#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # shellcheck source=scripts/lib.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/lib.sh" cdroot usage() { cat <] [--major | --minor | --patch] [--force] This script should be called to create a new release. When run, this script will display the new version number and optionally a preview of the release notes. The new version will be selected automatically based on if the release contains breaking changes or not. If the release contains breaking changes, a new minor version will be created. Otherwise, a new patch version will be created. To mark a release as containing breaking changes, the commit title should either contain a known prefix with an exclamation mark ("feat!:", "feat(api)!:") or the PR that was merged can be tagged with the "release/breaking" label. GitHub labels that affect release notes: - release/breaking: Shown under BREAKING CHANGES, prevents patch release. - release/experimental: Shown at the bottom under Experimental. - security: Shown under SECURITY. Flags: Set --major or --minor to force a larger version bump, even when there are no breaking changes. By default a patch version will be created, --patch is no-op. Set --force force the provided increment to be used (e.g. --patch), even if there are breaking changes, etc. Set --ref if you need to specify a specific commit that the new version will be tagged at, otherwise the latest commit will be used. Set --dry-run to see what this script would do without making actual changes. EOH } branch=main remote=origin dry_run=0 ref= increment= force=0 script_check=1 mainline=1 channel=mainline # These values will be used for any PRs created. pr_review_assignee=${CODER_RELEASE_PR_REVIEW_ASSIGNEE:-@me} pr_review_reviewer=${CODER_RELEASE_PR_REVIEW_REVIEWER:-bpmct,stirby} args="$(getopt -o h -l dry-run,help,ref:,mainline,stable,major,minor,patch,force,ignore-script-out-of-date -- "$@")" eval set -- "$args" while true; do case "$1" in --dry-run) dry_run=1 shift ;; -h | --help) usage exit 0 ;; --mainline) mainline=1 channel=mainline shift ;; --stable) mainline=0 channel=stable shift ;; --ref) ref="$2" shift 2 ;; --major | --minor | --patch) if [[ -n $increment ]]; then error "Cannot specify multiple version increments." fi increment=${1#--} shift ;; --force) force=1 shift ;; # Allow the script to be run with an out-of-date script for # development purposes. --ignore-script-out-of-date) script_check=0 shift ;; --) shift break ;; *) error "Unrecognized option: $1" ;; esac done # Check dependencies. dependencies gh jq sort if [[ -z $increment ]]; then # Default to patch versions. increment="patch" fi # Check if the working directory is clean. if ! git diff --quiet --exit-code; then log "Working directory is not clean, it is highly recommended to stash changes." while [[ ! ${stash:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Stash changes? (y/n) " -n 1 -r stash log done if [[ ${stash} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git stash push --message "scripts/release.sh: autostash" fi log fi # Check if the main is up-to-date with the remote. log "Checking remote ${remote} for repo..." remote_url=$(git remote get-url "${remote}") # Allow either SSH or HTTPS URLs. if ! [[ ${remote_url} =~ [@/]github.com ]] && ! [[ ${remote_url} =~ [:/]coder/coder(\.git)?$ ]]; then error "This script is only intended to be run with github.com/coder/coder repository set as ${remote}." fi # Make sure the repository is up-to-date before generating release notes. log "Fetching ${branch} and tags from ${remote}..." git fetch --quiet --tags "${remote}" "$branch" # Resolve to the current commit unless otherwise specified. ref_name=${ref:-HEAD} ref=$(git rev-parse "${ref_name}") # Make sure that we're running the latest release script. script_diff=$(git diff --name-status "${remote}/${branch}" -- scripts/release.sh) if [[ ${script_check} = 1 ]] && [[ -n ${script_diff} ]]; then error "Release script is out-of-date. Please check out the latest version and try again." fi # Make sure no other remote release contains this ref. release_contains_ref="$(git branch --remotes --contains "${ref}" --list "${remote}/release/*" --format='%(refname)')" if [[ -n ${release_contains_ref} ]]; then error "Ref ${ref_name} is already part of another release: $(git describe --always "${ref}") on ${release_contains_ref#"refs/remotes/${remote}/"}." fi log "Checking GitHub for latest release(s)..." # Check the latest version tag from GitHub (by version) using the API. versions_out="$(gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" /repos/coder/coder/git/refs/tags -q '.[].ref | split("/") | .[2]' | grep '^v[0-9]' | sort -r -V)" mapfile -t versions <<<"${versions_out}" latest_mainline_version=${versions[0]} latest_stable_version="$(curl -fsSLI -o /dev/null -w "%{url_effective}" https://github.com/coder/coder/releases/latest)" latest_stable_version="${latest_stable_version#https://github.com/coder/coder/releases/tag/}" log "Latest mainline release: ${latest_mainline_version}" log "Latest stable release: ${latest_stable_version}" log old_version=${latest_mainline_version} if ((!mainline)); then old_version=${latest_stable_version} fi trap 'log "Check commit metadata failed, you can try to set \"export CODER_IGNORE_MISSING_COMMIT_METADATA=1\" and try again, if you know what you are doing."' EXIT # shellcheck source=scripts/release/check_commit_metadata.sh source "$SCRIPT_DIR/release/check_commit_metadata.sh" "$old_version" "$ref" trap - EXIT log tag_version_args=(--old-version "$old_version" --ref "$ref_name" --"$increment") if ((force == 1)); then tag_version_args+=(--force) fi log "Executing DRYRUN of release tagging..." tag_version_out="$(execrelative ./release/tag_version.sh "${tag_version_args[@]}" --dry-run)" log while [[ ! ${continue_release:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Continue? (y/n) " -n 1 -r continue_release log done if ! [[ $continue_release =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit 0 fi log mapfile -d ' ' -t tag_version <<<"$tag_version_out" release_branch=${tag_version[0]} new_version=${tag_version[1]} new_version="${new_version%$'\n'}" # Remove the trailing newline. release_notes="$(execrelative ./release/generate_release_notes.sh --old-version "$old_version" --new-version "$new_version" --ref "$ref")" release_notes_file="build/RELEASE-${new_version}.md" if ((dry_run)); then release_notes_file="build/RELEASE-${new_version}-DRYRUN.md" fi get_editor() { if command -v editor >/dev/null; then readlink -f "$(command -v editor || true)" elif [[ -n ${GIT_EDITOR:-} ]]; then echo "${GIT_EDITOR}" elif [[ -n ${EDITOR:-} ]]; then echo "${EDITOR}" fi } editor="$(get_editor)" write_release_notes() { if [[ -z ${editor} ]]; then log "Release notes written to $release_notes_file, you can now edit this file manually." else log "Release notes written to $release_notes_file, you can now edit this file manually or via your editor." fi echo -e "${release_notes}" >"${release_notes_file}" } log "Writing release notes to ${release_notes_file}" if [[ -f ${release_notes_file} ]]; then log while [[ ! ${overwrite:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Release notes already exists, overwrite? (y/n) " -n 1 -r overwrite log done log if [[ ${overwrite} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then write_release_notes else log "Release notes not overwritten, using existing release notes." release_notes="$(<"$release_notes_file")" fi else write_release_notes fi log if [[ -z ${editor} ]]; then log "No editor found, please set the \$EDITOR environment variable for edit prompt." else while [[ ! ${edit:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Edit release notes in \"${editor}\"? (y/n) " -n 1 -r edit log done if [[ ${edit} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then "${editor}" "${release_notes_file}" release_notes2="$(<"$release_notes_file")" if [[ "${release_notes}" != "${release_notes2}" ]]; then log "Release notes have been updated!" release_notes="${release_notes2}" else log "No changes detected..." fi fi fi log while [[ ! ${preview:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Preview release notes? (y/n) " -n 1 -r preview log done if [[ ${preview} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then log echo -e "$release_notes\n" fi log while [[ ! ${create:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Create, build and publish release? (y/n) " -n 1 -r create log done if ! [[ ${create} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit 0 fi log # Run without dry-run to actually create the tag, note we don't update the # new_version variable here to ensure we're pushing what we showed before. maybedryrun "$dry_run" execrelative ./release/tag_version.sh "${tag_version_args[@]}" >/dev/null maybedryrun "$dry_run" git push -u origin "$release_branch" maybedryrun "$dry_run" git push --tags -u origin "$new_version" log log "Release tags for ${new_version} created successfully and pushed to ${remote}!" log # Write to a tmp file for ease of debugging. release_json_file=$(mktemp -t coder-release.json.XXXXXX) log "Writing release JSON to ${release_json_file}" jq -n \ --argjson dry_run "${dry_run}" \ --arg release_channel "${channel}" \ --arg release_notes "${release_notes}" \ '{dry_run: ($dry_run > 0) | tostring, release_channel: $release_channel, release_notes: $release_notes}' \ >"${release_json_file}" log "Running release workflow..." maybedryrun "${dry_run}" cat "${release_json_file}" | maybedryrun "${dry_run}" gh workflow run release.yaml --json --ref "${new_version}" log log "Release workflow started successfully!" log log "Would you like for me to create a pull request for you to automatically bump the version numbers in the docs?" while [[ ! ${create_pr:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Create PR? (y/n) " -n 1 -r create_pr log done if [[ ${create_pr} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then pr_branch=autoversion/${new_version} title="docs: bump ${channel} version to ${new_version}" body="This PR was automatically created by the [release script](https://github.com/coder/coder/blob/main/scripts/release.sh). Please review the changes and merge if they look good and the release is complete. You can follow the release progress [here](https://github.com/coder/coder/actions/workflows/release.yaml) and view the published release [here](https://github.com/coder/coder/releases/tag/${new_version}) (once complete)." log log "Creating branch \"${pr_branch}\" and updating versions..." create_pr_stash=0 if ! git diff --quiet --exit-code -- docs; then maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git stash push --message "scripts/release.sh: autostash (autoversion)" -- docs create_pr_stash=1 fi maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git checkout -b "${pr_branch}" "${remote}/${branch}" execrelative go run ./release autoversion --channel "${channel}" "${new_version}" --dry-run maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git add docs maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git commit -m "${title}" # Return to previous branch. maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git checkout - if ((create_pr_stash)); then maybedryrun "${dry_run}" git stash pop fi log "Creating pull request..." maybedryrun "${dry_run}" gh pr create \ --assignee "${pr_review_assignee}" \ --reviewer "${pr_review_reviewer}" \ --base "${branch}" \ --head "${pr_branch}" \ --title "${title}" \ --body "${body}" fi if ((dry_run)); then # We can't watch the release.yaml workflow if we're in dry-run mode. exit 0 fi log while [[ ! ${watch:-} =~ ^[YyNn]$ ]]; do read -p "Watch release? (y/n) " -n 1 -r watch log done if ! [[ ${watch} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit 0 fi log 'Waiting for job to become "in_progress"...' # Wait at most 10 minutes (60*10/60) for the job to start. for _ in $(seq 1 60); do output="$( # Output: # 3886828508 # in_progress gh run list -w release.yaml \ --limit 1 \ --json status,databaseId \ --jq '.[] | (.databaseId | tostring), .status' )" mapfile -t run <<<"$output" if [[ ${run[1]} != "in_progress" ]]; then sleep 10 continue fi gh run watch --exit-status "${run[0]}" exit 0 done error "Waiting for job to start timed out."