#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail workspace=${1:-} coder_repo=${2:-.} port=${3:-3111} if [[ -z "${workspace}" ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 [workspace coder/coder dir] [e2e port]" exit 1 fi main() { # Check the Playwright version from the workspace so we have a 1-to-1 match # between the current branch and what we're going to run locally. This is # necessary because Playwright uses their own protocol for communicating # between the server and client, and the protocol changes between versions. echo "Checking Playwright version from \"${workspace}\"..." # shellcheck disable=SC2029 # This is intended to expand client-side. playwright_version="$(ssh "coder.${workspace}" "cat '${coder_repo}'/site/pnpm-lock.yaml | grep '^ /@playwright/test@' | cut -d '@' -f 3 | tr -d ':'")" echo "Found Playwright version ${playwright_version}..." # Let's store it in cache because, why not, this is ephemeral. dest=~/.cache/coder-remote-playwright echo "Initializing Playwright server in ${dest}..." mkdir -p "${dest}" cd "${dest}" echo '{"dependencies":{"@playwright/test":"'"${playwright_version}"'"}}' >package.json cat <<-EOF >server.mjs import { chromium } from "@playwright/test"; const server = await chromium.launchServer({ headless: false }); console.log(server.wsEndpoint()); EOF npm_cmd=npm if command -v pnpm >/dev/null; then npm_cmd=pnpm fi echo "Running \"${npm_cmd} install\" to ensure local and remote are up-to-date..." "${npm_cmd}" install echo "Running \"${npm_cmd} exec playwright install\" for browser binaries..." "${npm_cmd}" exec playwright install playwright_out="$(mktemp -t playwright_server_out.XXXXXX)" rm "${playwright_out}" mkfifo "${playwright_out}" exec 3<>"${playwright_out}" echo "Starting Playwright server..." ${npm_cmd} exec node server.mjs 1>&3 & playwright_pid=$! trap ' kill -INT ${playwright_pid} exec 3>&- rm "${playwright_out}" wait ${playwright_pid} ' EXIT echo "Waiting for Playwright to start..." read -r ws_endpoint <&3 if [[ ${ws_endpoint} != ws://* ]]; then echo "Playwright failed to start." echo "${ws_endpoint}" cat "${playwright_out}" exit 1 fi echo "Playwright started at ${ws_endpoint}" ws_port=${ws_endpoint##*:} ws_port=${ws_port%/*} port_args=( -R "${ws_port}:${ws_port}" -L "${port}:${port}" ) # Also forward prometheus, pprof, and gitauth ports. for p in 2114 6061 50515 50516; do port_args+=(-L "${p}:${p}") done echo echo "Starting SSH tunnel, run test via \"pnpm run playwright:test\"..." # shellcheck disable=SC2029 # This is intended to expand client-side. ssh -t "${port_args[@]}" coder."${workspace}" "export CODER_E2E_PORT='${port}'; export CODER_E2E_WS_ENDPOINT='${ws_endpoint}'; [[ -d '${coder_repo}/site' ]] && cd '${coder_repo}/site'; exec \"\$(grep \"\${USER}\": /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f7)\" -i -l" } main