users.go export type UserStatus = "active" | "suspended" export const UserStatuses: UserStatus[] = ["active", "suspended"] // From codersdk/templateversions.go export type ValidationMonotonicOrder = "decreasing" | "increasing" export const ValidationMonotonicOrders: ValidationMonotonicOrder[] = [ "decreasing", "increasing", ] // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export type WorkspaceAgentLifecycle = | "created" | "off" | "ready" | "shutdown_error" | "shutdown_timeout" | "shutting_down" | "start_error" | "start_timeout" | "starting" export const WorkspaceAgentLifecycles: WorkspaceAgentLifecycle[] = [ "created", "off", "ready", "shutdown_error", "shutdown_timeout", "shutting_down", "start_error", "start_timeout", "starting", ] // From codersdk/workspaceagents.go export type WorkspaceAgentStatus = | "connected" | "connecting" | "disconnected" | "timeout" export const WorkspaceAgentStatuses: WorkspaceAgentStatus[] = [ "connected", "connecting", "disconnected", "timeout", ] // From codersdk/workspaceapps.go export type WorkspaceAppHealth = | "disabled" | "healthy" | "initializing" | "unhealthy" export const WorkspaceAppHealths: WorkspaceAppHealth[] = [ "disabled", "healthy", "initializing", "unhealthy", ] // From codersdk/workspaceapps.go export type WorkspaceAppSharingLevel = "authenticated" | "owner" | "public" export const WorkspaceAppSharingLevels: WorkspaceAppSharingLevel[] = [ "authenticated", "owner", "public", ] // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export type WorkspaceStatus = | "canceled" | "canceling" | "deleted" | "deleting" | "failed" | "pending" | "running" | "starting" | "stopped" | "stopping" export const WorkspaceStatuses: WorkspaceStatus[] = [ "canceled", "canceling", "deleted", "deleting", "failed", "pending", "running", "starting", "stopped", "stopping", ] // From codersdk/workspacebuilds.go export type WorkspaceTransition = "delete" | "start" | "stop" export const WorkspaceTransitions: WorkspaceTransition[] = [ "delete", "start", "stop", ]