package coderd import ( "context" "crypto/ed25519" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "fmt" "math" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" agplportsharing "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" agplaudit "" agpldbauthz "" "" "" "" "" agplschedule "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" agpltailnet "" ) // New constructs an Enterprise coderd API instance. // This handler is designed to wrap the AGPL Coder code and // layer Enterprise functionality on top as much as possible. func New(ctx context.Context, options *Options) (_ *API, err error) { if options.EntitlementsUpdateInterval == 0 { options.EntitlementsUpdateInterval = 10 * time.Minute } if options.LicenseKeys == nil { options.LicenseKeys = Keys } if options.Options == nil { options.Options = &coderd.Options{} } if options.PrometheusRegistry == nil { options.PrometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry() } if options.Options.Authorizer == nil { options.Options.Authorizer = rbac.NewCachingAuthorizer(options.PrometheusRegistry) } ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx) if options.ExternalTokenEncryption == nil { options.ExternalTokenEncryption = make([]dbcrypt.Cipher, 0) } // Database encryption is an enterprise feature, but as checking license entitlements // depends on the database, we end up in a chicken-and-egg situation. To avoid this, // we always enable it but only soft-enforce it. if len(options.ExternalTokenEncryption) > 0 { var keyDigests []string for _, cipher := range options.ExternalTokenEncryption { keyDigests = append(keyDigests, cipher.HexDigest()) } options.Logger.Info(ctx, "database encryption enabled", slog.F("keys", keyDigests)) } cryptDB, err := dbcrypt.New(ctx, options.Database, options.ExternalTokenEncryption...) if err != nil { cancelFunc() // If we fail to initialize the database, it's likely that the // database is encrypted with an unknown external token encryption key. // This is a fatal error. var derr *dbcrypt.DecryptFailedError if xerrors.As(err, &derr) { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("database encrypted with unknown key, either add the key or see %w", derr) } return nil, xerrors.Errorf("init database encryption: %w", err) } options.Database = cryptDB api := &API{ ctx: ctx, cancel: cancelFunc, AGPL: coderd.New(options.Options), Options: options, provisionerDaemonAuth: &provisionerDaemonAuth{ psk: options.ProvisionerDaemonPSK, authorizer: options.Authorizer, }, } defer func() { if err != nil { _ = api.Close() } }() api.AGPL.Options.ParseLicenseClaims = func(rawJWT string) (email string, trial bool, err error) { c, err := license.ParseClaims(rawJWT, Keys) if err != nil { return "", false, err } return c.Subject, c.Trial, nil } api.AGPL.Options.SetUserGroups = api.setUserGroups api.AGPL.Options.SetUserSiteRoles = api.setUserSiteRoles api.AGPL.SiteHandler.RegionsFetcher = func(ctx context.Context) (any, error) { // If the user can read the workspace proxy resource, return that. // If not, always default to the regions. actor, ok := agpldbauthz.ActorFromContext(ctx) if ok && api.Authorizer.Authorize(ctx, actor, rbac.ActionRead, rbac.ResourceWorkspaceProxy) == nil { return api.fetchWorkspaceProxies(ctx) } return api.fetchRegions(ctx) } api.tailnetService, err = tailnet.NewClientService( api.Logger.Named("tailnetclient"), &api.AGPL.TailnetCoordinator, api.Options.DERPMapUpdateFrequency, api.AGPL.DERPMap, ) if err != nil { api.Logger.Fatal(api.ctx, "failed to initialize tailnet client service", slog.Error(err)) } oauthConfigs := &httpmw.OAuth2Configs{ Github: options.GithubOAuth2Config, OIDC: options.OIDCConfig, } apiKeyMiddleware := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{ DB: options.Database, OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs, RedirectToLogin: false, DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(), Optional: false, SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior }) apiKeyMiddlewareOptional := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{ DB: options.Database, OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs, RedirectToLogin: false, DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(), Optional: true, SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior }) deploymentID, err := options.Database.GetDeploymentID(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get deployment ID: %w", err) } api.AGPL.APIHandler.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/entitlements", api.serveEntitlements) // /regions overrides the AGPL /regions endpoint r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(apiKeyMiddleware) r.Get("/regions", api.regions) }) r.Route("/replicas", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(apiKeyMiddleware) r.Get("/", api.replicas) }) r.Route("/licenses", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(apiKeyMiddleware) r.Post("/refresh-entitlements", api.postRefreshEntitlements) r.Post("/", api.postLicense) r.Get("/", api.licenses) r.Delete("/{id}", api.deleteLicense) }) r.Route("/applications/reconnecting-pty-signed-token", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(apiKeyMiddleware) r.Post("/", api.reconnectingPTYSignedToken) }) r.Route("/workspaceproxies", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( api.moonsEnabledMW, ) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, ) r.Post("/", api.postWorkspaceProxy) r.Get("/", api.workspaceProxies) }) r.Route("/me", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( httpmw.ExtractWorkspaceProxy(httpmw.ExtractWorkspaceProxyConfig{ DB: options.Database, Optional: false, }), ) r.Get("/coordinate", api.workspaceProxyCoordinate) r.Post("/issue-signed-app-token", api.workspaceProxyIssueSignedAppToken) r.Post("/app-stats", api.workspaceProxyReportAppStats) r.Post("/register", api.workspaceProxyRegister) r.Post("/deregister", api.workspaceProxyDeregister) }) r.Route("/{workspaceproxy}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, httpmw.ExtractWorkspaceProxyParam(api.Database, deploymentID, api.AGPL.PrimaryWorkspaceProxy), ) r.Get("/", api.workspaceProxy) r.Patch("/", api.patchWorkspaceProxy) r.Delete("/", api.deleteWorkspaceProxy) }) }) r.Route("/organizations/{organization}/groups", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, api.templateRBACEnabledMW, httpmw.ExtractOrganizationParam(api.Database), ) r.Post("/", api.postGroupByOrganization) r.Get("/", api.groupsByOrganization) r.Route("/{groupName}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( httpmw.ExtractGroupByNameParam(api.Database), ) r.Get("/", api.groupByOrganization) }) }) // TODO: provisioner daemons are not scoped to organizations in the database, so placing them // under an organization route doesn't make sense. In order to allow the /serve endpoint to // work with a pre-shared key (PSK) without an API key, these routes will simply ignore the // value of {organization}. That is, the route will work with any organization ID, whether or // not it exits. This doesn't leak any information about the existence of organizations, so is // fine from a security perspective, but might be a little surprising. // // We may in future decide to scope provisioner daemons to organizations, so we'll keep the API // route as is. r.Route("/organizations/{organization}/provisionerdaemons", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( api.provisionerDaemonsEnabledMW, ) r.With(apiKeyMiddleware).Get("/", api.provisionerDaemons) r.With(apiKeyMiddlewareOptional).Get("/serve", api.provisionerDaemonServe) }) r.Route("/templates/{template}/acl", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( api.templateRBACEnabledMW, apiKeyMiddleware, httpmw.ExtractTemplateParam(api.Database), ) r.Get("/available", api.templateAvailablePermissions) r.Get("/", api.templateACL) r.Patch("/", api.patchTemplateACL) }) r.Route("/groups/{group}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( api.templateRBACEnabledMW, apiKeyMiddleware, httpmw.ExtractGroupParam(api.Database), ) r.Get("/", r.Patch("/", api.patchGroup) r.Delete("/", api.deleteGroup) }) r.Route("/workspace-quota", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, ) r.Route("/{user}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(httpmw.ExtractUserParam(options.Database)) r.Get("/", api.workspaceQuota) }) }) r.Route("/appearance", func(r chi.Router) { r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddlewareOptional, httpmw.ExtractWorkspaceAgent(httpmw.ExtractWorkspaceAgentConfig{ DB: options.Database, Optional: true, }), httpmw.RequireAPIKeyOrWorkspaceAgent(), ) r.Get("/", api.appearance) }) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, ) r.Put("/", api.putAppearance) }) }) r.Route("/users/{user}/quiet-hours", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( api.autostopRequirementEnabledMW, apiKeyMiddleware, httpmw.ExtractUserParam(options.Database), ) r.Get("/", api.userQuietHoursSchedule) r.Put("/", api.putUserQuietHoursSchedule) }) r.Route("/oauth2-provider", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, api.oAuth2ProviderMiddleware, ) r.Route("/apps", func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/", api.oAuth2ProviderApps) r.Post("/", api.postOAuth2ProviderApp) r.Route("/{app}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(httpmw.ExtractOAuth2ProviderApp(options.Database)) r.Get("/", api.oAuth2ProviderApp) r.Put("/", api.putOAuth2ProviderApp) r.Delete("/", api.deleteOAuth2ProviderApp) r.Route("/secrets", func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/", api.oAuth2ProviderAppSecrets) r.Post("/", api.postOAuth2ProviderAppSecret) r.Route("/{secretID}", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(httpmw.ExtractOAuth2ProviderAppSecret(options.Database)) r.Delete("/", api.deleteOAuth2ProviderAppSecret) }) }) }) }) }) r.Route("/integrations", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( apiKeyMiddleware, api.jfrogEnabledMW, ) r.Post("/jfrog/xray-scan", api.postJFrogXrayScan) r.Get("/jfrog/xray-scan", api.jFrogXrayScan) }) }) if len(options.SCIMAPIKey) != 0 { api.AGPL.RootHandler.Route("/scim/v2", func(r chi.Router) { r.Use( api.scimEnabledMW, ) r.Post("/Users", api.scimPostUser) r.Route("/Users", func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/", api.scimGetUsers) r.Post("/", api.scimPostUser) r.Get("/{id}", api.scimGetUser) r.Patch("/{id}", api.scimPatchUser) }) }) } meshRootCA := x509.NewCertPool() for _, certificate := range options.TLSCertificates { for _, certificatePart := range certificate.Certificate { certificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certificatePart) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse certificate %s: %w", certificate.Subject.CommonName, err) } meshRootCA.AddCert(certificate) } } // This TLS configuration spoofs access from the access URL hostname // assuming that the certificates provided will cover that hostname. // // Replica sync and DERP meshing require accessing replicas via their // internal IP addresses, and if TLS is configured we use the same // certificates. meshTLSConfig := &tls.Config{ MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, Certificates: options.TLSCertificates, RootCAs: meshRootCA, ServerName: options.AccessURL.Hostname(), } api.replicaManager, err = replicasync.New(ctx, options.Logger, options.Database, options.Pubsub, &replicasync.Options{ ID: api.AGPL.ID, RelayAddress: options.DERPServerRelayAddress, RegionID: int32(options.DERPServerRegionID), TLSConfig: meshTLSConfig, UpdateInterval: options.ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval, }) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("initialize replica: %w", err) } api.derpMesh = derpmesh.New(options.Logger.Named("derpmesh"), api.DERPServer, meshTLSConfig) // Moon feature init. Proxyhealh is a go routine to periodically check // the health of all workspace proxies. api.ProxyHealth, err = proxyhealth.New(&proxyhealth.Options{ Interval: options.ProxyHealthInterval, DB: api.Database, Logger: options.Logger.Named("proxyhealth"), Client: api.HTTPClient, Prometheus: api.PrometheusRegistry, }) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("initialize proxy health: %w", err) } go api.ProxyHealth.Run(ctx) // Force the initial loading of the cache. Do this in a go routine in case // the calls to the workspace proxies hang and this takes some time. go api.forceWorkspaceProxyHealthUpdate(ctx) // Use proxy health to return the healthy workspace proxy hostnames. f := api.ProxyHealth.ProxyHosts api.AGPL.WorkspaceProxyHostsFn.Store(&f) // Wire this up to healthcheck. var fetchUpdater healthcheck.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater = &workspaceProxiesFetchUpdater{ fetchFunc: api.fetchWorkspaceProxies, updateFunc: api.ProxyHealth.ForceUpdate, } api.AGPL.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater.Store(&fetchUpdater) err = api.PrometheusRegistry.Register(&api.licenseMetricsCollector) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unable to register license metrics collector") } err = api.updateEntitlements(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("update entitlements: %w", err) } go api.runEntitlementsLoop(ctx) return api, nil } type Options struct { *coderd.Options RBAC bool AuditLogging bool // Whether to block non-browser connections. BrowserOnly bool SCIMAPIKey []byte ExternalTokenEncryption []dbcrypt.Cipher // Used for high availability. ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval time.Duration DERPServerRelayAddress string DERPServerRegionID int // Used for user quiet hours schedules. DefaultQuietHoursSchedule string // cron schedule, if empty user quiet hours schedules are disabled EntitlementsUpdateInterval time.Duration ProxyHealthInterval time.Duration LicenseKeys map[string]ed25519.PublicKey // optional pre-shared key for authentication of external provisioner daemons ProvisionerDaemonPSK string CheckInactiveUsersCancelFunc func() } type API struct { AGPL *coderd.API *Options // ctx is canceled immediately on shutdown, it can be used to abort // interruptible tasks. ctx context.Context cancel context.CancelFunc // Detects multiple Coder replicas running at the same time. replicaManager *replicasync.Manager // Meshes DERP connections from multiple replicas. derpMesh *derpmesh.Mesh // ProxyHealth checks the reachability of all workspace proxies. ProxyHealth *proxyhealth.ProxyHealth entitlementsUpdateMu sync.Mutex entitlementsMu sync.RWMutex entitlements codersdk.Entitlements provisionerDaemonAuth *provisionerDaemonAuth licenseMetricsCollector license.MetricsCollector tailnetService *tailnet.ClientService } func (api *API) Close() error { // Replica manager should be closed first. This is because the replica // manager updates the replica's table in the database when it closes. // This tells other Coderds that it is now offline. if api.replicaManager != nil { _ = api.replicaManager.Close() } api.cancel() if api.derpMesh != nil { _ = api.derpMesh.Close() } if api.Options.CheckInactiveUsersCancelFunc != nil { api.Options.CheckInactiveUsersCancelFunc() } return api.AGPL.Close() } func (api *API) updateEntitlements(ctx context.Context) error { api.entitlementsUpdateMu.Lock() defer api.entitlementsUpdateMu.Unlock() entitlements, err := license.Entitlements( ctx, api.Database, api.Logger, len(api.replicaManager.AllPrimary()), len(api.ExternalAuthConfigs), api.LicenseKeys, map[codersdk.FeatureName]bool{ codersdk.FeatureAuditLog: api.AuditLogging, codersdk.FeatureBrowserOnly: api.BrowserOnly, codersdk.FeatureSCIM: len(api.SCIMAPIKey) != 0, codersdk.FeatureMultipleExternalAuth: len(api.ExternalAuthConfigs) > 1, codersdk.FeatureOAuth2Provider: true, codersdk.FeatureTemplateRBAC: api.RBAC, codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption: len(api.ExternalTokenEncryption) > 0, codersdk.FeatureExternalProvisionerDaemons: true, codersdk.FeatureAdvancedTemplateScheduling: true, codersdk.FeatureWorkspaceProxy: true, codersdk.FeatureUserRoleManagement: true, codersdk.FeatureAccessControl: true, codersdk.FeatureControlSharedPorts: true, }) if err != nil { return err } if entitlements.RequireTelemetry && !api.DeploymentValues.Telemetry.Enable.Value() { // We can't fail because then the user couldn't remove the offending // license w/o a restart. // // We don't simply append to entitlement.Errors since we don't want any // enterprise features enabled. api.entitlements.Errors = []string{ "License requires telemetry but telemetry is disabled", } api.Logger.Error(ctx, "license requires telemetry enabled") return nil } featureChanged := func(featureName codersdk.FeatureName) (initial, changed, enabled bool) { if api.entitlements.Features == nil { return true, false, entitlements.Features[featureName].Enabled } oldFeature := api.entitlements.Features[featureName] newFeature := entitlements.Features[featureName] if oldFeature.Enabled != newFeature.Enabled { return false, true, newFeature.Enabled } return false, false, newFeature.Enabled } shouldUpdate := func(initial, changed, enabled bool) bool { // Avoid an initial tick on startup unless the feature is enabled. return changed || (initial && enabled) } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAuditLog); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { auditor := agplaudit.NewNop() if enabled { auditor = api.AGPL.Options.Auditor } api.AGPL.Auditor.Store(&auditor) } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureBrowserOnly); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { var handler func(rw http.ResponseWriter) bool if enabled { handler = api.shouldBlockNonBrowserConnections } api.AGPL.WorkspaceClientCoordinateOverride.Store(&handler) } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureTemplateRBAC); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { if enabled { committer := committer{ Log: api.Logger.Named("quota_committer"), Database: api.Database, } qcPtr := proto.QuotaCommitter(&committer) api.AGPL.QuotaCommitter.Store(&qcPtr) } else { api.AGPL.QuotaCommitter.Store(nil) } } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAdvancedTemplateScheduling); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { if enabled { templateStore := schedule.NewEnterpriseTemplateScheduleStore(api.AGPL.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore) templateStoreInterface := agplschedule.TemplateScheduleStore(templateStore) api.AGPL.TemplateScheduleStore.Store(&templateStoreInterface) if api.DefaultQuietHoursSchedule == "" { api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "template autostop requirement will default to UTC midnight as the default user quiet hours schedule. Set a custom default quiet hours schedule using CODER_QUIET_HOURS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE to avoid this warning") api.DefaultQuietHoursSchedule = "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 0 * * *" } quietHoursStore, err := schedule.NewEnterpriseUserQuietHoursScheduleStore(api.DefaultQuietHoursSchedule, api.DeploymentValues.UserQuietHoursSchedule.AllowUserCustom.Value()) if err != nil { api.Logger.Error(ctx, "unable to set up enterprise user quiet hours schedule store, template autostop requirements will not be applied to workspace builds", slog.Error(err)) } else { api.AGPL.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore.Store(&quietHoursStore) } } else { templateStore := agplschedule.NewAGPLTemplateScheduleStore() api.AGPL.TemplateScheduleStore.Store(&templateStore) quietHoursStore := agplschedule.NewAGPLUserQuietHoursScheduleStore() api.AGPL.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore.Store(&quietHoursStore) } } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureHighAvailability); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { var coordinator agpltailnet.Coordinator if enabled { haCoordinator, err := tailnet.NewPGCoord(api.ctx, api.Logger, api.Pubsub, api.Database) if err != nil { api.Logger.Error(ctx, "unable to set up high availability coordinator", slog.Error(err)) // If we try to setup the HA coordinator and it fails, nothing // is actually changing. } else { coordinator = haCoordinator } api.replicaManager.SetCallback(func() { addresses := make([]string, 0) for _, replica := range api.replicaManager.Regional() { addresses = append(addresses, replica.RelayAddress) } api.derpMesh.SetAddresses(addresses, false) _ = api.updateEntitlements(ctx) }) } else { coordinator = agpltailnet.NewCoordinator(api.Logger) api.derpMesh.SetAddresses([]string{}, false) api.replicaManager.SetCallback(func() { // If the amount of replicas change, so should our entitlements. // This is to display a warning in the UI if the user is unlicensed. _ = api.updateEntitlements(ctx) }) } // Recheck changed in case the HA coordinator failed to set up. if coordinator != nil { oldCoordinator := *api.AGPL.TailnetCoordinator.Swap(&coordinator) err := oldCoordinator.Close() if err != nil { api.Logger.Error(ctx, "close old tailnet coordinator", slog.Error(err)) } } } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureWorkspaceProxy); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { if enabled { fn := derpMapper(api.Logger, api.ProxyHealth) api.AGPL.DERPMapper.Store(&fn) } else { api.AGPL.DERPMapper.Store(nil) } } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAccessControl); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { var acs agpldbauthz.AccessControlStore = agpldbauthz.AGPLTemplateAccessControlStore{} if enabled { acs = dbauthz.EnterpriseTemplateAccessControlStore{} } api.AGPL.AccessControlStore.Store(&acs) } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAppearance); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { if enabled { f := newAppearanceFetcher( api.Database, api.DeploymentValues.Support.Links.Value, ) api.AGPL.AppearanceFetcher.Store(&f) } else { api.AGPL.AppearanceFetcher.Store(&appearance.DefaultFetcher) } } if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureControlSharedPorts); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) { var ps agplportsharing.PortSharer = agplportsharing.DefaultPortSharer if enabled { ps = portsharing.NewEnterprisePortSharer() } api.AGPL.PortSharer.Store(&ps) } // External token encryption is soft-enforced featureExternalTokenEncryption := entitlements.Features[codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption] featureExternalTokenEncryption.Enabled = len(api.ExternalTokenEncryption) > 0 if featureExternalTokenEncryption.Enabled && featureExternalTokenEncryption.Entitlement != codersdk.EntitlementEntitled { msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s is enabled (due to setting external token encryption keys) but your license is not entitled to this feature.", codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption.Humanize()) api.Logger.Warn(ctx, msg) entitlements.Warnings = append(entitlements.Warnings, msg) } entitlements.Features[codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption] = featureExternalTokenEncryption api.entitlementsMu.Lock() defer api.entitlementsMu.Unlock() api.entitlements = entitlements api.licenseMetricsCollector.Entitlements.Store(&entitlements) api.AGPL.SiteHandler.Entitlements.Store(&entitlements) return nil } // getProxyDERPStartingRegionID returns the starting region ID that should be // used for workspace proxies. A proxy's actual region ID is the return value // from this function + it's RegionID field. // // Two ints are returned, the first is the starting region ID for proxies, and // the second is the maximum region ID that already exists in the DERP map. func getProxyDERPStartingRegionID(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) (sID int64, mID int64) { var maxRegionID int64 for _, region := range derpMap.Regions { rid := int64(region.RegionID) if rid > maxRegionID { maxRegionID = rid } } if maxRegionID < 0 { maxRegionID = 0 } // Round to the nearest 10,000 with a sufficient buffer of at least 2,000. // The buffer allows for future "fixed" regions to be added to the base DERP // map without conflicting with proxy region IDs (standard DERP maps usually // use incrementing IDs for new regions). // // Example: // maxRegionID = -2_000 -> startingRegionID = 10_000 // maxRegionID = 8_000 -> startingRegionID = 10_000 // maxRegionID = 8_500 -> startingRegionID = 20_000 // maxRegionID = 12_000 -> startingRegionID = 20_000 // maxRegionID = 20_000 -> startingRegionID = 30_000 const roundStartingRegionID = 10_000 const startingRegionIDBuffer = 2_000 // Add the buffer first. startingRegionID := maxRegionID + startingRegionIDBuffer // Round UP to the nearest 10,000. Go's math.Ceil rounds up to the nearest // integer, so we need to divide by 10,000 first and then multiply by // 10,000. startingRegionID = int64(math.Ceil(float64(startingRegionID)/roundStartingRegionID) * roundStartingRegionID) // This should never be hit but it's here just in case. if startingRegionID < roundStartingRegionID { startingRegionID = roundStartingRegionID } return startingRegionID, maxRegionID } var ( lastDerpConflictMutex sync.Mutex lastDerpConflictLog time.Time ) func derpMapper(logger slog.Logger, proxyHealth *proxyhealth.ProxyHealth) func(*tailcfg.DERPMap) *tailcfg.DERPMap { return func(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) *tailcfg.DERPMap { derpMap = derpMap.Clone() // Find the starting region ID that we'll use for proxies. This must be // deterministic based on the derp map. startingRegionID, largestRegionID := getProxyDERPStartingRegionID(derpMap) if largestRegionID >= 1<<32 { // Enforce an upper bound on the region ID. This shouldn't be hit in // practice, but it's a good sanity check. lastDerpConflictMutex.Lock() shouldLog := lastDerpConflictLog.IsZero() || time.Since(lastDerpConflictLog) > time.Minute if shouldLog { lastDerpConflictLog = time.Now() } lastDerpConflictMutex.Unlock() if shouldLog { logger.Warn( context.Background(), "existing DERP region IDs are too large, proxy region IDs will not be populated in the derp map. Please ensure that all DERP region IDs are less than 2^32", slog.F("largest_region_id", largestRegionID), slog.F("max_region_id", int64(1<<32-1)), ) return derpMap } } // Add all healthy proxies to the DERP map. statusMap := proxyHealth.HealthStatus() statusLoop: for _, status := range statusMap { if status.Status != proxyhealth.Healthy || !status.Proxy.DerpEnabled { // Only add healthy proxies with DERP enabled to the DERP map. continue } u, err := url.Parse(status.Proxy.Url) if err != nil { // Not really any need to log, the proxy should be unreachable // anyways and filtered out by the above condition. continue } port := u.Port() if port == "" { port = "80" if u.Scheme == "https" { port = "443" } } portInt, err := strconv.Atoi(port) if err != nil { // Not really any need to log, the proxy should be unreachable // anyways and filtered out by the above condition. continue } // Sanity check that the region ID and code is unique. // // This should be impossible to hit as the IDs are enforced to be // unique by the database and the computed ID is greater than any // existing ID in the DERP map. regionID := int(startingRegionID) + int(status.Proxy.RegionID) regionCode := fmt.Sprintf("coder_%s", strings.ToLower(status.Proxy.Name)) regionName := status.Proxy.DisplayName if regionName == "" { regionName = status.Proxy.Name } for _, r := range derpMap.Regions { if r.RegionID == regionID || r.RegionCode == regionCode { // Log a warning if we haven't logged one in the last // minute. lastDerpConflictMutex.Lock() shouldLog := lastDerpConflictLog.IsZero() || time.Since(lastDerpConflictLog) > time.Minute if shouldLog { lastDerpConflictLog = time.Now() } lastDerpConflictMutex.Unlock() if shouldLog { logger.Warn(context.Background(), "proxy region ID or code conflict, ignoring workspace proxy for DERP map", slog.F("proxy_id", status.Proxy.ID), slog.F("proxy_name", status.Proxy.Name), slog.F("proxy_display_name", status.Proxy.DisplayName), slog.F("proxy_url", status.Proxy.Url), slog.F("proxy_region_id", status.Proxy.RegionID), slog.F("proxy_computed_region_id", regionID), slog.F("proxy_computed_region_code", regionCode), ) } continue statusLoop } } derpMap.Regions[regionID] = &tailcfg.DERPRegion{ // EmbeddedRelay ONLY applies to the primary. EmbeddedRelay: false, RegionID: regionID, RegionCode: regionCode, RegionName: regionName, Nodes: []*tailcfg.DERPNode{ { Name: fmt.Sprintf("%da", regionID), RegionID: regionID, HostName: u.Hostname(), DERPPort: portInt, STUNPort: -1, ForceHTTP: u.Scheme == "http", }, }, } } return derpMap } } // @Summary Get entitlements // @ID get-entitlements // @Security CoderSessionToken // @Produce json // @Tags Enterprise // @Success 200 {object} codersdk.Entitlements // @Router /entitlements [get] func (api *API) serveEntitlements(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() api.entitlementsMu.RLock() entitlements := api.entitlements api.entitlementsMu.RUnlock() httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, entitlements) } func (api *API) runEntitlementsLoop(ctx context.Context) { eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely b := backoff.WithContext(eb, ctx) updates := make(chan struct{}, 1) subscribed := false defer func() { // If this function ends, it means the context was canceled and this // coderd is shutting down. In this case, post a pubsub message to // tell other coderd's to resync their entitlements. This is required to // make sure things like replica counts are updated in the UI. // Ignore the error, as this is just a best effort. If it fails, // the system will eventually recover as replicas timeout // if their heartbeats stop. The best effort just tries to update the // UI faster if it succeeds. _ = api.Pubsub.Publish(PubsubEventLicenses, []byte("going away")) }() for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return default: // pass } if !subscribed { cancel, err := api.Pubsub.Subscribe(PubsubEventLicenses, func(_ context.Context, _ []byte) { // don't block. If the channel is full, drop the event, as there is a resync // scheduled already. select { case updates <- struct{}{}: // pass default: // pass } }) if err != nil { api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to subscribe to license updates", slog.Error(err)) select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-time.After(b.NextBackOff()): } continue } // nolint: revive defer cancel() subscribed = true api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "successfully subscribed to pubsub") } api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "syncing licensed entitlements") err := api.updateEntitlements(ctx) if err != nil { api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to get feature entitlements", slog.Error(err)) time.Sleep(b.NextBackOff()) continue } b.Reset() api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "synced licensed entitlements") select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-time.After(api.EntitlementsUpdateInterval): continue case <-updates: api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "got pubsub update") continue } } } func (api *API) Authorize(r *http.Request, action rbac.Action, object rbac.Objecter) bool { return api.AGPL.HTTPAuth.Authorize(r, action, object) }