package agent import ( "context" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net" "net/netip" "net/url" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" gossh "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( ProtocolReconnectingPTY = "reconnecting-pty" ProtocolSSH = "ssh" ProtocolDial = "dial" // MagicSessionErrorCode indicates that something went wrong with the session, rather than the // command just returning a nonzero exit code, and is chosen as an arbitrary, high number // unlikely to shadow other exit codes, which are typically 1, 2, 3, etc. MagicSessionErrorCode = 229 ) var ( // tailnetIP is a static IPv6 address with the Tailscale prefix that is used to route // connections from clients to this node. A dynamic address is not required because a Tailnet // client only dials a single agent at a time. tailnetIP = netip.MustParseAddr("fd7a:115c:a1e0:49d6:b259:b7ac:b1b2:48f4") tailnetSSHPort = 1 tailnetReconnectingPTYPort = 2 tailnetSpeedtestPort = 3 ) type Options struct { CoordinatorDialer CoordinatorDialer WebRTCDialer WebRTCDialer FetchMetadata FetchMetadata StatsReporter StatsReporter ReconnectingPTYTimeout time.Duration EnvironmentVariables map[string]string Logger slog.Logger } type Metadata struct { DERPMap *tailcfg.DERPMap `json:"derpmap"` EnvironmentVariables map[string]string `json:"environment_variables"` StartupScript string `json:"startup_script"` Directory string `json:"directory"` } type WebRTCDialer func(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger) (*peerbroker.Listener, error) // CoordinatorDialer is a function that constructs a new broker. // A dialer must be passed in to allow for reconnects. type CoordinatorDialer func(ctx context.Context) (net.Conn, error) // FetchMetadata is a function to obtain metadata for the agent. type FetchMetadata func(ctx context.Context) (Metadata, error) func New(options Options) io.Closer { if options.ReconnectingPTYTimeout == 0 { options.ReconnectingPTYTimeout = 5 * time.Minute } ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) server := &agent{ webrtcDialer: options.WebRTCDialer, reconnectingPTYTimeout: options.ReconnectingPTYTimeout, logger: options.Logger, closeCancel: cancelFunc, closed: make(chan struct{}), envVars: options.EnvironmentVariables, coordinatorDialer: options.CoordinatorDialer, fetchMetadata: options.FetchMetadata, stats: &Stats{}, statsReporter: options.StatsReporter, } server.init(ctx) return server } type agent struct { webrtcDialer WebRTCDialer logger slog.Logger reconnectingPTYs sync.Map reconnectingPTYTimeout time.Duration connCloseWait sync.WaitGroup closeCancel context.CancelFunc closeMutex sync.Mutex closed chan struct{} envVars map[string]string // metadata is atomic because values can change after reconnection. metadata atomic.Value fetchMetadata FetchMetadata sshServer *ssh.Server network *tailnet.Conn coordinatorDialer CoordinatorDialer stats *Stats statsReporter StatsReporter } func (a *agent) run(ctx context.Context) { var metadata Metadata var err error // An exponential back-off occurs when the connection is failing to dial. // This is to prevent server spam in case of a coderd outage. for retrier := retry.New(50*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second); retrier.Wait(ctx); { a.logger.Info(ctx, "connecting") metadata, err = a.fetchMetadata(ctx) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } if a.isClosed() { return } a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "failed to dial", slog.Error(err)) continue } a.logger.Info(context.Background(), "fetched metadata") break } select { case <-ctx.Done(): return default: } a.metadata.Store(metadata) // The startup script has not ran yet! go func() { err := a.runStartupScript(ctx, metadata.StartupScript) if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "agent script failed", slog.Error(err)) } }() if a.webrtcDialer != nil { go a.runWebRTCNetworking(ctx) } if metadata.DERPMap != nil { go a.runTailnet(ctx, metadata.DERPMap) } } func (a *agent) runTailnet(ctx context.Context, derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) { a.closeMutex.Lock() defer a.closeMutex.Unlock() if a.isClosed() { return } if != nil { return } var err error, err = tailnet.NewConn(&tailnet.Options{ Addresses: []netip.Prefix{netip.PrefixFrom(tailnetIP, 128)}, DERPMap: derpMap, Logger: a.logger.Named("tailnet"), }) if err != nil { a.logger.Critical(ctx, "create tailnet", slog.Error(err)) return } net.Conn, listenerExists bool) net.Conn { if listenerExists { // If a listener already exists, we would double-wrap the conn. return conn } return a.stats.wrapConn(conn) }) go a.runCoordinator(ctx) sshListener, err :="tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(tailnetSSHPort)) if err != nil { a.logger.Critical(ctx, "listen for ssh", slog.Error(err)) return } go func() { for { conn, err := sshListener.Accept() if err != nil { return } go a.sshServer.HandleConn(a.stats.wrapConn(conn)) } }() reconnectingPTYListener, err :="tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(tailnetReconnectingPTYPort)) if err != nil { a.logger.Critical(ctx, "listen for reconnecting pty", slog.Error(err)) return } go func() { for { conn, err := reconnectingPTYListener.Accept() if err != nil { a.logger.Debug(ctx, "accept pty failed", slog.Error(err)) return } conn = a.stats.wrapConn(conn) // This cannot use a JSON decoder, since that can // buffer additional data that is required for the PTY. rawLen := make([]byte, 2) _, err = conn.Read(rawLen) if err != nil { continue } length := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(rawLen) data := make([]byte, length) _, err = conn.Read(data) if err != nil { continue } var msg reconnectingPTYInit err = json.Unmarshal(data, &msg) if err != nil { continue } go a.handleReconnectingPTY(ctx, msg, conn) } }() speedtestListener, err :="tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(tailnetSpeedtestPort)) if err != nil { a.logger.Critical(ctx, "listen for speedtest", slog.Error(err)) return } go func() { for { conn, err := speedtestListener.Accept() if err != nil { a.logger.Debug(ctx, "speedtest listener failed", slog.Error(err)) return } a.closeMutex.Lock() a.connCloseWait.Add(1) a.closeMutex.Unlock() go func() { defer a.connCloseWait.Done() _ = speedtest.ServeConn(conn) }() } }() } // runCoordinator listens for nodes and updates the self-node as it changes. func (a *agent) runCoordinator(ctx context.Context) { var coordinator net.Conn var err error // An exponential back-off occurs when the connection is failing to dial. // This is to prevent server spam in case of a coderd outage. for retrier := retry.New(50*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second); retrier.Wait(ctx); { coordinator, err = a.coordinatorDialer(ctx) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } if a.isClosed() { return } a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "failed to dial", slog.Error(err)) continue } a.logger.Info(context.Background(), "connected to coordination server") break } select { case <-ctx.Done(): return default: } defer coordinator.Close() sendNodes, errChan := tailnet.ServeCoordinator(coordinator, select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case err := <-errChan: if a.isClosed() { return } if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } a.logger.Debug(ctx, "node broker accept exited; restarting connection", slog.Error(err)) a.runCoordinator(ctx) return } } func (a *agent) runWebRTCNetworking(ctx context.Context) { var peerListener *peerbroker.Listener var err error // An exponential back-off occurs when the connection is failing to dial. // This is to prevent server spam in case of a coderd outage. for retrier := retry.New(50*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second); retrier.Wait(ctx); { peerListener, err = a.webrtcDialer(ctx, a.logger) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } if a.isClosed() { return } a.logger.Warn(context.Background(), "failed to dial", slog.Error(err)) continue } a.logger.Info(context.Background(), "connected to webrtc broker") break } select { case <-ctx.Done(): return default: } for { conn, err := peerListener.Accept() if err != nil { if a.isClosed() { return } a.logger.Debug(ctx, "peer listener accept exited; restarting connection", slog.Error(err)) a.runWebRTCNetworking(ctx) return } a.closeMutex.Lock() a.connCloseWait.Add(1) a.closeMutex.Unlock() go a.handlePeerConn(ctx, conn) } } func (a *agent) runStartupScript(ctx context.Context, script string) error { if script == "" { return nil } writer, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "coder-startup-script.log"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0o600) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("open startup script log file: %w", err) } defer func() { _ = writer.Close() }() cmd, err := a.createCommand(ctx, script, nil) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("create command: %w", err) } cmd.Stdout = writer cmd.Stderr = writer err = cmd.Run() if err != nil { // cmd.Run does not return a context canceled error, it returns "signal: killed". if ctx.Err() != nil { return ctx.Err() } return xerrors.Errorf("run: %w", err) } return nil } func (a *agent) handlePeerConn(ctx context.Context, peerConn *peer.Conn) { go func() { select { case <-a.closed: case <-peerConn.Closed(): } _ = peerConn.Close() a.connCloseWait.Done() }() for { channel, err := peerConn.Accept(ctx) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, peer.ErrClosed) || a.isClosed() { return } a.logger.Debug(ctx, "accept channel from peer connection", slog.Error(err)) return } conn := channel.NetConn() switch channel.Protocol() { case ProtocolSSH: go a.sshServer.HandleConn(a.stats.wrapConn(conn)) case ProtocolReconnectingPTY: rawID := channel.Label() // The ID format is referenced in conn.go. // :: idParts := strings.SplitN(rawID, ":", 4) if len(idParts) != 4 { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "client sent invalid id format", slog.F("raw-id", rawID)) continue } id := idParts[0] // Enforce a consistent format for IDs. _, err := uuid.Parse(id) if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "client sent reconnection token that isn't a uuid", slog.F("id", id), slog.Error(err)) continue } // Parse the initial terminal dimensions. height, err := strconv.Atoi(idParts[1]) if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "client sent invalid height", slog.F("id", id), slog.F("height", idParts[1])) continue } width, err := strconv.Atoi(idParts[2]) if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "client sent invalid width", slog.F("id", id), slog.F("width", idParts[2])) continue } go a.handleReconnectingPTY(ctx, reconnectingPTYInit{ ID: id, Height: uint16(height), Width: uint16(width), Command: idParts[3], }, a.stats.wrapConn(conn)) case ProtocolDial: go a.handleDial(ctx, channel.Label(), a.stats.wrapConn(conn)) default: a.logger.Warn(ctx, "unhandled protocol from channel", slog.F("protocol", channel.Protocol()), slog.F("label", channel.Label()), ) } } } func (a *agent) init(ctx context.Context) { a.logger.Info(ctx, "generating host key") // Clients' should ignore the host key when connecting. // The agent needs to authenticate with coderd to SSH, // so SSH authentication doesn't improve security. randomHostKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { panic(err) } randomSigner, err := gossh.NewSignerFromKey(randomHostKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } sshLogger := a.logger.Named("ssh-server") forwardHandler := &ssh.ForwardedTCPHandler{} a.sshServer = &ssh.Server{ ChannelHandlers: map[string]ssh.ChannelHandler{ "direct-tcpip": ssh.DirectTCPIPHandler, "session": ssh.DefaultSessionHandler, }, ConnectionFailedCallback: func(conn net.Conn, err error) { sshLogger.Info(ctx, "ssh connection ended", slog.Error(err)) }, Handler: func(session ssh.Session) { err := a.handleSSHSession(session) var exitError *exec.ExitError if xerrors.As(err, &exitError) { a.logger.Debug(ctx, "ssh session returned", slog.Error(exitError)) _ = session.Exit(exitError.ExitCode()) return } if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "ssh session failed", slog.Error(err)) // This exit code is designed to be unlikely to be confused for a legit exit code // from the process. _ = session.Exit(MagicSessionErrorCode) return } }, HostSigners: []ssh.Signer{randomSigner}, LocalPortForwardingCallback: func(ctx ssh.Context, destinationHost string, destinationPort uint32) bool { // Allow local port forwarding all! sshLogger.Debug(ctx, "local port forward", slog.F("destination-host", destinationHost), slog.F("destination-port", destinationPort)) return true }, PtyCallback: func(ctx ssh.Context, pty ssh.Pty) bool { return true }, ReversePortForwardingCallback: func(ctx ssh.Context, bindHost string, bindPort uint32) bool { // Allow reverse port forwarding all! sshLogger.Debug(ctx, "local port forward", slog.F("bind-host", bindHost), slog.F("bind-port", bindPort)) return true }, RequestHandlers: map[string]ssh.RequestHandler{ "tcpip-forward": forwardHandler.HandleSSHRequest, "cancel-tcpip-forward": forwardHandler.HandleSSHRequest, }, ServerConfigCallback: func(ctx ssh.Context) *gossh.ServerConfig { return &gossh.ServerConfig{ NoClientAuth: true, } }, SubsystemHandlers: map[string]ssh.SubsystemHandler{ "sftp": func(session ssh.Session) { session.DisablePTYEmulation() server, err := sftp.NewServer(session) if err != nil { a.logger.Debug(session.Context(), "initialize sftp server", slog.Error(err)) return } defer server.Close() err = server.Serve() if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { return } a.logger.Debug(session.Context(), "sftp server exited with error", slog.Error(err)) }, }, } go if a.statsReporter != nil { cl, err := a.statsReporter(ctx, a.logger, func() *Stats { return a.stats.Copy() }) if err != nil { a.logger.Error(ctx, "report stats", slog.Error(err)) return } a.connCloseWait.Add(1) go func() { defer a.connCloseWait.Done() <-a.closed cl.Close() }() } } // createCommand processes raw command input with OpenSSH-like behavior. // If the rawCommand provided is empty, it will default to the users shell. // This injects environment variables specified by the user at launch too. func (a *agent) createCommand(ctx context.Context, rawCommand string, env []string) (*exec.Cmd, error) { currentUser, err := user.Current() if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get current user: %w", err) } username := currentUser.Username shell, err := usershell.Get(username) if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get user shell: %w", err) } rawMetadata := a.metadata.Load() if rawMetadata == nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("no metadata was provided: %w", err) } metadata, valid := rawMetadata.(Metadata) if !valid { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("metadata is the wrong type: %T", metadata) } // gliderlabs/ssh returns a command slice of zero // when a shell is requested. command := rawCommand if len(command) == 0 { command = shell if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { // On Linux and macOS, we should start a login // shell to consume juicy environment variables! command += " -l" } } // OpenSSH executes all commands with the users current shell. // We replicate that behavior for IDE support. caller := "-c" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { caller = "/c" } cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, shell, caller, command) cmd.Dir = metadata.Directory if cmd.Dir == "" { // Default to $HOME if a directory is not set! cmd.Dir = os.Getenv("HOME") } cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env...) executablePath, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting os executable: %w", err) } // Set environment variables reliable detection of being inside a // Coder workspace. cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "CODER=true") cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("USER=%s", username)) // Git on Windows resolves with UNIX-style paths. // If using backslashes, it's unable to find the executable. unixExecutablePath := strings.ReplaceAll(executablePath, "\\", "/") cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf(`GIT_SSH_COMMAND=%s gitssh --`, unixExecutablePath)) // Set SSH connection environment variables (these are also set by OpenSSH // and thus expected to be present by SSH clients). Since the agent does // networking in-memory, trying to provide accurate values here would be // nonsensical. For now, we hard code these values so that they're present. srcAddr, srcPort := "", "0" dstAddr, dstPort := "", "0" cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("SSH_CLIENT=%s %s %s", srcAddr, srcPort, dstPort)) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("SSH_CONNECTION=%s %s %s %s", srcAddr, srcPort, dstAddr, dstPort)) // Load environment variables passed via the agent. // These should override all variables we manually specify. for envKey, value := range metadata.EnvironmentVariables { // Expanding environment variables allows for customization // of the $PATH, among other variables. Customers can prepend // or append to the $PATH, so allowing expand is required! cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", envKey, os.ExpandEnv(value))) } // Agent-level environment variables should take over all! // This is used for setting agent-specific variables like "CODER_AGENT_TOKEN". for envKey, value := range a.envVars { cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", envKey, value)) } return cmd, nil } func (a *agent) handleSSHSession(session ssh.Session) (retErr error) { ctx := session.Context() cmd, err := a.createCommand(ctx, session.RawCommand(), session.Environ()) if err != nil { return err } if ssh.AgentRequested(session) { l, err := ssh.NewAgentListener() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("new agent listener: %w", err) } defer l.Close() go ssh.ForwardAgentConnections(l, session) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "SSH_AUTH_SOCK", l.Addr().String())) } sshPty, windowSize, isPty := session.Pty() if isPty { // Disable minimal PTY emulation set by gliderlabs/ssh (NL-to-CRNL). // See session.DisablePTYEmulation() cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("TERM=%s", sshPty.Term)) // The pty package sets `SSH_TTY` on supported platforms. ptty, process, err := pty.Start(cmd, pty.WithPTYOption( pty.WithSSHRequest(sshPty), pty.WithLogger(slog.Stdlib(ctx, a.logger, slog.LevelInfo)), )) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("start command: %w", err) } defer func() { closeErr := ptty.Close() if closeErr != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to close tty", slog.Error(closeErr)) if retErr == nil { retErr = closeErr } } }() go func() { for win := range windowSize { resizeErr := ptty.Resize(uint16(win.Height), uint16(win.Width)) if resizeErr != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to resize tty", slog.Error(resizeErr)) } } }() go func() { _, _ = io.Copy(ptty.Input(), session) }() go func() { _, _ = io.Copy(session, ptty.Output()) }() err = process.Wait() var exitErr *exec.ExitError // ExitErrors just mean the command we run returned a non-zero exit code, which is normal // and not something to be concerned about. But, if it's something else, we should log it. if err != nil && !xerrors.As(err, &exitErr) { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "wait error", slog.Error(err)) } return err } cmd.Stdout = session cmd.Stderr = session.Stderr() // This blocks forever until stdin is received if we don't // use StdinPipe. It's unknown what causes this. stdinPipe, err := cmd.StdinPipe() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("create stdin pipe: %w", err) } go func() { _, _ = io.Copy(stdinPipe, session) _ = stdinPipe.Close() }() err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("start: %w", err) } return cmd.Wait() } func (a *agent) handleReconnectingPTY(ctx context.Context, msg reconnectingPTYInit, conn net.Conn) { defer conn.Close() var rpty *reconnectingPTY rawRPTY, ok := a.reconnectingPTYs.Load(msg.ID) if ok { rpty, ok = rawRPTY.(*reconnectingPTY) if !ok { a.logger.Error(ctx, "found invalid type in reconnecting pty map", slog.F("id", msg.ID)) return } } else { // Empty command will default to the users shell! cmd, err := a.createCommand(ctx, msg.Command, nil) if err != nil { a.logger.Error(ctx, "create reconnecting pty command", slog.Error(err)) return } cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "TERM=xterm-256color") // Default to buffer 64KiB. circularBuffer, err := circbuf.NewBuffer(64 << 10) if err != nil { a.logger.Error(ctx, "create circular buffer", slog.Error(err)) return } ptty, process, err := pty.Start(cmd) if err != nil { a.logger.Error(ctx, "start reconnecting pty command", slog.F("id", msg.ID)) return } a.closeMutex.Lock() a.connCloseWait.Add(1) a.closeMutex.Unlock() ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx) rpty = &reconnectingPTY{ activeConns: make(map[string]net.Conn), ptty: ptty, // Timeouts created with an after func can be reset! timeout: time.AfterFunc(a.reconnectingPTYTimeout, cancelFunc), circularBuffer: circularBuffer, } a.reconnectingPTYs.Store(msg.ID, rpty) go func() { // CommandContext isn't respected for Windows PTYs right now, // so we need to manually track the lifecycle. // When the context has been completed either: // 1. The timeout completed. // 2. The parent context was canceled. <-ctx.Done() _ = process.Kill() }() go func() { // If the process dies randomly, we should // close the pty. _ = process.Wait() rpty.Close() }() go func() { buffer := make([]byte, 1024) for { read, err := rpty.ptty.Output().Read(buffer) if err != nil { // When the PTY is closed, this is triggered. break } part := buffer[:read] rpty.circularBufferMutex.Lock() _, err = rpty.circularBuffer.Write(part) rpty.circularBufferMutex.Unlock() if err != nil { a.logger.Error(ctx, "reconnecting pty write buffer", slog.Error(err), slog.F("id", msg.ID)) break } rpty.activeConnsMutex.Lock() for _, conn := range rpty.activeConns { _, _ = conn.Write(part) } rpty.activeConnsMutex.Unlock() } // Cleanup the process, PTY, and delete it's // ID from memory. _ = process.Kill() rpty.Close() a.reconnectingPTYs.Delete(msg.ID) a.connCloseWait.Done() }() } // Resize the PTY to initial height + width. err := rpty.ptty.Resize(msg.Height, msg.Width) if err != nil { // We can continue after this, it's not fatal! a.logger.Error(ctx, "resize reconnecting pty", slog.F("id", msg.ID), slog.Error(err)) } // Write any previously stored data for the TTY. rpty.circularBufferMutex.RLock() _, err = conn.Write(rpty.circularBuffer.Bytes()) rpty.circularBufferMutex.RUnlock() if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "write reconnecting pty buffer", slog.F("id", msg.ID), slog.Error(err)) return } connectionID := uuid.NewString() // Multiple connections to the same TTY are permitted. // This could easily be used for terminal sharing, but // we do it because it's a nice user experience to // copy/paste a terminal URL and have it _just work_. rpty.activeConnsMutex.Lock() rpty.activeConns[connectionID] = conn rpty.activeConnsMutex.Unlock() // Resetting this timeout prevents the PTY from exiting. rpty.timeout.Reset(a.reconnectingPTYTimeout) ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancelFunc() heartbeat := time.NewTicker(a.reconnectingPTYTimeout / 2) defer heartbeat.Stop() go func() { // Keep updating the activity while this // connection is alive! for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-heartbeat.C: } rpty.timeout.Reset(a.reconnectingPTYTimeout) } }() defer func() { // After this connection ends, remove it from // the PTYs active connections. If it isn't // removed, all PTY data will be sent to it. rpty.activeConnsMutex.Lock() delete(rpty.activeConns, connectionID) rpty.activeConnsMutex.Unlock() }() decoder := json.NewDecoder(conn) var req ReconnectingPTYRequest for { err = decoder.Decode(&req) if xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) { return } if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "reconnecting pty buffer read error", slog.F("id", msg.ID), slog.Error(err)) return } _, err = rpty.ptty.Input().Write([]byte(req.Data)) if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "write to reconnecting pty", slog.F("id", msg.ID), slog.Error(err)) return } // Check if a resize needs to happen! if req.Height == 0 || req.Width == 0 { continue } err = rpty.ptty.Resize(req.Height, req.Width) if err != nil { // We can continue after this, it's not fatal! a.logger.Error(ctx, "resize reconnecting pty", slog.F("id", msg.ID), slog.Error(err)) } } } // dialResponse is written to datachannels with protocol "dial" by the agent as // the first packet to signify whether the dial succeeded or failed. type dialResponse struct { Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` } func (a *agent) handleDial(ctx context.Context, label string, conn net.Conn) { defer conn.Close() writeError := func(responseError error) error { msg := "" if responseError != nil { msg = responseError.Error() if !xerrors.Is(responseError, io.EOF) { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "handle dial", slog.F("label", label), slog.Error(responseError)) } } b, err := json.Marshal(dialResponse{ Error: msg, }) if err != nil { a.logger.Warn(ctx, "write dial response", slog.F("label", label), slog.Error(err)) return xerrors.Errorf("marshal agent webrtc dial response: %w", err) } _, err = conn.Write(b) return err } u, err := url.Parse(label) if err != nil { _ = writeError(xerrors.Errorf("parse URL %q: %w", label, err)) return } network := u.Scheme addr := u.Host + u.Path if strings.HasPrefix(network, "unix") { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { _ = writeError(xerrors.New("Unix forwarding is not supported from Windows workspaces")) return } addr, err = ExpandRelativeHomePath(addr) if err != nil { _ = writeError(xerrors.Errorf("expand path %q: %w", addr, err)) return } } d := net.Dialer{Timeout: 3 * time.Second} nconn, err := d.DialContext(ctx, network, addr) if err != nil { _ = writeError(xerrors.Errorf("dial '%v://%v': %w", network, addr, err)) return } err = writeError(nil) if err != nil { return } Bicopy(ctx, conn, nconn) } // isClosed returns whether the API is closed or not. func (a *agent) isClosed() bool { select { case <-a.closed: return true default: return false } } func (a *agent) Close() error { a.closeMutex.Lock() defer a.closeMutex.Unlock() if a.isClosed() { return nil } close(a.closed) a.closeCancel() if != nil { _ = } _ = a.sshServer.Close() a.connCloseWait.Wait() return nil } type reconnectingPTY struct { activeConnsMutex sync.Mutex activeConns map[string]net.Conn circularBuffer *circbuf.Buffer circularBufferMutex sync.RWMutex timeout *time.Timer ptty pty.PTY } // Close ends all connections to the reconnecting // PTY and clear the circular buffer. func (r *reconnectingPTY) Close() { r.activeConnsMutex.Lock() defer r.activeConnsMutex.Unlock() for _, conn := range r.activeConns { _ = conn.Close() } _ = r.ptty.Close() r.circularBufferMutex.Lock() r.circularBuffer.Reset() r.circularBufferMutex.Unlock() r.timeout.Stop() } // Bicopy copies all of the data between the two connections and will close them // after one or both of them are done writing. If the context is canceled, both // of the connections will be closed. func Bicopy(ctx context.Context, c1, c2 io.ReadWriteCloser) { defer c1.Close() defer c2.Close() var wg sync.WaitGroup copyFunc := func(dst io.WriteCloser, src io.Reader) { defer wg.Done() _, _ = io.Copy(dst, src) } wg.Add(2) go copyFunc(c1, c2) go copyFunc(c2, c1) // Convert waitgroup to a channel so we can also wait on the context. done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { defer close(done) wg.Wait() }() select { case <-ctx.Done(): case <-done: } } // ExpandRelativeHomePath expands the tilde at the beginning of a path to the // current user's home directory and returns a full absolute path. func ExpandRelativeHomePath(in string) (string, error) { usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { return "", xerrors.Errorf("get current user details: %w", err) } if in == "~" { in = usr.HomeDir } else if strings.HasPrefix(in, "~/") { in = filepath.Join(usr.HomeDir, in[2:]) } return filepath.Abs(in) }