# Icons --- Coder uses icons in several places, including ones that can be configured throughout the app, or specified in your Terraform. They're specified by a URL, which can be to an image hosted on a CDN of your own, or one of the icons that come bundled with your Coder deployment. - **Template Icons**: - Make templates and workspaces visually recognizable with a relevant or memorable icon - [**Terraform**](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/coder/coder/latest/docs): - [`coder_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/coder/coder/latest/docs/resources/app#icon) - [`coder_parameter`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/coder/coder/latest/docs/data-sources/parameter#icon) and [`option`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/coder/coder/latest/docs/data-sources/parameter#nested-schema-for-option) blocks - [`coder_script`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/coder/coder/latest/docs/resources/script#icon) - [`coder_metadata`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/coder/coder/latest/docs/resources/metadata#icon) These can all be configured to use an icon by setting the `icon` field. ```hcl data "coder_parameter" "my_parameter" { icon = "/icon/coder.svg" option { icon = "/emojis/1f3f3-fe0f-200d-26a7-fe0f.png" } } ``` - [**Authentication Providers**](https://coder.com/docs/v2/latest/admin/external-auth): - Use icons for external authentication providers to make them recognizable. You can set an icon for each provider by setting the `CODER_EXTERNAL_AUTH_X_ICON` environment variable, where `X` is the number of the provider. ```env CODER_EXTERNAL_AUTH_0_ICON=/icon/github.svg CODER_EXTERNAL_AUTH_1_ICON=/icon/google.svg ``` - [**Support Links**](../admin/appearance.md#support-links): - Use icons for support links to make them recognizable. You can set the `icon` field for each link in `CODER_SUPPORT_LINKS` array. ## Bundled icons Coder is distributed with a bundle of icons for popular cloud providers and programming languages. You can see all of the icons (or suggest new ones) in our repository on [GitHub](https://github.com/coder/coder/tree/main/site/static/icon). You can also view the entire list, with search and previews, by navigating to /icons on your Coder deployment. E.g. [https://coder.example.com/icons](#). This can be particularly useful in airgapped deployments. ![The icon gallery](../images/icons-gallery.png) ## External icons You can use any image served over HTTPS as an icon, by specifying the full URL of the image. We recommend that you use a CDN that you control, but it can be served from any source that you trust. You can also embed an image by using data: URLs. - Only the https: and data: protocols are supported in icon URLs (not http:) - Be careful when using images hosted by someone else; they might disappear or change! - Be careful when using data: URLs. They can get rather large, and can negatively impact loading times for pages and queries they appear in. Only use them for very small icons that compress well.