import { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; import { mockApiError, MockDeploymentDAUResponse, MockEntitlementsWithUserLimit, } from "testHelpers/entities"; import { GeneralSettingsPageView } from "./GeneralSettingsPageView"; const meta: Meta = { title: "pages/DeploySettingsPage/GeneralSettingsPageView", component: GeneralSettingsPageView, args: { deploymentOptions: [ { name: "Access URL", description: "The URL that users will use to access the Coder deployment.", flag: "access-url", flag_shorthand: "", value: "", hidden: false, }, { name: "Wildcard Access URL", description: 'Specifies the wildcard hostname to use for workspace applications in the form "*".', flag: "wildcard-access-url", flag_shorthand: "", value: "*", hidden: false, }, { name: "Experiments", description: "Enable one or more experiments. These are not ready for production. Separate multiple experiments with commas, or enter '*' to opt-in to all available experiments.", flag: "experiments", value: ["single_tailnet"], flag_shorthand: "", hidden: false, }, ], deploymentDAUs: MockDeploymentDAUResponse, safeExperiments: ["single_tailnet", "deployment_health_page"], }, }; export default meta; type Story = StoryObj; export const Page: Story = {}; export const WithUserLimit: Story = { args: { deploymentDAUs: MockDeploymentDAUResponse, entitlements: MockEntitlementsWithUserLimit, }, }; export const NoDAUs: Story = { args: { deploymentDAUs: undefined, }, }; export const DAUError: Story = { args: { deploymentDAUs: undefined, deploymentDAUsError: mockApiError({ message: "Error fetching DAUs.", }), }, }; export const allExperimentsEnabled: Story = { args: { deploymentOptions: [ { name: "Access URL", description: "The URL that users will use to access the Coder deployment.", flag: "access-url", flag_shorthand: "", value: "", hidden: false, }, { name: "Wildcard Access URL", description: 'Specifies the wildcard hostname to use for workspace applications in the form "*".', flag: "wildcard-access-url", flag_shorthand: "", value: "*", hidden: false, }, { name: "Experiments", description: "Enable one or more experiments. These are not ready for production. Separate multiple experiments with commas, or enter '*' to opt-in to all available experiments.", flag: "experiments", value: ["*"], flag_shorthand: "", hidden: false, }, ], safeExperiments: ["single_tailnet", "deployment_health_page"], }, };