package cli_test import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/rand" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" gosshagent "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func setupWorkspaceForAgent(t *testing.T, mutate func([]*proto.Agent) []*proto.Agent) (*codersdk.Client, codersdk.Workspace, string) { t.Helper() if mutate == nil { mutate = func(a []*proto.Agent) []*proto.Agent { return a } } client := coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true}) client.Logger = slogtest.Make(t, nil).Named("client").Leveled(slog.LevelDebug) user := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client) agentToken := uuid.NewString() version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, user.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{ Parse: echo.ParseComplete, ProvisionPlan: echo.ProvisionComplete, ProvisionApply: []*proto.Provision_Response{{ Type: &proto.Provision_Response_Complete{ Complete: &proto.Provision_Complete{ Resources: []*proto.Resource{{ Name: "dev", Type: "google_compute_instance", Agents: mutate([]*proto.Agent{{ Id: uuid.NewString(), Auth: &proto.Agent_Token{ Token: agentToken, }, }}), }}, }, }, }}, }) coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJob(t, client, version.ID) template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, user.OrganizationID, version.ID) workspace := coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, user.OrganizationID, template.ID) coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJob(t, client, workspace.LatestBuild.ID) workspace, err := client.Workspace(context.Background(), workspace.ID) require.NoError(t, err) return client, workspace, agentToken } func TestSSH(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() t.Run("ImmediateExit", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() client, workspace, agentToken := setupWorkspaceForAgent(t, nil) inv, root := clitest.New(t, "ssh", workspace.Name) clitest.SetupConfig(t, client, root) pty := ptytest.New(t).Attach(inv) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong) defer cancel() cmdDone := tGo(t, func() { err := inv.WithContext(ctx).Run() assert.NoError(t, err) }) pty.ExpectMatch("Waiting") agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL) agentClient.SetSessionToken(agentToken) agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{ Client: agentClient, Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil).Named("agent"), }) defer func() { _ = agentCloser.Close() }() // Shells on Mac, Windows, and Linux all exit shells with the "exit" command. pty.WriteLine("exit") <-cmdDone }) t.Run("ShowTroubleshootingURLAfterTimeout", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wantURL := "" client, workspace, _ := setupWorkspaceForAgent(t, func(a []*proto.Agent) []*proto.Agent { // Unfortunately, one second is the lowest // we can go because 0 disables the feature. a[0].ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 1 a[0].TroubleshootingUrl = wantURL return a }) inv, root := clitest.New(t, "ssh", workspace.Name) clitest.SetupConfig(t, client, root) pty := ptytest.New(t) inv.Stdin = pty.Input() inv.Stderr = pty.Output() inv.Stdout = pty.Output() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong) defer cancel() cmdDone := tGo(t, func() { err := inv.WithContext(ctx).Run() assert.ErrorIs(t, err, cliui.Canceled) }) pty.ExpectMatch(wantURL) cancel() <-cmdDone }) t.Run("Stdio", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() client, workspace, agentToken := setupWorkspaceForAgent(t, nil) _, _ = tGoContext(t, func(ctx context.Context) { // Run this async so the SSH command has to wait for // the build and agent to connect! agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL) agentClient.SetSessionToken(agentToken) agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{ Client: agentClient, Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil).Named("agent"), }) <-ctx.Done() _ = agentCloser.Close() }) clientOutput, clientInput := io.Pipe() serverOutput, serverInput := io.Pipe() defer func() { for _, c := range []io.Closer{clientOutput, clientInput, serverOutput, serverInput} { _ = c.Close() } }() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong) defer cancel() inv, root := clitest.New(t, "ssh", "--stdio", workspace.Name) clitest.SetupConfig(t, client, root) inv.Stdin = clientOutput inv.Stdout = serverInput inv.Stderr = io.Discard cmdDone := tGo(t, func() { err := inv.WithContext(ctx).Run() assert.NoError(t, err) }) conn, channels, requests, err := ssh.NewClientConn(&stdioConn{ Reader: serverOutput, Writer: clientInput, }, "", &ssh.ClientConfig{ // #nosec HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(), }) require.NoError(t, err) defer conn.Close() sshClient := ssh.NewClient(conn, channels, requests) session, err := sshClient.NewSession() require.NoError(t, err) defer session.Close() command := "sh -c exit" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { command = "cmd.exe /c exit" } err = session.Run(command) require.NoError(t, err) err = sshClient.Close() require.NoError(t, err) _ = clientOutput.Close() <-cmdDone }) t.Run("ForwardAgent", func(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { t.Skip("Test not supported on windows") } t.Parallel() client, workspace, agentToken := setupWorkspaceForAgent(t, nil) agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL) agentClient.SetSessionToken(agentToken) agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{ Client: agentClient, Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil).Named("agent"), }) defer agentCloser.Close() // Generate private key. privateKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) require.NoError(t, err) kr := gosshagent.NewKeyring() kr.Add(gosshagent.AddedKey{ PrivateKey: privateKey, }) // Start up ssh agent listening on unix socket. tmpdir := tempDirUnixSocket(t) agentSock := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "agent.sock") l, err := net.Listen("unix", agentSock) require.NoError(t, err) defer l.Close() _ = tGo(t, func() { for { fd, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosed) { assert.NoError(t, err, "listener accept failed") } return } err = gosshagent.ServeAgent(kr, fd) if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { assert.NoError(t, err, "serve agent failed") } _ = fd.Close() } }) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong) defer cancel() inv, root := clitest.New(t, "ssh", workspace.Name, "--forward-agent", "--identity-agent", agentSock, // Overrides $SSH_AUTH_SOCK. ) clitest.SetupConfig(t, client, root) pty := ptytest.New(t).Attach(inv) inv.Stderr = pty.Output() cmdDone := tGo(t, func() { err := inv.WithContext(ctx).Run() assert.NoError(t, err, "ssh command failed") }) // Wait for the prompt or any output really to indicate the command has // started and accepting input on stdin. _ = pty.Peek(ctx, 1) // Ensure that SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set. // Linux: /tmp/auth-agent3167016167/listener.sock // macOS: /var/folders/ng/m1q0wft14hj0t3rtjxrdnzsr0000gn/T/auth-agent3245553419/listener.sock pty.WriteLine("env") pty.ExpectMatch("SSH_AUTH_SOCK=") // Ensure that ssh-add lists our key. pty.WriteLine("ssh-add -L") keys, err := kr.List() require.NoError(t, err, "list keys failed") pty.ExpectMatch(keys[0].String()) // And we're done. pty.WriteLine("exit") <-cmdDone }) } //nolint:paralleltest // This test uses t.Setenv, parent test MUST NOT be parallel. func TestSSH_ForwardGPG(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // While GPG forwarding from a Windows client works, we currently do // not support forwarding to a Windows workspace. Our tests use the // same platform for the "client" and "workspace" as they run in the // same process. t.Skip("Test not supported on windows") } if testing.Short() { t.SkipNow() } // This key is for const randPublicKeyFingerprint = "7BDFBA0CC7F5A96537C806C427BC6335EB5117F1" const randPublicKey = `-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBF6SWkEBEADB8sAhBaT36VQ6HEhAmtKexLldu1HUdXNw16rdF+1wiBzSFfJN aPeX4Y9iFIZgC2wU0wOjJ04BpioyOLtJngbThI5WpeoQ/1yQZOpnDaCMPPLp+uJ+ Gy4tMZYWQq21PukrFm3XDRGKjVN58QN6uCPb1S/YzteP8Epmq590GYIYLiAHnMt6 5iyxIFhXj/fq5Fddp2+efI7QWvNl2wTNnCaTziOSKYcbNmQpn9gy0WvKktWYtB8E JJtWES0DzgCnDpm/hYx79Wkb+F7qY54y2uauDx+z97QXrON47lsIyGm8/T59ZfSd /yrBqDLHYrHlt9RkFpAnBzO402y2eHsKTB6/EAHv9H2apxahyJlcxGbE5QE+fOJk LdPlako0cSljz0g9Icesr2nZL0MhWwLnwk7DHkg/PUUijkbuR/TD9dti2/yOTFrf Y7DdZpoZ0ZkcGu9lMh2vOTWc96RNCyIZfE5WNDKKo+u5Txzndsc/qIgKohwDSxTC 3hAulG5Wt05UeyHBEAAvGV2szG88VsGwd1juqXAbEzk+kLQzNyoQX188/4V4X+MV pY9Wz7JudmQpB/3+YTcA/ziK/+wu3c2wNlr7gMZYMOwDWTLfW64nux7zHWDytrP0 HfgJIgqP7F7SnChpTFdb1hr1WDox99ZG+/eDkwxnuXYWm9xx5/crqQ0POQARAQAB tClEZWFuIFNoZWF0aGVyICh3b3JrIGtleSkgPGRlYW5AY29kZXIuY29tPokCVAQT AQgAPhYhBHvfugzH9allN8gGxCe8YzXrURfxBQJeklpBAhsDBQkJZgGABQsJCAcC BhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJECe8YzXrURfxIVkP/3UJMzvIjTNF63WiK4xk TXlBbPKodnzUmAJ+8DVXmJMJpNsSI2czw6eFUXMcrT3JMlviOXhRWMLHr2FsQhyS AJOQo0x9z7nntPIkvj96ihCdgRn7VN1WzaMwOOesGPr57StWLE84bg9/R0aSsxtX LgfBCyNkv6FFlruhnw8+JdZJEjvIXQ9swvwD6L68ZLWIWcdnj/CjQmnmgFA+O4UO SFXMUjklbrq8mJ0sAPUUATJK0SOTyqkZPkhqjlTZa8p0XoJF25trhwLhzDi4GPR6 SK/9SkqB/go9ZwkNZOjs2tP7eMExy4zQ21MFH09JMKQB7H5CG8GwdMwz4+VKc9aP y9Ncova/p7Y8kJ7oQPWhACJT1jMP6620oC2N/7wwS0Vtc6E9LoPrfXC2TtvOA9qx aOf6riWSjo8BEcXDuMtlW4g6IQFNd0+wcgcKrAd+vPLZnG4rtYL0Etdd1ymBT4pi 5E5uT8oUT9rLHX+2tD/E8SE5PzsaKEOJKzcOB8ESb3YBGic7+VvX/AuJuSFsuWnZ FqAUENqfdz6+0dEJe1pfWyje+Q+o7B7u+ffMT4dOQOC8NfHFnz1kU+DA3VDE6xsu 3YN1L8KlYON92s9VWDA8VuvmU2d9pq5ysUeg133ftDSwj3X+5GYcBv4VFcSRCBW5 w0hDpMDun1t8xcXdo1LQ4R4NuQINBF6SWkEBEADF4Nrhlqc5M3Sz9sNHDJZR68zb 4CjkoOpYwsKj/ZCukzRCGKpT5Agn0zOycUjbAyCZVjREeIRRURyAhfpOmZY5yF6b PD93+04OzWk1AaDRmMfvi1Crn/WUEVHIbDaisxDzNuAJgLrt93I/lOz06GczhCb6 sPBeKuaXCLl/5LSwTahGWsweeSCmfyrYsOc11T+SjdyWXWXEpzFNNIhvqiEoJCw3 IcdktTBJYuHsN4jh5kVemi/ttqRN3z7rBMKR1sPG3ux1MfCfSTSCeZLTN9eVvqm9 ne8brk8ZC6sdwlZ9IofPbmSaAh+F5Kfcnd3KjmyQ63t+8plpJ2YH3Fx6IwTwVEQ8 Ii3WQInTpBSPqf0EwnzRBvhYeKusRpcmX3JSmosLbd5uhvJdgotzuwZYzgay/6DL OlwElZ//ecXNhU8iYmx1BwNuquvGcGVpkP5eaaT6O9qDznB7TT0xztfAK0LaAuRJ HOFCc8iiHtQ4o0OkRhg/0KkUGBU5Iw5SIDimkgwJMtD3ZiYOqLaXS6kmmVw2u6YD LB8rTpegz/tcX+4uyfnIZ28JCOYFTeaDT4FixFW2hrfo/VJzMI5IIv9XAAmtAiEU f+CY2BT6kg9NkQuke0p4/W8yTaScapYZa5I2bzFpJJyzh1TKE6x3qcbBs9vVX+6E vK4FflNwu9WSWojO2wARAQABiQI8BBgBCAAmFiEEe9+6DMf1qWU3yAbEJ7xjNetR F/EFAl6SWkECGwwFCQlmAYAACgkQJ7xjNetRF/FpnQ//SIYePQzhvWj9drnT2krG dUGSxCN0pA2UQZNkreAaKmyxn2/6xEdxYSz0iUEk+I0HKay+NLCxJ5PDoDBypFtM f0yOnbWRObhim8HmED4JRw678G4hRU7KEN0L/9SUYlsBNbgr1xYM/CUX/Ih9NT+P eApxs2VgjKii6m81nfBCFpWSxAs+TOnbshp8dlDZk9kxjFH9+h1ffgZjntqeyiWe F1UE1Wh32MbJdtc2Y3mrA6i+7+3OXmqMHoiG1obhISgdpaCJ/ub3ywnAmeXSiAKE IuS6CriR71Wqv8LMQ8kPM8On9Q26d1dsKKBnlFop9oexxf1AFsbbf9gkcgb+uNno 1Qr/R6l2H1TcV1gmiyQLzVnkgLRORosLvSlFrisrsLv9uTYYgcGvwKiU/o3PTdQg fv0D7LB+a3C9KsCBFjihW3bTOcHKX2sAWEQXZMtKGf5aNTBmWQ+eKWUGpudXIvLE od5lgfk9p8T1R50KDieG/+2X95zxFSYBoPRAfp7JNT7h+TZ55qUmQXZGI1VqhWiq b6y/yqfI17JCm4oWpXYbgeruLuye2c/ptDc3S3d26hbWYiWKVT4bLtUGR0wuE6lS DK0u4LK+mnrYfIvRDYJGx18/nbLpR+ivWLIssJT2Jyyj8w9+hk10XkODySNjHCxj p7KeSZdlk47pMBGOfnvEmoQ= =OxHv -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----` ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitLong) defer cancel() gpgPath, err := exec.LookPath("gpg") if err != nil { t.Skip("gpg not found") } gpgConfPath, err := exec.LookPath("gpgconf") if err != nil { t.Skip("gpgconf not found") } gpgAgentPath, err := exec.LookPath("gpg-agent") if err != nil { t.Skip("gpg-agent not found") } // Setup GPG home directory on the "client". gnupgHomeClient := tempDirUnixSocket(t) t.Setenv("GNUPGHOME", gnupgHomeClient) // Get the agent extra socket path. var ( stdout = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) stderr = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) ) c := exec.CommandContext(ctx, gpgConfPath, "--list-dir", "agent-extra-socket") c.Stdout = stdout c.Stderr = stderr err = c.Run() require.NoError(t, err, "get extra socket path failed: %s", stderr.String()) extraSocketPath := strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()) // Generate private key non-interactively. genKeyScript := ` Key-Type: 1 Key-Length: 2048 Subkey-Type: 1 Subkey-Length: 2048 Name-Real: Coder Test Name-Email: Expire-Date: 0 %no-protection ` c = exec.CommandContext(ctx, gpgPath, "--batch", "--gen-key") c.Stdin = strings.NewReader(genKeyScript) out, err := c.CombinedOutput() require.NoError(t, err, "generate key failed: %s", out) // Import a random public key. stdin := strings.NewReader(randPublicKey + "\n") c = exec.CommandContext(ctx, gpgPath, "--import", "-") c.Stdin = stdin out, err = c.CombinedOutput() require.NoError(t, err, "import key failed: %s", out) // Set ultimate trust on imported key. stdin = strings.NewReader(randPublicKeyFingerprint + ":6:\n") c = exec.CommandContext(ctx, gpgPath, "--import-ownertrust") c.Stdin = stdin out, err = c.CombinedOutput() require.NoError(t, err, "import ownertrust failed: %s", out) // Start the GPG agent. agentCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, gpgAgentPath, "--no-detach", "--extra-socket", extraSocketPath) agentCmd.Env = append(agentCmd.Env, "GNUPGHOME="+gnupgHomeClient) agentPTY, agentProc, err := pty.Start(agentCmd, pty.WithPTYOption(pty.WithGPGTTY())) require.NoError(t, err, "launch agent failed") defer func() { _ = agentProc.Kill() _ = agentPTY.Close() }() // Get the agent socket path in the "workspace". gnupgHomeWorkspace := tempDirUnixSocket(t) stdout = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) stderr = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) c = exec.CommandContext(ctx, gpgConfPath, "--list-dir", "agent-socket") c.Env = append(c.Env, "GNUPGHOME="+gnupgHomeWorkspace) c.Stdout = stdout c.Stderr = stderr err = c.Run() require.NoError(t, err, "get agent socket path in workspace failed: %s", stderr.String()) workspaceAgentSocketPath := strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()) require.NotEqual(t, extraSocketPath, workspaceAgentSocketPath, "socket path should be different") client, workspace, agentToken := setupWorkspaceForAgent(t, nil) agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL) agentClient.SetSessionToken(agentToken) agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{ Client: agentClient, EnvironmentVariables: map[string]string{ "GNUPGHOME": gnupgHomeWorkspace, }, Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil).Named("agent"), }) defer agentCloser.Close() inv, root := clitest.New(t, "ssh", workspace.Name, "--forward-gpg", ) clitest.SetupConfig(t, client, root) tpty := ptytest.New(t) inv.Stdin = tpty.Input() inv.Stdout = tpty.Output() inv.Stderr = tpty.Output() cmdDone := tGo(t, func() { err := inv.WithContext(ctx).Run() assert.NoError(t, err, "ssh command failed") }) // Prevent the test from hanging if the asserts below kill the test // early. This will cause the command to exit with an error, which will // let the t.Cleanup'd `<-done` inside of `tGo` exit and not hang. // Without this, the test will hang forever on failure, preventing the // real error from being printed. t.Cleanup(cancel) // Wait for the prompt or any output really to indicate the command has // started and accepting input on stdin. _ = tpty.Peek(ctx, 1) tpty.WriteLine("echo hello 'world'") tpty.ExpectMatch("hello world") // Check the GNUPGHOME was correctly inherited via shell. tpty.WriteLine("env && echo env-''-command-done") match := tpty.ExpectMatch("env--command-done") require.Contains(t, match, "GNUPGHOME="+gnupgHomeWorkspace, match) // Get the agent extra socket path in the "workspace" via shell. tpty.WriteLine("gpgconf --list-dir agent-socket && echo gpgconf-''-agentsocket-command-done") tpty.ExpectMatch(workspaceAgentSocketPath) tpty.ExpectMatch("gpgconf--agentsocket-command-done") // List the keys in the "workspace". tpty.WriteLine("gpg --list-keys && echo gpg-''-listkeys-command-done") listKeysOutput := tpty.ExpectMatch("gpg--listkeys-command-done") require.Contains(t, listKeysOutput, "[ultimate] Coder Test ") require.Contains(t, listKeysOutput, "[ultimate] Dean Sheather (work key) ") // Try to sign something. This demonstrates that the forwarding is // working as expected, since the workspace doesn't have access to the // private key directly and must use the forwarded agent. tpty.WriteLine("echo 'hello world' | gpg --clearsign && echo gpg-''-sign-command-done") tpty.ExpectMatch("BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE") tpty.ExpectMatch("Hash:") tpty.ExpectMatch("hello world") tpty.ExpectMatch("gpg--sign-command-done") // And we're done. tpty.WriteLine("exit") <-cmdDone } // tGoContext runs fn in a goroutine passing a context that will be // canceled on test completion and wait until fn has finished executing. // Done and cancel are returned for optionally waiting until completion // or early cancellation. // // NOTE(mafredri): This could be moved to a helper library. func tGoContext(t *testing.T, fn func(context.Context)) (done <-chan struct{}, cancel context.CancelFunc) { t.Helper() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) doneC := make(chan struct{}) t.Cleanup(func() { cancel() <-done }) go func() { fn(ctx) close(doneC) }() return doneC, cancel } // tGo runs fn in a goroutine and waits until fn has completed before // test completion. Done is returned for optionally waiting for fn to // exit. // // NOTE(mafredri): This could be moved to a helper library. func tGo(t *testing.T, fn func()) (done <-chan struct{}) { t.Helper() doneC := make(chan struct{}) t.Cleanup(func() { <-doneC }) go func() { fn() close(doneC) }() return doneC } type stdioConn struct { io.Reader io.Writer } func (*stdioConn) Close() (err error) { return nil } func (*stdioConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return nil } func (*stdioConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return nil } func (*stdioConn) SetDeadline(_ time.Time) error { return nil } func (*stdioConn) SetReadDeadline(_ time.Time) error { return nil } func (*stdioConn) SetWriteDeadline(_ time.Time) error { return nil } // tempDirUnixSocket returns a temporary directory that can safely hold unix // sockets (probably). // // During tests on darwin we hit the max path length limit for unix sockets // pretty easily in the default location, so this function uses /tmp instead to // get shorter paths. func tempDirUnixSocket(t *testing.T) string { t.Helper() if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { testName := strings.ReplaceAll(t.Name(), "/", "_") dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("/tmp", fmt.Sprintf("coder-test-%s-", testName)) require.NoError(t, err, "create temp dir for gpg test") t.Cleanup(func() { err := os.RemoveAll(dir) assert.NoError(t, err, "remove temp dir", dir) }) return dir } return t.TempDir() }