package provisionerd import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "reflect" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" semconv "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" sdkproto "" "" ) // Dialer represents the function to create a daemon client connection. type Dialer func(ctx context.Context) (proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient, error) // ConnectResponse is the response returned asynchronously from Connector.Connect // containing either the Provisioner Client or an Error. The Job is also returned // unaltered to disambiguate responses if the respCh is shared among multiple jobs type ConnectResponse struct { Job *proto.AcquiredJob Client sdkproto.DRPCProvisionerClient Error error } // Connector allows the provisioner daemon to Connect to a provisioner // for the given job. type Connector interface { // Connect to the correct provisioner for the given job. The response is // delivered asynchronously over the respCh. If the provided context expires, // the Connector may stop waiting for the provisioner and return an error // response. Connect(ctx context.Context, job *proto.AcquiredJob, respCh chan<- ConnectResponse) } // Options provides customizations to the behavior of a provisioner daemon. type Options struct { Logger slog.Logger TracerProvider trace.TracerProvider Metrics *Metrics ForceCancelInterval time.Duration UpdateInterval time.Duration LogBufferInterval time.Duration Connector Connector } // New creates and starts a provisioner daemon. func New(clientDialer Dialer, opts *Options) *Server { if opts == nil { opts = &Options{} } if opts.UpdateInterval == 0 { opts.UpdateInterval = 5 * time.Second } if opts.ForceCancelInterval == 0 { opts.ForceCancelInterval = 10 * time.Minute } if opts.LogBufferInterval == 0 { opts.LogBufferInterval = 250 * time.Millisecond } if opts.TracerProvider == nil { opts.TracerProvider = trace.NewNoopTracerProvider() } if opts.Metrics == nil { reg := prometheus.NewRegistry() mets := NewMetrics(reg) opts.Metrics = &mets } ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) daemon := &Server{ opts: opts, tracer: opts.TracerProvider.Tracer(tracing.TracerName), clientDialer: clientDialer, clientCh: make(chan proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient), closeContext: ctx, closeCancel: ctxCancel, closedCh: make(chan struct{}), shuttingDownCh: make(chan struct{}), acquireDoneCh: make(chan struct{}), } daemon.wg.Add(2) go daemon.connect() go daemon.acquireLoop() return daemon } type Server struct { opts *Options tracer trace.Tracer clientDialer Dialer clientCh chan proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient wg sync.WaitGroup // mutex protects all subsequent fields mutex sync.Mutex // closeContext is canceled when we start closing. closeContext context.Context closeCancel context.CancelFunc // closeError stores the error when closing to return to subsequent callers closeError error // closingB is set to true when we start closing closingB bool // closedCh will receive when we complete closing closedCh chan struct{} // shuttingDownB is set to true when we start graceful shutdown shuttingDownB bool // shuttingDownCh will receive when we start graceful shutdown shuttingDownCh chan struct{} // acquireDoneCh will receive when the acquireLoop exits acquireDoneCh chan struct{} activeJob *runner.Runner } type Metrics struct { Runner runner.Metrics } func NewMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer) Metrics { auto := promauto.With(reg) return Metrics{ Runner: runner.Metrics{ ConcurrentJobs: auto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "coderd", Subsystem: "provisionerd", Name: "jobs_current", Help: "The number of currently running provisioner jobs.", }, []string{"provisioner"}), NumDaemons: auto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "coderd", Subsystem: "provisionerd", Name: "num_daemons", Help: "The number of provisioner daemons.", }), JobTimings: auto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Namespace: "coderd", Subsystem: "provisionerd", Name: "job_timings_seconds", Help: "The provisioner job time duration in seconds.", Buckets: []float64{ 1, // 1s 10, 30, 60, // 1min 60 * 5, 60 * 10, 60 * 30, // 30min 60 * 60, // 1hr }, }, []string{"provisioner", "status"}), WorkspaceBuilds: auto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "coderd", Subsystem: "", // Explicitly empty to make this a top-level metric. Name: "workspace_builds_total", Help: "The number of workspaces started, updated, or deleted.", }, []string{"workspace_owner", "workspace_name", "template_name", "template_version", "workspace_transition", "status"}), }, } } // Connect establishes a connection to coderd. func (p *Server) connect() { defer p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "connect loop exited") defer p.wg.Done() // An exponential back-off occurs when the connection is failing to dial. // This is to prevent server spam in case of a coderd outage. connectLoop: for retrier := retry.New(50*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second); retrier.Wait(p.closeContext); { // It's possible for the provisioner daemon to be shut down // before the wait is complete! if p.isClosed() { return } p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "dialing coderd") client, err := p.clientDialer(p.closeContext) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { return } var sdkErr *codersdk.Error // If something is wrong with our auth, stop trying to connect. if errors.As(err, &sdkErr) && sdkErr.StatusCode() == http.StatusForbidden { p.opts.Logger.Error(p.closeContext, "not authorized to dial coderd", slog.Error(err)) return } if p.isClosed() { return } p.opts.Logger.Warn(p.closeContext, "coderd client failed to dial", slog.Error(err)) continue } p.opts.Logger.Info(p.closeContext, "successfully connected to coderd") retrier.Reset() // serve the client until we are closed or it disconnects for { select { case <-p.closeContext.Done(): client.DRPCConn().Close() return case <-client.DRPCConn().Closed(): p.opts.Logger.Info(p.closeContext, "connection to coderd closed") continue connectLoop case p.clientCh <- client: continue } } } } func (p *Server) client() (proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient, bool) { select { case <-p.closeContext.Done(): return nil, false case <-p.shuttingDownCh: // Shutting down should return a nil client and unblock return nil, false case client := <-p.clientCh: return client, true } } func (p *Server) acquireLoop() { defer p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "acquire loop exited") defer p.wg.Done() defer func() { close(p.acquireDoneCh) }() ctx := p.closeContext for { if p.acquireExit() { return } client, ok := p.client() if !ok { p.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "shut down before client (re) connected") return } p.acquireAndRunOne(client) } } // acquireExit returns true if the acquire loop should exit func (p *Server) acquireExit() bool { p.mutex.Lock() defer p.mutex.Unlock() if p.closingB { p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "exiting acquire; provisionerd is closing") return true } if p.shuttingDownB { p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "exiting acquire; provisionerd is shutting down") return true } return false } func (p *Server) acquireAndRunOne(client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) { ctx := p.closeContext p.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "start of acquireAndRunOne") job, err := p.acquireGraceful(client) p.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "graceful acquire done", slog.F("job_id", job.GetJobId()), slog.Error(err)) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) || errors.Is(err, yamux.ErrSessionShutdown) || errors.Is(err, fasthttputil.ErrInmemoryListenerClosed) { return } p.opts.Logger.Warn(ctx, "provisionerd was unable to acquire job", slog.Error(err)) return } if job.JobId == "" { p.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "acquire job successfully canceled") return } if len(job.TraceMetadata) > 0 { ctx = tracing.MetadataToContext(ctx, job.TraceMetadata) } ctx, span := p.tracer.Start(ctx, tracing.FuncName(), trace.WithAttributes( semconv.ServiceNameKey.String("coderd.provisionerd"), attribute.String("job_id", job.JobId), attribute.String("job_type", reflect.TypeOf(job.GetType()).Elem().Name()), attribute.Int64("job_created_at", job.CreatedAt), attribute.String("initiator_username", job.UserName), attribute.String("provisioner", job.Provisioner), attribute.Int("template_size_bytes", len(job.TemplateSourceArchive)), )) defer span.End() fields := []any{ slog.F("initiator_username", job.UserName), slog.F("provisioner", job.Provisioner), slog.F("job_id", job.JobId), } if build := job.GetWorkspaceBuild(); build != nil { fields = append(fields, slog.F("workspace_transition", build.Metadata.WorkspaceTransition.String()), slog.F("workspace_owner", build.Metadata.WorkspaceOwner), slog.F("template_name", build.Metadata.TemplateName), slog.F("template_version", build.Metadata.TemplateVersion), slog.F("workspace_build_id", build.WorkspaceBuildId), slog.F("workspace_id", build.Metadata.WorkspaceId), slog.F("workspace_name", build.WorkspaceName), ) span.SetAttributes( attribute.String("workspace_build_id", build.WorkspaceBuildId), attribute.String("workspace_id", build.Metadata.WorkspaceId), attribute.String("workspace_name", build.WorkspaceName), attribute.String("workspace_owner_id", build.Metadata.WorkspaceOwnerId), attribute.String("workspace_owner", build.Metadata.WorkspaceOwner), attribute.String("workspace_transition", build.Metadata.WorkspaceTransition.String()), ) } p.opts.Logger.Debug(ctx, "acquired job", fields...) respCh := make(chan ConnectResponse) p.opts.Connector.Connect(ctx, job, respCh) resp := <-respCh if resp.Error != nil { err := p.FailJob(ctx, &proto.FailedJob{ JobId: job.JobId, Error: fmt.Sprintf("failed to connect to provisioner: %s", resp.Error), }) if err != nil { p.opts.Logger.Error(ctx, "provisioner job failed", slog.F("job_id", job.JobId), slog.Error(err)) } return } p.mutex.Lock() p.activeJob = runner.New( ctx, job, runner.Options{ Updater: p, QuotaCommitter: p, Logger: p.opts.Logger.Named("runner"), Provisioner: resp.Client, UpdateInterval: p.opts.UpdateInterval, ForceCancelInterval: p.opts.ForceCancelInterval, LogDebounceInterval: p.opts.LogBufferInterval, Tracer: p.tracer, Metrics: p.opts.Metrics.Runner, }, ) p.mutex.Unlock() p.activeJob.Run() p.mutex.Lock() p.activeJob = nil p.mutex.Unlock() } // acquireGraceful attempts to acquire a job from the server, handling canceling the acquisition if we gracefully shut // down. func (p *Server) acquireGraceful(client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) (*proto.AcquiredJob, error) { stream, err := client.AcquireJobWithCancel(p.closeContext) if err != nil { return nil, err } acquireDone := make(chan struct{}) go func() { select { case <-p.closeContext.Done(): return case <-p.shuttingDownCh: p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "sending acquire job cancel") err := stream.Send(&proto.CancelAcquire{}) if err != nil { p.opts.Logger.Warn(p.closeContext, "failed to gracefully cancel acquire job") } return case <-acquireDone: return } }() job, err := stream.Recv() close(acquireDone) return job, err } func retryable(err error) bool { return xerrors.Is(err, yamux.ErrSessionShutdown) || xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) || xerrors.Is(err, fasthttputil.ErrInmemoryListenerClosed) || // annoyingly, dRPC sometimes returns context.Canceled if the transport was closed, even if the context for // the RPC *is not canceled*. Retrying is fine if the RPC context is not canceled. xerrors.Is(err, context.Canceled) } // clientDoWithRetries runs the function f with a client, and retries with // backoff until either the error returned is not retryable() or the context // expires. func clientDoWithRetries[T any](ctx context.Context, getClient func() (proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient, bool), f func(context.Context, proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) (T, error), ) (ret T, _ error) { for retrier := retry.New(25*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second); retrier.Wait(ctx); { client, ok := getClient() if !ok { continue } resp, err := f(ctx, client) if retryable(err) { continue } return resp, err } return ret, ctx.Err() } func (p *Server) CommitQuota(ctx context.Context, in *proto.CommitQuotaRequest) (*proto.CommitQuotaResponse, error) { out, err := clientDoWithRetries(ctx, p.client, func(ctx context.Context, client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) (*proto.CommitQuotaResponse, error) { return client.CommitQuota(ctx, in) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil } func (p *Server) UpdateJob(ctx context.Context, in *proto.UpdateJobRequest) (*proto.UpdateJobResponse, error) { out, err := clientDoWithRetries(ctx, p.client, func(ctx context.Context, client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) (*proto.UpdateJobResponse, error) { return client.UpdateJob(ctx, in) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil } func (p *Server) FailJob(ctx context.Context, in *proto.FailedJob) error { _, err := clientDoWithRetries(ctx, p.client, func(ctx context.Context, client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) (*proto.Empty, error) { return client.FailJob(ctx, in) }) return err } func (p *Server) CompleteJob(ctx context.Context, in *proto.CompletedJob) error { _, err := clientDoWithRetries(ctx, p.client, func(ctx context.Context, client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient) (*proto.Empty, error) { return client.CompleteJob(ctx, in) }) return err } // isClosed returns whether the API is closed or not. func (p *Server) isClosed() bool { select { case <-p.closeContext.Done(): return true default: return false } } // Shutdown gracefully exists with the option to cancel the active job. // If false, it will wait for the job to complete. // //nolint:revive func (p *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context, cancelActiveJob bool) error { p.mutex.Lock() p.opts.Logger.Info(ctx, "attempting graceful shutdown") if !p.shuttingDownB { close(p.shuttingDownCh) p.shuttingDownB = true } if cancelActiveJob && p.activeJob != nil { p.activeJob.Cancel() } p.mutex.Unlock() select { case <-ctx.Done(): p.opts.Logger.Warn(ctx, "graceful shutdown failed", slog.Error(ctx.Err())) return ctx.Err() case <-p.acquireDoneCh: p.opts.Logger.Info(ctx, "gracefully shutdown") return nil } } // Close ends the provisioner. It will mark any running jobs as failed. func (p *Server) Close() error { p.opts.Logger.Info(p.closeContext, "closing provisionerd") return p.closeWithError(nil) } // closeWithError closes the provisioner; subsequent reads/writes will return the error err. func (p *Server) closeWithError(err error) error { p.mutex.Lock() var activeJob *runner.Runner first := false if !p.closingB { first = true p.closingB = true // only the first caller to close should attempt to fail the active job activeJob = p.activeJob } // don't hold the mutex while doing I/O. p.mutex.Unlock() if activeJob != nil { errMsg := "provisioner daemon was shutdown gracefully" if err != nil { errMsg = err.Error() } p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "failing active job because of close") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) defer cancel() failErr := activeJob.Fail(ctx, &proto.FailedJob{Error: errMsg}) if failErr != nil { activeJob.ForceStop() } if err == nil { err = failErr } } if first { p.closeCancel() p.opts.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "waiting for goroutines to exit") p.wg.Wait() p.opts.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "closing server with error", slog.Error(err)) p.closeError = err close(p.closedCh) return err } p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "waiting for first closer to complete") <-p.closedCh p.opts.Logger.Debug(p.closeContext, "first closer completed") return p.closeError }