# Reusing template code To reuse code across different Coder templates, such as common scripts or resource definitions, we suggest using [Terraform Modules](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/modules). You can store these modules externally from your Coder deployment, like in a git repository or a Terraform registry. This example shows how to reference a module from your template: ```hcl data "coder_workspace" "me" {} module "coder-base" { source = "github.com/my-organization/coder-base" # Modules take in variables and can provision infrastructure vpc_name = "devex-3" subnet_tags = { "name": data.coder_workspace.me.name } code_server_version = 4.14.1 } resource "coder_agent" "dev" { # Modules can provide outputs, such as helper scripts startup_script=< Do not forget to replace example.jfrog.io with your Artifactory URL Based on the instructions [here](https://jfrog.com/blog/tour-terraform-registries-in-artifactory/). #### Example template We have an example template [here](../../examples/jfrog/remote/main.tf) that uses our [JFrog Docker](../../examples/jfrog/docker/main.tf) template as the underlying module. ### Private git repository If you are importing a module from a private git repository, the Coder server or [provisioner](../admin/provisioners.md) needs git credentials. Since this token will only be used for cloning your repositories with modules, it is best to create a token with access limited to the repository and no extra permissions. In GitHub, you can generate a [fine-grained token](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/overview/permissions-required-for-fine-grained-personal-access-tokens?apiVersion=2022-11-28) with read only access to the necessary repos. If you are running Coder on a VM, make sure that you have `git` installed and the `coder` user has access to the following files: ```shell # /home/coder/.gitconfig [credential] helper = store ``` ```shell # /home/coder/.git-credentials # GitHub example: https://your-github-username:your-github-pat@github.com ``` If you are running Coder on Docker or Kubernetes, `git` is pre-installed in the Coder image. However, you still need to mount credentials. This can be done via a Docker volume mount or Kubernetes secrets. #### Passing git credentials in Kubernetes First, create a `.gitconfig` and `.git-credentials` file on your local machine. You might want to do this in a temporary directory to avoid conflicting with your own git credentials. Next, create the secret in Kubernetes. Be sure to do this in the same namespace that Coder is installed in. ```shell export NAMESPACE=coder kubectl apply -f - <