#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script generates swagger description file and required Go docs files # from the coderd API. set -euo pipefail # shellcheck source=scripts/lib.sh source "$(dirname "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/lib.sh" APIDOCGEN_DIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") API_MD_TMP_FILE=$(mktemp /tmp/coder-apidocgen.XXXXXX) cleanup() { rm -f "${API_MD_TMP_FILE}" } trap cleanup EXIT log "Use temporary file: ${API_MD_TMP_FILE}" pushd "${PROJECT_ROOT}" go run github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@v1.8.9 init \ --generalInfo="coderd.go" \ --dir="./coderd,./codersdk,./enterprise/coderd,./enterprise/wsproxy/wsproxysdk" \ --output="./coderd/apidoc" \ --outputTypes="go,json" \ --parseDependency=true popd pushd "${APIDOCGEN_DIR}" pnpm i # Make sure that widdershins is installed correctly. pnpm exec -- widdershins --version # Render the Markdown file. pnpm exec -- widdershins \ --user_templates "./markdown-template" \ --search false \ --omitHeader true \ --language_tabs "shell:curl" \ --summary "../../coderd/apidoc/swagger.json" \ --outfile "${API_MD_TMP_FILE}" # Perform the postprocessing go run postprocess/main.go -in-md-file-single "${API_MD_TMP_FILE}" popd